Spring 2021 World Online Piping & Drumming Championships Official Results
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The World Online Piping & Drumming Championships is the world's first and only piping and drumming competition in the world to publish a complete a record of the entire competition, including every performance, every result, and every judge's comment. We hope that these excellent musical performances and detailed comments from our world-class judges will be a lasting and valuable resource for education and entertainment.
Includes competitor info, tunes played, placings, judge's comments, and video links. Click Watch Video to view the video on YouTube. Click Download Comments for the Official Judge's Comment Sheet PDF.
Events listed by event number.
Solo Piping Events: 1-40
Side Drumming Events: 101-212
Tenor Drumming Events: 201-213
Bass Drumming Events: 301-304
Band Events: 401-402
Competitor: Maximilian Göhring      Place: 1      Tunes: Lord Lovat's Lament      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Maximilian! Excellent performance here of a classic tune! There weren't really any blips here to criticize, so my comment is more of a large-scale thing. You want to be careful not let your fingers get too far off the chanter when you are playing, because it can lead to times where your fingers have to take a second to "find" the hole. Especially in some of the bigger intervals, like E to High A (4 note difference) and even wider intervals, it can be a challenge even in the best of circumstances to get a clean and precise landing on the finishing note. I would also say that you might have some success with trying to lighten your hands up a bit, which doesn't deal all that much with note length or clarity, but it can give a lighter feel to the music. And, it's easier on your hands in the long run. Well played, both technically and musically, and thank you for competing!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Jakob Ilyanov      Place: 2      Tunes: Skots Wha Hae      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Jakob! Thank you for entering and competing in this contest! You played well here, and I especially want to congratulate you on your excellent rhythmic skills. As a listener, I can hear how purposefully you are counting in your head, and it translates to a very rhythmically enjoyable tune! There were a few spots where some very slight crossing noises between D and E came up, but these were very short little blips. I would suggest trying to lighten your hands up just a little in terms of your grip strength. Other than that, really, there's not much for me to say. Very well played!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ian Lothian      Place: 3      Tunes: Hector the Hero      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Ian! First off, excellent birls! This was a great rendition of this tune and thank you for playing in this contest! There are only two things to be critical of here, and they're reasonably small. You've put in a lot of good, effective work and it's showing up in a well-played tune. The first thing I'd mention is technical consistency from one thing to the next time you play that thing. As an example, the second time through the second part, you played a very clean taorluath on B. The first time through, however, your taorluath didn't feel quite as solid. Another example is the D gracenote from low A to C isn't bang on every time. It often is, just not every time. That's something just to be aware of more than it's something to expressly work on. The other thing I would mention is your top hand posture; you want to do your best to get your top hand to be equally as relaxed and flat as your bottom hand. You've got great bottom hand posture, but your top hand is a little more fingertip-y than I would prefer. Again, a small thing, but it's something worth watching out for and working on. Well played tune, and you should be proud of it!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Arla DeField      Place: 4      Tunes: The Skye Boat Song      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Arla! Thank you for entering the contest! I like your practice chanter; cardinal red is a sharp color! Overall, you have a really good performance here, very enjoyable. Your playing is very clean, and you have a good grounding in both your technique and rhythm. The biggest things to critique that I heard in your performance fall into two basic categories. Be careful not to start your doublings (High A, F, and E) too early; you want to be sure that they start with the first gracenote on the beat. A few times you tended to finish the doubling on the beat. The other thing is at times, you tended to hold the dotted 1/4 notes a bit too long. One of the ironic challenges with slow tunes is not to let it drag. If you are listening along with a metronome, the passages where the melody is moving are right in or around 83 beats per minute, but the long notes stretch that just a little. Those are minor things, but polish those up and you've got a performance that would be very tough to critique. Well done!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Steve Thompson      Place: 5      Tunes: Scots Wha Hae      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Steve! Glad you entered this contest, and you put forward a performance to be proud of! Your technique is, overall, really good. There a few blips here and there, and they largely seem to be involved with making sure your bottom hand pinky is anchored when going to low G (both the note and within embellishments). You want to be careful to be anchored with your pinky without letting that be a place of tension. The other thing I heard in your performance that I'd recommend working on is tempo/rhythm issues. One of the challenges in a slow air is steady rhythm; within any given measure, you are, overall, playing steadily. Try your best to connect the measures equally as steadily. It can be tempting to move off of long notes into the next measure before the note value has been fully satisfied. It's very tricky, but I can already hear you have a good rhythmic feel for the tune! Well played, and good job!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ronnie Maclennan      Place: 6      Tunes: Loch Rannoch      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Ronnie! Nice to get to hear you play; I "discovered" Loch Rannoch for myself recently, and it's great to hear it played. The only things to be critical of with your performance are some of the odd bits and bobs that popped up. Your first part, both times through, was really good. Very solid, clean, and musical. Your second part, the first time through, was also good, just not quite as solid. The 2nd time through the 2nd part, you recovered well, and other than a high A Doubling with an extra strike, you finished strong. Be careful not let your hands go on autopilot; you want to be sure to think through the tune in your head as you go. I think about it like a checklist, but lots of people do it different ways. Well played, and I very much enjoyed it! Thank you for competing and thank you for an enjoyable performance!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Elaine Liaw           Tunes: My Home      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Elaine! Thank you for competing, and you look sharp in your gear! This was a good example of how to play My Home. You did a good job of keeping things moving without rushing, and you have an obvious sense of musicality. My criticisms just fall under technique stuff, so you should be proud of the musical package you submitted! I have two things I would suggest for you to work on. Try to open up your gracenotes just a hair or two, both in terms of getting the finger ever so slightly further off the chanter and in terms of the space in between gracenotes in things like doublings, tachums, cut notes, etc. All of your gracenotes were very clean, but at times they did seem to crowd each other a little bit. The other technique thing I would say, and it's a tough thing to tackle, is crossing noises between hand-to-hand note changes and E to High A. This is one of the hardest things to really work on to perfection, and it's something that pipers have to work on all the time throughout their career. To some degree, opening your technique a little bit like I said just above this will help, but it is its own thing to work on. I wish you the best and keep working. You're playing well, and these are the things to push your playing to that next stage; well done!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: George Carroll           Tunes: Skye Boat Song      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi George! This is a performance you should be proud of, and it's an excellent representation of this tune! Well done! I have two things to mention, and both of them are technical. The more small-scale and specific thing deals with the gracenote strikes (measure three of the second part on D as an example). You want to be sure that there is an audible D note that comes through the embellishment. You don't want to go so far as for it to sound like a gracenote entirely separated from a strike, but there were times where the D in the middle got to be short enough that it didn't quite have the presence it needs. That's a very small fix, but that slightly softer approach is worth working toward. The other technique thing I'd say deals with how you play G gracenotes. Right now, you are playing the high G gracenote with all of the fingers on your top hand. So, if you are thinking about a G gracenote on low A, when you're playing a G gracenote, you're lifting all three of the front-top-hand fingers. With gracenotes, D and E alongside the high G, you only want to lift the one finger. With D, it's only the bottom hand index finger, with an E gracenote, it's only the ring finger from your top hand, and with high G gracenotes, it should similarly only be your top hand index finger. You're playing very clean g gracenotes right now, but you are unintentionally making it a little bit more difficult by lifting those extra fingers. Musically and rhythmically, I have nothing to critique here. These small technique things are the last little bit of polishing needed to master this tune. Great job!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Imogen Schmitz           Tunes: Cap'n No More      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Imogen! "Cap'n No More" is a great tune that I don't get to hear very often. Thank you for playing it, and you're playing it well! You keep the tune moving at a good pace, which is enjoyable for the listener. I'd be careful when you take a breath to be mindful not to rush into the next beat. That's less of a concern on bagpipes, but it's still something worth watching out for. One small thing also to start to be vigilant about is not letting your bottom hand thumb creep up too high on the back of the chanter. I'm a stickler for thumb placement, and people are often amazed what a huge difference such a small change can make. You want your thumb to be in a spot such that you can touch your thumb and middle finger together if you pinch your fingers around the chanter. The thing I'd most recommend you work on right now is making sure your G gracenotes are very precise. They're already clean, which is a really good foundation, but they do at times seem not quite to be sure of themselves. These are all very small adjustments to a very musical presentation! Once those gracenotes feel really solid, you'll be a "Cap'n No More" master!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Isaac Hildebrand           Tunes: The Sleeping Tune      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Isaac! The Sleeping Tune is one of my all-time favorite tunes. Great choice! I can tell you probably like the tune too, because you're playing it with a great sense of how the tune goes. You're not afraid to move, and that's a great skill to nurture! There are a few things I would say that can help you present this tune just that little bit better, but these are things all pipers have to work on at every point in their career. Be sure that all of the notes are making it out of your hands and off the chanter. What I mean by that is, as an example, the doubling on high G that starts bar 2, you want to be sure that even the quick notes are heard and identifiable to the listener's ear. This also translates to all of the doublings, gracenotes, and all the way to even the littlest bits and bobs of technique. The other thing that can always sneak its way into piping is crossing noises (bottom hand to top hand and vice versa). There were some spots where your transition from B to F wasn't quite as clear as other times. Again, these are all just that last little 10% of work on a tune to go from great to excellent. Good job, keep after it, and I look forward to hearing you play in the future!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Liam Kirkman           Tunes: The Sleeping Tune      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Liam! Really good job with this tune! You have a very light touch, and part of that also means that your gracenotes and embellishments are really clear and clean. That's a sign of some good work and practice on your part! There are two things I would encourage you to focus on to take this tune to the next level: be careful about moving off of notes into the next thing (note, gracenote, etc.) too soon. And, be careful about your hand to hand transitions (bottom hand notes to top hand notes and vice versa). Both of these skills are something that all pipes have to work on all the time, so you are in good company! There were a few spots where you cut some long notes shorter than what the beat would suggest, and this can give the tune a rushed or lopsided feeling. I think that's something where you will get a lot of bang for your buck in terms of practice time and positive results in your playing. Keep practicing, because it's paying off. Thank you for entering, and I thoroughly enjoyed your performance!
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Event 01. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Melissa Allott           Tunes: The Sleeping Tune      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Melissa! Thank you for entering this contest. The Sleeping Tune is a great tune, and no matter how many times I hear it, I am always glad to hear it played well like you're doing here. There isn't too much to be critical of with this performance. You played the tune well, but I think there are a couple of technical things to work on. Doubling consistency is one of those things. You want to be sure that all of your doublings on different notes all sound pretty much the same (other than being different pitches). So, an E doubling should sound and feel pretty much the same as a C doubling, for example. The other aspect of that is you want to be sure your doublings are consistent over time, as well, so all C doublings have a consistent feel (none feel clipped and none feel loose in comparison to each other). In terms of technique, that's the main thing I would suggest. The other thing deals with rhythm, and I would just try to be mindful that when you get into quick chunks of tunes, they should be quick, but they shouldn't be rushed. Bar 2 of the second part is a good spot to look at; you have constant motion, but you still want to keep it controlled and calm. You have a very good start, and I look forward to hearing you in the future!
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Maximilian Göhring      Place: 1      Tunes: The Bloody Fields of Flanders      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Maxmillian. Thanks for this! Finger placement is good with a nice strong grip. Changing nicely from top hand to bottom hand. Tempo spirited and well statined 3/4. Technique is strong and consistent with good clarity on most items. Watch to keep the doubling with 2 separate gracenotes, no overlap on the G and D gracenotes on the C Doubling for example. Keep you exercises going. V. Musical Delivery a nicely expressed 3/4 tune, with good linking notes and well weighted themal beat notes. One odd thing in your ending phrase the final bar should have a birl, but you played it the same each time, (in all parts) in a confident manner, so perhaps you are learning from sheet music that has it cut off.. Should read *C Doub-B- *LA- *Birl Scotts Guard 2 P106 is a good refrence also. Great stuff! THanks SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Daniel Villarreal      Place: 2      Tunes: When The Battle's Over, Calon Lan, Pipe Major J.K. Cairns.      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Daniel Thanks for this! Finger placement — this is a slight concern for me, as your fingers are very far over esp on the top hand. For optimum placement, pull back slightly. This will help with clairty, but esp with fluidity and speed for the long term. Tempo is spot on. Technique is slightly compromised due to *over reaching finger placement. You are achieving the basics but the odd catch (bump) C-HiA in When the Battle P1. Aim to close fully to Low G on grips etc. Musical Delivery is safe. Aim to cut your short notes a wee bit more, and draw out the themal beat notes for sull effect. Glad to see you enjoy your piping so much! THanks! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Maddie Halliday      Place: 3      Tunes: The Dunkirk Gallant Boatman      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Maddie. Thanks for this! Finger placement on the top hand is a concern because the F finger is very bent. This will cause "lateral" movement on the top note changes. Aim to lengthen and straighten that F finger for greater clarity, speed and fluidity now and for faster tunes in the long term It will feel odd at first, but well worth the effort. Tempo — a nice appropriate march tempo, sustained. Technique is coming along nicely. Gracenote placement is accurate. Aim to close fully to Low G for your D throws. That Low is very important now and once on the pipes. Birls are strong. Musical Delivery is nice with a good march pace and feel. Thanks ! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Euan McCracken      Place: 4      Tunes: I see Mull      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Euan. Thanks for this! Finger placement — a wee bit on the tips on the top hand. Could reach over just a wee bit more for ideal placement. Your hands will grow rapidly in the next few years. Tempo is appropriate and solid. Technique quite well done. Nice D throws, and doublings. Good clarity. Watch E Doub from D for a strong leading G gracenote. Musical Delivery confident and nice linking notes with well weighted Themal beat notes to create a nice march. Thanks, SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Amelia McFalls      Place: 5      Tunes: Wings      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Amelia. Thanks for this! Finger placement is good. Tempo is appropriate and sustained Technique is coming along nicely. Nice grips, and D throws. Aim to consistency for full effect. Birls ok. Nice top hand work in P2. D throw to B watch for clean note changes, not all the fingers off while changing there. Musical Delivery — a good unhurried march feel. Thanks! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian Lothian      Place: 6      Tunes: Farewell to Nigg      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Ian. Thanks for this! Finger placement on the top hand is a concern because the F finger is very bent. This will cause "lateral" movement on the top note changes. Aim to lengthen and straighten that F finger for great clarity, speed and fluidity now and for faster tunes in the long term It wil feel odd at first, but well worth the effort. Tempo is a wee bit slow, yet well sustained. Technique is slightly compromised due to the finger placement on the top hand. Hi -E catching. Watch C-LA-C-B in the final bar of all ending phrases. Musical Delivery - good. Keep up the good work. Thanks SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Arla DeField           Tunes: My Land      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Arla. Thanks for this! Finger placement on the top hand is a concern because the F finger is very bent. This will cause "lateral" movement on the top note changes. Aim to lengthen and straighten that F finger for great clarity, speed and fluidity now and for faster tunes in the long term It wil feel odd at first, but well worth the effort. Tempo is quite a bit too slow, and doesnt resemble a March quite yet. Aim for 67-70 BPM to achieve the desired march feel and swing. A metronome can be a great tool to keep the tempo rolling along in a consistent manner. There are many free apps you can try. Technique is thoughtful and correct, except one E doubling that appears to have 2 F gracenotes. Musical Delivery is compromised by the tempo being very slow. Nice red chanter !!! Thanks! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Faith Kats           Tunes: Green Hills of Tyrol      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Faith. Thanks for this! Finger placement generally ok. Watch G gracenote for a curl. Aim to straighten out. Tempo is appropriate and well sustained. Technique is ok. *G gracenotes are lagging behind on note changes* causing a wee catch (or bump). Aim to lift slightly sooner to get full effect on clarity. Watch C-E for catch, and E-F-E doub for clarity. It's the G gradenote that is concern. Musical Delivery is nice and consistent, with a good march feel. Nice tartan Scarf ! Thanks! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian Kellock           Tunes: Borve Castle      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Ian. Thanks for this! Finger placement is looking good. Tempo is steady and appropriate for this march. Technique is coming along nicely, Nice hiG throws, D throws, and birls. Ending phrases are consistent. Your hands will be growing rapidly in the next few years. Keep your fingers nice and straight. Musical Delivery is consistent. You are doing a nice job on the cut notes (D-E) (E-F) giving the tue good music shape. Lots of potential. Thanks!, SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Imogen Schmitz           Tunes: Teribus      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Hi Imogen. Thanks for this! Finger placement is ok on the top hand, but a concern on the bottom hand because your right thumb on the lower hand is up to high. Aim to place behind the C FInger to have better control and strength. Tempo here is too brisk at 84 BPM. Aim for 67-70 and check you metrinome to keep in check. Technique is needing attention — for basics. D throws have a low G at the beginning of each and no G gracenote. All Doublings start with a G gracenote. Take the time to understand the basic technique. While the tune "sounds right" in a musical sense, the detail in higland piping is important. Musical Delivery is quite hurried. Keep up the spirit here! Thanks! SH
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Event 02. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 3/4 or 4/4 March (2 or 4 parts)
Competitor: Lara Mullan-Herranz           Tunes: Bonnie Galloway      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Lara. Thanks for this! Finger placement is good on bottom hand. Finger placement on the top hand is a concern because the F finger is very bent. This will cause "lateral" movement on the top note changes. Aim to lengthen and straighten that F finger for greater clarity, speed and fluidity now and for faster tunes in the long term It will feel odd at first, but well worth the effort. Tempo is ok. A couple wee pauses. Technique is coming along nicely. Aim for clear note changes. D-F has a wee catch. Work hard at exercises. Musical Delivery is quite good. A couple small pauses then resumed the march feel. Try using a metrinome at 67-70 BPM. There are many free apps to try, and it can be really helpful. Lots of Potential. Thanks! SH
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Maddie Halliday      Place: 1      Tunes: The Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Lovely tune here Maddie, great start, tidy and a good tempo. Watch your torluaths in bar 4 though make sure you hear both gracenotes clearly. Technique is generally good, great birl! But sometimes your gracenotes are getting on top of one another — E doubling from F especially. Keep working on getting that first G gracenote super accurate and separating the gracenotes in the doubling. Also just the odd crossing noise here or there to clear up, especially in the latter parts. A very confident presentation of a tricky tune. Well done.
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Maximilian Göhring      Place: 2      Tunes: Father John McMillan of Barra      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks for this. A little hurried at the start which caused some execution issues but settled nicely on the 2nd line and the technique was much much tidier. Doublings are very nice, however keep working in the tachums, sometimes a little crushed and inaccurate, as are some basic gracenotes. Also the tempo just got a little slow as you progressed. However, you displayed lovely fundamentals throughout and was generally a very steady performance.
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ronnie Maclennan      Place: 3      Tunes: Highland Laddie      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Ronnie. Lots of potential here! You have very good, clean fingers — just need to get them under control in places and work on get on top of the timing and playing right on top of the beat. A few wee crossing noises to deal with in that second part and I would suggest trying to just let the fingers do the work in your D throw and avoid throwing the elbow into it. Your doublings are great! However a very enjoyable performance, keep it up!
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Arla DeField      Place: 4      Tunes: The Alaskan Scottish at Eagle River      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Arla. Very clean and tidy playing. Keep working on the birls to get rid of the occasional slur noise Very steady march, I especially like your torluath and generally tidy technique. Couple of things to work on: Try to tighten up the high A doubling a touch to get the gracenote closer to the first high A, a couple crossing noises evident in the third part, also watch your fingerwork moving between High A and F (E finger is staying down so you will get an F natural sound). Also a couple of incorrect E doublings being played with two G gracenotes as well.
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Thompson      Place: 5      Tunes: Brown Haired Maiden      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A very bright tune here Steve. Good effort overall — keep working on the basics , especially look to clear up the crossing noises evident between the top and bottom hand. (High G doubling noted a few times). Also just a little bit unsteady with some timing, a few notes could get a little more stretch on those dots which would help you stick to that beat. A little stumble also in the 2nd part which was a shame. Well done though, good tune!
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Faith Kats      Place: 6      Tunes: Mairi’s Wedding and Teribus      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Nice music here Faith. Steady tempo and well expressed tunes, just got to keep working on the execution. Technically just a bit untidy. Crossing noises evident and the /gracenote / doubling work is not quite accurate, really work on nailing those G gracenotes first and foremost. Get to the note first then execute the doubling. Some nice touches shown on the top hand in Teribus. Overall good music just got to work on cleaning it up.
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Imogen Schmitz           Tunes: Captain Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Imogen, a very musical performance, lovely expression and a good solid tempo. But I feel this perhaps hampered the performance as there were many crossing noises evident throughout. Some false fingering also noted 2nd part and keep working on technique basics and fundamentals. I would suggest perhaps taking a shade off the tempo to get the fingers to behave.
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Event 03. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lara Mullan-Herranz           Tunes: Mairi’s Wedding      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks, I very much enjoyed this. Very nice musical playing. Lots of potential in here Lara, keep on working on the fundamentals of technique to get even more out of the tune. Your high A grips need some attention to get the last high A clean (pinky going up first) Birls need to be opened up a bit and some doublings could also get a bit more space. Keep at it and build up that finger stregth. One last comment — this would have been in the prizes, but technically we needed 4 parts of 2 4 so next time add another or just repeat the tune.
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Event 04. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Maximilian Göhring      Place: 1      Tunes: Angus McKinnon      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Maximilian! A very good grasp of the compound time of this 6/8. Good strong hands and good musical phrasing here. Very good consistant tempo from start to finish. Thank you for a strong 4 parted 6/8, I think you are ready for the next grade. Thanks again, David.
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Event 04. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Maddie Halliday      Place: 2      Tunes: Bonny Dundee      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Maddie ! You are on the right path here with good contrast and good shape with your short notes. A good tempo and musical start here as well. Watch for those crossing notes and work hard on your excercises here to remove those. Very nice crisp gracenotes in your movements as well. Top hand (esp F finger ) could be moved over ever so slightly to improve your ability to play faster tunes in the future and will reduce hand fatigue. Thank you very much. David
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Event 04. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Faith Kats      Place: 3      Tunes: Bonnie Dundee      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Faith. Good tempo to start and continued to end. Watch to align your G gracenote straight onto the note in question. The two should align as one at the start of movement in order to keep the musical story going. A good effort here and some good strong musical moments ! Thank you so much for this, David.
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Event 05. Beginner Piping (practice chanter) - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: George Carroll      Place: 1      Tunes: The MacGregor's Salute      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: A nice start to the ground. Watch the burl motion, at times, the motion of the burl is to abrupt. Relax the motion of the burl for a stronger musical taste. Line 2 was quite nice, more in control. By the 3rd line, pushing the cadences, a tad. rushing off line 3. Control the theme notes, a bit more. Nice practice chanter sound. Keep this up!! Work on the areas abaove. Thank you!!
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 1      Tunes: I Will Go Home To Kintail      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Lovely expression and control of the tune. Small catch second time first part. Nice clear technique throughout. Really enjoyed your performance, well done.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adi Moss-Sheth      Place: 2      Tunes: My Home      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Very good tempo and control. Technique very good throughout. Really enjoyed your tune, well done.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Creel      Place: 3      Tunes: Highland Cathedral      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Pipes pretty well tuned. Good tempo and control of the tune. Nice technique for most part. Watch accuracy of birl. Slight mistime of C Doub in second part. Enjoyed your performance. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 4      Tunes: Hearken My Love      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Tempo a little slow, however played very well with good technique and control. Bagpipe pretty good – slight separation in drones causing a waver. Excellent birl! Really enjoyed your performance.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Matthew Owen-Hunt      Place: 5      Tunes: Going Home      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe nicely tuned. Good tempo and control. Very promising technique at your age well done. Tiny slip end of first. Scratchy HA. Really enjoyed your performance, thanks for the listen
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: John MacCallum      Place: 6      Tunes: Dark Island      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Lovely drones. Tune played quite well, just some small bits of timing here and there. D throws just need to secure the LG gracenote in the movement. Some bits of rushing in second part. The HA, F to E doubling – just a bit too thick on the F each time. Pull out the HA and cut the F. Enjoyed the tune keep up the good work.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adam Kinsella           Tunes: The Mingulay Boat Song      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Little quick into the tune I felt. Could build tempo better in bar 1 for greater musical appeal – Hold the Low A longer. Pipes not quite in from start. Chanter quite sharp compared to drones with intonation issues on E & B (very sharp). Tune played quite well. Not sure about the HG gracenote on the D’s in second part. Don’t think it adds anything. Wee catches in last phrase of second part LowA to F (both times). Birls could be better executed. Otherwise very nice tune, heaps of potential.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Andrey Shtykovsky           Tunes: My Home      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Big bagpipe, could perhaps use some refining. Pipes not quite locked in from the start. Quite low in Pitch. Tune played well with good control and tempo. Some slight mistiming around the B to C area, also some big catches C to E and LA to C. Nice birl. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Krouse           Tunes: Dark Island      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not quite in tune from beginning. Sounds like the drone reed bridles are quite open. You could refine this. Timing pretty good. Small catches first phrase followed by a few chokes. Catches between D & E, and also E to D. In second part catches F to HA. Finger misplacement on LowG second time through second part. Missed last D throw. Timing was really good. Clean up those catches and work on the tuning and this will be really good. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brooklynn Detheridge           Tunes: Morag of dunvagan      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Video not working!!!!
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Don Lively           Tunes: Westering Home      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty well tuned. Some chanter issues on top hand – Sharp F and unstable HA. Tune played well with good tempo and control. Some small catches in second part. HA croaking a bit distracting from performance.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Dylan McMaster           Tunes: The Mingulay Boat Song      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Some pretty big catches to F in first part & the repeat. Pipes pretty well tuned. Small slip in second part first time. Tune played nicely with good tempo and control. Just need to eliminate those catches. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Erica Swenson           Tunes: Lights Out      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Good tempo and control of the tune. Grips could be a touch neater. Intonation on D quite flat, HG & HA little peaky. Drones pretty good. Some catches D to E in second part. Untidy finish – try not to have trailing drones in a performance. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Fabian Müller           Tunes: Hector the Hero      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Pipes not quite locked in from the start. Intonation on C quite sharp. Some movement in blowing, overblowing mostly. Good rhythm in the tune. Bit of rushing in second part, and a little untidy towards the end. Great tune – one of my favourites! Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Gaelle Fayolle           Tunes: Highland cathedral      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipes not in tune from beginning sadly. Tempo good and good control for most part. Some small technique deficiencies throughout especially around the doublings. Try not to let the drones trail at the end of a performance. Thanks for the listen,
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Gavin Mattiace           Tunes: Mo Ghile Mear      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Tempo spot on and good control of the tune. Pipes nicely tuned with just some minor intonation issues on HG & HA. Some small inaccuracies throughout especially on the Low A and in D throw movements. Catches E to D in second part (twice) and wrong note. Trailing drones at finish. Enjoyed the tune otherwise.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Geoffrey Garst           Tunes: Mist Covered Mountains      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Lovely drones. Intonation on F touch flat. E doubs a bit tight. Wee catch down to C doubs from HA (both times). Some very minor loss of rhythm in places. Second part, grips, and E doubs unclear at times. Little bit of rushing in last bar. Otherwise very promising, enjoyed your tune. Keep up the good work.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ivan Agarkov           Tunes: Going Home      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe ok but drones not quite locked in with Low A. intonation on B very sharp. Tune played nicely. Some untidy intonation on top hand. Technique pretty good for more part. Good tempo.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Kai Carleton           Tunes: Morag of Dunvegan      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipes not quite in tune from beginning. Intonation on F quite sharp. Steady tempo and good control throughout. Small catch up to HA doubling second part. F doublings not quite balanced. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Parker Brooke           Tunes: A Pipers Heart      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Pipes not quite locked in from start. Some catches to F in first part. Nice melody, however I feel you are losing your timing a bit. Couldn’t quite follow the rhythm of the tune. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Robert Real           Tunes: Skye Boat Song      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not tuned well unfortunately. Technical deficiencies throughout. Doublings lacking clarity and balance. Timing ok but some obvious lapses. Second part untidy with chokes.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Seamus Clarke           Tunes: The Massacre of Glencoe      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Strong technique evident. Good tempo and control. Pipes pretty good. Intonation on HG quiet flat. Would be better suited to repeat the parts in competition. Some notational errors in second part. Played E’s instead of D’s? Unfamiliar with this setting. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sofia Saenko           Tunes: The flowers of the forest      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not in tune sadly. Drones set way too low in comparison to the pitch of the chanter. Technique pretty good throughout the tune. Timing not bad, just slowing down in second part. Try to not have trailing drones in a performance.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Steve Gengo           Tunes: Suo Gan      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Some false fingering in second part which detracted form the tune. Good control and tempo otherwise. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sue Kennedy           Tunes: Banks of Lochiel      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Nice clear fingering. Watch small catch from HG to B end of first part (both times). Catch to HiA in second part and slight mistime at half measure. Slight mistime of HG gracenote on Low A last line aslo. Some minor rushing. Pipes blown well. Little peaky on HiA. Drones not quite locked in from start. Enjoyed your tune, keep up the good work.
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Event 06. Grade 5 Piping - Slow Air (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Vickie Gray           Tunes: Banks of Locheil      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not quite in tune form beginning sadly. Tune played quite well. Tempo perhaps a bit too cautions. Technique pretty good for most part. Catch second time through. Some minor blemishes in second part.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 1      Tunes: Captain Norman Orr-Ewing      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very musical and steady performance. Execution mainly very good couple of little blemishes. Pipes are very nice sounding. Well done, I really enjoyed it!
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Adi Moss-Sheth      Place: 2      Tunes: Hills of Perth      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very steady playing with good expression . Good execution, Choke. Pipes very nice but flat HG.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: March very steady and good expression. In the main execution good with only a few little blemishes. Pipes need some attention to drone tuning.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Parker Brooke      Place: 4      Tunes: Muir Of Ord      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very controlled expression and good music. Couple of crossing noises and choke. Pipes nice.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Seamus Clarke      Place: 5      Tunes: Captain Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Bright tempo a little round but trying to put a little expression in there. Slip 2nd part.Strong embellishments clean fingering. Strikes need a little work. Pipes steady but flatness on some notes.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Brian Creel      Place: 6      Tunes: Walter Douglas, MBE      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Steady and good tempo and expression. Wrong note 3rd part. Quite good execution, with a couple of little inaccuracies. Steady blowing drones out of tune a little.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Adam Kinsella           Tunes: Donald MacLean's Farewell To Oban      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Good tempo but the playing is a bit round. Error in 2nd part. Quite clean execution but a few crossing noises. Drones a little out but nice pleasant instrument.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Brian Harrison           Tunes: 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Steady tempo nice expression. Execution a little untidy. Taorluaths and crossing noises the main thing. Pipes quite pleasant to listen to.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Brian Krouse           Tunes: Prince Charles’ Welcome to Lochaber      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Timing a little erratic, you had some note errors. Execution quite clean. Steady blowing but drones need more fine tuning.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Dylan McMaster           Tunes: Captain Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Steady and quite nice expression. Errors 4th part. Execution good except for some catches/crossing noises. Good embellishments. Drones were out a little bit.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Erica Swenson           Tunes: Duncan McInnes      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Some nice expressive playing but some passages a little round here and there. Some note errors. Fingerwork needs a little work to bring level up. Steady blowing and drone tuning needs a little attention.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Fabian Müller           Tunes: The Dundee Military Tattoo      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Good timing but some notes very clipped. Steady tempo.Some crossing noisesand some misses. Pipes a little unsteady.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Gavin Mattiace           Tunes: Barren Rocks of Aden, High Road to Gairloch      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Good timing and very steady. You had some wrong notes. Execution needs some tidying up if you want to move up your level. Nice sounding bagpipe.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Geoffrey Garst           Tunes: The Conundrum      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: The timing of your tune was very uneven and not like a steady 2/4. Fingerwork quite good. Pipes nice sound.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Ivan Agarkov           Tunes: 79th Farewell To Gibraltar      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Steady playing with nice expression. Good embellishmentsbut a bit untidy between the notes needs a little woirk to bring level up and clean fingering is necessary. Watch taorluaths. Pipes were nice to listen to.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Kai Carleton           Tunes: The Atholl & Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: I thing the whole tune was a bit rushed and not taking care to get the execution tidy. I think you have the right idea of timing but don't rush. Drones need a little attention to tuning.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Kamarulzaman Othman           Tunes: Brown Haired Maiden & Mairi's Wedding      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Some nice passages of music but not always played steadily. Execution needs a little work to bring level up. Drones not tuned very well.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Matthew Owen-Hunt           Tunes: Mairi's Wedding, Teribus      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Quite a steady performance but a couple of rushes passages. Some technique missed. Underblowing High A very scratchy. Good execution. Pipes quite nice but watch the blowing on top hand.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Robert Real           Tunes: The Brown Haired Maiden, Corriechoillie's 43rd Welcome to the Northern Meeting      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Careful playing and mostly steady. Quite good execution. Reed making a gurgle HA to LA. That can be fingering too or overblowing. A little attention needed to drone tuning. Some chokes.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Sean Kelly           Tunes: The 79th Farewell to Gibraltar      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Some wrong notes and some very clipped notes. Steady tempo and good expression. Choke. Tidy up some of the execution. Pipes nice and steady blowing.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Sue Kennedy           Tunes: Haughs of Cromdale      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Quite a steady performance with good sense of timing. Technique quite good with a few crossing noises to work on as well as making sure D throw has enough low G. Blowing steady on a pleasant instrument.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Vickie Gray           Tunes: Miss Delicia Chisholm      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: A little slow but the important thing for me is that the execution is pretty solid and clean. Some birls weren't great and a couple of crossing noises. Drone tuning needs a little refining.
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Event 07. Grade 5 Piping – 2/4 March (at least 4 parts OR 2 different 2 parted tunes)
Competitor: Zachary (Zack) Marks           Tunes: Scotland the Brave, StarWars (Main Theme)      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: The tunes were of the wrong time signature and Star Wars is not a pipe tune. Main area to work on is on the bagpipe as the reed is too hard and you had many chokes.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adi Moss-Sheth      Place: 1      Tunes: Miss Lily Christie      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Great potential Adi! Nice clean fingerwork with nice lift and pulse to your tune. Grip on high A not always consistent so make use of some exercises to strengthen this and also your other technique. Make sure that the GDE movements are always pronounced and solid. Work on your blowing as this is an area that you could make most improvements on. Keep a firmer arm pressure all the time!! Well done. A very promising future!
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 2      Tunes: Mrs Lily Christie      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Really good attempt Sophie. Pipes well tuned. A little on the slow side but good phrasing evident. GDE can be a little tight at times. Slight catch in part 3 but otherwise a really enjoyable performance. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 3      Tunes: Pipe Sergeant John Barclay      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Great potential here Grace! Top hand is quite sharp. Try to lift the tempo up and this will help the tune not to be as rigid. You show good understanding of the pulse. Open up the GDE in parts 3&4 B to low A. Interesting setting of part ends. However, a really good performance. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Dylan McMaster      Place: 4      Tunes: Farewell to the Creeks      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes not totally in tune. Good tempo maintained but some catching sounds evident. Work on your grips to get the D gracenote landing in the middle of a longer low G. Some really good technique on show but work hard to get in consistent. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sue Kennedy      Place: 5      Tunes: Bengullion 1-2      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: A really good attempt at a tough tune. High G a bit sharp but pipes are otherwise well set. Some very clean technique evident and a good understanding of the tune phrasing. A little quicker will help this flow. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ivan Agarkov      Place: 6      Tunes: All The Blue Bonnets Are Over The Border / CoP 1 book setting      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Drones are tuned well but not in tune with chanter. Good understanding of the beat and pulse evident. Be careful with the timing of part 3. This is a little erratic. Some of your doubling work is on the tight side, try to be more deliberate with them. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adam Kinsella           Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Drones not fully in tune with chanter. A little erratic in your phrasing so try to pay attention to the strong beat. A small slip in the last part. Keep working on your technique and opening up the doubling. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Creel           Tunes: Pibroch of Donald Dhub      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes not fully in tune. Work on your strikes as they are not always connecting with low G. Work on opening up your technique as doubling movements are very tight. There is good understanding of the pulse evident but practice more deliberate technique. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Harrison           Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes not fully in tune and top hand is very sharp. Nice pulse to the tune but some slack technique especially in the tachum movement. Pay a little more atention to the quality of the movement and don't be affraid to be more deliberate. Note that there is a B before the grip to C. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Krouse           Tunes: Major John MacLennan      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes not in tune and chanter very sharp. Work on your closed movements such as taorluaths as they need more low G and make sure that the gracenotes a placed precisely and accurately. Be careful with your catching noises. Work hard on your technique and practice your exercises to strengthen this. Slip in 3. Strikes are a bit too deliberate at part ends. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Colin Tighe           Tunes: Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Well done Colin. some nice grips there! Watch out for catching sounds. overall some really nice technique but you need to keep working on your exercises to enhance them. Work on keeping time better with your feet. Try listening to recrdings of the pro pipers or bands and march along to the marches to help you identify the beat. Keep working hard.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Gaelle Fayolle           Tunes: Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes not in tune. Work on taorluath movement as it is not always complete. Especially on B. Always give lots of low G in this movement and be precise with the gracenote placement and execusion. Good pulse evident in your tune. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Gavin Mattiace           Tunes: Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Try to slow down, Gavin. Take care and make your technique more deliberate. Bringing the tempo back will help this. Look at the music as there are some inaccuracies. Be deliberate with your technique practice. Keep going.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Geoffrey Garst           Tunes: Pipe Major Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Generally well pulsed and phrased. However, you need to pay attention to your technique. It requires accuracy. You have quite a few catching sounds which just need you to slow these phrases down. You also play open Ds, try to place little finger back down. Work on d gracenotes through B then to high G. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: John MacCallum           Tunes: The MacNeils of Ugadale      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: A good understanding of strong pulse and a good tempo throughout. However, there are a few technical aspects that need a little work. Taorluath movements are not complete. Spend some time being a little more deliberate with the gracenote placement and execusion. same goes for the throw on D. Catching sounds evident so try and work on hand change exercises to make this more slick. Check music for part 2. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Matthew Owen-Hunt           Tunes: Steamboat      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice lift to your tune but spoiled by a very scratchy high A. You might find it disappears when blown a little harder. You show great promise with very good technique but this is not always consistent. Work hard on this and you will see marked improvements. Well done.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sean Kelly           Tunes: Rab's Wedding      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: You show good understanding of the pulse in the tune but you are not completing some of your movements. Be a little more deliberate with your closed movements such as taorluaths and throw on D. Spend time on low G and place gracenotes precisely to achieve a better result. Make sure you lead with the G gracenote everytime in a C doubling. Some hand change exercises will help with catching sounds. Good effort Sean.
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Event 08. Grade 5 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Vickie Gray           Tunes: Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Very deliberate Vickie but thats ok! An increase in tempo would make your performance more musical, but you are really delivering solid technique. You understand the pulse required but test yourself next time! Well done.
