Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner -

Introducing the Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner: Achieve Ideal Posture, Optimal Ergonomics, Greatest Stamina & Most Overall Comfort

by Jori Chisholm, Founder of
Last Updated: February 13, 2024

Pipers know that we play at our best when our pipes sound and feel great. I’m constantly looking for ways to make my pipes more efficient and steady and also more comfortable. I’m always striving to make the pipes more ergonomic and biomechanically friendly by finding ways to have the pipes fit as best as possible.

I remember clearly how much my piping performance and overall enjoyment increased when I finally got a correctly sized pipe bag and blowpipe. While those helped immensely, I was still frustrated with the blowpipe position — which is held entirely by the mouth, lips and teeth, which seems to be totally unique in the music world. Furthermore, the natural position for the blowpipe in every pipe bag I’ve played is not right for optimal ergonomics — the blowpipe usually wants to pop out of range by one or more inches. Most pipers deal with this by biting down hard on the blowpipe, leading to mouth, lip, neck, teeth and jaw strain. Look at the deep bite marks on many pipers’ blowpipes and you’ll see evidence of this.

One double gold medalist told me he visits his dentist annually to repair his chipped front teeth. With this in mind, I started experimenting with various prototypes eventually and came up with a product that I’m excited to share with the piping community. It’s called the Perfect Angle™ Blowpipe Positioner, and it allows pipers to find and adjust the position of the blowpipe so it is always right at the perfect angle and position for the best posture, optimal ergonomics, greatest stamina, and most comfort. It helps the pipes fit the player perfectly, allowing for increased practice times, greater lip strength and reduced aches and pains in the mouth, jaw, neck and back.

The Perfect Angle™ attaches securely to the blowpipe stock, the bass drone stock and the middle tenor stock. It’s easy to make fine adjustments to find the perfect angle for the blowpipe: the three attachment points allow for adjustment of the angle of the blowpipe towards or away from the player as well as the angle from side to side. Once you have your perfect angle and position, you are set and ready to play as desired! The positioner is flexible and moves with the instrument naturally but always returns to the perfect position, and its low profile makes it visually concealed.

You can even put it under your bag cover and it will be completely unseen to maintain a clean, traditional look. I’m confident that pipers of all ages and levels will greatly enjoy the benefits of using the Perfect Angle™ Blowpipe Positioner and won’t want to go back to playing without it.

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Video Transcript: Hi, I’m Jori Chisholm, founder of and the World Online Piping and Drumming Championships. I’m also the inventor of the Tone Protector. Today, I’m excited to tell you about my new product.

As pipers, we know that we play our best when our pipes sound and feel great. The bagpipes can be a complicated instrument with lots of parts that all need to be set up to work perfectly together in harmony. Your instrument, your reeds, all need to be set up properly and maintained. But the whole instrument also needs to fit you properly.

I remember so clearly how much my piping performance, consistency, and enjoyment improved when I finally found a pipe bag and a blowpipe that were the right size for me. But I was still frustrated with the blowpipe position. It seemed that no matter which type of pipe bag I played, the natural position for the blowpipe wasn’t in the right position for me.

The bagpipes have this unique design feature where the blowpipe is held entirely by your mouth, lips, and teeth. This is unlike any other instrument in the world. For most of us, the blowpipe wants to pop out or pull or push into a position that is not the position that’s perfect for us. Most pipers deal with this by clamping down on the blowpipe with their teeth. This can cause soreness, strain, and pain, and even chipped teeth. I talked to one top piper who told me he goes to the dentist every year to repair chips on his front teeth caused by biting down on the blowpipe. Just look at the blowpipe of most pipers and you’ll see some deep grooves from where they clamp down to hold that blowpipe in the right position when they’re playing.

With this in mind, I started experimenting with different prototypes and I came up with a product that I’m excited to tell you about today. It’s called the Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner. It lets you find and adjust the position of your blowpipe so that it’s always at the perfect angle and position for the best ergonomics, comfort, posture, and stamina. It helps you fit your pipes to you more perfectly for increased practice time, greater lip strength, and reduced aches and pains in your mouth, teeth, jaw, and neck.

The Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner attaches securely to your bagpipes on the blowpipe stock, the base drone stock, and the tenor drone stock. These three attachment points let you make fine adjustments to find the perfect angle of the blowpipes towards you, and also from side to side. Once you’ve found the perfect position, you’re all set and ready to play.

The Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner is flexible and allows you to move naturally when you play, and the blowpipe always returns to the perfect position. The sleek, low-profile design conceals the positioner when you’re playing. If you put it underneath your bag cover, it’s totally invisible. It works with all sizes, brands, and types of pipe bags. There’s no need to re-tie your blowpipe stock, and you can maintain that traditional, classic look by using the blowpipe that came with your pipes.

It’s made from high quality durable professional materials.  Also included as a bonus are two extra thick, extra durable black rubber mouthpiece protectors for extra comfort. I’m confident that pipers of every age and level will enjoy the benefits of the Perfect Angle Blowpipe Positioner.

With improved comfort, better posture, increased stamina, reduced aches and pains, and greater consistency and confidence, you won’t want to go back to playing without it.


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