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adi Moss-Sheth      Place: 1      Tunes: Tripping Up The Stairs      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Adi! Thank you for playing in this contest! This was a very good performance on all accounts. Pipes sounded good (E might be a tiny bit flat), drones well-tuned, and musically very good. Well controlled tempo, and I appreciated the subtle pointing you're putting into the tune. There were a few technical blips, but it didn't sound to me like anything that's a longstanding or broad issue. Be sure with Low G to really commit with your pinky so you get a good clean tone, and some of your GDE work was tight in a few spots. Most of those tight spots were D gracenotes, but all of the GDEs could use just that little bit of extra love and attention. Well done and thank you for an enjoyable tune!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 2      Tunes: Walking the Floor      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Grace! Thank you for playing in the Jig contest, as I enjoyed your tune a lot! Pipes sound really good; tuning, tone, blowing, just good. Not much to say there. If I had to be picky, your F might have been the tiniest fraction of a hair sharp. Musically, very good, too. There were a few spots where I felt like you might have been wanting to go a bit faster. I think you probably can handle this tune a little faster than what you played, but that's less important than doing your best to maintain a steady tempo throughout. Technically, the only things I would say fall more under recommendations than critiques. I think you might benefit from some work on strike consistency (the weight) both from instance to instance, and from note to note. So, you want all of your E strikes to have the same weight as other E strikes, but you also want all of your strikes on different notes to have the same weight as each other. This is a pretty minor thing for you, because you are 80% of the way there or better already. But I do want to be sure to make you aware of that. Overall, very well done, and you should be proud of the work you've put in and the tune you presented!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 3      Tunes: Pipe Major John MacDonald's Exercise      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Sophie! Well done for entering the contest, playing a good tune, and you look sharp! You are right on 90-91 BPM throughout, and this performance is excellent demonstration of control and maturity. Pipes are sounding well, though High G is slightly sharp, and the low A may be a touch flat. From a technical standpoint, there were just a couple of bits and bobs (mainly the blip 2nd time through the 3rd part) but overall, very good show here. If I am being picky, I'd like to see a bit more meat in your strikes on E and C (more of a thick sound), but you don't want to go too far and get dragged down tempo-wise by strikes that are too heavy. I don't have much to say here, which is a good thing. You played this tune well, rhythmically, technically, and musically. Make sure G gracenotes are right on the beat and the note (no early or fuzzy gracenotes), but that's really it. Well done!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Vickie Gray      Place: 4      Tunes: Corkhill      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Vickie! Thank you for playing in this contest! Overall, this was a very enjoyable tune played on a nice bagpipe. Your chanter was slightly sharper than your drones, and your tenors weren't quite together pitch-wise, but not overly so. One way to watch out for that is to listen to yourself on Low A and try and feel if you are settling down into the low A being in tune, or if it's spot on. Usually, if you have to settle into it, your drones are together but flat compared to your chanter. Technically speaking, this performance was strong. Some of the strikes on C weren't 100% solid, but that first C strike was excellent. Try to use that as your guide, and you'll be in a very good shape there. Be careful not to let the D throw slow you down in terms of tempo, but that was also very slight here. I can tell you've put a lot of work into both avoiding crossing noises and getting clean D gracenotes, and it shows. Good job! I will say that you want to be really solid with landing right on E (from High A). In the second part, there were a few instances where it wasn't exact, and that has a sort of fuzzy effect on the music. One thing I would suggest pursuant to that is trying to make your top hand as relaxed and flat as bottom hand. Right now, your ring finger and middle finger are bent, which means that you are relying on fingertips to close the hole. Again, overall a really good tune, and I enjoyed it a lot. Well done!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Seamus Clarke      Place: 5      Tunes: The Banjo Breakdown      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Seamus! Thank you for competing in this contest! I enjoyed your tune a lot, and your pipes have a nice, bassy tone. Your drones weren't perfectly in tune with each other, but drones and chanter were well set in comparison to one another. From a technical perspective, there are two things I think you could work on that would help this tune move from great to excellent. You always want to be sure that your G gracenotes are coming out very clearly. It might be partially the microphone (it can be tough to be 100% with videos) but there are times where I can see your finger and hand move, but the G gracenote sound doesn't quite make it out of the chanter. This is mostly just a clarity thing, and since G gracenotes are everywhere, you have lots of opportunities for practice and lots of places where you'll reap the seeds of good practice. The other technique thing I want to draw your attention to is the catches. They're nowhere near as Low G-y as what most people think of with crossing noises, but it's still a very quick crossing noise. You've got some creeping up when you come from either the top hand or low A and go into C. This specific example deals with your bottom hand pinky note quite moving at the same pace as the rest of your hand in prep for C. This is a very nitty-gritty description of a very minor thing, but it's worth knowing about. Your tune was confident, musically presented, and pipes sounded good. This is a performance to be proud of, and I enjoyed it. Thank you!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sue Kennedy      Place: 6      Tunes: Lark in the Morning 1-2      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Sue! Thank you for entering, and your video and tune were both very professionally put together. Well done! Your pipes are pretty well in tune, drones are set together well, but your chanter is a little sharp in relation to them. I could tell you were settling down into the low A with your blowing and it came into better tune as the low A flattened. High A is a bit thin, but a portion of that is that it's sharp as well. The playing was good, very much so. Most of your G gracenotes were really good and anchored exactly on the beat, but there were a few that were tight in comparison and didn't feel quite as confident as a result. There were also a couple of times where you came to D from F (specifically in bar 3 and 5 of the second part) and had a few crossing noises. This is a tough tune, and a strong tempo for the grade (83 BPM), but you presented both gracefully and musically. Well done!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Adam Kinsella           Tunes: Rocking The Baby      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Adam! Thank you for entering! Rocking the Baby is a very fun tune, and this was fun to listen to! Off to a strong start, but your chanter cut out between the 1st and 2nd times through of the first part. Sometimes, recovery is just as important as trying not to have mistakes, and by and large you recovered well. You rushed the tempo a little over the course of the second part, so be careful of that. Also, be careful to close all the way to Low G when you play strikes on C (some of them were a little fuzzy in comparison to others). Other than that, my only criticism is that your drones were well tuned with each other, but your chanter was sharp in comparison. One way to tell this when you are tuning yourself is to check whether the low A is bang on with the drones, or if you have to settle into the chanter (flattening it off with a lower pressure) and then your drones sound in-tune with that flatter pitch. Minor thing, but I know you've got a good ear based on your pipes, so you will have good results there. Thank you for playing, and I enjoyed your performance!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Andrey Shtykovsky           Tunes: Cork Hill      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Andrey! Well-presented tune! Your chanter is ever so slightly sharp in comparison to your drones, but not distractingly so. It's a very small margin, and your pipes sound good! In the first and second parts, you are playing well and moving through the tune confidently. Be careful to not let the D throw interrupt the rhythmic flow. When you came to the D throws, the tempo dropped slightly for a second. In the third part, second time through bar 3, you had a slight pause. Similarly, you had a slight pause moving from the third part into the fourth part. Mistakes happen, and recovery is a very important skill to have; you recovered well both times. I would suggest focusing both on the D throw tempo thing I mentioned above, and I would also work on avoiding crossing noises when you transition from the bottom hand to the top hand (especially from C to High A). This transition is difficult, and Cork Hill has many examples of this exact note pair, but time spent on crossing noises is time well spent. Well played tune, and I wish you the best!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Brian Krouse           Tunes: Glasgow City Pipers      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Brian! Thank you for entering the contest, and good job with this performance. Very enjoyable musically! Other than the slight pause in part 3 (1st time through, bar 6), you did a good job of moving through the tune steadily and consistently. You were consistently in the 88-90 BPM range the whole tune. There was some slight rushing towards the finish of the tune, but that was minor. Your chanter reed seems like it may be too easy for you at this stage of your piping, but I think there is also some blowing stuff you'll want to work on. On blowing, the advice I'd give you is to practice with Low A and High A and pay special attention to maintaining the same pitch over the course of the transition between breath (diaphragm power) and squeeze (arm power). This transition seems to be, from what I can see, the issue happening when it comes to chanter cutting out vs squeaking. From a technical point of view, the main thing to work on is crossing noises. Glasgow City Police Pipers is deceptively difficult because there are so many hand-to-hand transitions and note pairs where crossing noises are usually prevalent (C to E, E to High A, etc.). Work on those, and polish those up, and you'll be in excellent shape! You picked a tough tune, but you are well on your way to mastering it!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Dylan McMaster           Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breeches      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Dylan! Thank you for competing in this contest; I enjoyed your tune! Paddy's Leather Breeches was one of the first jigs I learned, and I will always make time to listen to it (especially when played well like it was here). Your pipes sound good, the high A might be flat for some people, but I don't mind the thick sound. If you do go for that thicker high A, it's important to be sure to support it blowing-wise, but you did that well here. The main thing I would say you need to work on to take this tune to the next stage is crossing noises from the bottom hand notes to the top hand. B to F is a great example, and it happens a billion times in this tune (rough estimate). Crossing noises were really the only technical concern I have, and musically and tonally there isn't much to say. There are the slips in part 4, but I get the sense that those were one-off issues and not an overarching concern. Still, I do want to mention it. Make sure you don’t lose yourself on autopilot while you compete, because autopilot can and will betray you at the worst moments. Well done! All that said, when you are in competition mode, be sure to keep a good poker face, even at the end of a tune 😉 . Good job, Dylan!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Erica Swenson           Tunes: Rocking the Baby      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Erica! Thank you for competing in this contest! Good show here, very enjoyable. You had a few slips (the chanter cut-out at the end of the 1st time of the 2nd part, and playing a D instead of a C measure 4 of the 2nd time through the 2nd part), but overall, this was musically very good. There are some technical things I would suggest looking at; mainly I would suggest working on to make your playing sound smoother. One aspect of this is to relax your top hand a little bit (just a smidge), and that will help your top hand technique come through more clearly. I would also say another thing to look at is crossing noises on the note transitions from one hand to the other (top hand to bottom and vice versa). Addressing crossing noises is hard work, but that time is well spent, and work on crossing noises will translate throughout your tunes and repertoire. Good work, and well done!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Gavin Mattiace           Tunes: The Kesh      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Gavin! Thank you for competing, and I enjoyed listening to this tune! You have a really good sense of drive, which is essential in jigs. This musical momentum pulls the audience into the rhythm of the tune, and you accomplished that well here. I'm not familiar with this setting, but there are some general technique things I think you could work on to make this tune even better. Be wary of crossing noises, which happen usually in hand-to-hand transitions, Low A to C, and C to E (and all of those vice versa). You had some crossing noises come into your performance, and that disrupted the musical flow. The other thing, and this isn't strictly technique but it's closely related, is I would suggest you try to flatten and relax your top hand fingers in much the same way your bottom hand is postured. Your top hand seems a little bit too finger-tipped, and this can create issues with landing exactly on holes, landing strikes solidly, etc. Overall, I think you're in a really good place to take the next strides forward in your playing. You're on the cusp of huge gains, I can tell. Keep working and thank you for an enjoyable performance!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Geoffrey Garst           Tunes: Rory MacLeod      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Geoffrey! I commend you for playing all 4 parts of this tune, and for entering this contest! Rory MacLeod isn't an easy tune, and you are making a good job of it. Right now, you've got two things that are sticking out a bit to me as things to work on. Firstly, especially in jigs, you want to move through the tune and take no prisoners. There were a few spots (mostly the dense top hand passages) were you seemed to slow down some and/or pause. This is understandable, again because Rory MacLeod is a tough tune, but it does disrupt the flow. The other thing I would say is be mindful of your hand-to-hand note transitions, because there were a few blip-level crossing noises that came through a couple of times. Minor crossing noises, but something to work on nonetheless. You bit off a difficult tune, but you put on a good, musical, and enjoyable show. Thank you!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Kai Carleton           Tunes: Paddy Be Easy      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Kai! Thank you for competing in this contest, and it's always nice to hear a slip jig (9/8)! The drones aren't 100% in tune with each other, and the chanter is flat in comparison. There's not all that much in the difference, but it's something to be aware of. One of the side effects of being so close to water is the extra moisture in the air can push the chanter to be a bit flatter than usual. The biggest things from my point of view that you could work on are mostly technical. Musically, you have a strong grasp on this tune and on slip jigs, but there are those technical things that are the next step with this tune. I'd encourage you to beef up your G gracenotes a little bit to both be more open and more consistent from one to the next. The G gracenotes in jigs tend to accent almost every downbeat, and they function a lot like a built-in metronome. Any work on G gracenotes helps make the tune feel that much more solid and grounded. There were a few times with D throws where your fingers didn't quite sound Low G for the start of it, but the majority of your throws were good. like I said, the main thing is just beefing up your G gracenotes. Well played, very musical, and I commend you for playing and maintaining such a confident tempo (124 beats per minute!). You might play around with a slower tempo while you work on these technical issues, but I know you'll be in good shape! Well done, Kai!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Matthew Owen-Hunt           Tunes: Cork Hill      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hello Matthew! Thank you for playing in this contest. This was a strong showing overall! There were a few gracenote misses, but these are one-off things. I do have some suggestions more broadly, but there were maybe three of those one-off gracenote misses. Broadly, be careful of the tendency to rush through a GDE (and thus cutting the beat short). This rushing is indicative of you having practiced GDEs a lot, which is good, but now that they are easy for you, they are easy to rush. Anything like that that's easy (scale passages as an example) is also easy to rush. Your chanter sounds nice, and the drones compliment it well. The drones aren't quite in tune with each other, but it's very close. Aside from that squeek in the second part, I don't have any concerns at all about your set up, instrument, what have you. Musically, as well, this is a strong performance. Iron out those few technical things, and you'll be in fierce shape!
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Event 09. Grade 5 Piping - Jig (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Sean Kelly           Tunes: The Hag at the Churn - 2 part jig      Judge: Jack Williamson      Judge's Comments: Hi Sean! Thank you for competing, and for submitting this tune! The Hag at the Churn is a tune that I think is often criminally underrated. You’re playing musically, and the pipes themselves sound very good. Your chanter is every so slightly sharp to your drones, but very slightly so. One technique critique I have is that you've got some crossing noises creeping into your playing in two separate contexts, E to High A, and E to the bottom hand (in this tune it's usually D). Crossing noises especially are tough in this tune, because out of all the note combinations that seem to predispose themselves to crossing noises, this tune is mostly made up of those transitions. E to the bottom hand crossing noises is largely just an issue of making sure your bottom hand moves just a hair sooner than your E finger closes down the chanter. E to High A is mostly an issue of being sure the ring finger for High A doesn't come down too soon (which makes an accidental low A sound). You're playing well, and you have a strong musical grasp on this tune. The technical changes would just be the icing on the cake!
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 1      Tunes: Glengarry's Lament (Ground)      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Drones nicely tuned though could be slightly better. Nicely balanced chanter though the F was a shade sharp. A good start. Perhaps slightly ‘safe’ and could have slightly more flow to it. This did however improve over the course of the performance. Good, clean technique throughout the piece.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Ivan Agarkov      Place: 2      Tunes: Queen Elizabeth The Second's Salute      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nice drones, well tuned. The chanter was bright and nicely balanced though remember to blow out the high A to avoid any ‘screchy’ sounds. Great flow to the piece, however there could have been slightly more expression throughout. Particularly at the ends of the phrases; try and hold the final note to show the ends of the phrases. Overall, this was a solid entry, well done.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Vickie Gray      Place: 3      Tunes: Glengarry's Lament      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – The pipes sounded good at the start though drifted slightly. The chanter was bright, full but the top hand was a shade sharp. Good flow to the piece with a nice bright tempo. Technically sound though the grips could have been a little crisper. A few crossing noises here and there that crept in as well. Overall an enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 4      Tunes: The Desperate Battle      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Good drones with a nice bright chanter. The drones drifted slightly mid-way through the performance. This was a good performance. I feel you could have held the last in the lines a little longer to show the end of the lines. Similarly I felt there was an imbalance in the ends of the 2-bar phrase; the note before the grip was expressed where I feel it would have been better to express the note that came after the grip. I also feel it was played a little ‘safe’ for my linking. A good, solid entry overall, well done.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Matthew Owen-Hunt      Place: 5      Tunes: Cabar Feidh Gu Brath      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely pipes with a nice bright chanter. Good flow to the piece from start to finish, with outstanding technique. I feel overall this piece was presented a little square, the short notes need to be a little shorter throughout and have more of a 2/4 feel rather than a 6/8 feel. Similarly, cadences all start with a G gracenote and a few gracenotes and strikes were slightly mis-placed. Overall this was a good performance with superb technique – keep up the good work.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Sue Kennedy      Place: 6      Tunes: Field of Gold      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Drones nicely tuned though not 100% locked. Nice bright chanter though the F is a shade Sharp. Lovely flow to the piece, good use of light and shade throughout. A few crossing noises here and there however. Good display of technique as well. Make sure you hold the final note in the two-bar phrase to show the ends of the phrase. This was a most enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 10. Grade 5 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground Only)
Competitor: Ian Kellock           Tunes: Sir Ewan Cameron of Lochiel's Salute      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – I like the sound of the pipes, they have a nice harmonic but perhaps could have been slightly better tuned. The tune was nicely played with a good amount of flow and good technique. There appeared to be a few stops/chokes in the performance which disrupted the flow of the piece. I feel that if the bag was further under the arm, then this would help. Similarly try and keep a nice, firm forearm on the bag, this will help you to maintain sufficient pressure on the bag to allow for a continuous sound of the chanter. If you get a good continuous sound then the performance would be greatly enhanced. There is much potential here – keep it up.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Sarah Keir      Place: 1      Tunes: Craig-n-darroch      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Lovely pipe and solid tempo established. A little laboured comiing from the High A. short F to E doubling in part 1 2nd bar but played consistently. Watch the D grace notes are not too big creating a slight crossing noicse on the short B's at the end of Bar 2. Also some little crossing noises throughout the tune in the ending phrase going from the B to F hand exchanges. Overall a nice performance with a minor laboured feel coming from some difficult passages (ie.,coming from High A.short F to E doubling) which I can tell you are working on. Keep your hands loose and grace notes smal in order to provide better articulation and accuracy. Very enjoyable performance!
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Amanda Brennan      Place: 2      Tunes: King George the V army      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice Pipe pretty well in tune and a nice aggressive tempo. No need to do an attack to start your performance for solo competition. Solid playing to start. Need to separate the two tacchums in the 2nd bar of the first Part as the second will start on the offbeatt and it is here you are slightly early. (use double beating with metronome to assist in identifying how much time you have as you will be surprised and it will feel much better and provide more of an even flow. 2nd Part: A little short with the C before the D throw In the 3rd part bar 2 I felt you were a little early with the short notes on the first beat as well as playing them a little too short creating a pushed delivery where you could sit and wait a bit and be a little softer with your hands to allow the short note to be heard more. Similar grip feel in the 4th part and this can contribute to little misses of technique such as the E strike on the repeat of the part. Not sure from video but ensure your bag is not too big as comfort is really important to ensuring you are relaxed and free from any tension that could cause "gripping" on the chanter. Overall you have a nice feel for the music and accurate hands to be able to deliver a nice clean performance. Very enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Adam Wilcox      Place: 3      Tunes: The Conundrum      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Aggressive tempo to start but staying on the beat. Pipe pretty close to having drones in tune but not quite locked together. Part 1 watch the D grace notes to the short C (need to be smaller - closer to the chanter) Part 3 watch the D grace notes here as well in the tacchum from C to Low A in first bar as when they are too big you lose clarity in the one, two rhythm of a tacchum and ensure you don't cut the B or play it as part of your tacchum . . .the B although written the same length as the C should be audible and of course as mentioned the smaller D grace note will provide the clarity you are looking for. You have a nice feel for the music and could use a little drop in tempo just to sit things back a tad for solo competition. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Cameron Fradette      Place: 4      Tunes: Walter Douglas      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice Tempo and nice pipe — drones not quite locked together Nice consistent flow throughout. Can hear a little bit of struggling with the blowing creeping in toward the end. Make sure you are not squeezing while you are blowing air into the bag as this is inefficient. You have excellent potentional and nice timing. You will improve your performance and enjoyment by playing your instrument more and this will improve with practicing proper technique of maintaining pressure and only blowing to replace the lost air and not to keep the pipe going or escaping through your lips. It is now time to relax your hands a bit more as well to allow for more freedom of movement about the chanter (struggling with your pipe can also cause tension in your hands. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Matt Hardy      Place: 5      Tunes: Dundee Military Tattoo      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice opening tempo. Taorluaths at the start were a little gripped (tight). Pipe okay but drones not locked together and pretty close to Low A. You have a nice feel for playing on the beat and there was some pushed and square playing in the last part that could be the result of being a little tight. Break this part down to ensure you are playing everything in time which will provide you the necessary time to successfully play all of the execution and maintain a nice steady tempo. Enjoyable performance!
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Bill McEvoy      Place: 6      Tunes: Ensign Keogh      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and nice pipe Part 1: watch the short F before the E doublings is not too short. Part 3: tacchums a little tight but the grace notes are a little too big (lifting off the chanter too far) creating a loss of precision here and you are slightly ahead pushing into them early as well. Need to wait a little longer to stay in time and allow yourself the necessary time to play the notes to maintain a nice consistent flow. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Allan Kerr           Tunes: 25th Kings Own Scottish Borders Farewell to Meerut      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice solid tempo and playing pretty accurately. Pipe is okay but drones not locked together and not locked into the Low A to enhance your overall sound. I felt your hands seemed to be a little tight which prevents the free movement required to execute the short notes with small grace notes which will be easier on your hands and provide you with better articulation. In Bar 7 of the 2nd and 4th parts you are not putting the C back down to Low A before going up to the short E finishing on the High A consistently each time through the part. You have good fingers and a great sense of timing and enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Brad Wilson           Tunes: Prince Charles' Welcome to Lochaber      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Tempo seems fine however not quite locked on here throughout which translated into some technical challenges. Pipe was okay and seemed in tune when you tuned but drones not quite locked together and on with Low A during your performance which detracts from overal sound however you have good control and maintaining a consistent pressure throughout. I suggest playing a tune once you have tuned to ensure they are where you want them and work on blowing the same pressure while tuning that you do when you play the tune (I believe you blew harder in the tune BTW to assist you). Sometimes this can be caused by nerves. Part 1 Crossing noises and E doubling from Short F too crushed (This is a very difficult passage in bagpiping in the third bar of the first part. Need to work on playing a nice short F so it is audible and play a much smaller G grace note to start the E doubling to establish the clarity. The crossing noises can be attributed to timing or gripping the chanter too hard preventing the free movement (or combination of both) so relax and when doing metronome work ensure you are not gripping the chanter. Part 4 Missing notes in bar 4 here due to the loss in playing in time and the short E before the D throw right at the part ending is too short as well. My suggestion is to work more with a metronome and go through the tune wiith the music to ensure you are playing all the notes but more to ensure you are staying in time as I believe the notes lost in part 4 were a result in you pushing the beat (ahead of time). This will improve your overall performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Dan McNamara           Tunes: Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo and nice pipe with drones close but not quite locked together. Part 1: watch the D throws here and ensure you go down to the Low G to start them. Part 2: some blowing inconsistencies. Part 3: better here in terms of going to the Low G before the D throw but coming across a bit "sticky." on the Low G now here. Part 4: okay. You have nice timing throughout and hands appear relaxed. Would like to see you be a little more consistent with your treatment of the D throws throuhout the tune (seeing as there are so many). They sounded different in the first part than they did in the third part and your performance will improve when this is not noticieable. As stated you must be working at playing the Low G prior to the D throw as it was over-emphasized in the third part. Enjoyable performance and keep up the good work.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Daniel Basaez Diaz           Tunes: The Siege of Delhi      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce aggressive tempo; Lovely Pipe with drones nicely in tune. Missing the short notes at the ends of the lines and part endings and frequent crossing noises occurring with the hand-to-hand exchanges Part 1: in the first bar there is a crossing noise going from the C doubling up to the E and it is this sound that I am referring to that occurs frequently in tune especially in Part 4. Could be caused from tension (holding the chanter too tightly) or just not being accurate with hand placement which could be a result of improper timing (control). The short notes at the ends of the lines (bar 4) are the short C's before the B strike (it sounded as if you were not playing them at all which to me indicates the cause could be either you didn't play it or you are holding onto the chanter so tightly that you were unable to relax enough to allow the fingers to come off the chanter. At the end of the parts it is the same with the short D (last note in bar 7) before the C doubling that starts Bar 8. You have excellent hands and a great command of the instrument (nice sound BTW) so work on the above by first ensuring you can properly identify the crossing noises and then relaxing your hands so that you are able to move them freely and in time - a metronome working on Bars 4 and Bars 8 will definitely show you that you have PLENTY of time to play the missing notes.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Duncan MacLeod           Tunes: The 79th’s Farewell to Gibraltar      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and bagpipe okay but drones are not quitel locked together and with the Low A. Watch the C doublings at the ends of the parts as you are not playing the G grace note to start the doubling. 4th part slight chokes near the tacchums. Overall a pretty good performance with some inconsistent execution and grace note placement. You have a nice feel for the music and going back over the manuscript and being a little more consistent will improve your presentation. I believe busting out the metronome will assist you here and ensuring your grace note sizes being smaller to properly articulate doublings and tacchums because they are coming accross as being too clipped and possible reason for missing the G grace note in your C doublings at the ends of the parts. You have the hands and command of the instrument to fix the above mentioned areas to really bring out a solid and accurate presentation. Nicely done!
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Gabriel Holbrook           Tunes: The Haughs of Cromdale      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and pipe okay with drones not quite locked together. Part 1: Grace notes a little too big (lifted off the chanter too far) creating some imprecise doublings and beat articulation. Part 2: Watch the crossing noises in the hand-to-hand exchanges D throw to E to D throw. Part 4: Speeding up at the end of bar 4. Overall you have good hands and a nice feel for the music. You now need to work on being a little more consistent with your timing and clarity by making the grace notes a little smaller in order to articulate precise doublings and tacchums which will improve your presentation. Very enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Helen Lovegrove           Tunes: The 79th Farewell To Gibraltar      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: A little brisk to start and playing a little ahead of the beat. Pipe okay but drones not together in tune. You appear to have great hands to play and I believe you are gripping the chanter a little too much contribuing to clipped short notes and missed grace notes in embellishments such as Taorluaths. If you can loosen up your hands and work a little more with a metronome to give yourself the necessary time to play the technique which will be easier on your hands and smooth out the tune espcecially in the 4th part with the back-to-back tacchums. Enjoyable performance!
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: John Adair           Tunes: Glenfinnan Highland Gathering      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce tempo to start. Pipe okay and drones are pretty close together but not quite locked onto Low A C doubling in first bar of 1st part the G grace note is too big (finger off the chanter too far) to start the doubling. Need to practice going from E to the short Low A and back up to the C with a small G grace note first ensuring you are in perfect time and no crossing noises and once mastered, insert the D grace note to complete the C doubling. Crossing noises pop out frequently and could be the result of these big grace notes and gripping the chanter prefenting the free movement required. You have a good sense of timing and a great birl so work on eliminating the crossing noises and forced grace notes by relaxing and playing smaller grace notes. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Lillian Prince           Tunes: Siege of Delhi      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice Tempo to start. Pipe pretty well tuned and nice balance. Watch you dont clip the Low A's in the first part; a little with the short F up to the High A throughout the tune at end of the first line; a little pushed and some crossing noises in the 4th part in bars two and three which could be the result of gripping the chanter a little too much preventing the free movement in the hand-to-hand exchanges. A metronome here and breaking down the exchange to ensure you are accurate (F, D to HIgh A then insert the doublings but stay in time which will give you all the time you need to be accurate and clean). Very enjoyable performance on a nice bagpipe.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Mary Houghton           Tunes: The Siege of Delhi      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and nice instrument with drones nicely in tune providing a nice balanced tone. Watch you don't slam too hard off the short Low A's in the first part. 3rd part a squeal popped in and some slight chokes and very slight crossing noises; Your grips on E you need to ensure you are going down to Low G accurately and staying there until after you finish playing the D grace note to provide a full movement. 4th part there are some crossing noises evident in the third bar and a little quick to the G grace note of the C doubling to start the fourth bar where you could relax your hands and stay in time here to give yourself the time you need to play accurately and smoothly in this challenging area of the tune...Strategy: F, Short D to HIgh A (repeat and once mastered add the F doublings if they are in your setting of tune) THEN High A, short D to G grace note on C ensuring you are in time using a metronome in double time putting the High A on a beat and the G grace note to the C on the 2nd beat and repeat-you are too qucking to the C in the tune. Show excellent promise keep up the good work.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Scott McKinley           Tunes: Duke of Roxburghe      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and lovely sounding instrument with drones not quite locked together but on with Low A. 1st part need to break down the HIgh A, short F to E doubling - there appear to be two things happening here inhibiting your accuracy . . .1: you are leaving the High A too early and playing too big an F 2: you are playing a very big G grace note (finger too far off the chanter) to start the E doubling — Strategy: Work on coming from HIgh A, short F and a small G grace note to E (no doubling to start) and ensure you are in time (use a metronome and just keep repeating to gain confidence and break the bad habit of playing the big F and Big G grace note and once you have it, add the F grace note to complete the E doubling. You have a better feel coming from the High G, short F to E doubling in the 2nd and 4th part in the third bar which will provide you a nice reference point of how it should sound so record yourself playing from the HIgh A and the HIgh G so you can hear it as well. I thought you were beginning your birls at the end of the parts too early throughout tune as well causing you to push and miss them a little. You have a good feel for the music and hands are good and above are things to improve your presentation and take pressure off your hands.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: Steffan de Villiers           Tunes: The Detroit Highlanders      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Solid tempo to start and nice bagpipe but you are a little close to the mic causing some reverb. Great fingers and nice playing throughout the tune with a great sense of timing. 4th part you are not lifting your E finger when you play the short High G after the first High A?). Show excellent potential and now time to keep your hands loose and ensure you are accurate (lifting E fingers on High G's) with a little distance from your phone to allow the quality of your instrument to be heard which will enhance your presentation. Good stuff!
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) A
Competitor: William Parkes           Tunes: Prince Charles's Welcome to Lochaber      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to start and pipe okay with drones being close. You played the first part 3x and then had a bobble going into the 2nd part. You have great hands and timing throughout tune and progressing nicely. You need to ensure you are maintaining pressure on your instrument at all times to avoid the little chokes and double toning drones that occurred in parts 3 and 4. Show excellent promise keep working at it once you fix up the above to really showcase your talent.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Ian MacPhail      Place: 1      Tunes: Donald Maclean’s farewell to Oban      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Ian, thanks for your entry. nice pipes, well, tuned, good tempo and 2/4 expression from the outset. good clean hands too. sligbt rounding out in third part. Really enjoyed this tune. Well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 2      Tunes: Millbank Cottage      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Grace, nice sounding pipe, well tuned. Good tempo and technique from outset. Wee cross end of frst part. Very good 2 bar phrasing and 2/4 expression. Killer birl in 3rd, great. A very strong performance, thoroughly enjoyed it, well done. Like hearing that strong technique, keep it up.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Bill Stuart      Place: 3      Tunes: Prince Charles Welcome To Lochabar      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Thanks Bill. Nice pipe. Good tempo, and good 2/4 phrasing from outset. Clean hands. Crossing noises third and movement from f to e doubling not clean. Again a couple of wee crosses in 4th but overall a pleasant performance, well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Nicholas Mathis      Place: 4      Tunes: Arthur Bignold of Lochrosque      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Nicholas , nice sounding pipe, well tuned. Big tune. Good tempo. Wee catch in your grips. Good 2/4 march expression and lift. Doublings not always coming through clearly. wee error 4th. and crossing noises creeping in. 4th part rounding out a fraction . Pretty solid tune on a nice bagipe. Just losing your way in the last part.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Camille Layt      Place: 5      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: HI Camille, thanks for entering. Nice pipe. Appropriate tempo. Good 2/4 phrasing. Crossing noises C to E first part. wee missed doubling 2nd part. Again some crosses 3rd part. Nice upbeat coming through 4th part. Wee fumble in variation but overall an enjoyable tune, thanks.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Sophie Stringer      Place: 6      Tunes: The Atholl & Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Thanks Sophie, nice to see the Maclennan tartan. Pipes well tuned. Conservative tempo. Watch that C to E movement. In the 2nd part be careful to play the cut C after the D gracenote from low A, not always getting that finger down. ( and in 3rd and 4th parts. ) Nice rhythm otherwise and a pretty clean tune, well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Angus Campbell           Tunes: Mrs H.L. Macdonald of Dunach      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Angus, thanks for your entry. Pipe not quite in tune from outset. One of the classic 2/4 marches. Good tempo. Wee chokes. Mostly clean technique until 3rd part, where crossing noises creep in. And again with those chokes. You have a good musical understanding of this tune, but you need to improve your tone and blowing to match the effort from your fingers. Thanks again.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Billie Jo Anderson           Tunes: Prince Charles Welcome to Lochaber      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Billie Jo, very cool background. Pipe sounds nice, good tempo for this march. Throw on D not always consistent. Doublings not always clean. Good muscial flow to the tune from outset. Wee crossing noises last part. Strong tune,well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Carol Peabody           Tunes: Father John MacMillan of Barra      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Carol, thanks for the entry. Well tuned bagpipe from outset, and appropriate tempo. Technique not always clear , and those wee chokes distract. Perhaps reviewing your doubling technique would improve the overall impression of this tune.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Craig Farley           Tunes: Walter Douglas MBE      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: HI Craig, thanks for your entry. Pipe ok, drones well tuned, top hand of chanter a little shrill. Conservative MArch tempo, doublings not always coming through cleanly. wee chirps in 3rd part distract. Sometimes the technique is interrupting the flow of the tune, but overall a pretty good effort, thanks.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: David Dailey           Tunes: The Haughs of Cromdale      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi David , thanks for putting in an entry to the online champs. Pipe robust. High G a wee bit sharp to my ear and drones not locked from outset. Try put a little more '2 bar phrasing ' into this tune, to help with muscial flow. A pretty good effort overall, perhaps working on some consistency of technique (throw on D, grips) would take this performance to the next level. Thanks.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Joseph Diodato           Tunes: Prince Charles Welcome to Lochaber      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Joseph, thanks for taking the time to enter. From outset drones are out of tune. The wee chokes distract. (these get more intrusive as you go on) . Bright tempo. Technique not too bad, noce throw on D, however could be improved by eliminating crossing noises. Lost a little compusure towards the end of the performance. Keep working on your sound and blowing.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Keith, thanks for the entry. A challenging 2/4 march for this level. Nice sounding pipe. Well tuned Conservative tempo. Tuarluath technique not consistent in 1st part, crosses in 2nd part. Would like to hear a stronger C doubling, especially part endings. Expression rounding out 3rd third part. Fourth part pretty good. Well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Liam Courchaine           Tunes: Inverness Gathering      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Liam, thanks for your entry. Pipe well balanced, but bass drone is not in tune which distracts. Conservative march tempo, cleanly fingered from outset. 3rd part, inconsistent tuarluath technique, a couple of wee crosses. Nice birl last part, pretty good 2/4 rhythm throughout, wee error last part, solid tune, thanks.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Mica Murdoch           Tunes: Siege of Delhi      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Mica. A seriously impressive line up of instruments in the background. Quite a brisk tempo, pipe not tuned. A few technical blemishes in 1st part (crossing noises etc) missing the odd linking note entirely. (part endings) watch the expression 3rd part, could benefit in holding the note before the grips. Crossing noises last part. Perhaps bringing the tempo back slightly wouldgive you time to correct some of the technical issues as above. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Muhammad Fairuz Ibrahim           Tunes: Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Muhammad. Thanks for entering the online comp. A good tempo from outset , pipes not quite in tune. Some gracenotes not always coming through cleanly, likewise with some of your doublings. Speeding up a little in last part. A good effort, well done.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Olivia McPheeters           Tunes: John MacMillan of Barra      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Olivia, thanks for your entry. Conservative tempo from outset, watch the consistency of your tacchums. Nice grips and birls coming through. wee fumble repeat of 3rd. Nice expression 4th, again wee fumble on the repeat. Solid tune, thanks.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Steven Frame           Tunes: King George the Fifth’s Army      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Steven, thanks for entering the event. Well tuned bagpipe. Good tempo, muscial interpretation too. I think you'd benefit from having a look at your doubling technique and working really hard to eliminate those crossing noises which became a bit of distraction throughout your performance. Otherwise well done, thanks again.
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Event 11. Grade 4 Piping - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts) B
Competitor: Theodor Paris           Tunes: Donald McLean's Farewell      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Theo, thanks for entering. Bold start to tune , very high pitch to your bagpipe. Wee crosses 1st and 2nd. Note error third part. The tune would benefit from a little more weight on the first beat of each 2 bar phrase. Speeding up and losing control throughout 4th part. Generally good march interpretation and technique, other than the issues already mentioned, well done.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 1      Tunes: Maggie Cameron & Sound of Sleat      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Excellent entry into the strathspey with strong phrasing and lift. Strong technique overall her just a couple of misses in part 3. Slightly early into the grips in part 4. I felt you could have paused slightly more before going into the reel. Reel flowing very well just jumping into the half beats during the tachums in part 3. Technique again very strong. Bagpipe very well tuned overall — slightly flat on top 2 notes. Overall a very musical performance - you have improved every time I have judged you so keep up the good work!
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Ian MacPhail      Place: 2      Tunes: Captain Colin Campbell, sound of sleat      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice uptake to the strathspey here. Good presentation of strathspey phrasing. You are just slightly early into taorluaths in part 4. Nice entry to reel here. Good flow throughout. Nice bagpipe with well tuned drones — D and F slightly sharp. You are clearly well taught and show good potential — you just need to keep developing. Keep up the good work.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Matt Hardy      Place: 3      Tunes: Susan McLeod, Sound Of Sleat      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good uptake to strathspey here. A few short notes have been cut slightly too short e.g. high G in bar 3of part 1 and the e in the run at the start of the 2nd line in part 2. Watch you are closing your bottom hand properly between the high As in the last phrase throughout the tune. Be careful of crossing noises from C-E in this tune. Overall, a good strathspey with strong phrasing. The break to the reel was too hesitant and made these tunes feel like 2 separate musical performances rather than 1. There's a few ways you can change from one to the other but I'd suggest speaking to your tutor and listening to some top pipers. Once in the reel it flowed well. Again, watch crossing noises during hand changes. Overall , your bagpipe was very well set up but sharp on F. Drones well locked to chanter - well done! Overall great potential here - keep it up!
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Sarah Keir      Place: 4      Tunes: John Roy Stewart, Alick C MacGregor      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good uptake to this difficult strathspey. You have good understanding of strathspey phrasing and overall your technqiue is very strong. A few missed B doublings in part 3. Good tempo for this reel but you are over pointing the strong beats - round the tune off very slightly to allow more flow. Again strong technique here but a couple of crossing noises from C to E in part 3. The key area to work on is drone tuning - this would allow your bagpipe to compliment your playing. You are clearly well taught with good potential - keep up the good work!
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Helen Lovegrove      Place: 5      Tunes: The Caledonian Canal and Captain Lachlan MacPhail Of Tiree      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice uptake to Caledonian Canal here. Good strathspey phrasing but be careful of crossing noises when changing from C-E throughout the tune. Nice break into reel. Again be careful of crossing noises. Bagpipe good overall but High G and F sharp. Drones nicely tuned well done. Overall you are well taught and playing appropriate tunes well for your level. Your playing just needs to continue to develop to get more fluency in your music. Keep up the good work!
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Lillian Prince      Place: 6      Tunes: Dorrator Bridge, Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo and lift in strathspey here. Losing lift and momentum in 3rd part. Overall good technique in this tune but c doubling tripling movements are not always fluent. Great entry into reel but again losing momentum as the tune progressed — keep both tunes going at the same tempo you started. Stumble towards end. Drones well set but your chanter reed is needing replaced — it sounds dull and thin with some large squeals on the bottom hand. Great potential here.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Adam Wilcox           Tunes: Molly Connell/ The Circassian Circle      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Rushed into the start of the start of the strathsoey. Take your time when starting. The tempo was a bit fast overall meaning you were lacking a bit of music and lift — slow it down a bit and focus on getting the strong-weak-medium-weak phrasing to the tune. Reel - again, slowing down would allow you to get the music from this. technique strong throughout both tunes. Your drones are well tuned but your chanter is thin and lacking depth - the reed may be too dry due to the moisture control system you are using.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Allan Kerr           Tunes: Molly Connell, Fairy Dance      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice uptake to the strathspey here — you are showing the strathspey phrasing well here. You are not always playing clear doublings. Ensure the G gracenote is to the theme note e.g. the C at the start of the tune — you are often playing it after the theme note. Nice uptake to the reel too. Just watch crossing noises from D to F in bar 1. Your chanter was fairly well set but working on drone tuning would really enhance your performance. You are clearly well taught and show good potential. Overall your playing just needs to naturally mature. Also, you should have played each tune twice instead of once since they are 2 parted.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Billie Jo Anderson           Tunes: Keel Row and The Kilt is My Delight      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune. Overall the tune is too round and lacking lift - more definition is needed between the dotted and cut notes. Technique is very good overall in this tune except the tachum movements at the end of part 2 - make sure these gracenotes are right on the notes rather than slightly after. Reel flowing well at a good tempo but again your gracenotes aren't 100% clean to the notes. Some of them are falling just after the note they are meant to be on. Strong grip movement but you are playing it slightly early which is affecting your musical delivery. Bagpipe is fairly well set up but the reed appears to be a bit strong for you - a couple of chokes throughout distracting from your performance
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Carol Peabody           Tunes: Lady MacKenzie of Fairburn & Windsor Castle      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune and showing good understand of strathspey phrasing here. You need are rounding the tune in part 2 which is affecting your musical presentation — you need to hold the dotted notes more and shorten the cut notes. Reel tempo also good and flowing well overall. Your strike movements on B and C are too heavy and interupting the flow at points - these should be the same length as other gracenotes. As with the strathspey you are rounding the tune as it progresses meaning there isn't enough definition between the long and short notes. Your chanter is well balanced overall but very flat on high A. The reed seems too strong for you — multiple chokes throughout this performance. Drone tuning is an area to work on as it would allow your instrument to compliment your music.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: David McMillan           Tunes: Ewe with the crooked horn and Fiona Macleod      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: A well balanced bagpipe here. Good overall tempo and lift to this strathspey but some short notes after big movements such as taorluaths and doublings are disappearing — try and nip up these movements slightly to allow time for the short notes. Nice reel tempo throughout but good overall flow — you are just falling off the first note in GDE groups which is affecting the musical delivery. I enjoyed this overall but make sure you keep the pressure on the bag as the sound dipping at points distracts from your music.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Duncan MacLeod           Tunes: Dora MacLeod; Flora, Mrs MacLeod of MacLeod      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Steady tempo throughout the strathspey but the tune lacked lift. This is because this tune is very demanding and not one I'd suggest for grade 4. Solid E and F doublings but bottom hand doublings (including strathspey triplings) are very tight and unable to hear all gracenotes coming through. Similarly the grips on C and runs are very tight throughout this tune. Picking a tune more suited to your level would aid in getting the music into your strathspey playing and open up your technique. Reel tempo much brighter but a lot of short notes on the bottom hand are disappearing due to being cut too short. Shame about the stumble at the very end. Bagpipe is fairly well set but you had a couple of chokes in this performance.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Gabriel Holbrook           Tunes: The Caledonian Canal, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good solid bagpipe which is well tuned. Strathspey is too fast and round meaning it's lacking in music - slow down and work on getting the lift into your tune by having more of difference between dotted and cut notes. Technque quite strong in this tune. Reel — tempo is much better here and flowing well. Watch crossing noises between D and E and some E doublings are too tight meaning gracenotes cannot be heard clearly.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: The Caledonian Canal, Molly on the Shore      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good steady tempo at the start of this tune. You are holding the Es in part 2 too long which is disrupting the flow. Back on track with this in part 3. Where you have a cut F between 2 Es in parts 1 and 4 you need to hold the first E a bit longer and make the E shorter. Overall your technique is very good throughout the strathspey. Nice into reel and flowing fairly well here. Watch for crossing noises from B to E. The 2nd beat of part 3 isn't flowing as well as the rest - you are a bit hesitant going into the strike movement. Overall a very good performance that just needs a bit more fluency which will come with time. Bagpipe is very good and drones tuned well. High G slightly flat.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Lewis Stewart           Tunes: Maggie Cameron & The sound of Sleat      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Overall you show a good understanding of strathspey phrasing but you are jumping into some beats too early which is affecting your music. Slow it down slightly and focus on hitting the beats. Good technqiue throughout this tune. Nice entry to reel and flowing well here. open out the G and D gracenotes on the low As and Bs at the start of part 3 - play them as a tachum rythm rather than a doubling to fit with the flow of the tune. Bagpipe very good overall with a good attempt at drone tuning — D is slightly flat and F slightly sharp. You are clearly well taught and show good potenital - keep up the good work.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Liam Courchaine           Tunes: Lady Louden/Barneys Balmoral      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Strong technique throughout this strathspey and playing at a good tempo for your level. Good phrasing and lift throughout the tune but losing a little momentum in part 3. Again, good tempo for this reel but the short notes were slightly too short — loosening this tune slightly would help with musical flow. A key area for you to work on is drone tuning as this would allow your bagpipe to complement your music. You are clearly well taught with good potential - keep up the good work!
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Scott McKinley           Tunes: Catlodge/Sheila McMurchie's Dance      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo to this tune with good lift overall. Generally, I wouldn't recommend this tune for Grade 4 due to some demanding phrases — your birls aren't fluent and you are losing the strong-weak-medium-weak balance in the last phrase as well as well as the 2nd phrase in part 4 due to the large amount of technqiue. The rest of the tune is well played but you need to work on the fluency of these parts to keep the music coming through. Reel tempo again is good but a little round overall meaning the music isn't coming through. Be careful with the start of part 3 — the D-B then strike isn't coming across clearly. Overall your performance was enjoyable but some tricky phrases in these tunes detracted from your music. Drones very well tuned to the chanter but the top hand was dull — the tape needs lifted on these notes or push the reed further into the chanter slightly to bring more brightness.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer           Tunes: Captain Colin Campbell, Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good strathspey tempo here with strong technique. Your short notes are too clipped which is affecting the lift. Nice break to reel here. Again, strong technique but the short notes are too short affecting the flow of the tune. You are well taught with great potential — you just need to loosen the tunes off slightly to get them flowing well. Bagpipe very well set up and drones locked.
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Event 12. Grade 4 Piping – Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts OR a two parted tune played twice)
Competitor: Steffan de Villiers           Tunes: Susan Mcleod/ Strathspey Mckay from sky/reel      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Strong technique here but you are playing the strathspey too fast and not getting the strong/weak/medium/weak phrasing in. This tempo would be suited to pipe bands but your need to slow down and emphasise the phrasing more for solo playing. The more difficult technique is disappearing in part 3 due to this too. Be careful with note errors — bar 6 of part 2 and you ended up playing the 2nd line of the 2nd part again in part 4 instead of the correct final line. Reel is also too fast. Again, your technique is suffering because of this. Drones well tunes but top 2 notes are very flat. You are cleary well taught and have great potential but you need to find the appropriate tempo in your tunes to get the music from them.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 1      Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Lovely playing here Grace. Great forward motion throughout, but at a well controlled tempo. It just got a little bit stilted at times — not dramatically so but watch you arent playing your downbeat notes the same weight each time. Lighten off through the middle a fraction..also, just 'walk'when you march, this will help. Good solid technique as well, very sharp and consistent. Keep working at that to get the most out of those fingers. I really enjoyed this. Well done!
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jenna Dennison      Place: 2      Tunes: Trees of North Uist      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Lovely playing Jenna. Super clean and tidy throughout! Great execution and a good control of the idiom from start to finish — just some minor inaccuracies notedwith your bottom hand work in the latter parts. And if anything the tempo could come up just a shade. However this was a thoroughly enjoyable performance. Keep working on those embellishments.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian MacPhail      Place: 3      Tunes: The High Island      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Slightly unsteady start. Just compose yourself a little more. Then this settled to a lovely tune , a very bright sounding bagpipe as well. Great expression throughout, on the odd occasion you were tending to overhold a few notes Also on occasion rushing through the final phrase a touch. A couple of minor crossing noises evident in the latter stages. Overall very well played.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Wilcox      Place: 4      Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Adam. A very well played tune overall on a solid pipe. Great drive from start to finish, well maintained tempo and a solid swing. Technique also very good, some inaccuracies here or there, especially in the last part, I think the high A grip needs some attention and you just lost that great flow slightly. Some minor areas of rushing at times, also could open out the tachum in part 3 (holding the B prior a little too long). However, a top level performance, well done.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lauren Rodrigues      Place: 5      Tunes: Angus Mckinnon      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Lauren. Just a shade rushed at the start. It was lovely by line 2, great playing thereafter. You show great understanding of the fundamentals which is great. You have very clean fingers! Great doubling work throughout. 3rd part got a bit rounded and you lost that lovely expression you had going in the first 2. Still a solid all round performance, great potential here so keep it up!
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sean Stewart      Place: 6      Tunes: Miss Ishabel T MacDonald      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Cheers Sean. Overall, was just a shade frantic for the first couple of parts — you took off quite quickly at the start and it didnt feel settled. Relax into it a bit, give the first note some more weight. You clearly have decent, clean fingers but they werent getting a chance to shine, again look to control that tempo, get a bit more expression happening and the embellishments will come out more controlled. Was much better though by the 3rd and 4th parts. Again though the technique getting a little rushed and sometimes crushed (grabbing early at doublings for example). Birl a little tight as well.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Amanda Brennan           Tunes: Lilly Christie      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Amanda. Like the musical quality of this tune, good flow and expressed well. Some rushing evident at the ends of your phrases. Main thing to work on is your technque — a little bit inaccurate and tight, work on getting that a bit more open. The birl is not getting the 2 distinctive taps coming out. Getting a little bit more untidy in the third part, with some crossing noises coming through as well. Watch that grip in the last part, pinky coming up early, Low G to high G also messy.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bill McEvoy           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks for this Bill. Good flow and musical expression. Clipping some of the short notes, causing some gracenote inaccuracies. Tending to rush off your line endings - mark those phrase ending Some nice clear doublings coming through but getting a little bit untidy in that last part. Tending to get ahead of your gracenotes at times. Torluath a bit messy last part Liked this, nice sounding pipes but work away at the technique to increase the accuracy
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bill Stuart           Tunes: The 10th HLI Crossing The Rhine      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Cheers Bill. A lovely tune, gernally well expressed and tempo was steady from start to finish. Just tending to jump of some of the downbeat accents which caused some rushing and felt a little disjointed in the 3rd part.(F E D, the F needs a little more). A couple of heavy crossing noises coming through as well which was distracting. Pipes solid, well blown and bright. Overall just need to work on the consistency of the expression.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Brad Wilson           Tunes: All the Blue Bonnets are Over the Border      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A good tune here Brad. Lovely swing and expression but marred by some untidy embellishments and crossing noises Really work on your general technique - torluaths need more accuracy, look to eliminate crossing noises and work on opening out your doublings and overall accuracy improvement on your G gracenotes PIpes a little shrill on the upper register (overall chanter sharp to drones). Error 3rd part
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Camille Layt           Tunes: PM Donald Maclean of Lewis      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Very steady playing Camille. Work on that opening tachum, was a little over clipped, spread the notes out a bit to assist. A couple of crossing noises evident as well up to high G. Overall, good swing, good control — but some of the cut ntoes getting a little over cut at times and some embellishments getting crushed. Overall a steady performance , and perhaps a shade down in tempo.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carol Peabody           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Carol. Getting some good swing here, but keep working on the consitency of your note values — especially those longer downbeats and dots. Tending to jump off a few early (grabbing your B torluath early for example ). A little bit untidy with the technique, a few heavy crossing noises and some gracenote inaccuracies to work on clearing up. A couple of minor stumbles in the 4th part too which was a pity. Good effort.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Chris Yamate           Tunes: Dr. Ross’s 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thank you Chris. Lovely music here, well controlled and expressed throughout. A little untidy at times with your gracenote work, try to tidy this up. Also the occasional crossing noise evident so look to clear those up a bit. Watch those torluaths in the later parts, E gracenote untidy and getting some thick crossing sounds Overall a solid musical performance though. Tempo well maintained. Drones not quite locked.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daniel Basaez Diaz           Tunes: Pibroch ofdonald dubh      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks for this Daniel. Lovely music, I particularly enjoyed the expression and swing you demonstrated here. However the overall execution was quite untidy, in particular your doubling work, with some heavy crossing noises noted in the latter stages as well as a little stumble in the last part. This just distracted from a lovely flowing 6/8 march. Defintely work on the technique to complement this and take things up to the next level.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daniel Germann           Tunes: Miss Ishabel T. MacDonald      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Daniel. Some great music on display here. Drones not quite locked from the outset. Tachums and C doublings need some work to get them a little bit tidier — some inaccuracies and crossing noises throughout. Tending to go and grab at your embellishments, and also some of the cut notes getting quite rushed. Jumping ahead of the beat in places. 3rd part quite untidy, give the wee notes a bit more space to help, let it all breathe a bit.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David Dailey           Tunes: The Dundee City Police Pipe Band (Critique Only Please)      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks David. Quite a steady and well maintained tempo. Keep working on your technique, improving the accuracy the accuracy of your gracenotes will help a lot — it needs to get a little bit more controlled and also a little more open. GDE work quite crushed and I amnot hearing two distinct gracenotes in your doublings. Also, you tend to rush the cuts which put the fingers under pressure, relax a little bit and soften those cuts, give yourself some space to aid the execution. Top hand is overworking. 3rd/4th parts a little on the messy side with some squeals evident, again — take your time, relax the hands here.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David McMillan           Tunes: John D Burgess      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Cheers David. A little hurried to your opening bar, but was more settled on the repeat. Lovely swing throughout but some of the wee notes were getting clipped inplaces. Make sure you don't rush over your phrases and out of your line endings too, look to maintain the control there. Generally well executed but the third part got a little sticky in spots. Pipes solid, drones good but just a few little chokes/patches of unsteady blowing noted too. Overall, an enjoyable run!
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Duncan MacLeod           Tunes: PM Sam Scott      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Good music Duncan on a bright sounding instrument. The tune had a good flow, and a decent tempo throughout. Just suffered on the execution side of things - general embellishments need work to get a bit more consistent and ensure that the gracenotes are coming out cleanly and accurately. ALso, look to clear the occasional crossing noises 3rd part - getting a bit rounded and slightly more unsteady in the latter stages.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gabriel Holbrook           Tunes: Jean Mauchline      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A well presented 6/8 Gabriel. Very steady tempo and well expressed musically, However overall just a little untidy . The doublings require some tidy up and there are quite a few distracting crossing noises throughout.The G gracenote needs some attention to get it fully accurate Drones well set and pipes are nice and bright.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Helen Lovegrove           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Helen. You show good overall musicality here, and like that you are marching to this. You are however tending to be a little aggressive at times — you are going and grabbing at your beats early which is pushing the tune and also the technique is suffering. Work on getting a little bit more swing and control to the tune, give yourself some time to execute the embellishments cleanly. I felt the back half of the tune was a little more settled and the execution was a little better also. Bagpipe was well blown, however just a wee choke right at the end which was a pity. Try to also work on getting the drones a little closer as they were quite far out from the outset.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: Pipe Major Sam Scott      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A great tune choice. Some pretty good music and swing coming out of this which is great. A little bit shaky on your torluaths and some of the doublings getting crushed. Perhaps a little heavy going in places as well, try to relax the hands, lighten that workload and maintain the flow. I like your attention to the expressive notes in the the last 2 parts, this really assisted the 6/8 idiom whilst maintaining control. Drones were lovely too. Well done, I enjoyed this performance.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lewis Stewart           Tunes: Farewell to the Creeks      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Love this tune Lewis. A great tempo set for this and well handled, so well done. A shade rushed into the 2nd part and getting a bit rounded by the 3rd, losing the expressional quaility a little. You have bags of potential — keep working at your technique, it is just a little tight overall, but althought the tempo was driven and and my foot tapping, a nick off the tempo might have helped you in regard to your execution. I want to hear what those fingers can do!
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lillian Prince           Tunes: Miss Ishabel T. MacDonald      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Lovely 6 8 playing here. Music is on point. Just tending to grab at that cut F a little early in Bar 7 throughout. A wee error in the first line and getting bit untidy from the 3rd part. Also, work a bit on the execution of your embellishments, some doublings etc a bit crushed and inaccurate at times. Pipes were decent but a number of squeals in the latter half which distracted. Overall, great 6 8 playing, a little bit of rushing and some polish required on the embellishments.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matt Hardy           Tunes: Farewell to the Creeks      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A great tune choice Matt. PIpes very bright, for me just a litlte sharp overall , B certainly sharp to the rest of the chanter. Great drive to the tune fro the outset, love that. I feel the execution just suffered in places though. Some doublings and gracenote work getting crushed or disappearing. Lovely music in the 3rd part, solid swing and expression. Enjoyed this, but the fingers need to open up.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Olivia McPheeters           Tunes: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: Thanks Olivia, a lovely steady performance here. You show a nice appreciation of the 6 8 idiom, but perhaps a little lift in the tempo would have brought this to the next level. You have very clean fingers, with just the occasional inaccuracy here or there. A little choke evident in the 2nd part. Lastly, watch you arent overcutting the 16th notes, some were just a little clipped. Make sure they are audible and helping you get to where you need to go (the wee B for example coming down from D to low G). PIpes were decent, drones not quite 100% locked and High G a litlte sharp and High A quite flat.
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Event 13. Grade 4 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott McKinley           Tunes: Dornoch Highland Gathering      Judge: Davey Welsh      Judge's Comments: A great tune choice. Good solid tempo, and for the most part was very clean and tidy. You were just tending to round off in places, espeically in the last 2 bars. Also the 3rd part was quite straight through. Work on maintaining that solid expression and look at the consistency of your long notes to avoid this. Pipes had a lovely warm tone. Nice drones, solid performance overall.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 1      Tunes: The MacFarlanes Gathering      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Flowing and confident interpretation of the ground. Nice build into Var. 1. Instrument: What a bagpipe, Grace! Steady, well-set, and resonant. Low A sharpening a bit as you go. Technique: Excellent taorluaths, edres, and dares. The Low G gracenote after your E cadences is just a tad on the overly heavy side. Summary: Great pace and expression in this tune, Grace. You have an excellent bagpipe sound and it's quite stable, just sharpened up a bit here. Really first-rate technique. While your Low G gracenote in piobaireachd is a bit more deliberate than in light music, it sounds a little overdone. Aside from that minor point, I really enjoyed your clear technique.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Anja Maroske-Jeck      Place: 2      Tunes: Corrienessan´s Salute      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: I like your overall pace here. You could shorten the connecting notes going into your E cadences while also giving a shade more time to the E in your E cadences. Instrument: Excellent tuning and tonal stability! A wee squeal in Variation 1. Technique: Super strong technique, with excellent rodins and grips. Summary: I really enjoyed this, Anja. It's quite typical, in this and in other tunes, to play the connecting note into a cadence shorter than the E cadence itself. You have an excellent bagpipe and great pressure stability. No issues with technique either — well done!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Ian MacPhail      Place: 3      Tunes: Too long in this condition      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Lovely pace and flow to the ground. Nice lift for the ground doubling. Instrument: Robust, vibrant and well-tuned pipe. Chanter sharpened as you progressed. Choke in the final line. Technique: Great technique, clear and rhythmic. B taorluaths are just a bit tight in line 2 of the Ground. Sticky edre in Ground Doubling, line 1. Summary: Musical playing in the ground and ground doubling. Your pipe started out really well but drifted a bit as you progressed. Impressive technique! Best of luck this year, Ian.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich      Place: 4      Tunes: The Marquis of Argyll's Salute      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Excellent pace and musicallity here. Instrument: Phenomenal bagpipe! Drones totally locked in. Technique: Hesitant double echoes on B need more work. Hiharins are a bit broken up as well, with a slight pause before the birl instead of smooth. Summary: Great music on a very nice bagpipe, Keith, Work on getting smoother hiharins and double echoes on B.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Heather Dunn      Place: 5      Tunes: Clan Campbell's Gathering      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: I like your aggressive approach with the ground of this gathering tune. You are quite quick with your E cadences and could lengthen the E just a bit. Instrument: Drones very close. Nice, stable pressure control. Technique: Some very good technique here. Your initial E of the edre is fairly long. Slight B to High A and B to E crossing noise. Summary: Well done keeping the music moving along, Heather. I'd recommend lengthening your E cadences slightly. Great, steady bagpipe overall. Strong technique!! Just watch the new tempo and work to eliminate crossing noises. Good luck this season!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Olivia McPheeters      Place: 6      Tunes: Glengarry's Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Good pace to the ground. Excellent use of cadences to show phrase endings. You could hold out the first theme note of Variation 1 a bit longer, easing into your faster tempo rather than hitting it suddenly. Instrument: Solid drone tuning to start. Well-set chanter intervals. A wee squeak in Variation 1. Technique: Nice, snappy connecting notes in Variation 1. Summary: This was a well-played tune on a good, stable bagpipe. No technical issues at all. Well done, Olivia!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Adam Wilcox           Tunes: The Company’s Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Solid tempo and rhythmic delivery of the ground and first variation.Instrument: Solid drone tuning but work on steady pressure. Top hand is sharp. Your High A is prone to scratching if underblown.Technique: Excellent double echo beats. Summary: Nice, musical playing, Adam. Work on leaning into your chanter reed to keep the pressure from dropping. Great technique!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Bill Stuart           Tunes: Glengarry’s Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Very nice lyrical expression in the ground. Instrument: Excellent bagpipe. Steady and well-set. Just a couple sagging Low A's. Technique: Nice tempo and gracenotes in Var. 1, however, I would try to get more dot-cut contrast between the long theme notes and the short connecting Low A's. Summary: A lovely ground on a great bagpipe, Bill. Try to get more energy in Var. 1 by really bouncing off the short Low A connecting note as quickly as you can play cleanly. Best of luck this season!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Brad Weller           Tunes: The Glen is Mine      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Pretty solid start. You are leaving out a gracenote on E from C in the last phrase of each line in the ground. Also, make sure to get the D gracenote on the C in the first measure of both the ground and variation 1. I would slow it down until you get all the right gracenotes and eliminate crossings. Instrument: Drones are flat to your chanter. Work on pressure stability. Technique: Watch out for crossing noises. Good edres. Summary: Great effort with a difficult tune. Make sure you are playing all the correct technique. Work on tuning and pressure stability. Good technique overall except for a few crossing noises.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Camille Layt           Tunes: MacFarlane's Gathering      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Excellent musical flow in the ground. You started line 3 with a B taorluath, rather the cadence to Low A as written. Expressive treatment to Variation 1, line 1, but it was a bit rushed on the repeat. You regained your poise in line 2. Instrument: Drones not locked-in with chanter from the beginning. Chanter well-set overall but the top hand is quite sharp. Technique: Slight crossing from Low A to C. You played an E gracenote to start measure/phrase 2 instead of a G gracenote. Wee crossing in B cadence, landing on B before the D gracenote. Keep B taorluaths open.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Craig Farley           Tunes: Caber Feidh Gu Brath      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: You are playing this in groups of two instead of in fours. I would think about drawing out 4 long theme notes in each phrase instead. For example, in the opening phrase, Low A, C, E, C. You are holding out the two C's far longer than the Low A or the E. Just a bit rushed through Variation 1. Instrument: Chanter sharp to drones. Wee choke. Technique: Good taorluath technique! Summary: I would rethink your expression in the ground to get a more consistent 4/4 rhythm. Work on tuning your drones closer with the chanter. Nice technique!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Dan McNamara           Tunes: MacIntosh's Banner      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Pacing the ground well. You could subtly hold out the B connecting note before the grip to C at the line endings. Solid go at variation 1, just a bit on the fast side. Instrument: Drones not locked-in to start. Pressure is up and down with some big pressure swells. Technique: Nice clarity and even rhythm in your grips. Good, snappy cutting in Variation 1. Summary: Musical playing in the ground, Dan. A steadier bagpipe would be the most important aspect to improve. Solid technique! Well done.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: David McMillan           Tunes: James MacDonald of the Isles Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Great pace and expression of the ground and first variation. Instrument: Drones not in tune with the chanter to start but close together. Some pressure instability apparent on D, in particular. Technique: Excellent edres. Slightly sticky hiharin. Summary: Strong music here, David. Work to refine your bagpipe tuning and pressure control. Excellent technique overall!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Duncan MacLeod           Tunes: Cabar Feidh Gu Brath      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Nice use of cadences to slow the end of the phrase. Pull out all four pulses in each measure/phrase, not just pulses 2+4 Rushing through Variation 1. Instrument: Drones aren't in tune from the start but aside from that, your pipe is sounding nicely. Technique: Make sure you sound the first Low G of every grip clearly. Solid technique overall, with some excellent edres. Summary: Listening to a recording might help you better phrase this tune, Duncan. You're off to an excellent start with this tune. Work on drone tuning. A bagpipe tuner app can really help with that. Solid technique!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Lauren Rodrigues           Tunes: Andrew Macneill of Colonsay      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Nice portrayal of the ground overall, if a bit fast. In the ground, the repeated rhythm that you get is long-short-short-long. You could try to get a subtle rhythmic contrast between the two short notes. Excellent timing and expression in Variation 1. Instrument: Well-set bagpipe. Work to improve steady pressure control. Choke in Variation 1. Technique: Rhythmic and consistent dares and edres. In Variation 1, second half of line 2, the G gracenotes on theme notes aren't coming through and this continues into line 3. Summary: Very nice music here, Lauren. I think your pipe is set up well, but you want to work on steady pressure. A big part of this is leaning into the chanter reed and not dropping the pressure on the bottom hand. Great technique in the ground. Just make sure you play the right gracenotes in Variation 1. It was nice to hear this seldom-played piob!
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Liam Courchaine           Tunes: McCrimmons Sweetheart      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: I think you are a bit fast with this ground, especially considering that there are two ground-like variations to build tempo over in the full tune. You don't want to peak too soon. Instrument: Excellent drone tuning. F# is flat. Technique: Strong technique overall. Darodo embellishment is too tight at times. Open it up to get three clear and even Low G's. Summary: Musically, you've got the right idea, but I would aim for a slower presentation of the ground (but keeping the connecting notes short). This allows you to build tension that you then release with each successive variation. Great bagpipe tuning overall. Open up the darodo. Otherwise, excellent technique throughout! Well done, Liam.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Mael MacNeil           Tunes: Salute to Donald      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: In your opening phrase, I would cut the B up to the C grip, as written in the PS setting, rather than playing them evenly. Your timing is consistent, which is important. You might also consider holding out the D which ends measure 3 along with the other places that phrase appears. This lets you hold out the last long note of every single phrase/measure of the ground, giving your phrasing continuity. In the taorluath singling, I'd recommend bouncing off the Low A connecting notes after each taorluath much faster than you are currently, giving that time to the long connecting note which follows. Instrument: Great bagpipe! Very steady overall. Full, ringing high A — love it! Technique: Smooth and crisp hiharin technique. Great taorluaths with strong and clear taorluaths from D as well. Summary: I like how consistent you are with your timing, and although I was taught to time the tune fairly differently from this, there is room for a variety of interpretations. If you are looking for a good recording of this piobaireachd, I would recommend this recording of Ed Neigh: https://edneighpiob.org/salute-to-donald. I would definitely aim to shorten your Low A connecting notes in the taorluath variations. Good overall tempo to both the ground and variation 1. Excellent, impressive technique. Nice playing, Maël.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Mary Houghton           Tunes: Struan Robertson’s Salute      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Good musical pace and phrasing in the ground and first variation. Work on a smooth transition on the Low G to B before the hiharin at the end of each line, holding either the Low G or the B and moving more quickly through the other note. Either way works as long as you are consistent. Slight memory slip in the second line of the taorluath. Instrument: Drone tuning is very close. Lean into your chanter reed a tad for more pressure stability. Nice steady top hand in line 2! Technique: You have a rhythmic hiccup in the middle of your hiharin movement, pausing on the Low A before the birl. Try to elongate the D gracenote slightly if you need to, but keep the Low A before the birl just as quick as the Low A within the birl. Sometimes you are getting a Low A to D crossing noise. Nice, clean and even taorluath technique. Summary: Musical playing, Mary. A shame about the slight memory slip. Work on a more steady control of the bottom hand in particular. Strong technique, just work on hiharins and crossing noises.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Ray Morrison           Tunes: Duncan MacRae of Kintail's Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Swell the E in the Hiharin a bit longer. Expressive playing in the ground. Hold out the High A's in Variation 1. Instrument: Well-set drones! Great bagpipe overall. Technique: Make sure that D throws begin with a Low G, rather than a D gracenote. Some Low G crossing noises from Low A to C. Nice dares. Summary: Musical playing on a great bagpipe. A few sloppy bits of technique noted above that you want to sort out.
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Event 14. Grade 4 Piping - Piobaireachd (Ground and Next Variation)
Competitor: Sophie Stringer           Tunes: Glengarry's Lament      Judge: Nick Hudson      Judge's Comments: Music: Good timing overall, if a bit on the slow side. Even laments need to keep momentum going! Just shortening a few of connecting notes will help it move along. I think Variation 1 is a better pace and I like how quickly you are able to cut the Low A connecting notes, as this keeps the melody from being bogged down. Instrument: Drones nearly in tune. Very stable pressure control overall. F# is a bit sharp. Resonant and full. Technique: Excellent technique throughout! Summary: Very well-timed, but on the slow side. I like your confident treatment of Variation 1. Pipe is close but not quite locked. Technique is of a high standard. Well played, Sophie!
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 1      Tunes: Cutting Bracken      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Grace. A very poised strike in and patient sounding of the chanter. This is a mature aproach and very nice to see. A very strong musicallly phrased start here. The attention to the short notes here is excellent, great contrast. Watch to work on the strength of your hand work to low G, some good strength to fully close every time will improve this presentation. Excellent 4th part execution ! A very good tune. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian MacPhail      Place: 2      Tunes: The curlew      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Ian, A very poised strike in and patient sounding of the chanter. This is a mature aproach and very nice to see. A very strong musicallly phrased start here. The attention to the short notes here is excellent, great contrast. Tempo is good and there is a good attention to the musicality of the Jig. A well phrased tune overall with good lift. Pipe is well set and blown apart from High G a wee bit flat, also — watch your blowing on High A — make sure it is consistent as it sometimes comes through sratchy and other times not. Exectution is accurate and crisp. Pt 2 a wee bit overcontrolled just let the music flow through here like the other parts. Overall a great Jig on an enjoyable pipe. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lauren Rodrigues      Place: 3      Tunes: Corkhill      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Lauren, Watch on that strike in that your drones are not squealing. Good full drones once chanter souned. A nice tempo with good lift and phrasing here. Good strong hands playing a good consistent triplet movement. A good overall performance with good musical phrasing here. Thank you for this, David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lewis Stewart      Place: 4      Tunes: Kenny Gillies of Portnalong      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Lewis, A good start and brisk musical jig. The tempo is definately top shelf here, however you are handling it well. BPM is about 126/127 here so make sure to not go any faster. Some bottom hand work is a wee bit muddy at this tempo as well. A good effort and well phrased Jig with good musical contrast. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott McKinley      Place: 5      Tunes: Dr. Iain MacInnes      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Scott, A good first overall impression with your pipe sound here. I like the pitch very much. A very musical tune played and phrased well from the start. A wee bit of a bottom hand issue covering at times, however nice music. Watch the 3rd that you keep the triplet consistent and within the Jig idiom here. A difficult movement but worth the extra effort. A good finish of the tune, however letting the drones trail can take away from a good performance, work to cut them off. Thank you for this, David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matt Hardy      Place: 6      Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breeches      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Matt. Nice first impression with the good full strike with full drone sound. Good full, in tune sound to start. Good steady tempo and consistent triplets. Work towards more compound presentation here in a 6/8. A nice musical overall performance. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Wilcox           Tunes: Alan MacPherson of Mosspark      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Adam, A good bag strike and full sound of drones to start. Some finger strengthening excercises may help to get some crispness into the transition from one note to another. Tempo is good and consistent here and the phrasing is also on the right track. Keep up the hard work on the excercises ! Thank you David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Brooklynn Detheridge           Tunes: Fittie boatman      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: This video is showing as "video not available"
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gabriel Holbrook           Tunes: Donald Willie and his Dog      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Gabriel, A good overall tempo here. Watch to work hard to improve that bottom hand work and stregthen the hands by doing lots of excercises. A good musical effort here on a well sounding instrument. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breeches      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Keith, Nice tempo and phrasing here on a well tuned pipe. A wee bit of muddy bottom hand work to low G at times. A good strong birl. Good musical phrasing overall with good contrast. Thank you. David.
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Event 15. Grade 4 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lillian Prince           Tunes: Gurkhas’ Joy      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Lillian. Thank you for submiting your Jig for the World online contest. Triplets are nice and strong from start as are your grips. Bottom hand not always closing on the "B" finger, work towards strengthening this finger to have a more closed sound all the time. Tempo is pretty good start to finish. 4th part is a strand out strong part here. Drones are quite close but not quite 100%, work towards getting them closer each and every day. Thank you again, David.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Reece Doherty      Place: 1      Tunes: Alan Dodds Farewell to Scotland, Maggie Cameron, The Grey Bob      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Very nice march style right from the top. Excellent technique! Pulse expression very musical. Very cool 4th part very elegantly executed. Drones settling but not locked from start. Maggie Cameron very nicely pulsed and phrased, very good lift. Excellent timing of ornamentation as to very effectively support and decorate the melodic rhythm. Reel — excellent pulse and expression. Good grips etc. Very good job with the tunes!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hannah Focken      Place: 2      Tunes: Inveran, Stac Polly, Sandy Cameron      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Excellent gracenote technique overall. Excellent Inveran, well-phrased with good ornaments and excellent tempo. Strathspey - excellent phrasing, dotting idiom and pulsing critical beats - occasional over held notes. Reel: Classy transition and settle to tempo. Excellent rhythmic style. Good grip rhythm at end of reel — awesome job! Pipe excellent throughout.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban, Highland Harry, Bessie McIntyre      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Incredible bagpipe sound, well set, rich and steady. Video slightly distorted audio, but pipes are solid. March well executed and expressed. Strathspey idiom and tempo very good, runs and bottom hand rhythms nice and sharp. Stylish strath playing throughout. Bessie Mac also very classy, and very nice approach to dotting here — actually very nicely appropriate to each of the 3 types of tunes. This is very to achieve — excellent work!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Noah Mittwer      Place: 4      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban, Caledonian Canal, Colonel Macleod      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Excellent pipe, bold and balanced. Great expression and technique in the March. Strath transition nice, and great tempo and lift. some work to be done on tachum setting this tune, many D graces on beats where many play high G — food for thought. Reel — nice flow here! great rhythm and technique. I think you’ll do nicely in Grade 2 soon. For the future, with a video, you can edit out all that tuning time, which was a lot.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Margaret Hill      Place: 5      Tunes: The Clan MacColl, Inverary Castle and Lieutenant Colonel D.J.S. Murray      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Excellent tempo and expression right away in a tough but good tune. Great consistent doubling work. Great pipe, steady drones and High A sound. Losing some pulse definition in technical 3rd part, but good music! Excellent steadiness of tempo, very solid and musical. Great strathspey idiom and pulse, occasional technique slips around D strikes — easy to fix. As that happens just remember to support the pipe chanter by keeping on the blowing 100% in tough parts. DJS Murray played in a classy style, very clear technique and phrase balance. Awesome bagpipe overall.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Docherty      Place: 6      Tunes: Donald Maclellan of Rothesay, Inveraray Castle, Lochiel's away to France      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Bold and full pipe sound — a bit flat on High A. Good pulse and flow in the march. Execution vey clear and tidy, supporting the rhythm of the tune nicely. Strathspey Idiom executed very very nicely — ornaments very crisp and enhance the music. Nice break to the reel and steady solid music to the end. Pipe is huge for a guy your age — you’re a monster!! Congrats!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Beaton           Tunes: Father John MacMillan of Barra, THe Ewe Wi the Crookit Horn, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good pipe. March, very strong and classy. Cracking birls! Well-presented music with clear phrasing and expression. Strath transition good, and steady tempo and lift — technique clear and supportive of the tune. Reel grooving but a bit unsettled in first part, improving throughout. Last part good music, tech and pipe! good job!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alistair MacKay           Tunes: Donald MacLean’s farewell to Oban, Ewe with the crooked horn, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Hypnotic sounding drones and chanter — immaculately set and rich — yummy! March full of control and subtle expression, technique supporting the tune needs consistently. Similar in strathspey. Let the D throw flow more with the rhythm of the melody, and match the grips somewhat. 4th part of strath losing some of the pulsing, but exciting. Reel rhythm style is classy and grooving well, and technique supporting well. Awesome pipe to end - mostly keep composure musically in strath 4th part. Great job pal.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carsten Christiansen           Tunes: The Iron Division, The Lad that Wears the Plaid, The Blackberry Bush      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice bright melodic playing and perfect tempo in the March. Cool tune. chanter a wee bit sharp at start. Strathspey nice balanced phrases and lift - dotting is very inside the idiom - good job. Some technical misses but not taking away from the music. Wee choke in reel start threw you off bit but well recovered (due to sharp chanter setting, which got sharper). Good musical flow! Setting the drones more to low A may have helped with the performance clarity and your focus, but nice sweet pipe and good tunes! Keep rocking!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Clayton Nelson           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Ewe With the Crooked Horn, Johnnie MacDonald’s Reel      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice expression and pulsing, and execution to match. March unfolding very well, tempo nice and steady. Phrases all elegant and taking their turns gracefully. Strath starting well, easing in at the start is classy — good job. Clear controlled strathspey pulsing and lift. Reel transition nice as well, and getting in the groove nicely. Strong finish!!!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Craig McKenzie           Tunes: The Duke of Roxburgh's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest, P/M Hector MacLean, Drumlithie      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice full and smooth pipe sound. March has excellent drive, lift and phrasing structure. Darn that skirl! but the music kept flowing so good! Very enjoyable music in the march. Strath has all the right goods in terms of pointing and technique — one element that i felt could use some focus is getting the strath tempo up just a few notches. Reel tempo and idiom is just right and the technique supports the rhythm of the melody nicely. Pipe is nice and sweet and super steady throughout. Nice music!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daelen McCumber           Tunes: Donoald Maclean's Farewell to Oban, Duncan Lamont, The Grey Bob      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good steady tempo. Excellent phrasing and musical idea being conveyed. Same in strath, the tune is going well musically as the pipe drifts a bit so good concentration here! Reel is some solid musical groove going on here. The tempo is locked throughout making it very enjoyable Mostly BIRL work and grip/toarluath where pinky finger on low G technique just needs a bit more strength. You may be able to move your bottom hand in more towards the 2nd knuckle (a micro amount) so the middle flesh covers more, easier to apply pressure w/o tiring, and moves the pinky closer to the hole. I have to stretch my pinky before i play to make it fire on lock anyway, so i feel ya! The tunes here are really magic, so keep targeting low G tech and find a set-up that will stay in tune longer because the music is there pal!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma McTaggart           Tunes: Donald Maclellan of Rothesay, Maggie Cameron, Dolina Mackay      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Awesome bagpipe sound! Great march with very good pulsing, dotting etc. Good execution, occasional rushing and crushing the grips. Strath — excellent idiom and bright rhythm in the ornamentation. Runs excellent and driving. could relax the tachum-doubling movements to let them snap reel, again great subtle capturing of the rhythmic idiom, and excellent phrasing. Bagpipe held well. Great musical playing, but also in tune choice, awesome pipe and excellent technical work — keep going!!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eric Sparklin           Tunes: Captain Carswell, Highland Harry, and Willie Cummins Rant      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Outdoor sound capture is nice, very full and clear sound, rich color. March moving well. Technique very graceful, rhythmic and enhancing the rhythm of the tune Strath at a good tempo and lift, could use a bit more dot/cut contrast, i.e. shorter short notes Pipe holding well, very steady w just one wee choke. Strath tempo very solid. Clean reel presented well, could use a tiny bump up in tempo to match the march and strathspey well done!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hunter Nichols           Tunes: Dr. E.G. MacKinnon, The MacDonalds of Baleshore, The Ness Pipers      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good tempo and drive to the march — musical purpose felt here! Slightly round here and there — could use some more consistent dotting and cutting. More C in your D throw will help give the ornament the melodic direction it needs. Strathspey third part technique is demanding in this tune (Darodo/bubbly note especially) — a good challenge but perhaps another tune can highlight your musicality — keep it in the deck of cards tho as your bubbly works in EG MacK, so keep developing it! Reel - rocking! General — Occasionally more extending the pulse on the first downbeats of each phrase for balance of expression.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Lang           Tunes: Alan Dodds Farewell To Scotland, Susan Macleod, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Great march tempo with tons of spirit. Phrasing clear and balanced. Pipe set very steady. Doublings could be a bit smaller at this tempo. Cool tune! Strath transition. Nice easing into the tempo. Susan Mac going nicely. Again C doubling size clouding the clarity in part 2. Part 3 bubbly note a bit too bubbly — work on placing the first G grace on the beat. Groovy reel with nice musicality and no technical issues. Pipes very solid throughout. You have a little room to pull the tempo back to clear up the execution but very lively and enjoyable!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jim Davey           Tunes: Men of Argyle, Caledonian Canal, Colonel McLeod's Reel      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice bold pipe with great drones! Bright tempo right at the top! kept it going well. Great technical work, an odd miss but you know that 😉 Some issues in the microphone limiter, but I know it wasn’t you! Nice presentation the march, and well summed up ending phrase. Strathspey transition and tempo very good, occasionally needing more pulsing and dotting contrast but the dance was there!! Nice transition to the Reel - nice groove here. A bit off the tune in 2nd part. For me, I often have to really practice my endings the most, so I have the concentration there as the pipe stamina inevitably will wane — so just a little more time with this reel.
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Karen McIlvena           Tunes: Mrs Mary Anderson of Lochranza, Stac Polly, Traditional Reel      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice Pipe! Excellent movement and lift in the march — phrases well balanced and defined like an elegant conversation! Good tune for you with clear grace noting. Similar musical definition in strathspey — the technical challenges occasionally taking away the sharpness of rhythm reel — good musical purpose here, and rhythm is flowing well, technique tiring a bit but held together! Great job at getting the musical message across in an enjoyable way and congrats on the push in this challenging time!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matthew Dickie           Tunes: The Clan MacColl, Caber Feigh, Thomson's Dirk      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Great pipe and drive at first, some settling of tempo in part 1. Doublings are great and consistent. Keep the toarluath rolling quicker in the 3rd part to keep from getting stuck there. Strath transition good. Occasional phrasing and pulse definition to help pull the structure of the tune could make the strathspey pop a bit more — but good tempo and steady at that! Reel well-expressed — d grace a bit tired by now in this set! haha Overall balancing your bottom hand doublings and tachum snap as related rhythms will help add some pop to the little details. The pipe was an amazing standout — huge, rich and steady sound awesome to listen to and fun musical drive — great job!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Natasha Marshall           Tunes: The 1st Battalion Scots Guards Farwell to Southampton, Dornie Ferry, The Smith of Chilliehassie      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good tempo and clear phrase structure. Some crossing noises around D mostly. Tempo holding well in second half or march. Pipe set well, a bit sharp on E and F. Strathspey tempo solid — round at times. Slight memory error, I’ve been there!! Reel flowing well — a very challenging tune which you have the rhythmic style down. I recommend that you pick an strathspey and reel that are of equal technical level as the march, because then you can keep the same musical enjoyment and concentration and even build throughout a performance. Anyway I feel the good music coming through!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Orin Weiss           Tunes: The Taking of Beaumont Hamel, Ewe With A Crooked Horn, Lexie MacAskill      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: March is nice and steady in tempo, with clear phrasing. Good hand posture, finger work and execution is solid and in control. Pipe could use a longer blowpipe (you are growing so invest in an adjustable one). With that clear, you will be able to blow through the reed and set up more and keep it steady and in tune. The music and technical work here is very strong!! some work on the pipe sound and set up it self will help lay a foundation for all that wonderful chanter work. MSR each had a great tempo and was musically maintained. Keep it up!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Peter Fawns           Tunes: Arthur Bignold of Lochrosque, Capt Colin Campbell, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Nice lively tempo to the march. Pipe set decently, chanter a wee bit sharp. 3rd part of March — tempo holding well, a bit of pulse on Low A before the toarluath could help. Strath tempo very bright! Good lift. Reel — groovy. 3rd part more control on the GDE (slower actually) and prevent that rushing there. Fun and enjoyable playing!! You have some room to pull the tempo back (not much) to get a bit of more polish on the grace notes and have room to shade the pulsing a bit more without reaching boring tempo-land, and this could give you a chance to move up the ranks, but I feel you have the message of the music close and I enjoyed your spirited playing! Congrats!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Richard Christiansen           Tunes: King George V’s Army, The Lad that Wears the Plaid, Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: March tempo going well with musical expression some grace misses, high G especially - easy to workshop this into your memory of the tune drones very solid throughout, watch the odd surge from nerves (been there!) bottom hand execution is good - so an easy critical fix to all your gracing is to focus on the high grace note (better here in the strath than the March) strathspey musical presentation and phrasing is very good and a firm grip of the musical idea is brought out well for MSRs I often have to practice the reels most, to ensure my mental stamina is 200% at the end of the performance - keep on the reel a bit longer - it has a solid musical feel already
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Patterson           Tunes: Donald McLean's Farewell to Oban, Maggie Cameron, Kinlochewe      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good space for the pipe! good full and steady sound. March nice and musical expression throughout. B grips could rattle a bit quicker to the B. Strathspey nice and lively — technique going quite well here as pipe drifts a bit. Could use a bit more pulse at phrase starts, but nice dance feeling here. I feel you are tiring with the pipe in the reel, so some of the flow was affected, but held together rhythmically and technically Great job, nice musicality!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: The Iron Division, Olivia's Fancy, Scotsville      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Lively music from the march with a good tempo and clear balance of phrasing. Nice strathspey voice, good expression and dance tempo - some gracing articulation unclear. Wee bumps but good purposeful drive and continuation. Reel is in a nice groove — gracing a bit loose (D grace) but tune held nicely. Good job!!
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Event 16. Grade 3 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tom DuBois           Tunes: Donald Maclean’s Farewell to Oban, Maggie Cameron, Lexy McKaskill      Judge: Matthew Welch      Judge's Comments: Good tempo and phrasing at top of March. Pipe well set and steady. 3rd part of march some bumps on the road but held together. Strath starting well with lots of purposeful phrasing and pulsing — pipe still strong. Reel has a very rocking tempo, very musical and lively - tone is totally in control here. Very good tempo relationships between all 3 tunes — enjoyable. A few micro-blips but composure and purpose was kept on well.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 1      Tunes: Rab's Wedding      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Lovely, bright and vibrant. D perhaps a tad flat. A good tempo to this tune, right on the edge – exciting. Try to ease into the tune a little more at the very start however. Great swing and flow to the tune though I felt it began to increase in tempo slightly towards the end, keep the composure. This did not detract from the performance however. A very good entry with much potential – keep it up.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hannah Focken      Place: 2      Tunes: Alexander MacKenzie Clark      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nicely tuned pipes, lovely drones and a nicely tuned chanter. Drones drifted slightly towards the end. Great performance, lovely swing to the piece and a great display of technique, especially in the third part. In the third part there was one minor point of rushing; from the last note in the first line to the first note in the second line: try and wait for the tachum and start that movement on the beat. Nonetheless this was an excellent rendition of a tricky tune – well done!
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alistair MacKay      Place: 3      Tunes: Dominic McGowan      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely sound, nice bright chanter A nice bright tempo, great flow to the piece. Some decent display of technique throughout though I feel it could be slightly more solid, particularly low G strikes from B to low A. Generally speaking the runs of three quavers are good but try to point out the first of the dotted quavers more to enhance the overall swing of the piece. Overall, a solid entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma McTaggart      Place: 4      Tunes: Jean Mauchline      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – The Drones could have been better tuned at the start, the chanter is nice and bright. Great start to the tune, a nice bright tempo with great flow. There is a little bit of rounding out in the third part of the tune, try to keep the dotted quavers held to allow for enhanced expression. Technically very well executed though I feel the taorluaths could be a little more open. Overall a great entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Anthony Kelly      Place: 5      Tunes: The Bonawe Highlanders      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely, bright sound with a balanced chanter. Good entry to the tune. Great expression throughout and a lovely bright tempo and good display of technique; though perhaps try to lift the G gracenote finger slightly higher to allow for a cleaner C doubling and tachum movements. Also, the B before the taorluath in the last bar of each part could be held slightly longer for expression. On the whole this was a most enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Beaton      Place: 6      Tunes: The Heights of Casino      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Lovely drones, chanter is well balanced too. Drones drifted towards the end. A good tempo, though try to ease into the start of the tune a little more. Great swing of the tune from start to finish. Great technique though I feel it could be slightly crisper overall, particularly the tachams. Similarly the dotted quavers could have had a tad more weight to them, though this did not detract from the overall impression. Overall, an enjoyable performance.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan de Villiers           Tunes: Angus Mackinnon      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Lovely chanter sound though the drones could be slightly better tuned. Tempo is good, bright and with good flow with some very good technique. However, it is a little ‘Pipe-Bandy’ for me and could use a little more expression throughout to suit a solo performance. Try and ease into the tune a little more and also aim to point the dotted quavers that little bit more. This will enhance the overall swing of the piece. A good entry nonetheless, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carsten Christiansen           Tunes: P/M Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Could be slight closer to low A, nice bright chanter though. Good start to the tune though try to ease into the tune a little more. Good expression throughout. There are a few points of crossing between the top hand bottom hand, particularly in the final phrase of each part. Tempo is very steady and has good flow to it. Overall a solid entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Clayton Nelson           Tunes: Fairview Cottage      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Lovely sound to the drones, a well-balanced chanter. A good entry to the tune. The taorluath at the start could be slightly more solid, it felt a little rushed. The first part was very well played however the second part lost its swing a little. This got better in the third part of the tune. Generally the technique is very good though the grips could be slightly cleaner overall. Missed birl at the very end. Overall a great performance – well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Craig McKenzie           Tunes: Pipe Major Donald Shaw Ramsay BEM      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Lovely sound with a well balanced chanter, though the top hand is slightly sharp. A good entry to the tune. Great swing to the tune here though the tempo slowed down as the performance progressed. For the most part there is a great display of technique however there are a few moments of crossing, particularly from D to F. For the most part there is great flow from start to finish but at times it felt as though the decreasing tempo was stopping the overall flow. On the whole a great performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Elise Geffroy           Tunes: Bengullion.      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely, bright sound to the pipes. A good start to the tune. Good display of technique throughout though I feel the tachums could be much stronger. The first part was well presented however the tune began to round out as the performance progressed – remain composed from start to finish. Generally very musical, don’t feel you have to do a pipe band stop for solo competitions. A great entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eric Sparklin           Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – nicely tuned drones, F is a little sharp however. Try to ease into the tune a little more, a good tempo however. Decent flow from start to finish. I would try to hold the first dotted quaver in the group of 3 notes in a part, particularly the A-B-C (grip) motif at the start of the final 2-bar phrase in each part. Overall an enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Lang           Tunes: Pipe Major Sam Scott      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely drones, nicely balanced chanter. Try to ease into the tune a little more, a good set tempo however. Whilst the technical aspect of this performance is of great quality there is a little bit of overexpression throughout the piece (though this improved in the 3rd part). I feel this over-pointing of the tune is disrupting the overall flow of the piece, try to keep the piece moving along before you aim for expression. Technically spot on however. There is much potential here – keep it up!
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jim Davey           Tunes: Heights of Mt Kenya      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nicely tuned drones with balanced chanter, though the high G is a little sharp A nice, bright tempo with good flow. Great tunes selection as well. I feel, generally speaking, the first 2-bar phrase of the lines are played well but the second 2-bar phrase came across as quite round, try to point out the dotted quaver notes in these groups of three. This will enhance the overall expression and result in better swing in the music. A good entry nonetheless.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Karen McIlvena           Tunes: Pipe Major Donald Maclean of Lewis      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nicely tuned, with a nice bright chanter. Though the high G is a little sharp at times. A good start with a nice tempo. Good expression throughout. Try to point out the dotted quaver notes in the groups of three. A few crossing noises at times and a slight skirl on low G at one point. The third part is a slightly round in places. Overall a lovely performance with good flow.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Michael Jones           Tunes: Fairview Cottage      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Drones tuned fairly well, nice bright chanter, though the F wavered at times. A good start at a nice tempo. Very clean technique. The third part started to round out a little. Overall a good performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Natasha Marshall           Tunes: Duncan McGillivray, Chief Steward      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nicely tuned with a nicely balanced chanter though the high G is a little sharp. A nice tempo, steady and consistent. I feel this may perhaps be a little on the ‘safe’ side for me though there was some really nice flow at times. The third part started to round out a little as well and there were a number of crossing noises at times as well. Overall a solid effort of a difficult tune, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Orin Weiss           Tunes: Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – the drones could be slightly closer to the low A, chanter is nice however. A good start to the tune with some nice expression and swing. As the tune progressed the tune became slightly more round and ‘pipe-bandy’; try and keep the tempo nice and steady to allow the expression to flow consistently from start to finish. Great display of technique throughout. Double check your setting of the tune, I feel there may have been a few errors in the melody. Nonetheless and great performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Richard Christiansen           Tunes: Dovecote Park      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – The drones were tuned ok but could be closer to the low A. Chanter was nice and bright. Good tempo, nice, bright and with good flow. The third part took a little dip in tempo. The third part began to round out a little, but the fourth part was slightly better. Try and point the first note in the group of 3 quavers a little more Generally speaking, the technique is decent, though at times it is a little untidy. Make sure your taorluaths and doublings are practiced with poise and accuracy; try and lift the G gracenote finger slightly higher when playing doublings to avoid crossing noises and when playing taorluaths make sure the first low G is strong. On the whole a solid entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Patterson           Tunes: Pipe Major Donald McLean of Lewis      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – The drones could be slightly closer to low A, chanter is nice and bright however. Drones began drifting half way through the performance. Good entry to the tune. Whilst the tempo is nice the piece feels a tad ‘safe’ overall. However, the tempo is starting to dip as the piece continues. Whilst the technique is very well executed, the slowing tempo of the piece resulted in a lack overall flow, try to keep on the front end of the beat to allow for the tempo to remain in a good place. Overall a decent entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sally Craik           Tunes: P/M Bill Boyle      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Well tuned drones though the top hand is a little sharp. A good start to the tune. Lovely flow and nice bright tempo. I feel there could be a little more swing in the piece however, this improved in the third part of tune. There were a few rushed tachums in the first part which felt a little crushed, try to keep the composure at this point. Overall a solid entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sean Kerr           Tunes: Jean Mauchline      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Good drones and a lovely chanter sound, though the high G is a tad sharp. Good start to the tune with some good technique. In the third part I feel you could try and hold the first note of the phrase to achieve better swing in the tune. Generally speaking there was good flow though at times it felt as though there was some clipping of the short notes. Great technique throughout as well, with only a few wee misses here and there. A solid entry, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: Invergordon      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – Nicely tuned to low A, nicely balanced chanter as well. A good start to the tune, a good tempo however slightly ‘safe’. I feel this piece could have had a little more flow, try to bring the tempo up a little to allow for this. There is some good expression however there is some rounded phrases in the 3rd and 4th parts. Great display of technique however the D throws could be slightly cleaner. Great performance, well done.
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Event 17. Grade 3 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tom DuBois           Tunes: John D. Burgess      Judge: John Dew      Judge's Comments: Pipes – lovely drones, chanter well balanced though the F is slightly sharp. Lovely start to the start with a nice tempo, though perhaps slightly ‘safe’. Generally speaking this was well played however the final 2-bar phrase of each part is slightly round and slightly rushed; try to hold the first quaver in the group of 3 quavers to allow for more swing. At there were a few crossing noises here and there. Overall a very enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 1      Tunes: Donald Maclennan's Tuning Phrase      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Excellent sounding pipes. Nice steady tempo from the beginning. Timing wavered slightly in places. Try to keep phrase endings consistent. A tiny bit of rushing in 3rd part. Technique very good overall. Blowing wavered very slightly by the end of the performance but not distracting. Overall a very nice performance of a tricky tune.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Reece Doherty      Place: 2      Tunes: Allan McPherson of Moss Park      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes good overall. Drones not quite locked in. Chanter slightly thin on the top hand. Nice bright tempo. Try to keep phrasing consistent throughout. Blowing wavering slightly at times but not distracting. Overall a very good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hannah Focken      Place: 3      Tunes: John Patterson's Mare      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Very nicely tuned pipes. Very nice timing throughout. A couple of very slight crossing noises. Blowing could be a little bit steadier in places. Overblowing HA at times and sometimes under blowing when going between bottom and top hand. Big tune well handled with good technique. Well done.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Clayton Nelson      Place: 4      Tunes: The Curlew      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes good overall. Excellent drones. Grips slightly on the light side and a couple of slight crossing noises. Slight rushing in 3rd part. Try to keep tempo the same throughout the tune. Started out a little careful but ended up at a nice tempo. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Lang      Place: 5      Tunes: Judge’s Dilemma      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice full bagpipe. Nice bright tempo. Watch out for rushing at times. Some slightly unclear bottom hand work at times. try to keep phrasing consistent throughout. One or two slight crossing noises. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Docherty      Place: 6      Tunes: The Judges Dilemma      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes sounding good from the start. Very nice steady timing and technique. Birls slightly on the light side. Looks like the pipes maybe slightly tough to blow. A couple of slight blowing issues affected chanter sound a couple of times. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan de Villiers           Tunes: The fit tie boatman      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes good overall but drones not 100%. HA a little on the harsh side. A few chokes throughout. Nice bright tempo. C doublings a tad on the tight side. A nice performance overall
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Beaton           Tunes: Pipe Major Joe Wilson      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Chanter nicely set but drones not 100% from the beginning. Timing and tempo good. A little bit sticky on phrase endings. Good technique throughout. Overall a good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alistair MacKay           Tunes: Before kirkmichael games      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes nice from the beginning. Slightly underblowing top hand. Timing a little up and down at times. Watch out for rushing phrase endings. A couple of slight catches but technique good overall. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carsten Christiansen           Tunes: Corkhill      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice full sounding pipes. High A maybe slightly on the harsh side at times due to underblowing. A couple of small chokes throughout. Some good technique coming through but a couple of slight crossing noises at times. Really steady tempo and a nice rounded style coming through. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Craig McKenzie           Tunes: Donald MacLennan's Tuning Phrase      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice mellow pipes. Nice steady tempo throughout. Some slight crossing noises coming through. Technique good overall. Try to keep phrasing consistent throughout. Rushing off phrase endings at times. Good performance of a tricky tune.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David McLernon           Tunes: Kenny Gilles of Portnalong Skye      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes sounding good from the start. Full sounding drones not 100% in tune. F and HG getting slightly overblown at times. A few small crossing noises coming through. Nice rounded style but maybe slightly over holding longer notes at times. Timing wavering slightly in 3rd part. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Elise Geffroy           Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breeches.      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes nicely tuned. HA a touch on the flat side. Some slight crossing noises between B and F. Slightly over holding Fs in first part. Nice bright tempo. Technique good overall. Try to make gracenotes a little bit bigger and clearer in GDEs. Nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma McTaggart           Tunes: Cutting Bracken      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes sounding good overall but drones not 100% in tune with chanter. Nice technique coming through. Really nice rounded style. A couple of slight crossing noises. Rushing off phrase endings slightly at times. Overall a very nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eric Sparklin           Tunes: The Curlew, apologies as I played the hornpipe jig together, jig starts at 2:17      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes good overall but chanter and drones note quite in time with each other. Blowing slightly unsteady with a couple of small chokes. A couple of cracking throw on D's coming through! A couple of small misses but technique good otherwise. Nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hunter Nichols           Tunes: The Brides Jig      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice sounding pipes from the start. Blowing on F and HA was a little unsteady at times. It night be a good idea to blow the pipes for a couple of seconds before starting to get blowing on point before starting. Nice round playing. Good technique coming through. Timing a little up and down in 4th part. Overall a good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Margaret Hill           Tunes: Paddy's leather breaches      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes good overall. Drones note quite 100% in tune with LA. Blowing wavering slightly throughout. Some nice strong technique coming through. Slightly over-holding long Fs at times. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matthew Dickie           Tunes: The Piper's Bonnet Jig      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nicely tuned pipes with rich drone sound. Rushed slightly into the tune but settled in well. Slight choke in 3rd part. Nice rounded style. Timing good overall but sometimes getting a little sticky in technical areas. Overall a good performance of a tricky tune.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Michael Jones           Tunes: The Bride's Jig      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe tone. Drones well tuned. Maybe a tad thin in the top hand. Nice finger technique throughout. A couple of slight crossing noises coming through and the odd issue with timing in more technical parts of the tune. Nice rounded style but be careful not to over point long notes. Overall a good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Natasha Marshall           Tunes: Old Wife of the Mill Dust      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes have nice tone. Overblowing slightly on top hand and under blowing bottom hand a little. Slight choke. Grips slightly on the tight side. Very steady timing throughout. Some slight catches on HG doublings. GDEs nice and steady. Overall a good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Peter Fawns           Tunes: Kenny Gillies of Portnalong, Skye      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice pipes. Drones not quite locked in. Tempo good. Seem to be stuck between 2 styles slightly. Timing and pointing slightly up and down at times. GDEs well played but round sometimes and pointed other times. Try to keep this consistent. Technique good overall. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Richard Christiansen           Tunes: Corkhill      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes well set but drones not 100% locked in. Good steady tempo from the beginning. A couple of small chokes coming through. Some good technique coming through but a couple of slight catches at times and slightly light on the throw on D's and GDEs. Nice rhythm throughout. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Patterson           Tunes: Old Wife at the Mill Dust      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nice drone sound. Chanter slightly thin on the top hand. Nice steady tempo throughout. Try to keep phrasing consistent. Tending to over point notes at times. Good technique overall. Blowing slightly inconsistent when switching between top and bottom hands. Overall a good performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sean Kerr           Tunes: The Grid      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Nicely set chanter. Drones not 100% in tune with LA. Nice bright tempo from the start. A couple of slight crossing noises coming through. Try to finish tune at the same pace as the rest of the tune. Some good technique and nice double strikes. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 18. Grade 3 Piping - Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: The Pony Gallop      Judge: Cameron MacDougall      Judge's Comments: Pipes nice overall. Nice bright start to the tune. A couple of slight chokes and crossing noises but technique otherwise good. Maybe slightly light with some strikes and doublings. Timing slightly up and down at times and be careful to not rush phrase endings. Overall a nice performance.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hannah Focken      Place: 1      Tunes: Train Journey North      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice entry to hornpipe with good swing. Good technique throughout. Nice bagpipe with drones complimenting your chanter and playing. High A a very small fraction flat and F a very small fraction sharp. I really enjoyed this tune. If anything you could let the tempo go slightly for more impact.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 2      Tunes: The Sandpiper      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Excellent uptake to this tune with strong technique throughout. Birls in part 3 are slightly slowing you down first time through but spot on 2nd time round. Being picky, it would be nice to get a bit of lilt to the tune to add a bit more music — the way you are playing it is perfect for pipe bands but I think you could get more out of it in solos. Full sounding well tuned bagpipe. Lots of potential here — keep up the good work!
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alistair MacKay      Place: 3      Tunes: The Ship in the Bottle      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo for this tune. Well played throughout with good swing. You are slightly early into the pick up notes between bars/phrases e.g. cut b to ds before E doubling — this should be right on the half beat. Slightly untidy with cut b before D throw in part 3/4 — make sure you can hear the B clearly before the throw. High A/F intro to part 4 is also early and round — hold the high a and cut the F. Very nice bagpipe. High G and E slightly flat.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Clayton Nelson      Place: 4      Tunes: The Man From Skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune. Strong technique overall but a few light movements/misses. Your delivery of the tunes is a bit square — hold the first beat of each bar slightly to add a bit of pulsing. You are early into the tachum to low G before the last phrase throughout. Nice bagpipe overall and a good attempt at tuning — drones just not quite 100% locked.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Craig McKenzie      Place: 5      Tunes: Joe McGann's Fiddle      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice uptake to this hornpipe. Nice swing to the tune. Some cut notes are slightly too clipped ruining the flow you are getting to the tune. A few crossing noises from D to E throughout the tune also detracting from your delivery. Nice bagpipe with a sweet drone sound.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Beaton      Place: 6      Tunes: The Man from Skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Confident uptake to hornpipe but slightly too fast for my taste — slowing it down slightly would allow you to get more music out of it. Early off the Bs before tachums before entry to the last phrase. Also early on some pick-up notes into phrases e.g. cut B-D before E doublings. Tachums in part 3, phrase 2 are a bit round. Strong technique throughout and nice balanced chanter sound. Drones not 100% locked.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carsten Christiansen           Tunes: Rathven Market      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice steady tempo for this tune nice swing — good music throughout. Work needed on grips to E and darado movements — the low G in these movements. You are slowing the tune down on the crotchet high A in part 4 by holding it too long. Chanter reed too strong - quite a few chokes throughout this tune. Working on drone tuning would also allow your bagpipe to complement your music.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma McTaggart           Tunes: The man from skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice uptake to this hornpipe. Good swing with lots of lift. Early into the cut E in part 2 line 2 between 2 high As — this should be right on the half-beat. Same in pt4. You are also early off the high G in part 3 bar 2 — the E should also be on the half-beat. Strong technique throughout. Overall a nice bagpipe. Drones are well locked together but not 100% with chanter.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eric Sparklin           Tunes: The man from Skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune. GDEs in 2nd phrase slightly round. You are early into the pickup notes between parts — make sure the cut B to E is right on the half beat. You are occasionally early into the birls in ending phrases. Overall, steady throughout with strong technique. A key area to work on is drone tuning as this would allow your bagpipe to compliment your playing. Reed seems too hard — a number of chokes throughout the tune. Jig not assessed due to this being a hornpipe contest not HP/J
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Murning           Tunes: The Man from Skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo for this tune. Well phrased. Good technique throughout but your E and D doublings are slighly too big in the last phrase which interupts the flow. The tachums in part 3 could be slightly tighter to fit with the rest of the tune too. Working on your drone tuning is a key area to work on as this would allow your bagpipe to compliment your playing.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Margaret Hill           Tunes: The Piper's Controversy      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice steady uptake to this tune with good treatment of round notes. I just felt you could have let it go a little bit to get more excitment to the music. Strong technique throughout. Chanter is a little harsh sounding with sharp high G and flat high A. A bit more work on getting your drones 100% locked with your chanter would enhance your overall performance.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Peter Fawns           Tunes: The Man From Skye      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo and uptake to this tune. Slightly early into the tachum to low G before the ending phrase throughout. Your bottom hand is occasionaly early off the chanter when going from top to bottom hand notes. Part 3 phrase 2 you are missing out some notes which interrupts the flow of your tune. Technique very strong overall. Working on your drone tuning would allow your bagpipe to compliment your playing.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Richard Christiansen           Tunes: Sandy’s New Chanter      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune. Good treatment of the round feel of this but you need more definition between the quavers and semiquavers — you are not giving the quavers their full value. Doublings and birls coming across well but the shake at the very end needs to be right on the last beat and you are playing the G gracenote early and spreading it out too much. Working on your drone tuning is a key area to work on as this would allow your bagpipe to complement your playing.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Patterson           Tunes: HMS Renown      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo for this tune with good swing. Your technique needs some attention — a number of G gracenotes at the start of are slightly after the beat making the movement sound untidy. Well balanced pipe chanter with a reasonable attempt at tuning your drones — they're just not 100% locked together.
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Event 19. Grade 3 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: The Ship in the Bottle      Judge: Calum Watson      Judge's Comments: You are playing this tune a little fast. Overall good treatment of the round notes but your quavers are too similar in length to your semi-quavers which is spoiling the musical effect. Your technique seems quite strong but a number of gracenotes are too big and very similar in size to the notes of the tune meaning the melodty isn't clear e.g. in the last phrase — you are having to slow down the last phrase to fit them in. Chanter fairly well balanced but drones not 100% tuned.
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 1      Tunes: A Flame of Wrath for Squinting Patrick      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Seamus, great to hear you. Pipes: Well tuned, great tone and clarity. Ground: Poised and enjoyable pace for this tune. Bold but not out of control. Seemed a bit rushy in the second half of Line 2 compared to Line 1, this continued in Line 3. The higher pace is alright, though try to keep this consistent. Still a very well played ground. Var I: Good pacing. D gracenotes in hiharin movement a bit open for me, I like a little longer E and snappier D gracenote, but solid consistency on this. A bit of instabilty on the first Low G in Line 2, perhaps a little underblown for a moment. Chanter coming off a bit sharper than the Drones at the end of Line 2 and into Line 3. Var I D: Well played. Chanter blown a bit better here but pipes aren't as locked. Would like to hear just a tiny bit more phrasing in Lines 2 & 3, otherwise very well played. Crunluath Singling: Chanter separating from drones a bit more. Be sure to keep the brakes on during the middle phrase of Line 2, don't let it get too fast. Give yourself some space to speed up in the Doubling. Very nice. Crunluath Doubling: Good pacing here. A couple near misses on Low G connector notes. Work to make sure each and every note is clear and in tune. Missing a hole is can really hurt your sound, even if just a tiny bit of air is escaping from underneath your finger. Seamus, a great tune. Clearly you're very well taught and have heard some great playing! I really enjoyed your performance here and look forward to hearing you again. The most important thing to work on is ensuring that you always get a solid Low G sound when you go for it. Additonally, aim to get your pipes to stay stable for a whole tune. This was a very mature performance for this grade and I look forward to hearing you play again sometime!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Anthony Kelly      Place: 2      Tunes: Tulloch Ard      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Anthony, thanks for playing! Pipes: Very full and bright. Perhaps a tad sharp for the solos. Well tuned with a great presence. Ground: Strong entry with poise and control. Clean and clear fingering. Odro on C at the end of the line somewhat open before the grip for my taste. Great edres and dares. Some slight slowing in Line 2's middle phrase. One slight catch to E in Line 3 Bar 2 and a tight Dare in Bar 3. Very very well played. Thumb: Sounds as if you're not playing the High A at the beginning of the High A Doubling? Coming through better in Line 2. Again the C in the odro movement a bit large for me but very consistent. Good work. PIpes are booming here. Stunning High A. As in the ground, tending to lose some momentum the later you get in the variation. Keep it moving along. Var II: A little slow getting to the grip at the end of the line. Good pacing and phrasing otherwise. Doubling: Great pacing here. Exceptionally well played. Effective use of slowing down before the Taor Singling. Taor Singling: Clear and clean technique. Well played. As above, slowing some in Lines 2 & 3 compared to Line 1. One tight taorluath in Line 3. Taor Doubling: Some inconsistent lengths of the notes after the taorluath movements .Try to match all of these up better. A catch from Low A to F in Line 2 phrase 2. Losing some composure towards the end of this variation ever so slightly. Crunluath Singling: Very well played movements and control of the cadences. First crunluath in Line 2 not spot on. As above some slowing down in Lines 2 & 3. Work on keeping a perfectly consistent tempo throughout the variation. Crunluath Doubling: One wrong note in the second phrase of Line 1, played an E for a Low A. Almost a perfect tune! Losing compsure here. Even if you have a wrong note try to keep control of the tune. A few other incorrect notes through the rest of this variation, just this section left to perfect and you've got a top class Grade 1 tune in my opinion. Pipes held steady. Well Anthony, I certainly don't think Grade 3 is the grade for you! Even with the slip there in the Crunluath Doubling this was an extremely strong performance on a massively above grade level instrument and fingers. Notes above are little things you can do to get this tune to an extremely high amateur/professional standard. I'd recommend working on the crunluaths a bit to get them to the same quality as the rest of the tune. Nonetheless I consider this a very enjoyable performance. Thanks for playing!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Hannah Focken      Place: 3      Tunes: The Little Spree      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Hannah, thanks for entering! Pipes: Drones set very well. D set a tad sharp. Ground: Good balance, although slow for my taste. Very clean and clear technique. One missed grip line 1. More energy in this tune would help it along, but again, very well played. Edre movements are spot on. Don't be afraid to cut your short notes even shorter (16th notes in the Piob. Society Collection). One tight grip and tight edre in Line 3. In the final phrase you played a G gracenote on the C in the last measure rather than on the B in piobaireachd society - be sure to check this out if not given by your teacher! Doubling: Again slow for my taste at the start, but moved along as you went through Line 1. A couple tight grips and edres throughout, otherwise well played. V1: Still slow compared to the standard pace of this tune, but again very well played and balanced. Good job showing phrase and line ends. Taorluath: Consistent playing here. A lesser-heard style with the slight pause after the GDE but well executed. One tight GDE Line 2. Some unsteady blowing towards the end of this variation — keep the pressure up! Crunluath: Good pace change from the Taorluath. One sticky crunluath movement Line 2 Phrase 2. Slowing down in Line 2, be sure to play with energy through the end of the tune. An enjoyable tune, Hannah! Many great points to talk about. Well tuned instrument (save for the sharp D) that is handled exceptionally well. The tune was well balanced but quite slow compared to how we normally hear it. Try to move the tune along more to bring more life into the tune. Not all piobaireachd needs to be slow, and this is a great tune when played at a more moderate pace. Still, very, very well played. Keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Daelen McCumber      Place: 4      Tunes: Field of Gold      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Daelen, thanks for entering! Pipes — Drones aren't quite in. Chanter is pretty well tuned at the start. High A and F are sharp at the start. Ground — Good entry and pace here. Enjoyable phrase end at end of Line 1. Dare movement could be a little more like your edre movement, work to match them rhythmically. Untidy D throw Line 3 Bar 2. Work on closing the D gracenote in your B cadences just a hair more to match your C cadences. These little pieces of technical consistency can really help a tune shine. Nonetheless, a very well played ground. Var I: Nice change of pace and dotting/cutting. Good job showing phrase ends here as well. Taor: One tight GDE towards the end of Line 2 and a couple towards the end of Line 3. Otherwise very well played. Crunluath: Good balance here, though the edres and crunluath movements could use some work. Try to use the E gracenote at the start of the edre as a gracenote to Low A rather than a "large" gracenote. This would help this tune get to the next level, but still is well played. I enjoyed your tune a lot, Daelen! Some things to focus on in your preparation for your next contest — getting the drones perfectly in tune with one another and some time working on your crunluath and edre movements. This was a very polished and poised performance that clearly illustrates your understanding of piobaireachd structure and phrasing. Great job!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Noah Mittwer      Place: 5      Tunes: Flame of Wrath for Squinting Patrick      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Noah, thanks for playing. Pipes: Very well set, although dull overall. Good job! Drones and chanter separated throughout the tune and weren't spot on at the end, but were very close. Ground: A very bold pace for this bold tune, perhaps a little too fast? A couple tight D gracenotes in hihharin movement. Var 1: A little rushy into the B double echoes in Line 2. Crossing noise to E in Line 3. Var 1D: VERY well played. Great phrasing and poise. Crun S: A bit "go and stop" for me here - would like some more balance around the crunluath notes. Better in Line 3. A sticky hiharin at the last measure. Crun D: Much better. Missed a note in the last line - B in the penultimate bar was not played. Almost a mistakeless tune! This was a strong performance, Noah. You have a great pipe with strong hands, lots of good stuff. That being said, this was fast for me. Shame about the missed note, but still a very well played tune. Thanks for playing!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Tom DuBois      Place: 6      Tunes: Too Long in This Condition      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Tom, thanks for submitting your video! Pipes: Drones are close to in tune but not fully locked with the Low A. Some top hand notes (F mainly) are fairly sharp, but a piece of tape will fix that. Ground:Good pace to start. A tight C taorluath at the end of Line 1. Dare and Edre movements from High A aren't spot on - work to achieve the same kind of evennes on the Low A's of the Edre as you do the Low G's in a taorluath and then match the Dare to that. A quick check with your instructor can really help polish these up. Low A spectacularly in tune at the end of Line 2 of the ground - that's the perfect pressure to keep the pipes in. Work to maintain that throughout the whole tune and you'll be locked. Edre movements in Line 3 better than before. Work to achieve that consistency! Doubling: Clear change of pace, nice job. Crossing noise to the High A Line 1. Some tight technique throughout this variation. You are definitely able to play the movements well, so try to relax your hands to make every taorluath the same. Good phrasing at the end of Line 2. Var I: Strong entry to this with poise and control. Again you hit the perfect pressure multiple times on the Low A in this, so keep that up. F is pretty sharp throughout the tune so far, just a bit of tape will calm that down. Drones aren't locked but I would say they're very close. Nice phrasing through this variation. Doubling: Some chirpy gracenotes here from overblowing and a handful of crossing noises. Otherwise well played with good phrasing. Crunluath: Good pace here as well. Rushed into the dares at end of Line 1, keep those brakes on in the singling. Better job on that in Line 2. Edres aren't as clean as your Dares in this variation, work to get them to be exactly the same rhythm. Doubling: One missed D gracenote Line 1 Bar 1. Again a few chirpy gracenotes but otherwise well played. Overall a very well played tune, Tom! With a piece of tape or two on your top hand and some work on technical consistency this is at the top of the grade. Very enjoyable performance.
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Alasdair Beaton           Tunes: Lament for Donald of Laggan      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Alasdair, thanks for entering! Pipes: Drones aren't quite locked in wiht one another but set well to Low A generally. F is pretty flat, take some tape off to get it more in with the proper interval. Ground: Good pace. Missed G gracenote on D in first bar. Try to keep the Low G before your D throws a bit more concise. Nice Dare movements. C nearly missing in D throw in Double Echoes in Line 2. Very nice playing in the last line! Taorluath: Effective change of pace into this variation. F is distracting, quite flat. Could use more phrasing at the end of Line 1 the first time (you can achieve by holding out the D with the fermata for longer). Better on the repeat of Line 1 with the E. Some inconsistent blowing starting in Line 2 — work on maintaining a steady pressure inside the bag. Taorluath Doubling: Another effective change of pace. A few tight movements here, try to get these to sound the same rhythm each and every time. Good phrasing overall. Crunluath Singling: Movement is tight and fast, leading a few crushed movement where grancenotes aren't fully sounding. Try to play these 5% more open and focus on hearing the two solid Low G's before moving on. Slip in Line 3. Crunluath Doubling: Effective change of pace again. Good recovery from the slip in the last variation. Speeding up some in the repeat of Line 1 — keep a steady pace to show more control. Overall an enjoyable tune, Alasdair! Some things to work on inclue clarity of your crunluath movement and getting the pipes more solidly in tune. Don't be afaid to open up your embellishments to ensure they are fully even and clear. You've got a lot of potential for this to be a great tune considering your phrasing and musicality throughout, so just work on those technical pieces to bring it to the next level.
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Alistair MacKay           Tunes: Struan Robertson’s Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Alasdair, thanks for playing. Pipes — beautifully tuned and stable. High G and F sharp, at times moreso than others. Ground — Good rhythm and pace. D gracenote in hiharin movement a little more open than I like, but well played and consistent. D throws are very nice. Taor Singling — Missed E gracenote in second Taorluath. Rushed into the E to Low G taorluath just a hair compared to the others in Line 1 both times. Similarly in Lines 2 and 3 rushing into E taorluath movements in both Phrase 1 and 2 Doubling: A nice clear but not overcooked change of pace into the doubling. Some inconsistent rhythms in Line 2 as well as some not-as-perfect taortluaths. Be sure to hear two solid low G's and a clean E gracenote in each and every movement. I think your transition to Crunluath would be more effective if you started to slow down in the second phrase of the last line of this variation to glide right into the next variation rather than slowing down on the final notes. Crunluath : The edre portion of your crunluaths isn't always spot on — some small inconsistencies and a couple misses of the E or F gracenotes in this variations. High G is a tad flatter than at the start of the tune, more in tune. Very pleasing tonally. Doubling: As above, some inconsistent technique here and like in the Taorluath some rushing into the movements following an E themal note. This variation could be just slightly faster to show the excitement of a crunluath doubling. Overall a tune that is above the Grade 3 standard for certain. Pipes are excptionally well set and blown with a few instances of overblowing on High G and F. A very mature performance with a few things that can be improved upon both technically and musically. Focus on getting each and every piece of bottom hand technique to be consistent and watch out for places you may be rushing into the techniue. Very enjoyable to listen to, thanks for submitting!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Allan Kerr           Tunes: Glengarry Lament      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Allan, thanks for entering! Pipes: Drones relatively close to each other, not quite locked in but not far off. Overall they are set flatter than the chanter, though and the chanter rose in pitch throughout the tune. Ground: A bit of a quick pace for me to start. Try to open up more, particularly on the technique. Grips were more of a light music grip and could be broader to show more musicality. Good job on the short notes, just extend out your longer notes to set a pace where you can show tempo variation as you go along the tune. Dithis: A bit round and maybe 15% faster than we'd want.Try extending your themal notes even more and cutting the connecting notes more aggressively. There are some instances of good dot/cut ratio, so try to use the most aggressive dot/cut you're using now as the standard, and make every "beat" (for lack of a better term) that way. Could use more phrasing here to show the end of each line and phrase by extending the final themal note of each 2 bar phrase and line end. This is a challening step, but one that could help you throughout this tune and all of your other piobaireachd. Dithis Doubling: Not much change of pace here — by slowing down the Dithis Singling and extending the themal notes you'll give yourself more space to move the tune along in the Doubling. As above, extending the phrase ends would help create some more structure. Taorluath: Movements are largely pretty solid, with a few in each line being not as perfect. Pace is a little quick and doesn't leave much room for tempo change for the Doubling. As in the Dithis Singing, try to extend out your themal notes even more to give yourself space for the next variation. Taorluath Doubling: Somewhat round here and not much tempo change from the Singling. As above, slowing down the singling will give you the space needed to illustrate the pace change from variation to variation. Similarly try to show those phrase ends mentioned above by extending the final themal note of each phrase and line. Good job slowing down at the end of this variation! Crunluath Singling: Try to maintain the same, slower pace that you established at the end of the TS. Some chokes here. Movements are again pretty solid with the odd one or two not as perfect as others. Crunlath Doubling: Good tempo change here. Sounds like you're struggling with the strength of the reed here as you get towards the end. A quick pinch of the reed would help, and perhaps taking a little cane off as well. Overall a nice tune, Allan! With some work on getting the drones more locked in with the chanter and some focus on the points above (phrasing, pace, etc) I think you'll have this tune polished and rocking in no time. Enjoyable tune!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Callum Ross           Tunes: Struan Robertson's Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Callum, thanks for entering! Pipes — Drones well set. Low G is pretty unstable — perhaps some under and overb blowing. High G flat — take just a little sliver of tape off and see how that goes. Ground — Hiharin movement not quite spot on. Listen for two strong Low G's. Pretty good pace for the ground of this tune. Work with your teacher to maintain a steady pressure on the bag at all times to help the chanter stay more in tune. Taorluath Singling — Some tight technique here. There are times you play very musical movements, so aim to get every single taorluath like those that are clear and concise. As above, work with your teacher on maintaining a steady pressure, as you're getting some chanter chokes here. Good pacing overall in this variation. Taorluath Doubling: Started out at a nice tempo but slowed down some as you moved along. Wrong gracenote at the end of Line 1 (Played D instead of G after the last taorluath) Try to keep this variation moving along at the slightly faster tempo you started out at. Very nicely played closed taorluaths. Some squealing in Line 3 — be sure to cover the holes completely! Would be good to hear you slow down some as you approach the end of the variation to glide in to the pace for the Crunluath Singling. Crunluath Singling: Fairly well played movements here, Callum. Good work! As above some blowing inconsistencies are making your chanter unstable. It looks like you're breathing a lot, don't be afraid use your arm more to take longer, more sustainted breaths. Crunluath Doubling: Good change of pace into this variation. Be sure you're playing the proper gracenotes on your connector notes at the end of each line (should be D). Good job on this tune, Callum! Work on the notes above to help you solidify this tune to an even stronger contender in these contests. Keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Clayton Nelson           Tunes: Struan Robertson’s Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Clatyton, thank you for entering! Pipes: Drones are pretty well set. D is sharp/unsteady on the chanter. Work on maintaining a steady pressure to keep the chanter stable. Top hand is well set and blown. Ground - Good pace to start. As you went along in the ground, Lines 2 and 3 were faster than Line 1. Keep the brakes on. Taorluath Singling - Some very tight technique here mixed in with some nice rhythmic playing. Consistency is key in these technique-heavy variations, and remember in piobaireachd that you can play embellishments more open than in hornpipes and strathspeys. Take time to enjoy the rhythm of each taorluath you play and this will improve a lot. Overall well played variation. Doubling - Effective change of pace to start, though a bit long in some places as you went along. Phrasing is important in piobaireachd, but be sure to keep the flow of the tune going with just subtle phrasing. As above speeding up in Lines 2 & 3 - keep steady. Crunlauth Singling -A quick pace here, better controlled as you got to the phrase ends. Keep this a bit slower so you can show contrast in the doubling. Crunluath Doubling - Effective change of pace again. Movements are tighter as you're playing faster, so work on keeping them open and consistent. Overall a solid performance of this tune, Clayton. Some inconsistencies to work on, but a good job playing a full piobaireachd. Keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Craig Mitchell           Tunes: Struan Robertson's Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Craig, thanks for your video! Pipes: Drones are close to one another but not quite locked in. Chanter is well set up with nice tone and pretty solid tuning. Good work! Ground: Great pace to start. Try to hold on to the note at the end of each line more to show the end of the phrase, like you do at the end of Bar 2. Some inconsistent D throws (I play light D throws in piobaireachd myself and prefer this more common style). High G well tuned and blown. A bit long on the High A's in Lines 2 and 3, but consistently played. Like in the first line, hold out the last note at the end of the ground to prepare the listener to go into the next variation. Overall a very well played ground. Taorluath Singling: As above, hold out the line ends more to show the listener some phrase ends. A few tight taorluaths from High G in Lines 2 & 3 but otherwise very well played. Taorluath Doubling: Not much of a pace change here, very slight. A little more energy here would help highlight the difference from the singling to doubling. Good job showing line ends here! Again a few tight movements as above, try to make every single movement exactly the same. Most of them are spot on, but those couple that aren't stick out some. Try to slow down your last phrase of this variation as you prepare for the Crunluath singling. This will help you glide right in to the slower pace. Well played variation. Crunluath Singling: Movements are largely well played with a handful of tight. Slip in Line 2. Keep that focus even when you're getting tire. This is a hard thing to do but you'll get there with practice. Crunluath Doubling: Some chokes and losing steam here. Keep strong! Hesitation into the repeat of L1, done twice. When showing the phrase end be sure to use the final themal note rather than the final connector note, so you should hold the note before the crunluath. Overall a very well presented tune, Craig. Shame about the slip, but these things happen. Keep at it and I expect to see you continue on to do great things with your piping. Work on the notes above like keeping your phrase ends clear throughout and preparing for your pace changes between variaitions and you'll have this tune polished in no time. Enjoyed your tune!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: David Dailey           Tunes: The Company's Lament      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi David, thanks for playing! Ground: Rodin movement not spot on — try to keep the first Low G even with the second. Right now you're playing quite a long note here and we want to consider these three gracenotes beamed together (LowG, B, LowG) as one movement. Some erratic playing here, work with your instructor to keep the pace the same from bar to bar. A few spots of overblowing on High A's but drones are fairly stable and not too far off from the chanter. Var I Singling: Good pace and consistency in this section. D throw in Line 2 not quite clean. Var I Doubling: A little slow at the start but better as you went along. Try to show the change of pace from the beginning of the variation. Crossing noise that was almost a note mistake Line 2 and some squeals in Line 3. Var II: Good change of pace here. Try to keep your G, D and E Gracenotes nice and concise through this section. They are coming off a bit large and aren't conveying the rhythm of this kind of variation aims for. A check in with your instructor will help this! Taorluath: Good control of the embellishments, but starting to really overpower the reed. It's very common for pipers to blow hard as we approach more challenging technique, but with some focused practice on this you'll get rid of of the squeals and squawks you're getting around these embellishments. Good job keeping them nice and open, though! Crunluath: Better blowing here on a more difficult embellishment. Good job keeping the embellishments nice and open. In the long run the goal is to get them to a rippling effect, but for now keep them slow and even. As you continue to play the movement try to keep your hands loose to keep the movement even. Overall a pretty well put together tune, David. A few things above to work on, but above all I'd recommend taking some time to work on relaxing your fingers. All of the technical comments above stem from playing with very tense and strong hands. Strength is important for sure, but try to get a little more finesse. It may be that you need a slightly easier chanter reed in order to relax your fingers, but nothing wrong with that at all so long as you're relaxing your blowing as well. You've got lots of potential, so keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Emma McTaggart           Tunes: Company’s lament      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Emma, thanks for entering! Pipes: Drones aren't quite locked in with each other and are tuned flat to the chanter. F is sharp. Ground: Pace is somewhat fast for this tune, but strong fingers and music. You're clearly well taught and working hard! Var I: One incorrect gracenote in the first measure, where you played an E rather than a G on the second 'beat.' Be sure to follow the music closely! A nicely played variation with strong hands. Again a fast tempo, take your time here to let the music flow out more. Doubling: Very well played! Good control on your short notes. Try to slow down at the end to show the end of this variation. Var II: Well controlled GDEs here. Work to maintain the same pressure in the bag at all times. This is a challenging task to master, but your can definitely do it! Taor: Strong movements. One note mistake in the repeat of Line 1. D taorluath has a tight B gracenote — keep this one at the top of your mind as you practice, it's difficult for everyone, but you can do it! Crunluath: Good change of pace into this variation. Movements are a bit tight, take your time to keep all of the Low G's and Low A's even and audible. You've got great hands, so with some practice these will be easy as pie to play consistently. Overall a nice tune, Emma! Lots of positive playing and just some small things to work on to take this to the next level. It's certainly challenging to tune yourself, but keep working with your instructor and you'll get there. Keep up the great work!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Eric Sparklin           Tunes: To long in this Condition      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Eric, thanks for playing! Pipes: Well set at the start. Great balace. F sharp. Ground: A bit of a bolder pace for this tune, but not necessarily too fast. Good consistency with your pace as well. A few taorluath movements are tight and lacking 2 clear Low G's, be sure to open these up more in piobaireachd than you play in light music to show the rhythm of the movement even more clearly. Dare and Edre movements aren't quite spot on rhythmically, take some time to open these up and even them out more. These are challening piobaireachd movements but you've got the mechanics down, now it's all about finesse. Otherwise a well played ground. Doubling: Some chirpy gracenotes here. You're holding some of the taorluath notes far longer than others disrupting the flow of the melody. Tight edre and Taorluath Line 2. Tight movements in Line 3 as well. Var I: Good pacing here. You're playing a "full D" in your cadences here rather than a "d gracenote" to the B's and C's and is tending to be tighter than we'd want in our cadences. Work with your instructor to be sure you've got the right technique for the cadences in this section. A few missed Low G gracenotes after cadences as well. As above some overphrasing that disrupts the flow of the tune, be sure to phrase just enough to be aware but not so much as to stop the pace of the music. Doubling: Nice change of pace, not too much, not too little. As before some overphrasing stopping the flow of the tune. Don't be afraid to keep this tune moving a long in the doublings. Crunluath Singling: Edre movements in the first measure not quite accurate. Work with your instructor to get the note before the edre to the proper size and to achieve technical clarity. Playing crunluaths instead of edres in some places Doubling: Above some technical inaccuracies getting in the way of the music here. Work on the edre and crunluath movements, as well as the Crunluath Fosgailte to achieve the clean fingering we're looking for here. Lots of good musical thought going on, but the technique is getting in the way of your music shining. A pleasing musical tune, Eric! Some technical things to work on to allow your music to shine. Work on getting the top hand of your chanter more locked in, particularly on High A and F, both of which ended up fairly sharp, both due to tuning and a bit of overblowing throughout, particularly on the more challenging sections like Dare movements from High A. You've clearly got a great musical mind for this tune, so keep working on the technique to show it off! Thanks for submitting this great tune
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Hunter Nichols           Tunes: Lament for Donald of Laggan      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Hunter, thanks for entering! Pipes: Drones aren't quite locked in with set flat to chanter overall. D is set very sharp — some tape will help here. Ground: Good pace to start. Long hold at the Low A at the end of Bar 2. I like the phrasing but losing flow some there. Some near stumbling near the Dare movement at the end of line 1. Double echoes could be longer on the second note (long low A in the E's and long E in the F's). Some inconsistent playing on the repeat of line 1 in Bar 3, High A longer this time than first. Line 3 the High A in Bar 1 pretty long, try to move this along to keep the flow of the music going. Good odro in line 3! Taorluath: Good pace to start! Movements are solid. A little rushed at the end of Line 1, try to extend the fermata longer to show the end of the line. A couple tight movements as we go along here. As above, try to extend the fermata notes a little more to show the ends of phrases and provide some more structure. Doubling: Nice showing of pace change. Movements again pretty solid with the odd tight one here or there. Two tight closed D taorluaths. Slowing down more at the end of this variation would help you show more pace change as you go into the Crun singling. Crun Singling: A tad fast for me here, keep the brakes on to show the pace change from previous variation. Good job showing the end of Line 1. Sped up in the repeat of Line 1, keep those brakes on! A technical mishap on the first D crunluath in Line 2 - a sticky Low G. As above, keep the brakes on throughout all of your singlings and on the fermata notes to show the phrase endings and to give yourself time to show the pace change in other variaitions later on. Crun Doubling: Overall a strong finish to this tune. A slip in Line 3 (B for D) but otherwise well played. A nice performance, Hunter! This tune is one of my favorites and was glad to hear it. A few things to work on in terms of pacing and tempo, but you've got a solid understanding so far. Work on getting those pipes fully locked in, both the drones to each other and then of course locked in with the Low A. At the end of your tune they weren't too far out, but during the tune they were moving around a bit. Between that and adding some tape on D you should be moving along well. Be sure that you're holding yourself accountable as you practice to ensure that all Taorluath and Crunluath movements are proper and even. Remember that you can always slow these down slightly to achieve consistency, and that a lot of players, even in the highest grades are just a bit slower than we think they are on these more challinging pieces of execution.
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: The Marquis of Argyll's Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Keith, thanks for entering. Pipes: Drones very well tuned at start. F and C a bit flat. Ground: Untidy hiharins (birls) and B double echoes at the ends of Lines 1 and 2 respectively. Missed D grace in cadence to C in Line 3. A well played ground. Blowng is a concern here as F's are sometimes flat, sometimes sharp. Try to keep a consistent pressure on the reed to keep a steady tone. Var I S: First Low A connector note was a bit shorter than others. Try to establish your rhythm and pace from the first note of each variation. B Echoes better here. Speeding up in Line 3, keep the brakes on until the doubling. Drones and Chanter almost in tune, some overblowing making the chanter sharper than the drones. Well played variation. Vari I D: Good change of pace here. Not too fast, well controlled. Taorluaths at the end of Line 1 not spot on. Nice phrasing at end of Line 2. Line 3's taorluaths a little better (first one was spot on) as were Line 4's. Good work there. Taor S: A nice pace here. The first Low G in your taorluath movement is sometimes played too large. Try to relax your bottom hand to allow for a clean and clear movement each and every time. An extra Low G in B double echo in Line 2. Some untidy bottom hand work in Lines 3 and 4. Rushing towards the end of this variation, keep those brakes on unitil the doubling! Taor D: As above, some inconsistency in your taorluath movement. Certainly at the Grade 3 standard if you ask me, but with a little work can be at the top of this grade quickly. Some untidy work at the line ends here. Crunluath Singling: Well played movements to start this variation. A hesitation into the second half of Line 1 that followed through in Line 2. Match this section up with the Taor Singling where you were able to glide into the second half of these lines with ease - all about flow there. Crunluath Doubling: Good change of pace and playing of most movements. A handful of less-than-perfect crunluaths, but clear musical playing and a solid sense of time. Keith, very glad to have a chance to listen to you play up from Grade 4. I think you would be a perfect fit for Grade 3, at least in this contest and those that I've heard in the Eastern United States. Some notes above to help you get this tune to the top of this grade. Your pipes are quite stable and well blown for the most part, but keep thinking about a steady pressure while you're practicing. With some work on this tune you'll be placing in Grade 3 in no time. Great job!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ray Morrison           Tunes: Duncan MacRae of Kintail's Lament      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Ray, thanks for playing! Pipes — Hard to tell on this recording, but drones sound relatively close to each other and Low A. E is sharp to the Low A. Ground — Odro movement not quite clean - try to open your grip up to hear two solid Low G's. Slowing some in the second line, keep this tune moving along. Although it's a lament it can move along more. Some Dare movements are starting with a G gracenote rather than F. Thumb Variaition — Not there? Var II — Effective change in pulse. Work to maintain a steady pressure in the bag. Your chanter is moving around as you higher notes and blow harder. A steady pressure well help your chanter stay stable. Var III — Again a nice transition of pace. Crossing noise in the cadence at end of Line 1 first time. Good consistent phrasing and rhythm. As above, chanter instability is distracting from the melody. Thanks for this submission, Ray. A few technical things to work on in addition to keeping the pressure in the bag steady so you can achive a more stable chanter sound. Keep up the good work!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ron J. Graham           Tunes: Hector MacLean's Warning      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Ron, thanks for submitting! Pipes: Well tuned at start, chanter rose some throughout the tune. Ground: An aggressive tempo here to start. Missed second hiharin. Nice Donald Mor rundowns. B double Echo in Line 2 pretty tight, followed by a tight hiharin. Crossing noise in the last bar of Line 2. Missed B Double Echo Line 3. Overall a very bold ground for a very bold tune! A few technical things to work on but good music. Dithis: Good dot/cut to start that rounded out as you went along. Nice phrasing. As you went along you slowed down some. Try to keep the pace up, even when going to a doubing. Doubling: A tad slow for me, particularly compared to the bold ground. Otherwise well played and consistent. Taor Singling: Movements aren't spot on with two solid Low G's. Run down at end of L1 not as good as the other. Pace is fast for my taste, give yourself some more space to show pace changes into the doubling. Taor Doubling: Not much of a pace change into this, but the movements are better for the most part here. Feel free to open up the movement more for piobaireachd than you do in your light music. A bit of an abrupt slow down in this section, try to start your slowing at the beginning of the last phrase to glide right in to the pace of the crunluath singling. Crun Singling: The Low G part of your movement is slightly inconsistent - be sure you're hearing 2 solid Low G's each and every time (other than Low G of course). Speeding up in the second line compared to the first, keep the brakes on here to show the change of pace in the doubling. Crun Doubling: Good consistent pace, though the E's after the movements are tending to be too long and out of balance with the themal note. Remember that you have more time than you think to play the movement itself. You've got a handful of them going really well, so be sure to hold yourself to the standard of your very best! Overall a very nice tune, Ron! Lots of good in here, although my notes above may be a bit nitpicky. A few technical things to work on like the B double echoes in the ground, more aggressive dotting/cutting in the Dithis Singling and just maintaining the clean and clear Taorluaths and Crunluaths you're certainly able to play. Musically, just focus on bringing the pace up and down as it needs to be just a bit more. One of my early teachers used to tell us to play piobaireachd with phrasing and pace changes clear enough that an alien would be able to tell that things changed, and I think following that will help you show the structure of this tune even better. Good work, and keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Sarah Keir           Tunes: Struan Robertson’s Salute      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Sara, thanks for playing! Pipes: Drones aren't in tune with each other. In the virtual environment this is hard to do, but take some time to match each drone with your Low A and they will be closer. Top hand isn't where we'd like it to be just yet. Work with your instructor to make sure each note is in tune. Right now your High G is flatter than your F, so get with a teacher when it's safe to get your chanter more in tune. Ground: Solid strong pace. Missing the second Low G gracenote in your hiharin (birl) movement at the end of the line. Chanter intervals make it sound like you're playing some wrong notes, but when watching your hands you're doing it right, so get with a teacher or piper who can help you tune to help you along. Taorluath — Better hiharin here. Good consistent rhythms in this section. Doubling — Good change of pace and phrasing in this section. You're clearly well taught! Try to make all of your embellishments the same rhythm. Crunluath — Some inconsistent playing of the crunluath movement, althoug some are quite nice. Just like in the taorluath, work to get every single movement to have the same rhythm and you'll have this going well in no time. Doubling — Good change of pace. Great to see you show your understanding of piobaireachd structure and pacing. As above, the chanter tuning was a bit distracting from the music. A few chokes as you were losing steam here, but nonetheless a solid illustration of your understading of the tune. A nice start to this tune, Sarah! You have a good concept of what we are trying to do with piobaireachd, and with some more time with a teacher I think you'll see some great results in the near future. Work particularly hard on getting your instrument in tune and on keeping your embellishments consistent. Keep it up!
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Event 20. Grade 3 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: Lament for the Rowan Tree      Judge: Andrew Donlon      Judge's Comments: Hi Steve, thanks for playing! Pipes: Drones are not in tune with one another but not far off. Generaly close to the Low A on the chanter. Ground: A brisk pace for a lament tune. This could be mitigated by holding out the E's on your cadences more, which are fairly short in your video. A few pieces of untidy technique and a missed G Gracenote at the end of Line 1 on E. Try to make your odro movement one clear movement rather than a C followed by a grip. Good phrase end at Line 2. As above, work on extending the E's in your cadences. Var I: Good tempo and balance of themal notes to connector. Speeding up in Line 2, keep those brakes on in the singling! Speeding up as well in Line 3. Give yourself some space to increase the pace in the doubling. Doubling: Again a nice transitition and pace. By keeping the Singling slower in Lines 2 & 3 you could benefit from some more contrast between the variations, but this is well played. Be careful to not speed up in Line 3 Bar 2 where it goes down the scale. Would be nice to see some slowing down in Line 3 as you approach the next variation. Taorluath: Your taorluath movements often are missing the two Low G's — slow these down and listen for two very clear, clean and even Low G sounds before moving on. Crunluath: As in the taorluath, a lot of missing Low G's in your movements. Slow the movement down and listen for a full even sound on the Low G's and Low A's between the D, E and F Gracenotes. Glad to hear a less common tune in this contest, Steve! Be sure to work on the technical notes, particularly your Taorluath and Crunluath movements to polish this tune up. These technical things are challenging, but you can certainly do it!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Marc Warnock      Place: 1      Tunes: John MacDonald’s Welcome to South Uist, Catlodge and Fiona MacLeod      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Lovely sounding instrument; Solid tempo to start march; some little pushed passages but generally a great march. Good into Strathspey: lovely here — some short notes a little under valued but consistent rhythm and phrasing. Lovely transition to Reel: great rhythm here and really only criticism was a little frantic in the 4th part 2nd line but did not really detract from performance. Overall a very enjoyable MSR on a solid pipe from start to finish! You have excellent timing and the only criticism I mentioned above was some little pushing pulling you out of what you are generally doing 98% of the time and only meant for you to be aware of as you are progressing along nicely and show excellent promise! Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 2      Tunes: March - Invergordon's Welcome to Queen Elizabeth II Strathspey - The ewe with the crooked horn Reel - Willie Cumming's Rant      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Lovely sounding pipe with drones not quite locked but lovely tonal balance; good start to march with lively tempo; Watch the ending phrase where I feel you are slightly ahead of the offbeat in bar 7 with the short D going down to the B . . . could wait longer on the E then sound a nice relaxed F and punch the short D right on the offbeat - double beat this phrase to assist); Otherwise nicely played march. Good into Strathspey with aggressive tempo. You have a tendency to be al ittle pushy in places (ie., Part 1 Bar 2 Beat 4 you are consistently early to this C doubling pulling you out of rhythm) which creates a frantic feel. Being steady with the beat is very important to keep the listener calm and feet tapping away. A little bit abrupt heading into the Reel and your short notes could be a little more articulate here as they are coming across as being too short (ie., the short E from the High G to the D doubling). Good feel for the rhythm here and the short note articulation could be the result of a little bit of tension and sometimes just by relaxing your hands a bit they become more audible because you don't struggle releasing, moving to the next note..you just move to the next note); 2nd part you were early to the D doublings consistently here (offbeat) and in the 4th part you were early to the half doublings on F (offbeat again). Overall you have all the tools and this was still a very enjoyable performance on a nice instrument you appear to have complete command of . . . The next level for you is taking care of the above and my suggestion is to first identify what I have commented yourself by re-listening and then breaking the metronome out in doiuble time so you find that offbeat as this is not difficult to fix at all and will feel right once you get onto it! Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Forrest      Place: 3      Tunes: Pap of Glencoe, Maggie Cameron, Willie Murray's Reel      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: March: Losing a bit of steam in the third and fourth bars of the 1st part but nice tempo and lovely bagpipe; solid 2nd part; again losing some steam in the third and fourth bars of the 3rd part — keep it going; you have the right idea in terms of expression in the tune but a tendency to overdue it in bars 3 and 4 causing a loss of momentum. Strathspey: Good drive and expression here; losing a little steam in the 3rd part on the birls . . . keep it going; good strathspey! Reel: good into Reel; watch you don't "ghost" the C before the D throws in the 1st part. Otherwise very good playing. Overall a very enjoyable performance on a nice, steady instrument you have good command of. Keep the pace going in the march as mentioned above to enhance your performance. Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Callum Campbell      Place: 4      Tunes: Brigadier Ronald Cheape of Tiroran, John Roy Stewart, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce pipe and tonal balance; Nice march tempo; There is some tiny pushing on the offbeats here throughout the tune (ie., 1st part bar 2 with the back-to-back tacchums you are jumping to the C going back up the E following the tacchum down...need to wait on the Low A and punch the offbeat in time); Late with the birls at the part endings slightly especially in 3rd part. Nice expression. Good into Strathspey; missed B doubling in first part; nice drive in 2nd part but laboured in the third on the Low G GDE's; otherwise solid. A bit abrupt getting into the Reel but tempo okay: missed GDE from B to Low G in the 2nd part; Losing a bit of steam here coming across slightly laboured at times. Overall a very enjoyable MSR played with lots of confidence. I would like to see you play with a little less grip and break out the metronome just to identify the offbeat more to allow you all the time you need to play the music as there were a few misses but mostly caused from pushing early and gripping. Show excellent promise!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon      Place: 5      Tunes: John MacDonald's Welcome to South Uist, Monymusk, Alick C. MacGregor      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and solid tempo to start. You are pushing to the C a little early consistently in the 1st part to start Bar 2; in the 4th part you are playing a very short D before the Good into Strathspey: NIcely played here and nice expression. Great into the Reel and really nice stuff here; mistake in the 4th part 3rd bar but solid rhythms throughout! Overall a very pleasing MSR with lots of poise and finesse; shame about the slight mistake in reel but did not detract from enjoyment on a very nice instrument you had complete command of. Show excellent promise keep it going!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eddie Boland      Place: 6      Tunes: Inveran, Arniston Castle, Lt Col DJS Murray      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and well tuned; Nice tempo for march and playing well; The D grace note to the C and within the tacchum in the first bar are a little too big causing some clarity issues slightly; 2nd part pushing early to the 2nd half doubling on F on the 2nd beat consistently pulling you out of the rhythm slightly; otherwise good march. Good into Strathspey and nice tempo estabished; grip on E in 3rd and 4th parts a little light . . . needs more Low G. Good into Reel and nicely played; a little pushed in delivery pulling you out of the rhythm slightly. Overall a nice performance on a nice instrument; I believe you could benefit from a little metronome work in the March and Reel just to ensure you are locked into the rhythm and not pushing offbeats. You have a nice feel for the music and good hands.
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aaron Gray           Tunes: Craig 'n' Darroch, Maggie Cameron, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and drones tuned well; Solid tempo for march; you pushed the ending phrase in bar 7 with the back-to-back tacchums you are jumping to the B instead of waiting and this happens throughout the tune otherwise a nice march. Strathspey: good into tune and nice tempo; tight C doubling at the ending phrase in part 1; playing well on the beat and nice expression and there were a few pushed places but okay. Good into the Reel: Again a few pushed places but playing rhythm pretty well here. Overall a nice MSR on a solid bagpipe you have complete control over. Would like to see a little more attention to the offbeat in the March and Reel just to keep you in a nice consistent rhythm and eliminate the pushed passages that creep in from time to time. Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Earl           Tunes: Colin Thomson, John Roy Stewart, Lieutenant Colonel D.J.S. Murray      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice Pipe — High A is a little scratchy; nice tempo to start the March: pretty accurate playing here and there is a slight pushed feel on offbeats at times. Strathspey: good into tune; cautious tempo but consistent; A little round here and could use a little more expression which in this tune comes from NOT being early to beats. Need to phrase the tune but it is all about waiting for the beat and being right on here and you have a tendency to push a bit. Good into the Reel and again a little pushed here in delivery as well. I would suggest breaking out the metronome here and play the March and Reel in double time to give you the offbeat as I believe it is here that you have a tendency to be early with. You have good hands and being on the beat with loose hands to allow you to be free in terms of moving about the chanter will improve your presentation and level. Good stuff!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan MacNeil           Tunes: John MacDonald's Welcome to South Uist, The Ewe with the Crooked Horn, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice full Pipe. Tempo fine in the March but there are some pushed playing at the part endings where you jump to the C doubling. Some slight crossing noises creeping in as well which is often caused by gripping the chanter too hard. Nice feel for the music! Stathspey: Low A before the B doubling is too small. Reel: Tempo good and generally you are playing the music correctly but there are slight crossing noises popping up here as well. You have good hands but I believe you need to be able to identify the crossing noises and then loosen up your hands in order to allow more mobility about the chanter. If the pipe is a bit hard this can cause tension and a tighter grip of the chanter as well. Showing excellent promise!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Arnold Edwards           Tunes: The Clan MacColl, Shepherd's Crook, Bessie MacIntyre      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and solid tempo in the March; watch you don't push the beat as you are pushing the ending phrase by being early to the short notes going down and back up at times disturbing the nice flow you have going. Strathspey: Good into tune; you are pushing the B doubling in the ending phrase here consistently; mistake in 3rd part; expression coming through but again some pushed beats disturbing the steady rhythm required here. Good into Reel — 2nd part short F ghosted in 3rd bar; mistake in the 4th part. Overall a nice presentation on a nice instrument. Just need a little more poise by adhering to the beat (and offbeat) a little more. A metronome utilizing double beat is always helpfull as a strategy for working on playing on the beat consistently. You have the hands and music to do this!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron MacNeil           Tunes: Milbank Cottage, Caber Feidh, and Kalabakan      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: March: Slight chokes in the performance; inaccurate grace notes in tacchums in the 3rd part (too big) Strathspey: a little pushed and tight hands creating a "sticky" delivery and some misses. Reel: NIce break and started strong and much better timing here. Major choke in the last part. Overall I feel you need to be in better command of the instrument which may be a bit hard or a chanter reed that is not free — All of this will contribute to the gripping (tension) which causes missed execution and is not as much fun to play. In most cases a comfortable and efficient instrument fixes everything up and immediately improves any presentation. Showing excellent promise!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron Stewart           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy Dornie Ferry Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe — drones not quite locked together and not quite on with Low A detracting from the tonal quality. Nice tempo to start March. Some pushed offbeats throughout the tune in bars 3 and 4 Strathspey: good into Strathspey; expression is nice here and other than some slight sticky Taorluaths in the first part nice playing. Reel: Nice break and tempo nice; some loss off rhythm here by pushing the beat most evident in the 4th part. Overall I feel you could relax your hands a little and break out the metronome for the March and the Reel just to ensure you are paying attention to the offbeat which is important in maintaining a nice, consistent rhythm because you have the right idea in terms of expression and music. Show excellent promise!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Canaan Strobel           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Duncan Lamot, Johnnie MacDonald's Reel      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Lovely pipe and nice tempo in the March; watch you don't overclip your short notes in Bar 4; nIce phrasing! Shame aobut B/D but sounding very poised Canaan . . . look forward to hearing the finished version next time 🙂
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Charlie Elliott           Tunes: Kantara to El Arish, Dora MacLeod, Bessie McIntyre      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Lovely drone sound and well-tuned. Solid tempo in March and nice flow. I felt you were cutting your tacchums a little too much here which could be caused by gripping the chanter and attempting to play rhythms in time with large grace notes creating the grip with tension. Strtathspey: Nice entry and expression coming out pretty well. Some inconsistent runs and your Short Grip on C to E needs more Low G in the grip portion. Lighter hands will allow easier mobility about the chanter so you can be on Low G and still execute a small D grace note before returning to the E - must be in time though!! Nice into the Reel; Established a nice Reel rhythm here and although there were some pretty short "short notes" again as was the case in the March well played. Overall a nice presentation on a great, steady pipe you have great command of; Would like to see you begin the process of smoothing things out now with a lighter touch to allow your short notes to breathe and small grace notes in order to articulate tacchums and doublings properly . . . It is here that the next level is achieved as you understand about timing and tempo and although these tempos were on the cautious side, they are approrpiate for this grade level however it is still too brisk when you are playing heavy handed with large (off the chanter too far) grace notes. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Duncan McKelvie           Tunes: The Inverness Gathering, Lady Louden, Thomson’s Dirk      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Pipe okay and drones pretty close; nice tempo to start March; you are slightly pushing the tacchums in the first part and playing big grace notes inhibiting the proper articulation of the movement (ie. the B doubling and the tacchum down to the Low A in the part ending — put this on double beating with metronome and really wait for the G grace note on the Low A (this is the offbeat) following the B doubling to smooth this out and make it more distinct); 2nd part has a similar occurrence with Bar 1 where you are playing very short E and a big G grace note to the short C causing the E and the C to almost become non-existent . . . a small G grace note and proper offbeat timing will give you all the time you need to play this effortlessly); 3rd part repeat a slight catch; 4th part 2nd timing a loss of accuracy with the tacchums to start. Good into the Strathspey; some slight crossing noises but nice drive throughout and pretty good expression. Good into the Reel : 3rd part wrong note in middle bars. 2nd part tacchums in bars 4 and 8 illustrate the big grace notes being on top of one another inhibiting the correct rhythm of the taccums; timing pretty good here. Overall a nice MSR played with confidence on a nice pipe; I believe you are holding the chanter too tightly and playing your grace notes a little too big which is causing the loss of clarity in your doublings, tacchums and GDE. You have a nice feel for the music and the above will push up to the next level by just relaxing your hands and playing smaller grace notes!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ed Kitlowski           Tunes: Miss Elspeth Campbell. Lady Mackenzie of Gareloch, The Smith of Chilliechasie      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and tempo is a little brisk in the march; need to smooth things out a little here by waiting for the beat a little more as you are pushing (ie. phrase in the 4th bar you are rushing down to the Low G doubling instead of ensuring you put the G grace note on the Low G to start the doubling right on the beat where you were early consistently here). A little abrupt going into the Strathspey and I felt the initial C doubling was light and early; 2nd part you are a little square with your treatement of the High A, short E to C doubling triplett down to Low A in the first bar beats 3&4. You are currently playing the E too big because you are trying to play a nice open C doubling however the trick here is to wait on the High A, play a shorter E and be right on the beat with the G grace note to start the C doubling. You can create a nice exercise here to improve this by starting with the High A, short E (ensuring correct length), G grace note on C THEN same adding the rest of the Doubling (D gace note) THEN same adding the E grace note to establish a nice triplet (GDE) THEN same complee the phrase using an E grace note down to Low A to complete the phrase & REPEAT. Good into Reel: aggressive tempo here and pretty good rhythm established but still some pushed phrases where you could just relax a little more to allow yourself the time to maintain a consistent beat from start to finish. Overall a very enjoyable performance on an outstanding instrument!; Some pushed phrasing causing some slight misses which can be worked on with exercises as mentioned above along with a metronome at a desired tempo (thought march and reel were a bit quick so try march around 62-64 beats/min and the Reel at 72-74 beats/min for Grade 2 to start as I think you were around 68-70 beats/min for the march and 75-77 beats/min for the Reel and pushing the beat — use Double Beating with the metronome and identify the offbeat in both the March and Reel to assist in holding you back).
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fergus Terry           Tunes: Royal Scottish Pipers Society, Shepherds Crook, Archie MacPhail      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce pipe but al ittle close to the mic with the chanter causing some "tin" sounds; Nice tempo in March; Hands appear to be a little tight (gripping the chanter) creating a sticky delivery and causing some misses . . . ending phrase you don't appear to be lifting your E finger when playing the quick High A following the High G in the 6th bar consistently (could be resut of gripping the chanter BTW); 4th part on the 2nd time ending in the 5th bar you did not play the short F before the High G doubling? Nice consistent rhythm throughout and expressed fine! Good into Strathspey: need to look at the music in the first part as you appear to be playing a singular D grace note down to Low G in beat four of the first bar (and wherever else this occurs) instead of what is commonly played as a tacchum (maybe what is written in your setting but just in case?). Pretty well expressed throughout. Good into Reel: nice rhythm established here and consistent beat throughout...well done! Overall a very enjoyable MSR and everything seems to be progressing nicely in terms of your music and expression. The tension in your hands is preventing you free movement about the chanter. You need to loosen up your grip which alone will improve your performance and accuracy because right now there is a fight between gripping and having to loosen to move the fingers off the holes to play the music and technique . . . You can take care of this conflict by relaxing . . . sounds easy and once you do it you will notice you won't be missing things and will find it much easier to stay on the beat! You have the hands and music to do this!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Freddy Santana MacKinlay           Tunes: Major Manson's Farewell to Clachantrushal, John Roy Stewart, Duncan Lamont      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and solid tempo to start the March; watch you don't cut the short C down to the Low A in the part endings before the birls; Nice expression and drive throughout the march; The F and the High A blown very sharp in the last part and may be set too sharp as well? Good into the Strathspey: pretty good expression here and nice tempo; Hands sound like they are beginning to get heavy here and in the 3rd part you had to hike your bag which indicates some tension and being uncomfortable which detracts from being accurate and in time. If the pipe is too hard you will need to make it easier to get the most out of your hands and enjoyment. Good into the Reel and again a little tight here with hands creating some overly cut short notes and pushed feel. Overall a good MSR and you have excellent hands. Would like to hear you with a more comfortable bagpipe to ensure that you are more relaxed which will most likely take care of a lot of the tension coming through your performance in terms of hands and maintaining tone from start to finish. Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Friedrich Christiansen           Tunes: The Highland Wedding, Maggie Cameron, Mrs.MacPherson of Inveran      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Pipe okay but drones not locked together and with Low A detracting from overall tonal balance. March tempo okay but there are times where you are ahead of the beat (ie. 2nd part, bar 2, beat 2 you are consistenly early to the F doubling and in the 3rd part slightly early to the birls from High A). Your short note treatment is quite "tight" and it may be due to gripping the chanter which can be attributed to holding on too tight as a result of the bagpipe being too hard (this may also explain the chanter sounding as if it is just being blown to make sound instead of more pressure to get to the "sweet spot" especially with the chokes coming across). Good into Strathspey; missed first C doubling (tension?); pretty good feel for the expression here and some little crossing noises coming through which again can be attributed to tension in hands which can be caused by the pipe being too hard. A little delayed getting into the Reel and then it was a bit abrupt in terms of tempo and aggressive from there; 5th part some little crossing noises and chokes coming as if you are just trying to make it to the end? Overall a good MSR where you have demonstrated a great set of hands. Need to loosen up a bit and I suggest looking at your pipe set-up to ensure it is not too hard as sometimes this will alleviate all of the above. Reel Tempo I felt was a bit fast but again your pipe may have played a role here too.
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: George Panagiotou           Tunes: Glen Caladh Castle, Macdonalds of Baleshore, Salmon Leap      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce pipe but a little bit of reverb hurting the overall tonal quality; Nice tempo to start the March which you are playing confidently and with nice accuracy. Good into the Strathspey and a nice tempo and could use just a hint more of pulse here although you were very accurate and consistent with playing and beating throughout . . . need to be a little shorter with some short notes to give it some pulse but maintain the tempo. Well done! Good into the Reel and very consistent playing here as well with strong technical accuracy. Overall you are on the right track and have a nice feel for the music and hands that can get it done! In moving forward maybe a little better recording equipment to showcase what sounds like a solid instrument you are in command of. Very enjoyable performance!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jürgen Christiansen           Tunes: Miss Delicia Chisholm, Struan Robertson, Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Pipe okay but drones not locked together and not quite on with Low A detracting from the overall tonal quality which is most likely quite good. March: cautious tempo and generally playing very well here; Watch you don't "clip" (play too short) the E before the D throw in the ending phrase. Strathspey: good into tune; delivery coming across a little square in terms of expression but consistent tempo. Need to relax and find some expression here starting with a basic Heavy, Light, Medium, Light strategy. Reel: 1st part missing the first G of the GDE's on Low A; 4th part agian some areas where you are not sounding the G grace note for the tacchums and GDE's (missing G) as well as really cutting the first short C tacchum to Low in bar 2. Overall pretty good MSR on a pipe you seem to have good command of; I believe you are gripping the chanter a bit and pushing the beat which creates a pushed feel and causes missed (inaccurate grace notes) technique. Try using a metronome to really identify the beat and offbeat throughout the March and Reel and a lighter approach will allow you more freedome to lengthen out some notes in the strathspey and still ensure your short notes are audible for expression.
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mike Francis           Tunes: The Taking of Beaumont Hamel, Stac Polly, Bessie MacIntyre      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice Pipe-drones not quite locked onto Low A; nice tempo for March; a little laboured in the High A, short F to E doubling; you have some short notes that were almost not there in the last couple of parts. Sometimes gripping the chanter too much can cause this so try relaxing a little more an re-listen to performance to see if you can hear this as it is important that you identify this to fix it. Strathspey: a little lazy entering the tune but playing was pretty good; short notes a iittle short here and runs could be a ittle more open to ensure all parts are articulated. Reel: good rhythm here but again a little tight with the hands causing the short notes to be "clipped" (ie., 2nd part tachum going down to Low A in 7th bar need to hear the B more). Overall a pretty good MSR on a good pipe; Would like to see you start to try and relax your hands a bit more in order to make it easier on you along with sounding out your short notes more. Work on your timing with the double beat on the metronome to ensure accuracy as you have good hands and a nice feel for the music and the above is mentioned to get you up to the next level. Be sure pipe isn't too hard either as this can contribute to tension and therefore heavy hands that leads to the cutting of short notes too!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Owen Sulistio           Tunes: King George V, Dorrator Bridge, The Sound of Sleat      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: NIce pipe and good tempo to start March. Watch you don't come in early to start the short C to E following the tacchum in the 2nd bar of 1st part; You are also playing the short F up the High A in the 4th bar too short as well in answering the phrase (Need to play the D throw, then come off a little earlier to the E and punch off the short F on the offbeat to ensure it is articulated correctly); In the 3rd part the short F's up to High A again are too short. Strathspey: Missed first C doubling but nice tempo and expression; More low A before the Taorluaths in 3rd part; a little clipped in the first bar of 4th part. Reel: Good break here; some tightness here causes some misses on B doublings. Solid MSR playing and overall a very nice instrument you are in complete command of throughout. Would like to see you loosen up a bit which will most likely allow your short notes commented on above to become more audible and the remainder will be just ensuring you are playing in time in terms of offbeat awareness. Metronome can assist here to free some space for you but you have the hands to do it. Well done!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Philip Duthie           Tunes: High Kennedy, Dorrator bridge, Fiona Macleod      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Good pipe and nice tempo to start the march; a little square in beat 2 of Bar 2 in the first part coming down from the HIgh A to the short E to the C doubling — you are playing too big an E and not waiting long enough on the High A — If you are worried about the C doubling then work on playing the High A, short E and ensure the G grace note to start the C doubling hits the offbeat confidently to keep you in the correct rhythm because this phrase stands out from the rest of the part as presented; 2nd part the short D following the initial C in bar 1 is too short leading up to the E doubling; 3rd part a little inconsistent with your treatment of the Low A's and the Low G's in the answer phrase should be the same as the Low A's in bar 1; otherwise nice march! Good into the Strathspey and cautious tempo; pretty accurate playing but coming across a little laboured; Good into the Reel and steady tempo here; playing with nice accuracy and rhythm; 4th part 3rd part was dirty with a very short F and big G grace note to start the E doubling was most likely the reason. Overall you are a very accurate player and I believe you just need to relax your hands more to allow them to move about the chanter more freely which will actually improve your short notes that are currently too short (ie., Short D in the first bar of 2nd part mentioned above). A little metronome work to really identify the offbeat (use double time) in both the March and Reel will assist you in keeping a nice steady rhythm. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raquel MacFarlane           Tunes: 2/4March- The Conundrum, Strass- Moneymusk, Reel-Fiona Macleod      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Pipe okay and nice solid tempo for march; playing nice and consistently on the beat here and there is a feeling of tension (sticky) finger movement here which could be the result of holding onto the chanter a little too tightly preventing the free movement which will "slicken" everything up for you (don't forget we make music by raising our fingers off the notes so you gripping down is counter-productive). Strathspey: a little long going in here but tempo well established; 1st part 5th bar a little laboured; 2nd part a couple of mistakes; 4th part you were a little early going to the initial E doubling each time. You play on the beat pretty well throughout so again a little less tension will allow you easier movement and will be less effort on you and I am all about making things easier 😉 Again a little too long going into the Reel but nice tempo; Playing pretty good here with a few tight short notes but probably a result of some tension as mentioned above. Overall a pretty good MSR and you have excellent timing and feel for the music. The things mentioned above consistently point to tension on the chanter so try to loosen up a bit and see how it goes! Good stuff
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raúl Peinado           Tunes: The isle of Barra march, Duncan Lamont, Fiona Macleod      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: PIpe sounds good however a little too much echo here to really capture the quality and make comment on technique as grace notes slightly big creating some muffled tacchums and doublings. A touch abrupt into the Strathspey: A little pushed on delivery (ie. ending phrase coming off the E doubling too early) Good into Reel: aggressive tempo; Again a little pushed in terms of presentation here where you could just sit the tempo back and wait more the offbeat to lock you into a nice consistent Reel rhythm. Overall a pretty good MSR with some echo that was a little too much (reverb) preventing the listener to hear the articulation of the embellshments. I realize that this may be all you have to play with so not knocking it but worth a mention as it must be difficult for you to hear as well! You have good hands and would like to see a little lighter touch and smaller grace notes to really accent the doublings and tacchums properly as when they are big, they become muffled because they are on top of one another. You have the dexterity and musical feel to do this! Enjoyable performance!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ron J. Graham           Tunes: Tommy MacDonald of Barguillean, Sandy MacPherson, Fiona MacLeod      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe and nice tempo established in the March. Watch the ending phrase as you are pushing causing the grace notes to get on top of one another causing inaccurate placement. Strathspey: good entry and tempo okay but the expression is a little round for me. Need to establish more Heavy, Light, Medium, Light phrasing throughout here as an example. Crushed the short F before the E doubling in the first part. Reel: Nicey entry and solid playing here. Overall drones not quite locked together and close to Low A but not quite on. The ending phrase in the march is the result of some larger grace notes and being early and the Strathspey needs some more expression to improve your presentation. Great Reel playing. Enjoyable MSR!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ronan Terry           Tunes: The Pap of Glencoe, Monymusk, Willie Murray’s Reel      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Pipe okay but drones not quite locked together and right on with Low A which detracts from oveall tonal balance. Solid tempo to start the march; watch in bar 6 of the first part there is some false fingering going on with the hand-to-hand exchange between the D and F before the 2nd beat where you are not putting your bottom hand down to Low A when you go to the F — easily fixed but needs attention) — this happens in every part BTW so worth taking a look at. Good into Strathspey and nice lift and expression here; watch you don't lift your B finger in the 7th bar on the 2nd beat to start the run as this again would be considered false fingering . . . you need to identify this tendency as you have great hands and no reason that this is happening so break this habit now . . . great feel for Strathspey playing though! Good into Reel and well played from start to finish here! Overall a solid MSR and you have excellent hands and feel for the music. It's time to loosen up your hands a bit more to allow you some more freedom of movement and ensure you correct the false fingering which is also sometimes caused from tension in the hands. Show excellent potential!
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Event 21. Grade 2 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Samuel LE DU           Tunes: The Inverness Gathering [Traditional] John Roy Stewart [Traditional, W. Ferguson] Mrs Mac Leod of Mac Leod [Traditional]      Judge: Ian K. MacDonald      Judge's Comments: Nice instrument and you appear to have full command. I believe this march is John MacDonald of Glencoe. The tempo is aggressive and there is some pushed short notes pulling you out of the rhythm throughout the march. You played the 4th part as the 2nd part (I always remember to go down to Low A in the 2nd at the start to keep this straight). You have a nice feel for the music but some different doublings and some misses so suggest you really take a look at the sheet music and break out the metronome to get some accuracy and control back here. Good into the Strathspey and you have a nice feel for the music but a few too many inaccurate grace notes with doublings and adding/missing technique in terms of score again creating inconsistent rhythms. Reel pretty good but again some inaccurate passages in terms of score and short notes that create a pushed feel here. Overall you have excellent hands and great command of the instrument so my suggestion is to take a look at the score and ensure you are playing what is written and maybe pull out the metronome to provide you with some more time to loosen up your hands and maintain your rhythm in the March and the Reel especially! Enjoyable performance!
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 1      Tunes: The Irish Washerwoman The Judge's dilemma      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pipes. Nice drones. Chanter nice. High G a bit flat, and F sharp. Nice start — good fingering. Playing is quite assertive, on the front end, but in control. nicely done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Owen Sulistio      Place: 2      Tunes: Donella Beaton, The Lark in the Morning      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Missed C-doubling to start. Good pace and rhythm. Pipe good. Nice fingering. Some tight fingering at line ends of 2nd jig, and last part. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eddie Boland      Place: 3      Tunes: Archie Beag, Barbara's jig      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Good pipe. Nice start. Fingering coming across nice, a bit tight in spots. Consistent pace. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Earl      Place: 4      Tunes: Donald MacLellan's Tuning Phrase, The Hen's March      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe. Finger-work coming across clearly, high G a bit flat. F a bit sharp. Tempo could use a slight boost, though it was consistent between both jigs. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon      Place: 5      Tunes: Alex Macdonald, The Judge's Dilemma      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice start. Fingerwork coming across clearly. Nice drones, not quite 100% with chanter — chanter not quite balanced — a bit sharp up top. Consistent and clean playing start to finish. Nicely done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Malachi Johannsen      Place: 6      Tunes: The Kilted Bandits and The Snake      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe. High a a touch flat. Nice fingering to start. Nice jig rhythm. Consistent tempo in both jigs. Nicely done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aaron Gray           Tunes: The Judge's Dilemma, The Stool of Repentance      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe, drones not quite 100% with chanter. Good pace. Fingerwork nice, but coming across a bit tight in spots. Well done
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan MacNeil           Tunes: Alan MacPherson of Mosspark, Silver Creek      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice drones, and balance to chanter. Good jig rhythm — could use a slight boost in tempo. Some missed gracenotes. 2nd jig, 3rd part — slight stumble. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Buchanan           Tunes: Rakes of Kildare, Morning Blossom      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Pipe not 100%, drones not together or with chanter. Nice pace and fingering, though a bit tight in places — low G doublings in Rakes too tight. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron MacNeil           Tunes: Hammer on the Anvil and Cridhe Ur Annag (Annie’s New Heart)      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Drones nicely together, chanter a bit unbalanced (sharper on top). Slight boost in tempo in second jig (I prefer the tempo of the second). A few small chokes throughout, and crossing noises CtoE in Annie's New Heart. Nice high A strikes. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron Stewart           Tunes: Alex MacDonald / John Paterson's Mare      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Drones not quite 100% together or with chanter. Nice start, consistent tempo in 1st jig. Jigs could come up a bit in tempo for my preference. Chanter not balanced — top hand a bit sharp. Some missed gracenotes. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Charlie Elliott           Tunes: The Curlew, John Paterson's Mare      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice drones, chanter not quite balanced top to bottom. Be careful not to jump off D too quickly after the throws — it's coming across a bit rushed in 1st jig. Some wrong notes, and inconsistent tempo in 2nd jig. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Colin Forrest           Tunes: Bride's Jig and Old Wife of the Mill Dust      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Good jig rhythm in 1st jig — a few missed gracenotes. F and high G a bit flat. Nice drones. Consistent tempo and rhythm between the 2 jigs. They could use a small boost in tempo to bring a bit more spark out of them. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fergus Terry           Tunes: Skye, Brides Jig      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Drones nice, chanter not balanced — high G and A flat. Consistent tempo. Fingering coming across a bit tight. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Friedrich Christiansen           Tunes: The Hen‘s March, Corkhill      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Drones not together or with chanter. High G and A flat. Nice pace to start, and throughout. Fingering not articulated clearly consistenly throughout. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: George Panagiotou           Tunes: Alex Macdonald and Patty O'Rafferty      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Drones not 100% together. Finger work is being articualted well. A bit of a tempo drop in last part of 2nd jig. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jürgen Christiansen           Tunes: The Jig of Slurs, The Curlew      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pace to start. Chanter not with drones, or balanced. drones nice. Fingering coming across a bit tight, and crushed. Losing some control in 2nd jig. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Forrest           Tunes: Hen's March and Alan MacPherson of Mosspark      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe. Finger-work coming across clearly, good pace, watch 3rd part of 1st jig, some inconsistent bottom-hand work. Some missed gracenotes in 2nd jig, end of part 1. Well done
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Miranda Germann           Tunes: Jimmy MacGregor, Kenny would dance with the maid      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Finger-work coming across clearly. Drones not 100% with chanter. tempo could use a boost. 2nd jig — the first couple of grips, watch the timing of lifting your E and low A fingers, there's a small catching sound. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raquel MacFarlane           Tunes: Barbara's Jig and Paddy's Leather Breeches      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Jigs needs to be quicker — they're coming across closer to a 6/8 march. Finger-work coming across clearly. Top hand a bit sharp, and drones not quite 100%. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raúl Peinado           Tunes: Paddy´s leather breeches, the snuff wife.      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Nice pace to start. Execution is not clearly articulated/defined. Nice drones — pipes a bit on the flat side, but not overly. Steady tempos. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ron J. Graham           Tunes: Pipe Major Joe Wilson, Pipe Major John MacDonald's Exercise      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Good pace and fingering to start. Top hand of chanter out of balance, and drones not quite 100%. 1st jig — watch timing of your pinky on D-throws in last part — not quite full. 2nd jig — tempo a bit inconsistent here affecting the jig rhythm. Good projection to pipe and fingers. Well done.
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Event 22. Grade 2 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ronan Terry           Tunes: The Rakes of Kildare & Skye      Judge: Sean McKeown      Judge's Comments: Good pace to start, drones not 100%, E flat. Fingering nice, but a bit tight in places. Consistent tempo betwen both jigs. 2nd jig be careful not to rush GDE's. Well done.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Samuel LE DU      Place: 1      Tunes: Mrs Lily Christie [D.S Ramsay]      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Lovely sounding bagpipe. F becoming slightly sharp as the performance goes on ( minor point ). Great tempo for this tune, lovely flow to your playing. Great musical phrasing/expression throughout the tune. Technique is very good as well. Overall a great performance on a lovely bagpipe.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Owen Sulistio      Place: 2      Tunes: PM Scott Ruscoe      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Lovely pipe. Very well set. Sweet sounding chanter. Great 6/8 tempo, consistent throughout. Nice expression/phrasing throughout the tune. Good technique. Nice tune selection, pleasing to hear something slightly different in this idiom. Overall a very well played tune.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ron J. Graham      Place: 3      Tunes: Major John MacLennan      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Lovely pipe. Sweet chanter sound. Great driving 6/8 tempo. Technique good. Great expression and phrasing throughout the tune. Watch D throw, some are heavier than others at the end of the parts (minor point). Great 6/8 playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon      Place: 4      Tunes: Pipe Major Frank MacKinnon      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes overall are well set. F and High A slightly sharp on the chanter. Tune played at a good tempo. Overall tune well phrased/expressed. Overall technique is good. A nice presentation of a different kind of 6/8 March . Overall a well played tune.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 5      Tunes: MacNeils of Ugadale      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Drones out slightly at start of performance. Good steady tempo for this tune. Overall good solid technique, watch D throw last part of the tune, some were heavier than others, they must be consistent throughout. Tune well phrased/expressed throughout.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Earl      Place: 6      Tunes: Dr. Ross' 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipe quite well set. D slightly sharp on the chanter. Tempo ok. Overall technique ok. Watch E strikes and tachums. They need to be played in time with the tune, on occasion they were slightly laboured. Phrasing ok. Again watch taurlauths last psrt, need to hear the full movement. Overall you played well and showed a good understanding of a 6/8.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aaron Gray           Tunes: Angus McKinnon      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes very well set. Tempo ok if slightly on the safe side. Overall technique is good, however watch E strikes and F doublings. The full movement must be played and heard. Overall phrasing/expression is ok, however it comes across over pointed in places disrupting the flow of the tune. You are concentrating on the strong beat which is good but let it flow from there which will stop the tune sounding stilted. Overall tune well played.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Buchanan           Tunes: Donald Maclean of Lewis      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Tempo ok, maybe on the careful side could do with an injection of pace. Overall tune quite well phrased/expressed. Overall technique is good. Drones drifting slightly towards the end of the performance, overall a well played tune showing a good understanding of what is required for 6/8 March playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Arnold Edwards           Tunes: The Booths of Comrie      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes well set. Tempo ok. Overall technique is ok. Overall technique and expression is ok. Tune well played overall with good expression throughout. In the 3rd and 4 th parts the tempo slowed very slightly, be aware of this. Overall you have shown a good understanding of what is required in 6/8 March playing
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron MacNeil           Tunes: The Heights of Cassino      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Good steady tempo. Overall technique ok. Some doublings are quite tight, we need to hear the full movement. Choke in last part, pipe might be a bit strong for solo work. Overall tune phrased well, showing a good understanding of how to play a 6/8.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron Stewart           Tunes: PIpe Segeant John Barclay      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Chanter slightly sharp overall especially on F High G and A. Good tempo, steady throughout the tune. Tune quite well phrased. Overall technique is ok. Check your setting of the tune last part. Overall you showed a good understanding of how to play a 6/8.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Canaan Strobel           Tunes: Bengullion      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes well set. Nice tune tempo throughout which was well maintained throughout the tune. Overall technique is good, watch birls and D strikes. They have to be consistent throughout the tune, on occasion some were not clear. The tune was expressed/phrased well throughout. Check your setting for the last part.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Colin Forrest           Tunes: Cameron MacFadyen      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Lovely pipe. Steady tempo, maybe on the careful side (minor point). Tune well phrased. Good technique. Nicely controlled playing throughout. Watch part endings, don't over point the Low A before the birl. E strikes need to be consistent. Some played heavier than others. Overall a very well played tune.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Duncan McKelvie           Tunes: All The Blue Bonnets Are Over The Border      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes ok. Tune tempo is good. Overall tune well phrased/expressed. Technique in general was ok. Some movements played slightly open; and could be closed up which would help with the flow of the tune. Overall you have shown a good understanding of what is required for 6/8 March playing
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ed Kitlowski           Tunes: Leaving {Port Askaig      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Good tempo overall, however slightly slowing in third part then back on track in fourth part. Phrasing and technique overall are ok. Tune quite well played throughout. You have a good understanding of what is required for a 6/8 March.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fergus Terry           Tunes: Portree Bay      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set overall. Chanter slightly flat on high A. Tempo on the safe side for my taste, could be played slightly quicker. Overall technique ok, watch grip movement, we need to hear the full movement. Overall phrasing/expression was ok. You have shown a good understanding of what is required for 6/8 March playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Friedrich Christiansen           Tunes: Dr. Ross‘ 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. The tempo is ok. The overall phrasing/expression is ok, however in places the tune is stilted and needs to flow more which will help with the phrasing. Overall technique is ok. Some taurlauths are inconsistent, the full movement has to be played. Overall you show that you gave an understanding of what is required in 6/8 March playing
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: George Panagiotou           Tunes: Tug Argan Gap      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes ok. Drones out slightly at the start, High A slightly sharp. Tempo of the tune overall was ok, slightly slowing down in 3rd part. Overall phrasing/expression is ok, slight slip in the 4th part. Overall technique is good. Overall a well played tune. Minor point, the recording sound was coming and going throw the performance, be aware of this if competing again online.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jürgen Christiansen           Tunes: The Trees of North Uist      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes ok, drones slightly out at start of the performance. Tune tempo was ok. The phrasing comes across as stilted in presentation. It needs more emphasis on the strong beat and let the tune flow from there. Overall techniques ok, watch crossing noises in first part and E strikes in the last part, they need to be more accurate. Overall you show that you have an understanding of 6/8 March playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Forrest           Tunes: Pipe Sergeant John Barclay      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes very well set. Steady tempo, slightly on the careful side, the tune would benefit from a slight lift in pace. Overall technique very good. Tune quite well phrased. Some passages of the tune are in the square side, try and let the tune flow more, a slight increase in tempo may help this. Overall a well played 6/8
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Malachi Johannsen           Tunes: Dalintober      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set, drones out at start. Nice tempo for this tune. Tune well phrased/expressed throughout. Overall technique is good with strong fingering. Overall a well played tune showing a good understanding of what is required for 6/8 March playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mike Francis           Tunes: Dundee City Police Pipe Band      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes very well set. Good tempo for this tune which was maintained throughout. Phrasing overall is ok, there was a slight tendency to come off the strong beat a fraction early, most noticeable in the 2nd part. Overall a well played tune which is a very demanding 6/8 both musically and technically.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Miranda Germann           Tunes: The Trees of North Uist      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Steady tempo. Overall technique ok. Tune well phrased. Some technique is slightly light. Doublings in 2nd part and High G doubling in last part. We need to hear the full movement in time with the tune. Overall tune well played, good understanding of what is required in 6/8 playing.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raquel MacFarlane           Tunes: The Bonawe Highlanders      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Drones slightly out at start. Tempo started ok however slowed down from part 2 onwards. Be aware if this. Overall phrasing/expression is good. Slight slip in third part. Overall you have shown a good understanding of what is required for a 6/8 march.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ronan Terry           Tunes: Dundee City Police Pipe Band      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes quite well set. Drones slightly out at start. F on chanter slightly sharp. Tempo was ok maybe slightly on the safe side. Overall phrasing ok. On occasion the tune became slightly even in presentation, be aware of this, the tune needs to flow throughout the whole performance. Overall technique is ok. Overall tune quite well played.
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Event 23. Grade 2 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Stephen Ross           Tunes: Major John MacLennan      Judge: Gordon McCready      Judge's Comments: Pipes well set overall, D, F and High G becoming sharp during the performance. Nice tempo for the tune. Overall technique is good, watch D strikes at the end of parts, they need to be consistent in timing and weight throughout the tune. Good phrasing/expression throughout the tune. A well played 6/8 March.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Liam Forrest      Place: 1      Tunes: Sandy's New Chanter      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Excellent bagpipe, well-tuned and accurate. Strong musically, good tempo and control throughout. Strong technique. Just a few little catches.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 2      Tunes: Ina MacKenzie      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Good positive approach to the tune. Tempo nice and lively with good nautical swing. I haven’t heard this tune with the Low A doublings omitted. However, you were consistent with what you did. Some technique tight in places. Really enjoyable performance, well done.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Arnold Edwards      Place: 3      Tunes: Rathven Market      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Excellent bagpipe. Good tempo and control. Strong fingering throughout. Some very minor blemishes in 2nd & 3rd parts. Really enjoyed your tune.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ronan Terry      Place: 4      Tunes: Captain Geddes’ Turnabout      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Excellent Bagpipe. Lovely nautical swing. Tempo a touch slow. Good control throughout. Technique accurate for most part. Slowed down a touch in 4th part. Enjoyed your tune. Well done.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aaron Gray      Place: 5      Tunes: Tam Bain's Lum      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Excellent introduction to tune. Tempo spot on. Good music and nautical swing. Technique pretty good, the odd indistinctive shake. Few little catches throughout. Really enjoyed your tune, well done.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: George Panagiotou      Place: 6      Tunes: Clydeside      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Well-tuned bagpipe. Great introduction. Nice steady tempo. Technique very clean. Good musical flow. You made a good job of this, well done.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Earl           Tunes: Jack Adrift      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe well-tuned. minor intonation issues on D & F, tad sharp. Excellent intro to Hornpipe. Felt tempo could move on a bit more however. Good control throughout, technique good. Thanks for the listen
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alasdair Buchanan           Tunes: The Merry Macs      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not quite locked in. Intonation issues top hand. Good tempo. A heap of technique in this tune. You made a pretty good job of it. Not a musically satisfying competition tune in my opinion.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Cameron MacNeil           Tunes: Train Journey North      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not quite tuned. Some intonation issues – C, D, F & HG all peaky. Musically a bit round for a pointed hornpipe. I felt you’re mowing over the intended nautical swing of this tune. Some technical imperfections throughout. Few catches in 2nd & 3rd parts. Some minor chokes also.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Colin Forrest           Tunes: Rathven Market      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good. Nice steady tempo, if anything a touch slow. Last phrase you are falling off the beat by overdoing the C before the grip. Some bottom hand technical imperfections in third part. Thanks for the listen
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ed Kitlowski           Tunes: Donald Macleod      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe drones well-tuned. Minor intonation issues on D, sharp. Tempo pretty good. Some technical imperfections throughout. A number of misses. Missed d throw in third part and few notational errors. Little bit of rushing towards the end.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fergus Terry           Tunes: Sandys New Chanter      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good. Musically a little deliberate. Could get a little more nautical swing out of the tune. B strikes a bit rushed. Untidy in second part C to E. Missing a few bits from the score in 3rd and 4th parts. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Friedrich Christiansen           Tunes: Crossing the Minch      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe not well tuned sadly. Drones not together and chanter intonation inaccurate. Bit rushed in the introduction of the tune. Prefer to hear tempo built in first bar. Some technical deficiencies. False fingering in the last phrase each part. B shakes unbalanced and not always connecting with the Low G gracenote. Birls inaccurate. Just lacking a bit of clarity.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jürgen Christiansen           Tunes: Crossing the Minch      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Drones not locked together & fighting with chanter. Tempo pretty good but lacking expression and swing. Lots of areas of rushing especially B shakes & Birls. Technique deficiencies throughout. Could certainly open things out a bit to achieve better clarity.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon           Tunes: Crossing the Minch      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good. Some intonation issues on top hand, peaky D, F & HG. Good steady tempo with nice nautical swing. A few technical deficiencies. B shakes unbalanced and not always landing LG gracenote in movement. A wee finger misplacement in third part. Birls in 4th part not all accurate. Musically a really nice tune. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Owen Sulistio           Tunes: Uphold the Right      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good. A touch strangled on top hand if anything. Could do more of an intro into the HP by building tempo in the first bar. Some rushing down to B strike in second part. Few wee catches. Big catch to HG in third. Few little bits of muffled technique. However pretty good tune over all. Thanks for the listen.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raquel MacFarlane           Tunes: Tam Bain's Lum      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Very steady bagpipe. Not 100% locked on Low A. Good intro into tune. Tempo could perhaps just move on a bit. Good technique for most part. Slight imbalance of shakes in 4th. Tidy performance, I enjoyed your tune.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Raúl Peinado           Tunes: the wee man from Skye      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good. A lot of echo in this environment. Tune a little bit rushed at beginning. Musically a bit choppy and inconsistent in style throughout. Pointed in places and round in other parts. Birl a bit deficient. Good tempo overall.
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Event 24. Grade 2 Piping - Hornpipe (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ron J. Graham           Tunes: Duncan Johnstone      Judge: Stuart Easton      Judge's Comments: Bagpipe pretty good, not 100% locked in. Tune started pretty well, however just a few untidy technical deficiencies around the E doubling in particular. Rhythm ok but a little robotic in parts. Birls not quite accurate in third part onwards. Crossing noises up to that E doubling.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Stephen Ross      Place: 1      Tunes: The Wee Spree      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set to start (D and E ever so slightly sharp). Excellent flow and phrasing to the ground. Lovely. Effective contrast into the doubling. Well played variation. Wonderful pace and softness to the first variation, and excellent phrasing. The T took a few phrases to settle down, just a bit of searching for tempo at the start, but did settle down nicely. Well phrased here as well. Good entry to the crunluath. Hands going quite well. Pipe moved a very little bit by the end. I enjoyed this very much. Clearly a well understood and presented tune with lots of subtleties.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Canaan Strobel      Place: 2      Tunes: Desperate Battle of the Birds      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set and well blown to start. Good tempo to the ground, moving along well. Var 1 excellent. Interesting transition to the doubling, so very different from how I do it but I like it! I also omit that high A. Perhaps you could increase tempo a little bit in Var 2 singling? Good pace to the doubling. Some very minor untidiness around a couple of G gracenotes, but very well presented dithis variations. Well played and executed T and T a mach (minor misses). C and C a mach variations very good - take care not to droop in tempo a. bit in the a mach. Odd little squeak just near the end . . . Pipe held well. This was a complete tune, well thought out and presented.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Liam Forrest      Place: 3      Tunes: Lament for the Old Sword      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Well set pipe and well blown. Lovely ground. Well played dithis singling. Doubling a tiny bit reserved at the start but then moved up a tiny bit to an excellent tempo. High A starting to get a bit high at times . . . Well executed taorluaths and appropriately bold tempo. Crunluaths a tiny bit tight but still accurate. Only one gracenote miss so far — well done. No need to slow down at the end of the doubling that much if you're going into the a mach. Well played movements. Slightly uneven tempo in the a mach variation, but very close. This was a complete tune. Well done!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 4      Tunes: Queen Elizabeth's II Salute      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set and well blown to start, though E is a bit flat. Well presented ground. T singling well played too. One small miss. A bit inconsistent with the length of the connecting low As to start the T doubling. Some a bit too long resulting in minor roundness. Hands moving well. C singling flowing along well. Good contrast into doubling. Well played. A well thought out and well presented tune.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Bernhard Cohnen      Place: 5      Tunes: The Phantom Piper of Corrieyairack      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set to start and well blown. Strong top hand technique. Lovely ground! Excellent pace to Variation 1, and fantastic phrasing. Terrific contrast into the doubling. I am enjoying this very much so far. I appreciate the open work in the taorluath movements, but do be careful not to come off the theme note a bit early because of anticipating the momement. Much better — ie., consistent — in the doubling. The top hand gracenotes in your curnluaths are closer together than on the bottom. Almost too much low G — the two low Gs in the movement are bigger than the two low As. Musically singling and doubling presented well. Pipe moved a bit by the end.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Eddie Boland      Place: 6      Tunes: Tulloch Ard      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Lovely sound quality to your instrument, but not quite settled from the start. Very close. A well presented ground, with strong phrasing and good momentum, which this tune needs very much. F a bit sharp. Pretty good pace to the thumb variation, but I personally push this one along even quicker. Some high As blown a bit on the sharp side. Var 2 singling was lovely. Was that a rogue E gracenote in the doubliing? Not a big deal. Well played doubling as well. Good bold start to the T singling with room to go in the doubling. Wonderful control of pacing and entry to cadences. Good contrast into doubling. Most movements clear and accurate, just a few tighter here and there. A bit hurried on the E and two connecting notes after crunluath movements. I think the key here is to be very careful on the low A connecting note - taking care not to play it too short can give you a great deal of control in the three note combinations. Well played doubling. Oh no! You do still need to play the final low A and B after the E at the end! Pipe seemed to settle better as the tune went on — not too far off at the end. Well done.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon      Place: 6      Tunes: You're Welcome Ewan      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe not 100% settled down, but very close, and high quality of sound. Excellent control of the pace in the ground, of the phrasing and differentiation of linking notes. Well played ground. A few slight wobbles in pressure, esp on D. Good pace to the siubhal. Well played. T well played. Perhaps room for a bit of phrasing? Aggressive C but controlled. E getting quite sharp by now as the chanter has riisen in pitch a bit. A well thought out and well presented tune!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Aaron Gray           Tunes: The King's Taxes      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set and well blown to start. On the aggressive side of tempo, but I like that. I think you could pause a bit more before the dres, though. Also brisk in Var 1, not leaving much room to create contrast into the doubling, but I'll wait and see what you do! I do ease off on the aggression in this variation to let it sing. Yup, really moving along in the doubling! I think you're losing a little bit of the smoothness and opportunities for light and shade in phrasing due to speed. T singling also sounds like you're in a bit of a hurry. Eeek and choke! Pipe holding very well. Doubling also quick, but you're getting contrast from singling to doubling. Same comments for the C variation presentation. I feel like you're doing all the right things, but they're not really able to come out effectively because of the high tempo. Great pipe, strong hands, and you seem to understand the tune well — just slow down a bit and control every note!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Aidan MacNeil           Tunes: The Bicker      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set to start though high G a little bit flat. Well played gournd, leaving room for the var to increase in tempo. High G movements pretty good and will get more fluid with repetition. Good tempo contrast to the variation. Flowing very well here! Missed a connecting note at the end of line 2 . . . F sharpening a bit, but G improving. Good rhythmic taor movements. I appreciate the attention to phrasing in the doubling, but it should be a bit more subtle. I find your phrase endings actually stop the flow forward . . . Good attention to cadences in singlings. A couple of misses in the T and a few more in the C - try to keep your hands relaxed in the early part of the tune so they're not too tight in the technical stages. Good pace to C doubling and better phrasing here. A mach movements should have a G gracenote to start. Some difficulties here which sound like hands gripping really hard? A well thought out tune and this will be a great one for you if you're able to keep your hands relaxed!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Cameron MacNeil           Tunes: MacKintosh’s Lament      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set to start — eek a little choke already! Good pace, and thoughtfully phrased. Watch the gracenoting in your dares. Use your shoulder muscles to make sure those chokes go away . . . Var 1 farily good, but a bit choppy at times — keep your hands relaxed so the short notes can be quite short and yet still soft. Some gracenoting issues in Var 1 as well. Extra line? Var doubling going well. Some wobbly Ds — keep your arm firm! Good pace to start T. Apart from a few gracenote misses the quality of your movements is very good. Excellent attention to theme notes in the doubling. The top hand gracenoting of your crunluaths is a bit tighter than the bottom hand work. Good pace to start C. Top hand loosening up by the repeat of line one. Tempo contrast from singling to doubling not quite as slick as your T variations, and you increased tempo in the second line to a better doubling tempo than your initial doubling tempo. Main thing is the chokes . . .It isn't an issue of strength but is an issue of technique in controlling airflow. You've clearly got the endurance to play a big tune like this, but those chokes simply must disappear!! Some very strong playing though, and a well presented tune apart from the chokes!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Cameron Stewart           Tunes: Salute To Donald      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Piipe well set before the first note, but be careful not to increase pressure as soon as you start playing . . . Or rather, be sure not to tune to a lower pressure than when you're actively playing the music. The result was that your drones were flat to the chanter right from the first note. Not a great deal, but just enough! Lovely ground, good pace. Good pace to start the T as well. Good quality movements. A bit hurried through the candence ending of line two. Effective tempo contrast to the doubling. Just a couple of gracenote misses. Good entry to the C. Oh what a shame!!!! The video just faded out . . . Cameron, this tune was going very well overall, and technology let you down... Thank goodness that doesn't happen in real contests. Looking forward to those . . .
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Fergus Terry           Tunes: Lament for Donald of Laggan      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe fairly well set to start. High A quite flat. Omitting the G gracenote on the E after the hiharin in line one and repeat. Good flow to the ground. You have room to pull it back a little, and I'd suggest a bit more definition at the end of your phrases. In the cadence endings in the T singling I'd let the second E and second F sing a bit longer. Good pace. Not a great deal of contrast in tempo from singling to doubling — if you pull out the cadences in the singling, and then start the doubling at the tempo it finished at, you'll have effective contrast. Drones drifting a bit by crunluath. A bit hurried on the E and two connecting notes after the movements. Same comment of the cadence endings here too. Again, not a great deal of contrast, though your doubling has lots of control to it — good attention to theme notes. Hands going fairly well. Well done.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: George Panagiotou           Tunes: MacMuriche's Salute      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set and well blown to start. Good pace to the ground. You could let the end of your two bar phrases stretch a bit more. A few odd chirps on C. Good entry to Var 1. Much better phrase definition here. Well played. Well played T, just a couple of gracenotes dropped. G gracenote very tight - noticed that in the ground too. Good pace. Minor technical issues in the C but good control of the pace. Watch out for some surges in pressure in this variation. Well done - nice to hear this tune played!
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Mike Francis           Tunes: Glengarry's Lament      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Drones set fairly well together, but flat to your chanter. Ground fairly well presented but a bit on the slow side for my taste. Don't forget to let the end of your phrases breathe, though, especially the low A at the end of line two. Var 1 also started slowly, but picked up a bit. But it still could move along a bit quicker. The doubling is a little round — ie., the theme note a bit short and the connecting note a bit long. T singling going very well. Excellent tempo here and good attention to the theme notes. Good entry to cadences. Well played doubling. I wonder if you want to think about slowing down the low G part of your crunluaths to get a the fluid rhythm out? The F gracenote is coming out late in the 1-2-3-4-5 rhythm, and perhpas rather than trying to squish it in earlier, opening up the earlier part of the movement might give you the evenness you're not quite getting. That worked for a student of mine with the same flow issue around the F gracenote. Well played variaions musically.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Raúl Peinado           Tunes: The marquis of Argyle's salute      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe close, but not 100% settled and drones flat to chanter. Bold ground, well presented. Interesting approach to the double echoes and the hiharins, going well with the pace. A little short on the E of cadences in the variation singling perhaps? You may want to pull the tempo of the singling back a little bit to allow for a bit more contrast from singling to doubling. Some sticky birls — be careful not to press into the chanter, just brush the surface gently. Same comment about tempo for the T variations — try pulling back a bit in the singling. Just a little! Excellent doubling. Hands going well in the T. Some unevenness in bag pressure coming through. This style of playing the C variations definitely conveys a salute! Some connecting notes maybe a bit severrely cut but I liked how you presented these variations. I enjoyed this rendition a great deal. Some technical details and tona; iissues would be the main things to address in my opinion.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ronan Terry           Tunes: Massacre of Glencoe      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Pipe farily well set to start, though E is flat and F is sharp. Silght unevenness in pressure, at times surging a bit going to high A. A bold approach to the ground. Well played. Good contrast into the thumb var. Drones not quite together by this point. At times a bit hasty getting to the high As at the start of phrases, particularly in line 2, but overall played well. Good start to T singling. Good quality of movements, and good approach to cadences. Outstanding singling. But then in your doubling your connecting low A got bigger . . . resulting in a bit of roundness. That got better as the variation went on. Great start to the crun singling. Well played. Good contrast into doubling. Hands going faiirly well. A little uneven in tempo in the a mach, but only slightly. Tuning out a bit more by the end. Well thought out tune and well presented.
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Event 25. Grade 2 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Sean Davy           Tunes: Corrienessan's Salute      Judge: James MacHattie      Judge's Comments: Drones set fairly well to low A - E and F rather sharp. I find your ground to be extremely slow in pace, particularly the first bar of the initial phrase. I use a medium, strong, medium, strong approach which I find helps to keep the ground moving along well. Your ending phrase and the middle phrase of line two do move along well, but the opening phrase really bogs you down in my opinion. Good pace to the var singling. Consistent entry to cadences. Watch gracenoting in the doubling. Good tempo contrast from singling to doubling. Off the first C to start the T quite quickly, then settled down. Gracenoting of the movement farily good, but watch consistency in length of time your little finger is down on the low G. Tempos well maintained through singling and doubling with effective contrast. Top hand rising more by the start of the Crun variations. Drones drifting a bit. Same thought about your little finger during the crunluath movements. Top hand execution getting a bit untidy by the doubling — maybe tension in the hand? Some very good things happening here — consistent tempos, approach to cadences, etc. Give the first bar a think regarding tempo and presentation?
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Archie Maclean      Place: 1      Tunes: Duncan MacColl, Lady Mackenzie of Gareloch, the Sheepwife      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Started off very nicely in march. Nice expression and technique. Good march. Good break to a strong strathspey, just watch the timing of the birl at the end of the part, not always consistent. Rushed slightly into reel but generally nice musicallity here. Tending to rush some phrases in reel. A little more pointing of the strong accent in some places would improve expression and musicallity. Pipes nice throughout. Very good musicality throughout.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sandy Adams      Place: 2      Tunes: Crags of Stirling, P/M Hector MacLean, Pretty Marion      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Generally a very good performance. Started march with nice rhythm and good execution but tempo a shade safe. If anything C doublings tended to be slightly open. Otherwise a nice march. Good strathspey rhythm and excellent execution here, expression also very good. Reel was also good. I felt your birls coild be more solid in places, especially 4th part. You tended to rush off the strong acccent in phrases but otherwise a good reel. Pipes very nice but high A not always consistent. Loved the strathspey. Very good overall.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott Phillips      Place: 3      Tunes: The Braes of Castle Grant, The Bob of Fettercairn, The Sheepwife      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Started with nice expression and execution on a nice pipe. Not sure that the drones sound fully locked in but that could be the recording. Tempo a shade on the slow side for best musicality. One b strike not full in 4th part. Again nice expression and execution in strathspey but tempo a shade safe. Nicely into reel with good expression and pointing where required. Generally a good performance but for improvement if you raise the tempos slightly to improve your musicality. Execution and technique very good.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 4      Tunes: (M) Abercairney Highlanders, Cameronian Rant, John Morrison of Assynt House.      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo and expression in march. Tending to clip up to top hand in third part, should be a little softer here. Otherwise a good march. Good break to strathspey and handling the expression very well. GDE expression in the 5th part good. I felt you were tending to rush in the 7th part. Good entry to reel and going well but if you are going to play this reel in solo's you need to make sure you play all the high a gracenotes, as they are key to this tune, especially in the 4th part. Slight slip towards the end, a pity. Very strong technique throughout. Pipes nice though high g was a shade sharp and the drones didn't hold solid until the end. Very good overall.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ernesto Góngora      Place: 5      Tunes: The Lochaber Gathering, Dora MacLeod, Dolina MacKay      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Very steady march with good technique and expression. Tending to rush off strong accent in the 3rd part. Loosing rhythm slightly in 4th part. One crossing noise in 4th part also. Tempo a shade safe for best musicality. Otherwise a good march. Nice strathspey rhythm and technique. Very good here. Enjoyed the reel played with control and musical expression. Strong technique throughout. Pipes good but a few slight chirps on low A which was a pity. Nice overall performance.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lindsay Hunter      Place: 6      Tunes: John MacColls March to Kilbowie Cottage John Roy Stuart Lt. Col DJS Murray      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Good rhythm in march. More pointing of the strong accent would improve your musical expression especially the 3rd part. Technique generally good but B strikes not always solid and one missed in 3rd part. Tempo for strathspey a shade safe and E strikes a little light in 2nd part. Nice expression here though. Reel played with nice expression. March could do with more pointing for better musical expression. Generally a good performance.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Casey           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Maggie Cameron, Loch Carron.      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice rhythm and expression in march. Technique generally good. High G tending to be sharp on occasion. I would prefer if you either marched or stood still, while adjudicating your movement tended to be a bit distracting. March generally good though. Unusual break to Maggie Cameron and tending to rush over the strong accents in phrases. Top hand getting a little sharp at this point, slip in 4th part. Nice rhythm in reel but again rushing some phrases. Technique quite good but a little untidy in places. Top hand of chanter tending to get a little sharp throughout performance. I enjoyed your march but tending to rush phrases a little in strathspey and reel.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alan Beith           Tunes: Captain campbell of drum a voisk, arniston castle, lexy maccaskil      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Generally your musicality is good but what spoiled the performance was missed or untidy execution e.g. you missed the first taorluath of the march and also a few more throughout the performance. Having said that when you got them right they were well played. I think for improvement you need to spend a bit of time practicing execution and movements. March started of musically but you tended to rush phrases in the 3rd and 4th parts. Again in strathspey started well musically but tended to rush in 3rd and 4th parts. Execution a shade untidy in last two parts also. Missed a couple of E strikes at beginning of reel and generally good but also some rushing of phrases. You had good music but need to work on technique for improved musical performance.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Evan MacK           Tunes: Millbank Cottage, Catlodge, Gena MacLeod      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Started nicely but tending to rush some phrases of march. Overall quite a musical march but more pointing of the strong accent would improve your musical expression. Good rhythm in strathspey but some untidy execution in places. Reel tempo a shade slow and tune needs to be allowed to flow more, you tend to rush over a few phrases. Some execution missed in areas of reel. Pipes generally good.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeff Rowell           Tunes: The Duke of Roxburghe's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest, Susan Macleod, Miss Proud      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Drones not fully locked an at start of performance. Work on your tuning to ensure that you optimise the sound of your pipes prior to starting your performance as this has a major impact in the overall effect. Chanter sound really nice. Tempo quite slow for march for best musical effect, try and increase for better rhythmic effect.Tending to over point slightly in 3rd part of march. Better tempo for strathspey and expression quite good but a little over careful in places. Nice technique in 3rd part. Nicely into reel but again slightly slow tempo. You need to try and increase your tempos especially in the march and reel for a more musical performance. Technique generally good but some movements a little open and sometimes slightly untidy on bottom hand. Drones drifted a little in reel. Good overall.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Martha Hall           Tunes: Pipe Major John Stewart, Dornie Ferry, MacKay from Skye      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Your performance had nice tempo and rhythm leading to a musical performance. Your drones were not fully locked in at the start but they held well through. Chanter sound nice. Nice march but I felt you rushed off the strong accent in places, a little more control required. Good break to strathspey and nice expression here, just an untidy high G gracenote in 4th part. Musical reel but again some slight rushing of phrases in places. Technique a shade untidy in places. Generally a good performance.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Melissa Bautz           Tunes: 74th’s Farewell to Edinburgh /Ullapool to Stornoway/Ca’ the Ewes      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo for march though you are tending to rush some phrases. Generally a steady march. Nicely into strathspey but some untidy execution evident here especially on the bottom hand movements. More pointing of the strong accent required for better strathspey expression. Nice tempo also for reel but some rushing of phrases here also. Pipes nice and held well but high G tended to be a little sharp.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Richard Payn           Tunes: Miss Elspeth Campbell, Cabar Feidh, The Grey Bob      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: March started off with nice expression and technique. Good rhythm throughout march. Technique well taught but slightly open in places. Birls could be stronger. Rushed slightly into strathspey and some bottom hand technique slightly untidy but expression quite good. Nicely into reel and playing with nice rhythm and flow. Generally a good performance. Technique generally good and correct but tending to be slightly open.
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Event 26. Grade 1 Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve MacGregor           Tunes: Mrs John McColl, Susan MacLeod, The Sheepwife      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice rhythm for march, but tending to rush off the strong accent in places. Technique a shade untidy in the 3rd and 4th parts and a couple of crossing noises evident. Again in strathspey more pointing of the strong accent would improve your musical expression. Tempo good. Rushed into reel slightly and some rushing of phrases evident. I feel you need to concentrate on gaining more pointing of the strong accent throughout your tunes to improve your musical expression. Overall rhythm and musicality good. Pipes nice.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Archie Maclean      Place: 1      Tunes: Inspector Donald Campbell (Ness), the Clumsy Lover      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very good tempo and controlled rhythm. Steady and clean fingering. Missed strike. Good pipe and very good performance.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ernesto Góngora      Place: 2      Tunes: The Handshaker, The Jig of Slurs      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very clean fingering except birls 3rd part 1st tune. Steady playing good rhythm. Overall slightly slow and careful. Good pipe.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald MacLeans Tuning phase, Centers Bonnet.      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Ending wrong 4th part 1st tune. On the whole very good playing. There was a chirp and pipe off at end.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve MacGregor      Place: 4      Tunes: Annette’s Chatter, Bronni’s Blue Brozzi      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Pipe quite nice, a bit peaky on top hand. Good driving rhythm. 3rd part in 1st tune a little untidy timing wise. 2nd tune much more controlled and musical as a result. Good tempo.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Martha Hall      Place: 5      Tunes: The Curlew, Rory Macleod      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Good tempo and rhythm. Execution good. Crossing noise 2nd part. Bad break to 2nd tune.Good pipe, couple of misses in 2nd tune
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Evan MacK      Place: 6      Tunes: Skyeman's Jig, Center's Bonnet      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Very slightly slow overall but good rhythm. Good pipe esp drones. On a few occasions the fingering 100% precise. A few misses and a couple of catches in 2nd jig.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ewan Jones           Tunes: Biddy from Sligo, Braes of Mellinish      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Gracenotes not precise in opening phrase and in a few places later. I thought the tunes on the whole delivered at a good tempo and in a musical fashion.Tempo varying at times. Control of triplets can be inconsistent.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeff Rowell           Tunes: Donald MacLennan's Tuning Phrase, The Deerstalker's Jig      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: Steady and musical in general. In 3rd part 1st tune it was a bit imprecise technically. 2nd jig untidy 2nd part with some catches in the tune.
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Event 27. Grade 1 Piping - Jigs (two jigs, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Melissa Bautz           Tunes: Echoes of Oban/Turf Lodge      Judge: William McCallum      Judge's Comments: A bit careful but musical and good clear fingering. Error 3rd part. Good pipe.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 1      Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig.      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Bobby, one of the all time great 6/8s. Lovely pipe, clean hands and confident swing to your tune - a very enjoyable performance ,well done.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Archie Maclean      Place: 2      Tunes: Bruce Gandy's Farewell to the Iron Horse      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Archie, robust pipe from outset, rich bass tone. One of the great contemporary 6/8 marches. Nice lilt to your 6/8 playing, confident delivery. Clean hands too - well done, enjoyed this performance.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott Phillips      Place: 3      Tunes: Rab's Wedding      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Scott, thanks for your entry. Well tuned pipe from from outset and confident bright tempo. Hi A doublings not always coming through. Slight hint of rushing 3rd part, strong performance, well done, enjoyed this.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ernesto Góngora      Place: 4      Tunes: Duncan McGillivray Chief Steward      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Ernesto, thanks for your entry. A classic 6/8 - conservative tempo from outset, but good swing to your tune. Clean hands from outset, hint of a chip at times. Nice sounding pipe, a strong tune, thanks for the listen,
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lindsay Hunter      Place: 6      Tunes: The Trees of North Uist      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Lindsay thanks for your entry, a good local tune. Confident start to the tune, nice lift, wee missed tap, not sure if pipes are 100% - recording has low sound quality compared to some others. Low G flat. Lift just rounding out 4th part, a solid tune which I enjoyed, just watch the consistency of the E strikes. Sound quality of the recording did distract from this performance.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alan Beith           Tunes: Mrs macdonald of uig      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Alan, well tuned drones from outset, a flattish low G distracts, i like your tune selection! Technique not always coming through clearly (tight hands). Slightly inconsistent muscial pulsing in 3rd part, wee missed taps 4th part. However an enjpyable performance nonetheless, thanks.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Evan MacK           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: HI Evan , thanks for your entry. Well tuned pipe, conservative tempo from outset. Tuarluath movement not consistent, wee catch in there. Third part slowing down and losing the swing. Nice 4th part. Solid tune, could be helped by work on the Tuarluath technique. Well done.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ewan Jones           Tunes: The Trees of North Uist      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Ewan, thanks for the tune. Great tune selection. Solid 1st part, slightly round interpretation. Wee catch in 2nd and 3rd parts. Slightly unsteady blowing at times, however a good solid tune overall. Drones not 100% from outset and didnt quite hold. Thanks again.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeff Rowell           Tunes: The Braemar Gathering      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Jeff, thanks for entering. Strong pipe, well tuned at outset. Nice first part lift, 2nd part, tuarluaths not always clean. 3rd part solid, as is 4th, good tune, just watch you get full expression in end phrase of each part, careful not to run the birl ( which is a little open) into the tuarluath. Enjoyed it thanks.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Martha Hall           Tunes: Mrs. Lily Christie      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Martha, one of the great 6/8's. Well tuned bagpipe, couple of wee crosses first part, slightly round expression at times. Crossing 3rd part. 4th - nice. Good stuff, thanks!
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Melissa Bautz           Tunes: Dr. Ross' 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Melissa, thanks for entering. A classic tune!. Sweet pipe, well tuned. Tuarluths not clean last part. Nice swing and rhythm to your tune. Enjoyable tune,thanks.
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Event 28. Grade 1 Piping - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve MacGregor           Tunes: Leaving Port Askaig      Judge: Brendon Eade      Judge's Comments: Hi Steve, very cool line up of instruments there. Robust sounding pipe. NOt sure re the 2nd part variation. Tending to jump off the beat 3rd part. Again not familiar with 4th part setting. Stong tune, conservtive tempo. Overall a pleasant performance.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ernesto Góngora      Place: 1      Tunes: Raigmore, Duncan Johnstone      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Ernesto. Really good tunes chosen and welcome to this event. Tone: A very nice bagpipe setup. Sweet and full at the same time. Chanter is sweet and drones solid. HA a touch sharp for me. Exectuion: Nice hands evident. Very clear gracenoting that is coming through very well. Music: Very cool start with nice subtle build in tempo. Tempo is surging a little at times. Try to keep it super steady. Feel like you would be very dangerous with this change. DJ is a little jerky I think —- just a little — try to not point every beat it feels like. Summary: A very musical player and a well presented HP set. Super well done Ernesto. Thanks for this.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Archie Maclean      Place: 2      Tunes: Eric Stein, Ian Green of Greentrax      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Archie and welcome. Tone: A nice sound. Very full and solid. Drones good with bass a little unsteady. I would look at your bagpipe setup for blowing. It seems you are pumping more than is needed. Possibly the bag is hair small maybe? Anyway as you go on, it would even better to see youn standing more still as you play. Appearing effortless becomes important at some point. Execution: Good hands. Very open and clean. Strikes could be more consistent. Well transitioned to Ian Green. Continuing to play well. Music: A bit unsettled at opening but settles quickly. Nice tempo selected. Good musical flow. V/good treatment of tied notes in IG. Could pull out HG accents at times. Not just pure round could enhance. Summary: A very good run. Musical with good hand technique. But mostly your flow is impressive. Try to pick pulse spots to really drive your music home. Well done thanks.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Martha Hall      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald Macleod, The Henningham Reunion      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Martha. Good to see you here and, my, what a great room you have chosen for your recording. Excellent tune choices. Tone: A nice bagpipe setup. Sweet and full at the same time. HA a hair busy and sharp. Drones solid with nice bass affect. Exectuion: Nice hands evident. Clear gracenoting is a hilight. Press harder on strikes at times. Birls good but could be opened a hair. 4th part of HR handled very well. Music: Good start. V/good tempo. Steady music and pulsing well overall. Good transition to Henningham. You handled the different sytle of this tune very well. Summary: A musical player and a well presented HP set. Keep cleaning up hands but the music and sound is all there. Nicely done Martha.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 4      Tunes: Lucy Cassiday and Raigmore.      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Thanks Bobby for taking part in thie event today. Really good tune choices. Super cool setting with nice wind affect. Tone: A good sound. Chanter is a little flat (esp. bottom hand). Execution: Strong hands. Small chirps coming out going to birls. Take a look at reed/chanter. I feel gracenoting in general could be slightly bigger/cleaner (seems tight). Music: Well started. Class. A little cautious as it goes on however. Break to 2nd tune awkward. Should be smoother. Settling in then nicely. Small surge in tempo. Summary: A good run with lots of music. Pay more attention to intonation. That and musical presentation. Thanks Bobby.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeff Rowell      Place: 5      Tunes: The Train Journey North, Duncan Johnstone      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Jeff and thanks for taking part in this event. Great tune choices — classics. Tone: A good sound at the start. It should be noted your mic could have better pickup. It is pretty good but slight popping in levels at times. A lovely HA you have and a good chanter sound generally. Pleasant balance to your sound overall. Well done. Execution: Hands pretty clean. Watch to open peles more. Distinct gracenoting is needed. Music: A steady tempo selected - somewhat cautious — but musical. Train is a little round in delivery. DJ on the other is suddenly stilted in affect. Watch the two tunes complement each other and are delivered in the same fashion. Summary: Overall, a musical run and player. Just watch musical flow and tune treatment overall. I think you could really produce something special with a little direction in this area. Nicely done.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Melissa Bautz      Place: 6      Tunes: Donald MacLeod/Sandy’s New Chanter      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Melissa. Great to see you taking part in this. Tone: A well set instrument — full and yet well in tune. Lovely HA! Tenor out halfway through 2nd tune? Execution: Good hands. Watch clarity in gracenoting (I think they are plenty big in general). Music: A deliberate start showing some caution. Give it a wee "boot." Then it is very round (good) but there is room to put some slight accenting to first bar beats. This gives it inflection, musicality and flow. Summary: A nice performance. Pretty good in all aspects. I would look at flow and accenting.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam Casey           Tunes: The Man from Skye, Crossing the Minch.      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Thanks Adam for being a part of this event. Great tunes picked. Tone: Pipes very high pitched — well set — but too high in my view. You really notice it on LG but mostly HG & HA. Super thin chanter sound. Drones quite good. Execution: Nice, strong fingering. Gracenotes good but a bit "loose." Nicely into the Minch. Good birls shown. Music: Excellent tempo chosen.. A musical flow to your playing. Slowing in last part of the Minch. Summary; A nice musical flow to your playing. You need to address the pitch of the chanter sound. Could likely come down 6-10 hz. A good effort thanks.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Evan MacK           Tunes: Man from Skye, Heningham Reunion      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Evan and welcome here. Really good tunes on your list. Tone: A well presented instrument. Drones not quite 100%. Watch blowing on top hand (over doing it at moments). Execution: Pretty good hands. Watch E doublings. Small note hesitations in HR. Surging in tempo in spots. Watch peles are steady and open. Music: A little slow to start. Cautious yet steady. A musical style to your playing. Summary: A musical run Evan and thanks for this.
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Event 29. Grade 1 Piping - Hornpipes (two hornpipes, each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve MacGregor           Tunes: Jim Tweedie’s Sea-Legs, No Regrets      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Thanks Steve for being here today and taking part. Nice guitar collection. Tone: A big sound overall. I would work to refine this into a more solo sound. Somewhat flat and blasty in quality. Execution: Prettty strong hands. Peles in general are too fast and unclear (open g/notes). Music: Tempo a little inconsistent from outset. Watch to control this big tune. Pushing throughout second HP. Summary: A pretty good run but needs harnessing — musically, tonally and hands as well. Thanks.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Richard Payn      Place: 1      Tunes: Ronald MacDonald of Morar's Lament      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Well played and phrased. V1 - Rushing off some theme notes - E's and low A's. Dont rush off the B at the end of the line 1, also the low G gracenote being too deliberate. V2 - Slightly erratic phrasing here, for example running off the Hi G at the of the double echo. TS - Rushing off phrase endings slightly. Dwelling too much on the note after the taorluaths. Rushed last bar. TD - Perhaps not emphasising the theme notes enough, however some nice subtle phrasing coming through. CS - Rushing off phrase endings and a bit straight in places. CD - same as TD C A Mach - Good but some untidy technique. Some excution laboured. Hi G and D sharp at times. Lovely drone sound and a full sounding instrument. Well done.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ernesto Góngora      Place: 2      Tunes: Lord Lovat's Lament      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Flowed nciely, some strikes too heavy in the double echoes and a few notes slightly laboured. GD - Similar to the ground, cadence rushed slightly at the end of line 1. V1 - A bit straight, emphasise the 2nd quaver more e.g. F at the end of bar 1 and where this pattern appears throughout. Also in bar 6, emphasise the F more rather than the C after the grip. TS - I would like to hear the end of the even bars emphasised more. Hold the note before the last taorluath in a phrase, rather than the low A after the taorluath i.e. before cadences. TD - A bit straight, some two bar phrasing would help the musicality here. CS - same as TS, don't emphasise the note after the crunluath before cadences, should be the note before the crunluath. Enjoyable performance with great potential. Drones superb! Chanter sound quality good, however the Hi A was a bit thin and some small chirps at times.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Archie Maclean      Place: 3      Tunes: Lachlan MacNeill of Kintarbert's Fancy      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Cutting some short notes too much, spoiling the flow. Double echo on B too clipped, needs to be softer. V1 - Better here. B double echo clipped. B clipped in the 2nd last bar too much. V2 - Low A's at the end of phrases too clipped, soften these. Emphasise the 2nd hiharin low A more than the first one when you have two together. V2D - Slightly laboured here. Similar to the hiharins, emphasise the 2nd taorluath more than the first one. TS - Slightly laboured, more focus required on theme notes. Same issue with hiharins and double echoes here. TD - Good CS - Link notes too laboured. Better with low A's at the end of phrases here compared to V2. CD - Too laboured and too deliberate in the last bar. Nice pipes but drones slightly unsteady throughout.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: John McEvoy      Place: 4      Tunes: Cabar Feidh Gu Brath      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Some short notes clipped too much, particularly the B grip to C, otherwise good. V1 - Taorluath quite tight, more low G required. Some theme notes could be held more. TS - Hold the note before the taorluath that precedes the end of the phrase and don't dwell on the low A after the taorluath. TD - Good contrast to the singling, however taorluath movement not defined and spoling the flow. CS - Rushed transtion, hold first low A more. Similar to the taorluath, don't hold the E after the crunluath that preceds the end of the phrase. Crunluath not always well defined. CD - Good contrast to singling but could do with some subtle phrasing as it is a bit straight. More low G required in crunluath movement. Great pipes and an enjoyable performance.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Jeff Rowell      Place: 5      Tunes: I Got a Kiss of the King's Hand      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Generally nice phrasing, however some short notes are clipped which spoils the flow. V1 - Well played , perhaps a touch too much on the low G before going into the doubling V1D - Good transition however the tempo wasn't maintained and slowed in places. Some untidy G gracenotes. TS - Rushed first low A before taorluath, hold this more to introduce the variation. Emphasise the note before the taorluath rather than the note after. E rushed in cadence. Variation rushed slightly which affects the contrast with the doubling. TD - Good transition. Technique untidy and tight, opens movements up more. CS - Rushed transition and generally rushed, especially some low A crunluaths. Not holding last nlote of the phrases. Technique tight and error line 3. CD - Rushed and difficult to contrast the singling as it was also rushed. C A Mach - Untidy technique. Recording quality not great but drones drifted which is perhaps why the last few variations felt rushed.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Cameron Bonar      Place: 6      Tunes: Lament For Donald of Laggan      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Overall good, but I felt some notes could be pushed out more and others not cut as much. For example, the D at the end of bar 1 could be emphasised more as well as the end of lines. T - End of phrases rushed and some short notes cut too much, soften these a touch. TD - Good, just a missed D taorluath. CS - Good transition. Rushing off end of phrases and could be more positive with the link notes. CD - Good contrast to the singling. Again link notes could be more positive and emphasis the theme notes more. Good chanter sound, drones unsteady and distracting towards the end.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Bobby Allen           Tunes: Glengarry’s March.      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Slightly laboured, chirp line 1.Cutting the low A before the grip at the end of lines 1 & 2 a touch, soften these. TV - I think you're playing the Donald MacDonald setting here rather the piobaireachd society. V2 - Cadences too open and slightly laboured. VD - Chirp on low G and drones drifting here. TS - Cadences too open. TD - Chirps on low G distracting. CS - Good technique but variation spolied by chirps. CD - Technique not as clean here. Drones not 100% at the start and drifted further out towards the end which was distracting.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Craig McKenzie           Tunes: The King's Taxes      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Generally well phrased. Some short link notes cut too much. Some heavy technique, for example D strikes. Slightly laboured in the middle of line 3. V1 - Well phrased, chirps on low G distracting. V1D - same as singling, a touch laboured on Hi G, line 3 and also at the end of the line. TS - well phrased, spoiled by skirls TD - same as the singling CS - untidy technique and chirps CD - same as the singling A well phrased tune spoiled by chirps. Lovely drone sound, chanter perhaps a touch sharp, flattening the pitch might help prevent the chirps.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Evan MacK           Tunes: Rout of Glen Fruin      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Rushing off the E in the cadences spoiling the flow. Too straight in places and some erratic phrasing. TV - Lacking flow with some short notes cut too much and cadences rushed. TVD - Again short notes cut too much L - Same as TV LD - Nice however a couple of untidy movements CS - Rushing last note of each phrase, make these softer. Darado mvement not always clean. CD - Crunluath movement needs more low G and definition. C A Mach - Untidy technique and rushing in places. Lovely drones and chanter sound. *You missed out the taorluath singling and doubling.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Melissa Bautz           Tunes: Grain in Hides, Corn in Sacks      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Hold the E more in the cadences and play light D thows in piobaireachd, otherwise good. V1 - E D gracenotes rushed, soften the pace of these to allow it to flow better. TS - Nicely phrased however a few untidy movements. TD - Well played. Hold the low G slightly after the last taorluath before going into the crunluath. CS - Well played, again hold the low G at the end before going into the doubling. CD - Not staying on low G for the B crunluaths where it is written for the whole movement — closed crunluath. Drones drifted slightly. Nice chanter sound, low G a touch sharp.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Scott Phillips           Tunes: MacFarlane's Gathering      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Taorluaths too clipped and not defined. Rushing off phrase endings. Erratic phrasing in lines 2 & 3. V1 - Rushing in places and not flowing smoothly. Erratic phrasing with the two note groupings. TS - Rushing off B at the end of bar 2. Similar issue with the taorluaths as before, rushing off themes notes. Hold the Hi A's a touch more. TD - Good here but emphasise line endings more. Losing the phrasing in lines 2 & 3. CS - Erratic phrasing here, more attention to the structure of the tune required. Crunluath movement not defined and not emphasising the phrase endings. CD - Better here but crunluath could be better. Good chanter sound, drones unsteady and distracting.
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Event 30. Grade 1 Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Steve MacGregor           Tunes: Salute to Pipe Major Richard Parkes MBE      Judge: Alastair Dunn      Judge's Comments: G - Short notes cut too much and cadences clipped, spoiling the flow. TV - Better phrasing here. Cutting high A's a touch and some end of bar phrases. T - You could be more positive with this and push it on a bit more. C - Crunluath movement clipped and lacking definition, more low G would help the movement. C A Mach - technique not defined and A Mach not flowing. Nice drone sound, sharp E was distracting.
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Brieuc COLLETER      Place: 1      Tunes: * Gavotte Bigouden (breton dance trad.) * Beaver Street Studio * Tradionnal Strathspey * Laird of Drumblair (James Scott Skinner) * Devil The Kitchen (W. Ross) * O'Reilly's Greyhound (n°712 O'Neil's book) * Marig ar Polanton (Marie Queffelec 1880-1925) * The Contradiction (arr. jig version : Brieuc Colleter)      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice intro into beautiful brittany pulse throughout. Nice break/bridge to strathspeys. Watch bottom hand, a tad more control needed. Bridge to reels nicley done. Watch the High A brush to High A's, ever so weak on the brush. Intro to S/A well done. Nice bridge/break to slip/jig, good pulse, nice control of the doublings! A very good selection of tunes! Well orchestrated. Pipes good, Chanter good.
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 2      Tunes: The Rabbits of Melbrey (own composition) , The Ladys from Hell, The Rusty Gun, The Ardrossan Highland Games (own composition), The wise Maiden, Cup of Tea (reel into jig), Kale and pudding ( own arrangement as a jig), Congress reel (Own arrangement ), The Quantum Realm.      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice S/A, for the intro!! Goodbreak to the march. open up the doublings, a times a tad tight. Strathspey good break.Nice strahspey idiom in here.Slight pushing off the upper beatings, though holding well.#2 nice drive to this strathspey. Reel good break! Could bring tempos down here a bit!! Nice bridge on the reprise, into last tunes. A very good selection of tunes. Nice arragements. Pipes good, Chanter good. Work on the areas above. Thank you!!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Samuel LE DU      Place: 3      Tunes: * John Lang Brown of Campbeltown, Hornpipes, Don Bradford * Joshua Towsley Jig, Chris Armstrong *The Lisnagun Jig * North Brittany Slow Air *Puirt a Beul * Fiona and Gareth, Double Reel, Paul Ritchie *Gavotte Pourlet      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice pulse in the intro of the hornpipe! Watch the deadodo's on B in the 3rd part, weak at times. Bridge to jig nicely done. Slight rushing towards the end of the 2nd part. Try not to jump off the low G ending of jig.Going into S/A good! Watch B strike in Air, not as pronounce, could have been stronger in bounce. Moving onto hornpipe/reels, good playing, though bottom hand control needs a little more clarity. Galacian style towards the end, very musical!! A very musical selection of tunes. Pipes good, Chanter good. Work on areas above. Thank you!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Melissa Bautz      Place: 4      Tunes: The Steampacket/Sandy's New Chanter/Rakish Paddy/Farewell to Erin/O'Rourke's Reel/The Steampacket      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice intro to the hornpipes,good control, a tad cautious on tempos, though played nicely. Watch the top hand Double high G to F to High G, slight (catch). Slight bottom hand (catch) in here, be careful! Slight push in tempo in another hornpipe, better control on the repeat. Slight slippage/memory laspe, holding your composer well. A small dip in tempo, regain on the repeat. A good set of classic hornpipes! Pipes good, Chanter good. Work on the areas above. Thank you!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: George Panagiotou      Place: 5      Tunes: Cha Till MacCruimen, Aspen Bank, Fiona MacLeod, Kalabaken, Cha Till MacCruimen (Slow Aire), Athol Highlanders      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice march, good intro into strathspey, missed DF 1st time through 2nd part.#2 Strathspey,F to DE weak. Missing (G) gracenote. To reels, nice break, missed F strike 1st time through. Work on D throws in reel #2. Good bridge to S/A. Bridge to jig good,though work on bottom hand work, control needed. Missed E strike in 3rd part. Slight squak. Nice tune selection. Pipes good, Chanter: (F) a tad flat, High A (flat) a tad. Work on the areas above. Thank you!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Ed Kitlowski      Place: 6      Tunes: Andy's Lullaby, Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife, Wee Harry, Wayfaring Stranger, Loic Denis' Welcome to South Uist, Traditional Cape Breton Strathspey/Reel, Kit's Reel, Warrior Reel, Malts on the Optics      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Nice opento the tune!Watch E gracing on D, not as precise,nice break to the jig. Rushing ending phrases, control fingers here and tempo. #2 Jig rushing 2nd part. Slight churp on Low G. S/A break, nice here.break to Strathspey was good.Watch blowing in the 2nd part, slightly unsteady. #2 strathspey was good, watch burls, weak motion.Bridging to the reel reprise of the previous tune good. GD patterns tight, open up for better musical flow.Double B Strike movements, a tad tight, open up. All in all, a nice selection of tunes here. Pipes good, Chanter good. Work on the areas above. Thank you!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Lillian Prince           Tunes: Dougald Gillespie, The Campbeltown Kiltie Ball, Silver Spear, The Water is Wide, Out of the Air, Galician Jig      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Watch your Double E's, tight at times, open up for flavor. Musical taste.Especially F to Double E's. Watch Cto E transitions, crossing noises in here.Rushing the phrases in the 1st part a tad. Control the strathspey idiom, s/w/m/s pulse. Watch D to Double B, tight at times.S/A, nice bridge. Good bridge to 1st jig.Watch 2nd prt 4th and 5th easures.Weak E strikes. Work on the motion for strength.Slight choke on the High A area. Pipes good, Chanter, ( D) tad flat. (F) a tad sharp. Watch your blowing on the D's. Work on the areas above. Thank you!
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Event 31. Any Grade Piping - Medley (4-6 Minutes)
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: Archie McKinley, Parahandy, Mo Ghile Mear, Under the Triboro, Grant Farquharson of Inveran      Judge: Seumus Coyne      Judge's Comments: Anchor the High A to half E doubling. Pushing off a tad. Slight clippish in phrasing, open up for better musical flow. Hold the B to B taurluath, pushing off. Control this area. Break to reel nice, tachums,weak,work for tighter/precise movement. S/A good break, nice flow here. Break to strathspey, a bit rushed, control fingers, not quite over the holes, slippage.Pushing tempo a tad.Watch the B round distinct movements, too tight, open/control movement. Pipes good, though tighter drone tunning needed. Chanter good. Work on the areas above. Thank you!
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Colin Forrest      Place: 1      Tunes: Kantara El Arish      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Very good potential on display here. Excellent technique and being well taught. For musical improvement you need to try and play your march at a quicker, more musical tempo, but that will come with experience. Well done on a very good performance.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Grace Kelman      Place: 2      Tunes: Millbank Cottage      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Excellent technique on display here throughout the march. Well done. Excellent potential, keep it up and keep practicing.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Rory Menzies      Place: 3      Tunes: Craigendarroch      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Very steady performance throughout march. You have excellent technique and display excellent potential. Slight choke in the 4th part. Keep practicing and keep up the good work.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Charlie Mack      Place: 4      Tunes: Captain Norman Orr-Ewing      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice musical tempo. Excellent technique, just a few movements not as solid as they could be in the first and second parts. Well done on a good performance and keep up the practice.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Lewis Stewart      Place: 5      Tunes: Craig-n-darroch      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: A very good performance of this march. Nice technique and being well taught. Just slightly unsteady in a few places. Keep up the practice.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Callum Ross      Place: 6      Tunes: Mrs MacDonald of Dunach      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: I really enjoyed your D throw in the first part. Excellent technique throughout. Just a couple of little unsteady areas in the 3rd and 4th parts. Excellent potential on display here. Keep at it.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Charlie Maclennan           Tunes: Braes of Brecklet      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Started off very well with excellent technique and continued on in that fashion. Very good performance of this march. Keep it up.
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Event 33. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 12 years or younger
Competitor: Craig Mitchell           Tunes: Mrs MacDonald of Dunach      Judge: Richard Parkes      Judge's Comments: Nice tempo and expression for your march. Excellent technique just a few movements not solid. A very musical performance, keep it up and keep practicing.
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Event 34. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 13 to 14 years
Competitor: Malachi Johannsen      Place: 1      Tunes: The Glenfinnan Highland Gathering      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice Malachi. Thanks for this. Nice full drones sound, complementing a nicely set chanter. A nice foundation on your technique, some minor inconsistency with 1/2 E doubs from HiA. Aim to hear the E first. and the odd wee catch to watch out for. Nice efforts in P3. Musicaly pleasing. A thoughtful and unhurried approach overall. Aim for full lengths on all your beat notes, for full 2/4 effect. Thanks, SH
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Event 34. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 13 to 14 years
Competitor: Orin Weiss      Place: 2      Tunes: The Taking of Beaumont Hamel      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Thanks Orin. Nice one. The blowpipe appears to be quite a bit too short for you as you are reaching forward with your neck to reach. Try one that is longer, or you may be able to adjust.. Nice foundation of technique here. P2 finish your tachums slightly more for full effect. Double tachums in P1. Watch clarity A-B-C-E in P3. SLightly rushy through here. P4 E-C-E watch this also for clean note changes. Musically pleasing with efforts on the light and shade in the 2/4 idiom. You could lean into your themal beat notes a wee bit more right the way through, for full effect. Just sit into it a bit more. Some wavering in the drones, but quite nice intervals on the chanter. Nice tempo. well sustained. Thanks, SH
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Event 34. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 13 to 14 years
Competitor: Grace Barnes      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Thanks Grace. Nice one! You have a good foundation to your technique. The High a doublings in Part 2 have an inconsistent texture — aim for consistency here. Watch P3 tachums for clarity and precise placement. Double tapping through this passage can help pinpoint the exact spots to place the C of the tachums here. Musically pleasing 2/4. Overall a slowish yet consistent tempo. Aim for a small tempo increase for full effect. Chanter and drones well set. Nice intervals. Fairly even blowing. Nice concluding line in P4. Lots of potential. Thanks, SH
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Event 34. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 13 to 14 years
Competitor: Sam Purvis      Place: 4      Tunes: The Knightswood Celeidh      Judge: Shaunna Hilder      Judge's Comments: Thanks Sam Nice one! You have a good foundation to your technique. The D doublings have an inconsistent texture - aim for consistency here. Nice job in P3 for clarity and precise placement. A musically pleasing 2/4 with nice connection notes. Well weighted beat notes. An appropriate tempo. Top Hand of Chanter needs attention. High G and High A quite flat, spoiling the performance. Sometimes blowing in short puffs which can cause some tonal unsteadiness Drones wavering a bit. Nice efforts. Thanks, SH
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Bobby Allen      Place: 1      Tunes: Mrs John MaCall.      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Bobby, a great first impression on strike in. Good solid bagpipe grabbing my attention straight away. A very nice musical touch here, good phrasing and idiom coming through. I must say that the reverb in your venue is superb. Great short notes and understanding of contrast. Lovely tune. Thank you David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Mackenzie Loudon      Place: 2      Tunes: John MacDonald's Welcome to South Uist      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Mackenzie, A nice first impression here. Musical and very confidently presented. Phrasing very strong with a nice 2/4 pulse. Strong hands coming through here with good crisp execution. Very nice short notes. Bagpipe not quite 100% in tune to start, however a very nice, musical tune. Thank you, David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Seumas Eade      Place: 3      Tunes: Donald Maclean's Farewell to Oban      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Seumas, Great shirt ! Nice first impression here with your strike in. Nice overall sounding pipe. Watch to blow high consistently. Nice swing here with phrasing being presented well. Short notes are nice and giving way to good full theme note. An overall nice tune played on a good bagpipe, a few minor things however a nice musical tune. Thank you. David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Reece Doherty      Place: 4      Tunes: Major Manson Farewell to Clachantrusal      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Reece, Superb bagpipe ! Phrasing very well here, some nice pulse coming through. Small slip third. Strong overall showing here, nice strong March playing. Thank you. David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: George Panagiotou      Place: 5      Tunes: Glen Caladh Castle      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one George, Nice pipe to start, High A quite flat at times. Tempo good, good strong execution coming through. Birl esp strong. Watch for consistent F doublings. Make sure the phrases all flow musically and dont have any slowing moments. An overall nice tune, thankyou, David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Calum Dunbar      Place: 6      Tunes: Invergordon's Welcome to Queen Elizabeth II      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Calum, Nice tempo to start here. Nice phrasing and pulse. Watch end phrase placement of the E gracenote on B, not always crisp. Pipe is ok, not fully set intervals on chanter. Overall a nice tune played quite musical with a few small misses. Thank you. David
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Aidan de Villiers           Tunes: The Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Aidan, thank you for your entry in this event. Try to work on your bag strike as a first impression. 2/4 idiom and pulse not quite coming through overall here, there are some round moments in your phrasing. Hands are strong and there are moments of good idiom — parts 3 and 4 are stand outs. Keep up the hard work on the excercises to improve execution. Pipe is ok, drones not fully in tune. Thank you, David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Aidan MacNeil           Tunes: Donald MacLellan of Rothesay      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Aidan, Good tempo to start, overall a good idiom and phrasing. There are moments of pause within your phrases (overholding the odd note). Watch for you G gracenote to line up with the note you are moving to and make that a nice, crisp, consistent moment. Overall a good bagpipe. Thank you David.
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Event 35. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 15 to 17 years
Competitor: Cameron Stewart           Tunes: Hugh Kennedy      Judge: David Hilder      Judge's Comments: Nice one Cameron, a very nice first impression with your pipe, nicely set and blown. Good musical tempo to start. Phrasing quite well, watch for the odd moment of inconsistant note values coming through. Some are theme notes and some are short notes, make sure they are the same value through tune. Overall a nice musical tune played on a nice pipe Thank you, David.
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Aaron Gray      Place: 1      Tunes: Craig 'n' Darroch      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Well done Aaron. You show good control in your playing and some very good technique. However, there are some hints of crossing noises especially between B & F. The tune was a little on the slow side and i would just like it to have a little more lift. Pipes are well tuned and good pressure applied. Keep working hard!
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Margaret Hill      Place: 2      Tunes: The Clan MacColl      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Well done Margaret. You kept a nice and staedy tempo throughout. I would like to see the tune a little more brisk to help the music come through. You identify the strong pulse well but you need to be aware of the short notes to give the tune more shape and these subtle changes will give more flow. Work on E & D doublings. be more deliberate so we can hear both strong gracenotes in the movement. Be careful with crossing noises (3rd part 2nd time). Watch part ends and try not to play Birls too early ahead of the beat. Drones were well in tune and chanter generally well set. D flat at start but High G sharp throughout. Dont lose concentration with your blowing as there is the odd dip in pressure. Great potential.
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Jack Lang      Place: 3      Tunes: Arthur Bignold of Lochrosque      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: Well done Jack. There are a few technical things I would like you to focus on. Your grips and taorluaths need more work. Give them lots of low G and dont rush the placement of the gracenotes within the movement. All of your part ends were a touch erratic. Listen back and try and tap your foot! The problem is not holding the low G before the B in the last bar. You jump to this too early. A note error in last part, so look at the music for this. Keep working hard to define your doublings. Be more deliberate with them. The last birl was very quick and ahead of the beat. make sure you finish the tune. Drones not totally in tune and D is quite sharp on the chanter.
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Parker Brooke      Place: 4      Tunes: Muir Of Ord      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: A good attempt Parker. Work on your doubling exercises to help strengthen your fingers. Be more deliberate with your doublings so that they come across full every time. We want to hear both gracenotes clearly in the movement! You sustained a steady tempo but this tune would benefit from a little increse in tempo. Drones not totally in tune and top hand of chanter a little sharp. Try to apply more arm pressure to keep the instrument steady. Emphasise the beat note further to get a strong pulse coming through the tune. Well done.
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Friedrich Christiansen      Place: 5      Tunes: John MacDonald of Glencoe      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: A good attempt at a difficult tune. You keep a good, consistant tempo. However, a little more attention to your bottom hand technique will help you greatly. Try to be a little more deliberate with your doublings and open the movement out to get a more solid embelishment. Pay attention to the strong pulse in this tune. In parts 2 &4, Lengthen the E before the birl to prevent you jumping ahead of the beat. You also play the part end birls before the beat try to hold out for this. Be careful in part 3 with low G - B- C- E passage. It is a little tight and rushed. I would look at easing your pipes off a bit as you choked and I feel that they are a little too strong for you. keep a firmer arm pressure to help sustain a solid sound. Well done.
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Event 36. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers age 18 to 20 years
Competitor: Jürgen Christiansen      Place: 6      Tunes: Hugh Kennedy      Judge: Matt Wilson      Judge's Comments: I would like you to slow down and try to express the beat note more. It will also help you get better technique. Be more deliberate with your doublings so you can hear both gracenotes clearly. Slowing down will also help you get rid of crossing noises. Hold notes before tachums to give more time to complete the movent. There were some incomplete passages of your tune and note errors in parts 3 &4. The main thing for you is to slow down and emphasise the the beat notes more. Well done.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Gord Wallace      Place: 1      Tunes: Glenfinnan Highland Gathering      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Gord. Thanks for taking part today. Tone: A well set up instrument. Good balance. Excellent drones and blowing style. Execution: Pretty good hands. Watch to open C doublings. Also 4-note groupings that go by so quickly (try to open a hair)...note #2 in my view... Music: NIce comfortable tempo to start. A musical feel. Watch connecting notes from beat to beat that they do not get too large and round. Better if you "attack" the beats more aggressively. Could be really great then. Summary: A really good tune. Good hands, good pipe and quite good music. Work on last point for more style points! Thank you.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Raquel MacFarlane      Place: 2      Tunes: The Taking of Beaumont Hamel      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Raquel and thanks for being here today. Tone: Pretty good with drones not quite in tune. Chanter quite nice and is at good pitch. Execution: Nice strong fingers. Watch E's —- both the doubling and crosses "to" E for clarity. Nicely executed marching in a smaller room! Muisic: Excellent tempo. Steady and consistent. Good music. You could cut the 2nd bar beats a bit harder generally (more snap) which would draw attention to your very consistent first bar beat accents. Summary: A musical performance on a pretty good instrument.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Scott Phillips      Place: 3      Tunes: The Braes of Castle Grant      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Scott and good job in taking part today. Tone: A bold pipe sound. Blowing is nice and steady. Excellent drones and filling your room nicely. Execution: Pretty good hands are evident but snatching at the work generally. Ending phrases are a good example where you are moving quickly through the A-B-C-HA move (bar 7). C-E in same bar is being clipped as well. Music: A bit pushed at the start. You have quite a stilted affect overall due to snappying the short notes very aggressively. Try to smooth the music out. However a steady pace is delivered consistently through. Summary: A very good run on a good instrument. Just watch the clippy style to your playing. I would settle back and not push if it were me. Thank you.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Alistair MacKay      Place: 4      Tunes: Donald MacLean’s farewell to Oban      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Alistair and thanks for doing this today. Tone: A lovely pipe sound. Great bass drone affect. HA is quite busy (better when you blow it out firmly). Execution: Pretty good hands. A bit loose on and hand movements (esp. E dblg.) Music: Good, steady tempo chosen. Could have more musicality by extending first bar beats consistently. In general hold beat notes harder/longer for even better effect. It comes off as quite round and lacking musical shape. Summary: Well set and hands are quite good. Continue to work on musical style with phrasing as the next big quest. Thanks.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Lindsay Hunter      Place: 5      Tunes: The Lochabar Gathering      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Lindsay and thanks for being here, especially from North Uist. Tone: The mic is being oversaturated a wee bit. Pipe a bit flat in pitch but full. Lovely HA. Bottom hand is dull. Execution: Pretty strong fingers. Top hand doublings could be worked on for clarity. The D throw — E - D doubling move is very tough. Keep working on this! Such a great tune. Music: Quite brisk at start. Pushing through phrases somewhat. Needs settling and accenting on first bar beats. Summary: A good tune Lindsay. I would settle back — drop the tempo a bit — and pull out strong beat accents more for greater affect.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Evan MacK      Place: 6      Tunes: Mrs. MacDonald of Uig      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Evan. You are back and so am I...good to have you! Tone: A refined pipe — nicely done. Sweet chanter with full drone accompaniment. Top hand gets sharp as you go through (overblowing somewhat). Execution: Should really be a 2/4 here and not a 6/8. This is a funny one...the tune is misprinted in Donald MacLeod's own book (listed as 2/4 and should be 6/8)! His band (Seaforth) do get it right in their Cabar Feidh Collection...very random. Anyway totally a 6/8 is what you played and you should drop this in future from any 3/4 contest. However, not your fault and I am not holding this against you in any way. Music: Well started with good 6/8 flow. Speeding up in 3rd part. Overall, you should hold first bar beats longer (coming off the beat a shade early). A bit unsettled by end - or it started better than it finished. Summary: A good 6/8! Try to pulse/phrase stronger and you will really be onto something.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Alan Beith           Tunes: The clan maccoll      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Alan and thanks for your submission today. Well I am glad someone is in Inverness.. Tone: Okay sound. LG is very flat. Whole chanter is on the flat-ish side. Drones pretty good. Execution: Quite good but "work" could be opened and clearer ("C" and "E" dlgs. come to mind). Music: A very brisk start. Try to hold the strong bar beats longer to give full note value and a smoother musical effect. Summary: A good show but felt like a race more than a 2/4 March contest in the end. Try to settle back and let this settle musically. Thank you.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Carsten Christiansen           Tunes: The Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Thanks for being here today Carsten. Tone: Chanter at pretty sweet pitch. Drones could have been pulled way down (too flat). Execution: Pretty good hands. Top hand doublings need work (esp. E). Music: A somewhat brisk opening. Quite musical but it feels pushed throughout. I can feel a good sense of music from you however. It is there to be tweaked. Summary: A pretty good run Carsten. Just too fast and continue to work on technique and musicality. Thanks for this.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Keith Alexandrovich           Tunes: The Taking of Beaumont Hamel      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Great to have you here Keith. Tone: A good pipe sound and well set. Blowing is nice and steady. Drone sound is well tuned and full. Execution: Pretty good hands. Work on E and C doublings (clearer gracenotes). Music: Very cautious in tempo. To me, the connecting note/s TO the first bar beats are too open/big. This creates quite a round and hesitant feel to your tune. Summary: A pretyt good performance Keith. Work to bring up tempo a hair but, mostly, technique and musical flow.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Michael Swan           Tunes: Donald MacLellan of Rotheday      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Michael. Good to have you here. Nice setting. Tone: A good sweet sound. HA is thin. Execution: Good fingers. Watch crossing sounds. Doublings generally could be larger and clearer. Also grips and taorluaths are the same. Music: Excellent tempo chosen. A little stilted as you are not addressing the major beats with the consistency they need. Summary: A good tune delivered on a good pipe. Work on fundamentals and music.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Raúl Peinado           Tunes: Father John MacMillan of Barra      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hello Raul and thank you for taking part today! Tone: A big sound in this venue! A pretty good sound overall at good pitch. Execution: Pretty good fingers. Work on C and E doublings for clarity. Music: A bit quick at start. Need to separate the two beat in each bar. Seem to be all running together. Space. As a start please hold the first beat in each bar longer. This is a good starting point. Summary: Nicely done. Work on spacing out beats. Thank you!
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Samuel LE DU           Tunes: The Inverness Gathering [Traditional]      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Hi Samuel and thanks for doing this. Tone: A very good sound. Drones and chanter are excellent. Execution: Pretty good but "work" is tight/small. Try to open up gracenoting. HA -E-C-E move is very jumbled and unclear in 2nd. Taorluaths also need clarity. Birls are very good. Music: A bit rushed at start. Need to hold first bar beats much longer. Summary: A good effort Samuel with your fundamentals needing a lot of attention. Needs clarity and relaxing in tempo.
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Event 37. P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge 2/4 March - for pipers 21 and older
Competitor: Steve Coontz           Tunes: The 8th Argylls      Judge: Terry Lee      Judge's Comments: Thanks for being here Steve. Excellent wind affect. Tone: A good sounding pipe. Blowing is very steady. Execution: Nicely started. Need attention on fundamentals. D throw should be addressed (more Low G and gracenotes generally). Music: Pretty musical in the end and, yet, strong bar beats could have more stress/accent. Coming off quite round in style. Summary: A pretty good run Steve. Address basics of execution. Thank you.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Brown      Place: 1      Tunes: Major Manson at Clachantrushal, Susan MacLeod, Stornaway Castle      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES FANTASTIC. MARCH — EXCELLENT PLAYING. STRATHSPEY- VERY GOOD. REEL — VERY CONTROLLED. 2ND PART EVER SO SLIGHTLY UNTIDY. EXCELLENT!!
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: James MacHattie      Place: 3      Tunes: The Knightswood Ceilidh, Delvinside, The Angler      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES — GOOD. MARCH — VERY NICE, PERHAPS A LITTLE OVER EXPRESSED THROUGHOUT. STRATHSPEY — EXCELLENT. REEL — BRILLIANT.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Dr Brendon Eade      Place: 4      Tunes: John MacDonald of Glencoe, Blackley of Hillsdale, Kildonan      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES — GOOD. MARCH — GREAT LIFT AND TEMPO. ROUNDING OUT LAST LINE OF 4TH PART A TAD. STRATHSPEY — BRILLIANT. REEL — VERY GOOD PLAYING. GREAT PERFORMANCE.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: John Dew      Place: 5      Tunes: Compliments to the Teaching of Willie McCallum, The Falls of Forsy, The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES — GOOD. MARCH — NICE MARCH. HOWEVER IT FEELS ON THE SAFE SIDE AND CAN BE PUSHED ON MORE. VERY GOOD TECHNIQUE. STRATHSPEY — VERY GOOD. PERHAPS A LITTLE CAREFUL IN PLACES. REEL — GOOD. VERY GOOD THROUGHOUT.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fraser Allison      Place: 6      Tunes: Major Manson at Clachantrushal - Maggie Cameron - The Rejected Suitor      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES GOOD. MARCH — NICELY PLAYED. BIRLS NOT ALWAY CONSISTENT AT PART ENDINGS. STRATHSPEY — GOOD. STRONG TECHNIQUE. REEL — NICE, SOLID PLAYING.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian K. MacDonald           Tunes: Abbercairney Highlanders/Piper’s Bonnet/The Little Cascade      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: MARCH — EXCELLENT. BRISK TEMPO. STRATHSPEY — SLOW UPTAKE TO S/PEY. VERY GOOD THERE AFTER. REEL — GOOD. PIPES — DRONES GREAT. TOP HAND A LITTLE THIN. OVERALL A TAD ON THE QUICK SIDE BUT OTHERWISE VERY NICE.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: John Partanen           Tunes: The clan maccoll maggie cameron bessie macintyre      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: JOHN, VERY NICELY PLAYED THROUGHOUT. VERY MUSICAL PLAYING WITH A VERY NICE SOUNDING INSTRUMENT. TEMPOS VERY RELAXED AND GOOD CONTROL. WELL DONE!
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Kyle Howie           Tunes: Mrs MacDonald- Glenuig, MacBeth's Strathspey, Scorrybreck Falls      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES — GOOD. MARCH — FAIRLY WELL PLAYED, ROUNDNESS IN PLACES ESPECIALLY 3RD PART. S/PEY — WELL CONTROLLED. AGAIN, FAIRLY STRAIGHT PLAYING AND LACKING IN LIFT. REEL — NICELY PLAYED. GOOD PERFORMANCE.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Kylie MacHattie           Tunes: The Crags of Stirling, Maggie Cameron, Kalabakan      Judge: Callum Beaumont      Judge's Comments: PIPES — GOOD.TOP HAND OF CHANTER FLAT. MARCH — NICELY PLAYED. TECHNIQUE A TAD OVERCLIPPED. STRATHSPEY — GOOD. AGAIN, TECHNIQUE LACKING DEFINITION. REEL — GOOD CONTROL. WELL PLAYED.
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 38. Open/Pro - Piping - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ian K. MacDonald      Place: 1      Tunes: Beverly’s Choice / John Patterson’s Mare      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice set Ian. Lovely pipe and hornpipe technically very good. Jig pushing along a bit for me. Overall, very entertaining.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Williamson      Place: 2      Tunes: Mary Anne of Garradh-Na-Mona, The Skylark’s Ascension      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice hornpipe Jack, on a nice pipe. Lovely jig, very well played. Enjoyed this set.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: James MacHattie      Place: 3      Tunes: Duncan Johnstone, The Hen's March      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipe well set. Well fingered hornpipe James — tempo up there a bit. Well played Jig. Good stuff.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: John Dew      Place: 4      Tunes: The Lochearnhead Tug-of-War Disaster, Dr. Alexander MacAskill of Bernera, Harris      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Great hornpipe tempo. Wee strike from F miss 4th part. Jig. GDE's — could smooth out — coming across a little heavy on the first accent. Otherwise a fine set John!
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Calum Brown      Place: 5      Tunes: Bobby Cuthbertson, Donella Beaton      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe Callum. Interesting setting of Bobby Cuthbertson. Wee D gracenote miss third part. Jig, good technically but jumping off the end of two bar phrases. Very enjoyable set.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Dr Brendon Eade      Place: 6      Tunes: PM George Allan, Donald Maclennan's Tuning Phrase      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Lively tempo. Nice setting of hornpipe. HG gracenote missing from E dbl 1st part, otherwise well played. Jig. Good jig rhythm. Good clean playing. Pipe nice. Nice set Brendon
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrew Donlon           Tunes: Hazel Thompson, Donella Beaton      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice pipe Andrew. Missed/unconvincing B shake 1st part of hornpipe, and again in 3rd part. Good tempo and expression. Miss again 3rd part. HA-LA hint of chirp. Jig, again nice tempo. Slight technical inaccuracy 1st part and GDE miss 2nd part. Otherwise, enjoyable tunes.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Brieuc COLLETER           Tunes: * Lucy Cassdy (George McIntyre) * D.W. Donald (John Lee)      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo. Birls not always 100%. A few crossing noises creeping in. Jig — good transition. Fingering inaccuracy 2nd part. Entertaining jig. Enjoyable set Brieuc.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daniel Lidgren           Tunes: Pipe Major George Allan The Bride's Jig (Lord Dunmore)      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: A little quick overall — tending to be a bit round. 3rd part tempo slowed. The odd crossing noise creeping in and a few fingering inaccuracies. Otherwise very competently played. Jig. Lively tempo — could have sat back a wee bit — you would get more nusic out of it. Wee slip last part. Enjoyable tunes Daniel.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Darrell Calvillo           Tunes: Duncan Johnstone, The Sea-Gull      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Coming off the end of the 2 bar phrase too early. A couple of technical inaccuracies. Good transition into Jig. A bit cut first part for me - HA - F - HA (F too cut). Same sort of thing in 3rd part (C- F - C too cut). Competently played otherwise.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David McNally           Tunes: Hazel Thompson, DI Brown's Mod 2018      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Drones not 100% set with the pipe chanter, David. Watch E dbl from short F (2nd and 3rd part hornpipe). Competently played. Jig. wee crossing noise 2nd part. Well played otherwise.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David Stulpner           Tunes: Jim Tweedie's Sea Legs, Alan MacPherson, Mosspark      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Good stuff David. Lovely hornpipe. Sometimes coming off the end of the 2 bar phrase early. Strike a bit light 2nd part. Some slight lack of accuracy 3rd and 4th parts. Good tunes.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: DONALD MAXWELL           Tunes: Jim tweedie's sea-legs and The Hen's march      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Hornpipe tempo perhaps a little conservative Donald, but came across well. Drones well set. Jig generally well played, slight technical inaccuracies 3rd part. End of tune — didn't play G strike on E — need to finish the tune!! Otherwise, and enjoyable set.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Fraser Allison           Tunes: Mrs Cath Macdonald The Old Wife of the Mill Dust      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Very clean Hornpipe — wee chip on LA 4th part. Jig. A little quick for me. Some of the 1-2-3 jig rhythm lost. Pipe well set. Well fingered, enjoyable set Fraser.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeanie Hawes Schultz           Tunes: Uphold the Right, Alan Macpherson of Mosspark      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Drones not 100% set with chanter. Well played hornpipe — a few wee crossing noises. Birl to die for! HA tending flat. Jig. Pushing the tempo along a bit, and not always consistent. 4th part in particular rushed in places. Enjoyable listen.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: John Partanen           Tunes: Willie McKillip, The Seagull      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Nice bright tempo in hornpipe John. Jig tempo similarly bright! Enjoyed hearing the DSRamsey setting of The Seagull. Enjoyable set of tunes to listen too — keep going!!
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Karen McCrindle Warren           Tunes: The HLI Hornpipe, Donnie MacGregor      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Good tempo. HG note very light in the HA - HG - HA passages 1st and 2nd parts. Jig — tempo a little quick for me, wee crossing noise, otherwise very well fingered.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Kyle Howie           Tunes: Lucy Cassidy, Duncan MacKillop      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Birls from C not always 100% clear. I felt you could put more expression in the hornpipe. Good transition to jig. Nice playing on a lovely pipe.
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott Armstrong           Tunes: Wee Man From Skye and Donald MacLellans Tuning Phrase      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Hornpipe — tune name is "The Man From Skye" (there's no 'wee' in it!!). Pipe well set. A little too dot/cut for me. A few wee crossing noise creeping in. Watch you you don't leap off the end of each 2-bar phrase. A bit rushed at the end. Jig. Watch GDE's come out in the 1-2-3 jig rhythm. Generally well played — could cool the tempos a bit!
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Event 39. Open/Pro - Piping - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Trevor Kellock           Tunes: Mortonian Rant, The Calrossie Cattle Wife      Judge: Greg Wilson      Judge's Comments: Pipes well set. Very interesting hornpipe, and well fingered. Jig. Good transition. E dbl miss. HG gracenote missing off E dbl from short F 1st part (and 3rd part). Birls not always 100%. Wee chip 4th part. Otherwise a very musical jig.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ian K. MacDonald      Place: 1      Tunes: MacLeod of Colbeck’s Lament      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Solid ground. Var 1 S - I did feel you were slightly laboured just before the cadence passages here. Var 1 D - Well played. Var 2 S - Well played. Var 2 D - Well played. Taor S - I felt you were slightly inconsistent with the length of some of the Low As after the taorluaths, just before the cadence passages here. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Crun-a-Mach - Well played. Solid pipe.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: John Dew      Place: 2      Tunes: The Rout of the Lowland Captain      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Well played here. Var 1 - I felt you pushed the pace here just a shade too much. Well played otherwise. Var 2 S - Well played. Var 2 D - Well played. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Dr Brendon Eade      Place: 3      Tunes: Too Long In This Condition      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nicely played here. Ground D - Well played with good contrast in pace. Var 1 S - Well played. Var 1 D - Well played. Crun S - I felt the middle of line 2 was slightly pushed here. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: James MacHattie      Place: 4      Tunes: The Old Men of the Shells #1      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nicely played here. Var 1 - Good contrast in pace here with the Ground. I did feel some of your link/passing notes were a shade on the square side though. Var 2 S - Well played. Var 2 D - Well played. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Nice pipe!
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Ryan Murray      Place: 5      Tunes: Park Piobaireachd no. 2      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nicely played here. I did feel you were slightly inconsistent with the phrase endings though. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Gordon Barclay      Place: 6      Tunes: Lament for MacSwan of Roaig      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Good pace and expression here. I did feel you were pushing off the first pulse in the bars where it is a crochet/quarter note just a shade too much though. Var 1 S - Well played. Var 1 D - Well played. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Alastair Murray           Tunes: Earl of Ross March      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Fairly well played here. I did feel you could have defined the phrase endings a bit more though. Var 1 - Well played. Var 2 S - I felt this was slightly clipped in presentation; short Low As clipped. Var 2 D - Well played. Var 3 S - Well played. Var 3 D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Andrew Donlon           Tunes: The Wee Spree      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Well played here. Ground D - Good contrast with the singling here. Well played. Var 1 - Well played. Taor - A couple of slightly tighter triplets on B here, otherwise well played. Crun - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Bill Hawes           Tunes: MacCrimmons Sweetheart      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - I felt the long A in the middle of the phrases was spoiling the flow here; you were over extending it slightly. Var 1 - Nice contrast in pace with the ground. The Low A mid phrase was being over extended here too though. Var 2 - Well played. Var 3 S - Well played. Var 3 D - Well played. Taor S - I felt the GDE/triplets here were quite crushed overall. Otherwise nively expressed. Taor D - Similar comment here about the GDE/triplets. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Well balanced pipe. C and F sharp throughout.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Brieuc COLLETER           Tunes: * Macintoshs Banner (JMcGillivray)      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - I felt this was a shade on the fast side here. Otherwise fairly well played. Var 1 S - Again I felt the pace was on the quick side. Otherwise well played. Var 1 D - Well played here. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well Played. Crun S - A few tight crunluath movements here. Crun D - Again a few tight crunluath movements. Nice pipe!
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Calum Brown           Tunes: Lament for Donald Duaghal MacKay      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - A well handled ground. My only coment would be that I felt you could have defined the phrases endings a bit more. Var 1 - Fairly well handled with nice musicality. Phrasing not clearly enough defined and as a result the variation came across a shade pushed/forced for my taste. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Nice pipe!
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Daniel Lidgren           Tunes: Lament for Donald of Laggan      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Fairly well played here with good pace. I did feel you could have indicated the phrase ends a bit more though. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played, however I felt you could have pushed the pace slightly more for a better contrast with the singling. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - A couple of tight D crunluaths, otherwise well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: David McNally           Tunes: Lament for Captain MacDougall      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nice pace here and fairly well played. Your echo beats are quite quick and need more depth in the second strike. Var 1 S - I felt this was a shade on the slow side here. Otherwise, well played. Var 1 D - Good contast in pace here with the singling although this is slightly on the slow side too. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Chanter starting to go sharp to drones. Well played. Crun D - Well played. F sharp from the outset here. Well balanced pipe but not quite holding.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: David Stulpner           Tunes: Black Donald's March      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - A well handled ground. My only coment would be that I felt you could have defined the phrases endings a bit more. Var 1 - Again well handled with nice musicality. Phrasing not clearly enough defined for my taste. Var 2 - Well played. Leam S - Well played. Leam D - I felt the pace here started a shade on the quick side and settled half way through line 1. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Contrast with singling handled better here. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Crun-a-Mach - I felt the a-Mach movements here were quite crushed overall and I wasn't able to hear all the detail in the movement. Pipe holding well. F came across a bit wavery.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Donald Maxwell           Tunes: Lament for Donald of laggan      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - The presentation here was a bit on the square side. Try to make ssure you are playing though the bars and phrases. You have a tendancy to break the phrases up by pausing on pulses that should be played through. Taor S - Again, quite square in delivery. Your taorluath movements were quite open/deliberate and the connecting notes were a shade on the square side. Taor D - Similar comments to the singling. You could have increased the pace here to give better contrast with the singling. Crun S - Fairly well handled here. Some slight inconsistencies in theme note length though. Crun D - Well played. Pipe held well. Nice bright sounding instrument.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Fraser Allison           Tunes: McNeil of Barra's March      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nice pace and flow here. I felt you could have extended the end of the phrases a bit more. Your echo beats on B are quite short. Var 1 S - Well played. Var 1 D - Well played. Var 2 S - Echo beats on B are a quite short. Otherwise well played. Var 2 D - Well played. Crun S - Echo beats on B are a quite short here too. Otherwise well played. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Graeme Glass           Tunes: Lament for Patrick Og Macrimmon      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nice expression and music here. I just felt the pace was ashade on the slow side overall. Ground D - You could have pushed the pace on slightly here for a better contrast with the ground. Var 1 S - Well played. Var 1 D - I felt you gathered a bit of pace as you went through the senond ine here. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Crun-a-Mach - The a-Mach movements were quite crushed here, struggling to hear the detail of the movement. Well balanced pipe. D flat from the beginning, High G a shadeon the wavery side.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Jeanie Hawes Schultz           Tunes: Too Long in This Condition - Donald MacDonald's Ancient Music of Caledonia      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nicely presented here. To be authentic to the Donad MacDonald setting though you should be interpreting the taorluath movements with the redundant Low A, B or Cs. Ground D - Same comment about redundant Low As etc. Otherwise well played. Var 1 S - Well played. Var 1 D - Well played. Var 2 S - I felt you were slightly inconsistent in your treatment of the cadence passages here. Var 2 D - Well played. Crun S - Wrong bar played - second measure of the third line. Crun D - Well played.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: John Partanen           Tunes: The Massacre of Glencoe      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Nice music here. I just felt the pace was on the slow side. Var 1 - Similar comment here to the ground. The pace was on the slow side and not enough contrast with the ground. Taor S - I felt you were slightly inconsistent with your treatment of the cadences here. Otherwise well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - I felt this could have been played with a bit more pace. Crun-a-Mach - Technically well delivered here. Again the pace was on the slow side though. Well blalnced pipe, not quite holding though.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Karen McCrindle Warren           Tunes: Lament for Mary MacLeod      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - I felt the E before your hiharins were quite short and it unbalanced the phrases where they were. Otherwise nicely played. Var 1 S - This was well played, however I felt it was just a shade on the quick side. Var 1 D - Well played. Taor S - This was nicely expressed, however I felt this was also a shade on the quick side. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - A shade on the quick side here. Crun D - Well played. Overall I just felt the tune was a shade on the quick side here. Nice pipe!
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Kylie MacHattie           Tunes: The Battle of Auldearn #1      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - Fairly well played here. I did feel you could have defined the phrase endings a bit more though. Thumb S - Well played. Thumd D - Well played. Dithis S - I felt you could have defined the phrase endings a bit more here. Dithis D - Well played. Taor S - A couple of D taoruaths on the tight side here. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Crun-a-Mach - Slightly untidy here, a few tight movements. Well balanced, bright pipe.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Peter Skae           Tunes: MacLeod of MacLeod's Lament      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Video removed by uploader messgae on YouTube.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Scott Armstrong           Tunes: I got a kiss of the Kings hand      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - A fairly well presented ground here. I did feel you were a shade square in your treatment of the short notes though which gave the ground a slightly square/mechanical feel. Var S - Well played. Var D - Well played. Taor S - Well played. Taor D - Well played. Crun S - Well played. Crun D - Well played. Crun-a-Mach - I felt this fell a bit flat here. You could have pushed the pace slightly more. Well balanced pipe. F sharp throughout.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Skip Cleavinger           Tunes: The Old Men of the Shells, Setting #1      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - A well handled ground. My only comment would be that I felt you could have defined the phrases endings a bit more. Var 1 - Again well handled with nice musicality. Phrasing not clearly enough defined for my taste. Var 2 S - Well played here. Var 2 D - Well played here. Taor S - I felt your triplets were a ittle crushed here. Otherwise well handled. Taor D - Slight choke beginning of line 1. Well played otherwise. Crun S - I felt you were rushing into the cadence passages here. It just gave the variation a bit of an unbalanced feel. Crun D - Slight choke beginning of line 1. Otherwise well played here. Pipe holding well. I did feel the top hand was a shade on the thin sounding side.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Steve MacGregor           Tunes: Salute to Pipe Major Richard Parkes MBE      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - This was quite clipped in presentation here. Try to soften the short notes slightly overall. Var 1 - Well played with good pace here. Taor - This was a shade on the square side here. Try to shorten the Low As after the taorluath movements slightly to help with this. The pace slowed slightly as you went through the variation here. Crun - Some crunluath movements here lacking depth from the Low Gs. Otherwise fairly well played. Crun-a-Mach - Some crushed a-Mach movements here, struggling to hear the detail in the movements. Well balanced pipe.
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Event 40. Open/Pro - Piping - Piobaireachd
Competitor: Trevor Kellock           Tunes: The Massacre of Glencoe      Judge: Chris Armstrong      Judge's Comments: Ground - I felt you were over extending the phrase endings which spolied the flow here. Musically it was well played, just try not to break up the flow too much with the over extending phrase endings. Var - Similar comment here to the ground. The pace could have been pushed on slightly here too to give better contrast with the ground. Taor S - The cadence passages here were quite drawn out and spoiled the flow of an otherwise well played vairiation. Taor D - Well played here. A couple of chirpy G gracenotes on Low A. Crun S - Well played here. Just try not to over extending the line endings. Crun D - A couple of tight crunluath movements here, otherwise well played. Crun-a-Mach - The a-Mach movements were quite crushed in places here, not hearing all the detail in the movement. Well balanced pipe, hold well.
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Event 102. Beginner Drum Pad 4/4 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Dylan Buller      Place: 1      Tunes: 4/4 massed bands      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Great intro rolls, nicely timed and controlled. Listen to make sure your rolls are even in sounds and texture. Part 1: Uptake to the tune nice, some great flam work coming across here! I'd watch the timinig of the 5 stroke roll phrases, and slow down on the run of 5 singles in the last bar. Part 2: Lovely confindence and clarity on the 6 stroke roll phrases, again just watch not to rush at the end. Part 3: Watch your drag work here, try lower your weight of them a wee bit. As you start to learn more complex scores you'll notice that drags are almost always playted quietly. Also watch the dead stick hand doesn't produce too much of a "buzz" sound. Part: 4: Tempo staying consistent throughout the tune, nice job! Losing some clarity in flam/open work in this part. Stellar effort mate!
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Event 102. Beginner Drum Pad 4/4 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Muhammad Arif Fitri      Place: 2      Tunes: 4/4 March      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Watch the timing of your intro rolls, make sure they are 3 beats long each. Try to envision the tempo of the tune before getting started and count in! Uptake to the tune rushed, try beating your foot or using a Metronome when playing, this will help with your timing. 2nd part very erratic, just relax! Great confidence throughout, but watch the clarity of your roll and open work. I think more than anything its just slightly rushed! Great effort overall, if you tweak some of the things I have mentioned i'm sure you'll see an immediate improvement.
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Event 103. Beginner Drum Pad 2/4 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Dean wallis      Place: 1      Tunes: Teribus      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Very nice rolls. Be careful not to rush into 1st part. Ahead of pipes in intro. Some nice light and shade in 1st part. On your lighter parts, especially in the last two bars of part, they are sounding unclear. Relax when playing these, it is all about control. Nice flam work throughout performance. Perhaps one or two coming across unclear compared to others. Concentrate on high and low hand. Well kept tempo. Keep up the practice and good effort. Well played.
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Event 103. Beginner Drum Pad 2/4 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Lennon Mackenzie      Place: 2      Tunes: Teribus and The Pipers Cave      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Rolls slightly pulsated. Try to make more of a buzz on your left hand. This will help with roll quality. Ahead of tune in uptake to march. Relax on your intro. However, nice bright tempo. Sticking to tempo throughout performance. Watch very last part again jumping in slightly after pause for ending two bars. Relax on flams and single stick movements. Your run of sixes are slightly rigid. A few flams coming across as unclear. Remember about the difference in your high and low hand. Good effort and keep up the practice.
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Event 103. Beginner Drum Pad 2/4 March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Mariella Herman      Place: 3      Tunes: Teribus      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Nice rolls played to full value. Tempo drops after your rolls. Try and stick to original tempo. Tapping your foot while playing will help this. Watch your flams as some are coming across unclear. Remember to have a space between your high and low hand. Work on flam exercises. Good effort. Keep up the practice and have fun.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lewis Doherty      Place: 1      Tunes: Duncan McInnes, Corriechoillie Welcome to the Northern Meeting      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Very nice rolls. Confident uptake to march with bright tempo. Really nice single work, however, losing this in a few places. Lovely light and share coming across throughout. Flams are crisp and clear for majority of playing. Playing well to pipe melody. Drum sound is bright and crisp. Very nice snare response. Great, confident playing. Well done!
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Luke Gibson      Place: 2      Tunes: Teribus, The Piper’s Cave      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Good rolls and played to full note value. Lively tempo and well maintained. Nice use of light and shade in roll movements. Single work coming across clear and nice use of paradiddles in 3rd part. Flam work is very good, just one or two not as clear as others. Drum sound is good. Sounds like you are playing off the snare. Make sure to play on snare for improved sound. Good performance.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hope Barnes      Place: 3      Tunes: Duncan McInnis      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Nice rolls and up lifting tempo. Good use of flams and drags throughout, especially in 3rd part. Be careful not to rush your single movements as they start to become unclear. However, the majority come across clear. Nice variation of movements at this level. Nice drum sound. Keep practicing your exercises on singles, rolls, flams and drags. Good potential here. Big smile after showed you enjoyed it and made me too. That is what it is all about...some fun. Good performance.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack MacDonald      Place: 4      Tunes: Haughs of Cromdale, Men of Argyll      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Rolls played to full note value. Slightly pulsated. Playing well to pipe melody. Remember to have a difference in your high and low hand for flams. Sounding unclear. Good attempt at drags in this tune. Overall, relax your playing especially on flams, drags and single stick movements. Some more light and shade would also improve your overall performance. Work on exercises for mentioned movements as well as rolls. Good attempt.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Dean wallis      Place: 5      Tunes: Teribus Pipers Cave      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Good intro rolls. Make sure to keep pressure on sticks when rolling in the drum score. More control needed for when playing lightly. Nice tempo for march. Paradiddle and single work not coming across clear as you are rushing and losing control. Slow these movements down until you can play these nice and clear/accurate. Keep up the practice and hard work. Good potential here. Good effort. Drum sound effected by drum box but good.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ciaran McDonald      Place: 6      Tunes: The Marchioness of Tullibardine      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Rolls pulsated. Tempo sustained through intro. Losing pipe melody in 2nd part. Most flams coming across as clear, however, remember to keep the height difference between your high and low hand. Keep working on exercises for these. Good effort. Drum sounding slightly choked.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alyssa Allegretti           Tunes: The 79ths Farewell to Gibraltar      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Pulsated rolls but played to full value. Nice flams in 1st part and clear single movements. Just rushing ahead of pipe melody. Good attempt at drags. Keep working at them with exercises. Either losing pipe melody in 3rd part or score does not fit melody. Rushing again in 4th part. Concentration on keeping the beat. Tap your foot as this will help. Good potential here so keep up the practice. Drum sound is coming across nice and crisip.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christine Brewer           Tunes: Captain Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Rolls not played to full note value — too long. Make sure these are 3 beats to set tempo. Keep pressure on sticks when rolling. Single work rushed in places. Relax on these movements. Can be helped with single exercises. Good flams coming across. Tempo maintained through majority of march. Drum is choked and little to no snare response. Good effort.
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Event 104. Grade 5 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Conor Blacklock           Tunes: Athol Breadalbane Gathering, Prince Charles welcome to Lochaber      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Rolls played to full note value. Ever so slightly pulsated. Losing flow of tune in intro with your opening phrase. Losing pipe melody towards end of performace. Some nice single movements but not consistent. Remember to keep a difference between high and low hand for flams. Exercises will improve this greatly. Drum sound is good. Good effort. Concentration throughout is important.
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Event 105. Grade 5 Side Drumming 4/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lillian Scott      Place: 1      Tunes: Leaving Liverpool      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Great rolls! Love to see you tapping your foot and getting into the swing of things. First Part: Nice tempo and uptake to the tune, playing well with the piper and there is some nice playing coming across. Watch some of your open work isn't too rushed. Second part: Loving the crescendo work on the 7 stroke rolls! Again watch some open work here and also try extend out those dot/cut triplets a wee bit to get more feel out of the music. Third part: Nice clarity and confidence on flam work, again watch the timing slightly of the dot/cut phrasing. Fourth part: Best part here for me, lovely playing throughout and great control. Open work much better and more accurate here. *One thing i'd also suggest, try lowering your harness slightly, your drum seems a bit high. Great job, I enjoyed your performance.
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Event 105. Grade 5 Side Drumming 4/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hope Barnes      Place: 2      Tunes: Flett from Flotta and The Old Rustic Bridge      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Lovely opening rolls! Listen out for slight unevenness. First tune: Slightly rushed intro tap into tune but settles after first couple of bars. Great confidence and playing through here, watch some of your open work to ensure it's accurate and clear. Try lower your stick height slightly through these bits. Long roll in ending phrase slightly rushed. Like the first part, slight rushing into the second part from the intro 7 stroke roll. Second tune: Slight loss of integration with the piper here, minor rushing through open work. Watch rushing into 2nd part. Apart from the slight rushing there's some great playing throughout here! Lovely open work in the second part especially. All of your roll endings are very accurate which is super important! Really enjoyed your performance, big thing that sticks out to me is just some timing issues especially going into each new part. I'd try lower your stick height on some of the open work to and ensure it is controlled and accurate. Great effort!
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Event 106. Grade 5 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lillian Scott      Place: 1      Tunes: Pipe Major Donald McLean of Lewis      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thanks so much for competing, Lillian! Great sounding drum. Good accent weight for the room. Good intro rolls. Very clean and well timed. Don’t keep the last buzz on the head during the tap, make sure to lift it at the very last nanosecond to avoid cancelling the tone of the drum. Nice lift to your playing, well done keeping the tune moving forward. Make sure you finish all the small rolls, especially in each ending. Too often it sounds like two buzzes with no tap. Excellent 13 rolls with strong endings. You could work even more dynamics in to make it more dramatic. Good, open flams throughout. Great feel for the drum and how to get a good tone out of it. Very good upbeat feel and drawing good spark from the accents without over playing. Well done.
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Event 106. Grade 5 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hope Barnes      Place: 2      Tunes: Glendaruel Highlanders      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Great performance! Your smile at the end says it all! Good rolls, well timed and sustained. Good, even buzzes. Good tempo, lively upbeat. Good compound march feel, swinging with the dot-and-cut feel of the melody. Good symmetry and stick height. Stay in the center for the best tone, don’t wander. Watch not to close any flams – keep them open so it is always two sounds and you can hear the grace note. Very good, open flams most of the time. Be careful not to play some of the small upbeat rolls too late, you have to get them in there on time to keep it moving forward, especially where they fall within in a beat and therefore don’t begin or end on the beat. Strong musicianship. Good duet with a strong piper. Well done.
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Event 106. Grade 5 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christine Brewer      Place: 3      Tunes: Glendaruel Highlanders      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thanks so much for competing, Christine! Drum well pitched but coming across very thin, bottom snare sounds either very tight or not making contact resulting in a pinging tone off the bottom. Maybe add a little more weight in your accents to activate the whole drum. Play in the center to get the correct tone. Good triplet feel under your introductory rolls, well timed. Your buzzes need improvement to fill the entire triplet so it sounds like a continuous sustained roll and not pulsed. In the small rolls make sure you are actually playing all the elements and not finishing on a buzz or cutting the last buzz too short. Make you are always articulating the last note of the roll and the following note where the score envisions two taps to both be heard. Perhaps a little more finger pressure in your buzzes to make them longer. Keep flams open and never hit the drum with both sticks at the same time in a flam. Drags and rolls are the only times both sticks would make contact on the drum at the same time. Great feel for tune and the dot-cut triplet feel. Great timing, nice long waits in the 4th part with the pipe tune. Well done.
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Event 106. Grade 5 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Francois de Villiers      Place: 4      Tunes: 6/8 Mass band      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thanks so much for competing, Francois! You have good natural timing and feel for the melody. Work on developing good, even buzzes on each hand that sound exactly the same. You already articulate the triplet feel under the rolls well, just get the buzzes even to fill out the time evenly. Tempo a little fast. I would like to hear you play with a piper or backing-track (preferably a piper) to hear some duel feel. This tempo is a bit quick for a 6/8 march. Good feel for the phrases, although we don’t have the melody to hear from a piper you are presenting the pattern well. Stay in the center for the best tone, don’t wander. Flams are always two sounds and you must play so you can hear the grace note. Keep them open and use symmetry to flow back and forth hand-to-hand. All rolls need more buzz to fill the time and give the illusion of sustain, like the sound of paper tearing from one end to the other, smooth and constant until it stops abruptly. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Megan Millar      Place: 1      Tunes: General Montgomery      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Good introduction rolls and uptake to 6/8 march, nice relaxed tempo and playing well to pipe tune. Some difficult material played very well, nice dynamics coming through also. All your rudiments are very good - flams, roughs, drags, rolls all coming through clearly. Be careful just in the triplet flam movement in the 2nd part, losing the piper slightly here. Very musical performance, playing well to pipe tune and really good phrasing. Lots of potential here, keep working on your rudiments, phrasing and dynamics to improve and develop your playing. Excellent show, well done
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ewan MacNeil      Place: 2      Tunes: Cameron MacFadyen      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Good introduction rolls, slightly pulsated but of good duration. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well with the pipe tune. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Losing the 6/8 phrasing a little in the 2nd part — specifically in the tied beats followed by the accented beat five movement. Listen to the pipe tune here to help with the phrasing. Overall a good performance, just work on your phrasing a little more, listen to the pipe tune and continue to practice your rudiments to improve your playing. Well done
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ceana Fleury      Place: 3      Tunes: Hot Punch , The Rock and Wee Pickle Toe      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little slower than the tempo set by the piper. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, good phrasing and playing well to pipe tune. Nice material played well and some good attempt at dynamics in first tune. Slightly behind the piper in places in 2nd tune, just be careful here as it diminishes the musical flow. Rudiments are played well, flams, fives, drags, paradiddles and flam bounce movements all good — slightly stronger on your right hand than your left. Just make sure not to lose focus coming to the end of the performance, rudimets not as clear towards the end. Overall very enjoyable performance, keep practicing your rudiments on both hands to improve your playing. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeremy Downs      Place: 4      Tunes: Donald MacLean Of Lewis      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated but of good length. Good uptake to 6/8 march, lively tempo but playing well to the pipe tune and good attempt at the phrasing. Some of your single work, inparticular your fives not always clear and even. Try to open your playing here to make the singles even and steady. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Good attempt at dynamics at the start of the 3rd part, losing pipe tune slightly in 4th part. Overall well played and decent phrasing. Keep practicing your rudiments to improve your playing and try to incorporate more dynamics to help with the musical feel of the tune. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Catherine Johnson      Place: 5      Tunes: All the Blue Bonnets are Over the Border      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Introduction rolls a little pulsated. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to the pipe tune and your phrasing is generally good. Good flam and drag work, some difficult material here which you are handling well. Be careful of your ending phrase — slightly behind the pipe tune in the seven stroke roll onto the triplet at the end of each part, try to nip the roll in a little quicker to follow the pipes. Losing the piper a little in the 3rd part and again in the 4th on the opening phrase, but good effort on a difficult movement. Overall well played, good phrasing throughout but make sure you listen to the pipe tune and try to follow it. Try to incorporate more dynamics also which will help with your musicality. Keep preacticing your movements to continue to develop your playing, well done
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sofia Carollo      Place: 6      Tunes: The Braemar Gathering      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Good introduction rolls, slightly pulsated but of good duration. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well with the pipe tune. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a clear high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Also try to play some flams on your left hand — it might be easier to play flams sometimes on your left hand due to the material but you always switch it to your right hand. Kept well with the piper throughout and good attempt at the phrasing also. Overall a good performance, your rudiments are well played but you need to work on playing them on your left hand also and incorpoarting that into the tune. Good roll technique also which you should also continue to work on. Your drum also looks a little low, try moving it up so your arms aren't as far down when you are playing. Good potential here, keep practicing and improving. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Allie DeLonay           Tunes: Dr. Ross’s 50th Welcome to the Argyllshire Gathering      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls quite pulsated — try to smooth these out a bit more. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to pipe tune and good attempt at phrasing. Keeping the tempo steady throughout which is good, but some of your rudiments not always projecting through clearly - some flams, drags and fives. Good attempt at dynamics in last part but be careful not to lose the pipe tune in this part, specifically at the opening phrase of the 4th part and the paradiddle movement 2nd time through. Overall good show, keep working on your technique and your rudiments to improve all aspects of your playing. Drum very flat sounding which didn't help you, try to increase the tension on the top head to improve sound quality.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andy Draper           Tunes: Atholl Highlanders      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls quite pulsated — try to smooth these out a bit more. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to pipe tune and good attempt at 6/8 phrasing. Keeping the tempo steady throughout which is good, but losing the piper slightly in 3rd and 4th part. Your rudiments are not always projecting through clearly, particulary your flams. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Keep practicing your rudiments on both hands to improve your playing, and try to incorporate some dynamics also. Your drum was very flat sounding also which did not help you, try increasing the tension on the top head to improve the sound quality. Overall good show, keep working on your technique and your rudiments to improve all aspects of your playing.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bruce Mackay           Tunes: Athol Highlanders      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated and 2nd one slightly shorter than the first. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, lively tempo and good attempt at the phrasing of the tune. Basic rudiments are good, keep working on improving them, especially your five stroke rolls from the 2nd part of the tune. Losing the piper slightly in your roll movement at the start of the 4th part. I think the tempo is a little quick or maybe you are struggling to hear the pipes, you are slightly behind the pipe tune as the performance progresses. Overall just be careful not to lose the pipe tune in places and continue to focus on your rudiments to improve your overall playing. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christine Christiansen           Tunes: Dovecote Park      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls not buzzed enough, need to work on smoothing your rolls so they don't sound like beats rather than rolls. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, keeping close to the phrasing of the pipe tune. You obviously have a good ear for the tune as you are following the rhythm very well, but you need to focus on your basic rudiments and technique to improve your technical playing. Look at how your are holding and gripping your sticks and try to loosen your grip to work on roll technique, single work and other rudiments. Keep practicing and well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray           Tunes: Atholl Highlanders, Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated but of good length. Good uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to the pipe tune and good attempt at the phrasing. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time, especially on your left hand in the 4th part. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Overall well played and well phrased throughout. Continue to work on your overall technique by practicing your rudiments, and try to incorporate more dynamics to help with the musical feel of the tune. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Danny Tighe           Tunes: Murdo MacKenzie of Torridon      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls slightly pulsated but of good duration. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, good attempt at the phrasing of the tune. Basic rudiments are good, keep working on improving them. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Also work on lifting the height of your left hand slightly which will help even out your playing as your stick heights are not level. Would like to hjave heard you play with a piper also. Overall very good, lots of potential here. Keep practing your rudiments on both hands to improve your playing. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daron Peters           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated but good duration. Good uptake to 6/8 march, nice tempo and good attempt at the phrasing. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time,Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Try to smooth your fives out also as they are not coming through clear, especially in the accented movement in the 2nd last part of the tune. Overall well played, would like to have heard this with the pipe tune also. Continue to work on your overall technique by practicing your rudiments, open your playing up a little to make it smoother and try to incorporate more dynamics to help with the musical feel of the tune. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gustav Schnee           Tunes: Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated — try to smooth these out a little more. Good uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to pipe tune. Basic rudiments are good, flams on your right hand, drags and fives all nicely played. Be careful of some flams on your left hand — sometimes they sound 'dead.' Work on your technique here, make sure you get a good high and low hand to give a clean crisp sounding flam. Good attempt at phrasing also, and although you lost the pipe tune slightly a few times you generally played well to the pipes. Overall a very good performance, keep practicing your rudiments on both hands to improve your playing. Drum sounded very flat which didn't help you, try and increase the tension to improve the sound quality. Well done, good potential here.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Henry Bautz           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Introduction rolls a little pulsated. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to the pipe tune and good attempt at phrasing. Basic rudiments quite good — rolls, flams and singles are good but keep working on improving them by practicing your rudiments on both hands. Be careful of your five in your ending bar, not always coming through clearly. Keeping well with the piper but don't lose your focus coming towards the end of your performance. Good potential here, keep listening to the pipe tune and work on your rudiments and technique to improve all aspects of your playing. Well done.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Beeson           Tunes: Bonnie Dundee, Muckin O Geordie's Byre      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Opening rolls a little pulsated and 2nd one slightly shorter than the first. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, good attempt at the phrasing of the tune. Basic rudiments are good, keep working on improving them. Losing the piper slightly in your roll movement at the start of the 2nd part. Be careful of your flam work, especially in 3rd and 4th part — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. Finishing the roll a little early also at the start of the 4th part. Overall well done, just be careful not to lose the pipe tune in places and continue to focus on your rudiments to improve your overall playing.
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Event 107. Grade 4 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Myles Riedel           Tunes: 100 Pipers, Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Gavin Noade      Judge's Comments: Introduction rolls a little pulsated. Nice uptake to 6/8 march, playing well to the pipe tune and your phrasing is generally good. Be careful of your flam work — some flams sounding 'dead' when both sticks strike the drum at the same time. Try to work on your technique here, getting a clear high and low hand to give you a clean crisp sounding flam. You need to focus on your left arm — there is a lot of movement here and your stick is striking the drum at different angles which is affecting the clarity of your movements. Try to work on this and make sure your left stick is striking the drum straight and at the same angle all the time. Basic rudiments are good but continue to practice them on both hands to improve your playing. Played well to the pipe tune throughout. Overall well played, good potential but focus on keeping your left arm more steady and keep practicing your rudiments to improve. Well done.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Megan Millar      Place: 1      Tunes: Hugh Kennedy      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Excellent rolls — tempo just a little on the slow side but controlled and steady. Great attack and playing with nice musical flow . Execution well controlled for the most part of the performance and comes over clean and precise. Excellent roll quality. Tempo slightly unsteady and struggling a little to control one rudiment in part 3. You could vary volume more to enhance dynamics. Overall this was a surperb run played with finesse and musicality. Great hands and well taught player who can achieve great results with performances of this quality. Very enjoyable.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ceana Fleury      Place: 2      Tunes: The Young McGregor      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: 2nd roll a slight bit longer than 1st. Good quality of roll. Good attack — playing with confidence and good musical swing and flow. Great roll work all through performance. Very slight slip in 3rd part but you kept it controlled. Good dynamics and volume control. Very musical performance overall and very enjoyable.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeremy Downs      Place: 3      Tunes: Haughs Of Cromdale      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls a bit uneven. Good attack and nice finesse and musical flow in playing. Tempo can be a little unsteady at times. Slight slip in 1st bar of 2nd part and sometimes openwork can lack control. Vary volume more to improve performance. Overall a musical and enjoable performance.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Henry Bautz      Place: 4      Tunes: Australian Ladies      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Good Rolls — end stroke just a bit loud in relation to volume of rolls. Good attack and tempo slow but steady. Good energy and drive in playing — try for more finesse and volume variation to improve your dynamics — your playing is all loud and powerful. Clean and precise execution with very good quality of roll work. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Steve Rogers      Place: 5      Tunes: Men of Argyll      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Keep intro rolls at the same volume from start to finish. Intro rolls uneven. Overall tempo slightly slow however tempo is steady. Good attack and playing with nice musical flow and swing. Try to vary volume a lot for to improve dynamics. 3rd part accented rolls — tempo slowing down here. Triplets in last part need to be slightly faster. Overall a musical performance.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Nicole Hibbet      Place: 6      Tunes: Massed Band 2/4      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls a bit uneven and open. Tempo unsteady at times. Good roll quality when playing score. You could vary volume a lot more to improve dynamics. Good hands and technique — well taught. Score could have more variety. Enjoyable performance
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Allie DeLonay           Tunes: Achany Glen      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven. Tempo unsteady all through performance. Some open work/singles/triplets needs more control at times. Rolls could be fuller and smoother. Nice setting and good swing in playing at times but spoiled by unsteady tempo.Vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrea Bottazzi           Tunes: The Atholl & Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven. Good attack but tempo is unsteady throughout performance. Rolls need to be fuller and smoother. Good quality flams but open work not controlled enough and rushed at times. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andy Draper           Tunes: King George V Army      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls are both uneven. Good attack however tempo is slow and unsteady all through performance. A slightly faster performance will help your performance. .Open work(singles and triplets) needs more control all through performance. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics. Nice setting. Roll work in setting could be smoother.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Bruce Mackay           Tunes: The Athol and Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both rolls are uneven in pulses. Good attack but tempo slow and unsteady at times. Good flam work and open work is generally well controlled. Roll work could be fuller and smoother. Nice setting. Last part tempo is very unsteady — practice with a metronome to ensure a steady tempo. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Catherine Johnson           Tunes: Carradale Bay      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Uneven intro rolls — especially 2nd roll. Tempo dropped after intro rolls and is unsteady all through March. Practice with a metronome to obtain a steady tempo which will improve every aspect of your performance. Excellent single work at times however triplets need more control at times. 3rd part is your worst part and needs more control in rudiments played — mistake in 3rd. Try also to vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray           Tunes: 79th Farewell To Gibraltar      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: 2nd intro roll slightly longer than first. Both intro rolls uneven pulses. Good attack. Tempo steady until 3rd part and then very unsteady from 3rd part onwards. Mistake in last bar of 1st part 2nd time through. Some triplets not cleanly executed and rushed — more control needed. You need to vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma MacNeil           Tunes: Haughs of Cromdale, Men of Argyle      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven and a bit open. Tempo slow but steady all through performance. Some open work/singles/triplets needs more control at times.Good quality roll work all through performance. Mistake in last part spoiling performance.Vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Eric Sennett           Tunes: The Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven. Good attack. Tempo steady in 1st two parts. Rolls need to be fuller and more even/smoother.Some triplets and open work needs more control. Tempo being rushed and is unsteady from 3rd part onwards. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics. Nice setting. good hands and good technique but pay attention to improving the points made here. It might be useful to practice with a metronome to ensure a steady tempo throughout March.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gustav Schnee           Tunes: Pap of Glencoe      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Timid entry to 2nd intro roll — both rolls slightly uneven. Tempo unsteady at times especially when playing accented rolls. Such a pit about the mistakes in the last part which spoiled your performance. You have good hands and good technique with just a few lapses in concentration here and there. Good swing and musical flow but keep tempo steady and vary volume more. Enjoyable performance until last part.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Beeson           Tunes: Mairi's Wedding, Cutting Bracken      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls are both too short in relation to the tempo. Tempo lively but unsteady especially in 2nd part. Good roll quality and nice setting. Open work is well controlled however some triplets are a bit rushed. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics. Try to ensure a sready tempo all through performance.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: James Houston           Tunes: 79th farewell to Gibralter      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Keep intro rolls at the same volume from start to finish. Intro rolls uneven. Overall tempo slightly slow however tempo is unsteady at times especially when playing triplets and accented rolls. Execution of open work/single stick rudiments needs more control at times. Mistake in 3rd part. Musical setting and at times playing is musical if you can keep tempo steady. Try to vary volume a lot for to improve dynamics.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jim Calderwood           Tunes: The Haughs of Cromdale      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: 1st roll longer than 2nd. Rolls uneven. Tempo very unsteady and unsettled all through performance and this is your biggest problem — practice with a metronome to obtain a steady tempo and this will improve every aspect of your performance. Some short rolls need to be controlled better and filled out to the appropriate note value. Good Score. You have good hands and good technique spoiled by very unsteady tempo. Vary volume more. Some lack of control in open work at times caused by unsteady tempo.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Michael White           Tunes: Captain Norman Orr Ewing      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: 2nd intro roll slightly shorter than 1st. Rolls a bit uneven. Good attack — tempo slow but steady.Rushing some triplets in 2nd part. More control needed in open work in 3rd part. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics. Nice setting.
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Myles Riedel           Tunes: P/M Willie Gray      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven. Tempo lively and steady apart from 2nd part — mistakes 2nd time through resulted in unsteady tempo.Try and keep the head/tip of both drumsticks in the centre of the drum — it will ensure a better tonal response. Try also to vary volume more to improve dynamics. Keep your rolls smooth and even. Good musical flow and swing at times in your performance
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Event 108. Grade 4 Side Drumming 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sofia Carollo           Tunes: P/M Willie Gray      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls a bit uneven and open. Good attack and playing with confidence. Tempo slow. Good hands and technique — well taught. Score could have more variety. Mistake in 2nd part caused unsteady temo in 2nd part. Open work and triplets need more control at times. Volume is always loud so vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Megan Millar      Place: 1      Tunes: Cork Hill      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nice roll quality and very well executed. Very steady with good quality material well set to melody line. Great attention to rudimental detail. Playing with confidence and flair and being very particular about what you are doing. Great talent here, a most enjoyable performance.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Sofia Carollo      Place: 2      Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breaches      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nicely tuned drum. Good material, well set to melody line. Playing with confidence and keeping very well with piper. Nicely executed flams. a little loss of control of open work in last part. Nice roll quality throughout. You can work a bit more on dynamics, Very promising player.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Henry Bautz      Place: 3      Tunes: Cork Hill      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Tempo could be raised a little. Keeping well with melody line all through. Material well set to melody line. Very deliberate playing with good concentration on accuracy and execution. Nice quality rolling, light and shade on open work could be improved. A little rigid and staccato, let yourself go and enjoy what you are playing. You are just a bit over cautious.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Catherine Johnson      Place: 4      Tunes: Trippin' Up the Stairs, Rockin' the Baby      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Keeping well with piper for the most part but faltering a little in last part. Very straight on dynamics, you need to vary your light and shade. Rather staccato overall. Good mareial and well set to melody. The volume of the pipes is a little overpowering on the video. You need to work on expression and dynamics. A little faster tempo might help you overall.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Myles Riedel      Place: 5      Tunes: Paddy's Leather Breeches      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nice drum sound. Tempo could be a little faster for to get more lift. Rolling not sustained in places. Faltering on some open wiork and losing integration with melody line. Some flams a little too closed. Very good material for tthis grade and well set to melody. Concentrate on keeping on top of the tune, you are wandering in places. Good effort overall, keep at it.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ceana Fleury      Place: 6      Tunes: Hammer on the Anvil, Tripping Up the Stairs      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nice roll quality. Losing integration with piper in 2nd part. Some flams a bit too closed. Good material and well set to melody line. Some open work is glossed over, you can improve on your execution here. Steady overall and making a good try at dynamics for this grade.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray           Tunes: Brest St Marc, Kesh Jig      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: A bit staccato and "hanging" rolls at times. One line dynamics. Roll quality very thin. Nice execution of flams Nice material, well set to melody line. Roll quality is weak and lacking sustain in accented rolling sequence. You need to work on expression, dynamics and roll development.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emma MacNeil           Tunes: Murdo MacKenzie of Torridon      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Piper is drowning you out, watch balance. Drum could be a lot sharper. Losing integration with melodyin 1st part. Rests are a bit confusing and sounding like mistakeseven though I assume they are delibrate. You can improve on your dynamics overall, they are a bit one line. Nice enough material for this grade but you need to play the rest notes with more conviction. Last bar scoring not quite fitting with melody.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gustav Schnee           Tunes: Michael MacDonald’s Jig      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Drum a bit on the flat side. Playing with confidence and flair. Stumbling a little in 3rd part and losing integration with melody in last part. Very nice material. A lot of talent here. You need to keep on top of the melody line by listening more closely to the tune. Very promising player with great potential.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jack Beeson           Tunes: Tripping up the Stairs and Rocking the Baby      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nice drum sound. Some closed flams. Slip in 1st part. Losing integration with melody line. Another mistake and stopped in last bars/ Losing integration again in 2nd part. Wobbling on execution in places and again faltering in last bars. Nice roll quality throughout but very jerky and staccato with open work. Rather un settled and nervous overall. Try to relax a bit more and concentrate on the melody line.
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Event 109. Grade 4 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jeremy Downs           Tunes: Donald Camerons Powder horn      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Piping tape barely audible on video. Not keeping on top of melody line and wandering around beat notes. Very staccato and rigid with one line dynamics. Glossing over some open work. Material well set to melody line. You need to concentrate on listening to the melody line and try to get more expression and lift into your perfomance.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Timothy Sellars      Place: 1      Tunes: Siege of Delhi, Captain Colin Campbell, Captain Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Timothy. Introduction rolls lacking a definitive terminal stroke and a little too buzzy. Uptake to march at a nice tempo with confidence. Scoring accurate to melody with good flowing style. Overall execution quite tidy, however lacked some dynamics to add to the expressive projection. Right hand movement a little rigid, possibly causing slight mechanical feel. Clean break to stathspey into a slower tempo. Some hesitation evident, creating a jerky effect and not all imbellishments clear. Good use of dynamics throughout. Good break to reel with a flowing and lively musical feel throughout. Watch execution of flams and clarity of accented roll work. Instrument well set.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Jake Markus      Place: 2      Tunes: The Conundrum, Dornie Ferry, Arnish Light      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Jake. Minor hesitation in first introduction roll. Solid and confident uptake to march at nice tempo. Good use of dynamics throughout providing a clear musical performance. Execution generally well controlled, only some rushing within phrases spoiling. Clean break to strathspey. Slightly erratic timing evident and loss of accuracy at times. Lacking some expression for this idiom, although execution generally good. Good break to reel with a tidy entry. Rushing the tempo tended to eliminate expression of this music. Execution and dynamics also deteriorated. In general, execution of rudiments quite good however dynamics and musicality were inconsistent. Instrument well tuned, snare action and pitching.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ceana Fleury      Place: 3      Tunes: The Young McGregor, O'er The Bows to Balindaloch, Louden Bonnie's Woods and Braes, Willie Murray's      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Ceana. Solid introductory rolls. Confident uptake to march with good tempo. March continued with nice musical flow and well executed. Some hesitation evident in open work and lacking a little in dynamics. Generally well executed with good rhythm and expression. Clean break to strathspey. Tempo a little slow here although nice use of dynamics and accurate to the melody. Continuing with good strathspey rhythm and accurate execution of rudiments. Poor break to reel with rushing and tempo variations in first part. Good recovery and well expressed however lost some accuracy in roll and open work last part. Overall good presentation spoilt by progression through reel. I prefer a brighter snare response from instrument.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Scott Jones      Place: 4      Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Maggie Cameron, Lexy MacAskill      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Scott. Introduction rolls a little buzzy and lacking smoothness. Tempo down, however good uptake with confidence to the march. Some hesitation and innacuracies in all parts. Execution of rudiments was not always clean. Generally projected with musical flow and good use of dynamics. Clean break to strathspey. Tempo on slow side and lacked crispness. Some rushing within phrases evident, otherwise well executed until the last part which lacked control. Undecisive break to reel. Tempo again down and lacking drive. Open work inconsistent and lack of dynamics spoilt musicality. Overall some good work but develop your timing and accuracy to improve your future performances.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs      Place: 5      Tunes: John McColls March to Kilbowie Cottage, Maggie Cameron, Brown Haired Maid      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Ethan. Nice introduction rolls however tempo dropped on entry to march. Technical level high and contributed to rudiments not being controlled. Lack of dynamics was evident and playing behind the beat in parts. Good break to strathspey however hesitations were spoiling the flow. Not projecting rhythm of this idiom and requires more expressive work and dynamics to improve musicality. Clean break to the reel but tempo on the slow side. Not accurate in phrasing and part endings not clean. Watch execution of accented rolls and open work. Work on dynamics and expression to improve your musical presentation. Instrument tuning acceptable but slightly dull.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Stuart Walker      Place: 6      Tunes: Hills of Perth, Dornie Ferry, Brown Haired Maid      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Stuart. Opening rolls well executed, however immediate drop in tempo on entry to march spoilt the introduction. Slow tempo contributed to lack of expression throughout. Rushing within phrases and no dynamic variation projected. Some separation from melody evident in later parts. In general, execution of rudiments was quite good but felt laboured. Clean break to strathspey. Better use of rhythm and expression here. Watch timing of open runs and over-striking of triplets. Good break to reel. Tempo a little slow and lacking drive. Timing issues were evident. More concentration on execution and musical flow. Good finish. Instrument well set.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Aidan Blacklock           Tunes: Conundrum, Maggie Cameron, DJS Murray      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Aidan. Introduction rolls well executed into nice tempo and confident uptake to the march. Rushing within phrases was evident and accented roll work poorly executed. The lack of dynamics affected the musicality of the performance, otherwise general execution and stick control was good. Clean break to strathspey. Tempo was down and expression was not projecting the characteristics of the idiom. More dynamics required here for the rhythm. Inaccuracy and control issues through the last part. Clean break to reel with a spirited entry. Score not flowing and requires more dynamic range to improve muscial projection. Work on technique and expression for future development.Tuning of instrument lacked crisp snare action.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Andrea Bottazzi           Tunes: M: The Atholl & Breadalbane Gathering - 4 parts S: Maggie Cameron - 4 parts R: Captain Lachlan McPhail of Tiree - 4 parts      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Andrea. Opening rolls well executed into a good march tempo. Speeding up and slowing down within phrases. No dynamic range projected throughout. In general rudiments correctly executed. Not a precise break to strathspey. Tempo too slow for this idiom. Execution errors evident in short groups and accented rolls. Stick control and accuracy problems also evident. Not a clean break to reel. Hesitation and lacking musical flow. Work on rhythm, execution and dynamics to advance your performance. No comment on tuning due to use of practice pad only.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray           Tunes: Pipe Major Willie Grey, Mac an Irish, The Ale Is Dear      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Christopher. Introduction rolls too open. Uptake tempo on slow side and lacked drive. Execution of short open groups, flams, accented rolls could be cleaner. There was a lack of expressive work and no real dynamic range projected to assist in the musicality. Good break to strathspey, however tempo too slow. Work on clarity of rudiments and more expression to help define the rhythm of this idiom. Good confident break to reel. Slight lack of clarity evident here, but lacking rhythm and expression. Stop and restart is not appropriate in an MSR element. Instument tuning with good snare action but pitched low.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Robert Perry           Tunes: Clan McColl, The Ewe with the Crooked Horn, Caber Feidh      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Robert. Solid introduction rolls. Confident update into a brisk march tempo. Good execution, however the tempo contributed to a lack of expression with no effective dynamics. Clean break to strathspey into a slow tempo Nice rhythm and expression to commence but falling behind losing control, accuracy and musical flow evident throughout the remainder of the tune. Good break and entry to reel with a tidy first part. Inaccuracy and sticking errors evident throughout later parts. Lack of dynamic range throughout and musical interpretation spoilt overall performance. Instrument well tuned.
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Event 110. Grade 3 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Ulises Reyes           Tunes: Atholl and Bredalbane Gathering, Captain Horn/Molly Connell, Lexy Maskill      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Ulises. Well sustained rolls into nice tempo for the march. Some rudiements too jerky spoiling the musical flow. Steady tempo with some good dynamics displayed. Open work needs to be addressed, detracting from the general expression. Good break to strathspey, however losing tempo after entry. Open work lacking in execution. Good use of dynamics but more attention required to the rhythm of this idiom. Clean break to reel, however tempo too slow contributing to a lack of musical flow. Overall lacking good execution and dynamics spoiling performance. No comment on tuning due to use of practice pad only.
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jake Markus      Place: 1      Tunes: Muckin' a Georgie's Byre, Bonnie Dundee      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Nice controlled rolls, watch for texture and evenness of rolls. Controlled uptake to the tune, I like that you are keeping everything controlled and not trying to push the tempo. Great light/shade throughout the tune, watch that you keep the clarity and control when you are playing small. Watch the long roll phrase in the second part, the taps inbetween are hard to distinguish. Nice dynamics coming through in 3rd/4th part, just losing control slightly in open work. Make sure you play in the middle of your drum, you can hear a slight unevenness between your right and left hand. Great job overall! Lovely 6/8.
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs      Place: 2      Tunes: Kirkwall Bay, Dornoch Highland Gathering.      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Nice rolls, watch that that very last buzz on your left hand is still a buzz, sounds like a slight tap. Confident uptake to the tune, some great musical feel coming through. Some rushing coming through in some of your triplet work. Also watch the clarity of your flams, especially coming off tripets as they are a bit dead. Single runs are a bit rushed too in the ending phrase. Make sure you don't rush that first bar in the second tune. Settles well after that and there's some really nice playing coming through. Watch for slight rushing in the second part of the second tune, and the singles in the ending phrase are slightly rushed. Musically your performace is great, nice tempos and dot/cut feel throughout. Overall, there is some really great playing coming through. If you work on those wee things I mentioned it'll be even better. Great performance!!
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ceana Fleury      Place: 3      Tunes: Hot Punch, The Rock and Wee Pickle Toe      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: First roll good, second roll slowing down. I would personally try a slightly slower tempo for your 6/8. Inaccurate start to tune, slight rushing. Settles well after first bar, some lovely music coming through here. Lovely roll clarity in ending phrase! Watch for some dead flams, make sure your low hand is much lower. Some lovely control through the first tune! Slight rushing and loss of control in open work in the first part of the second tune. Settles better into second part. You can probably afford to lower the weight of some of your open work to get more feel and dynamics out of the music. Slight loss of control to finish. Lovely effort overall, i enjoyed your tunes!
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Scott Jones      Place: 4      Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Nice and controlled. Uptake to the tune nice, some great 6/8 feel coming through and great control. I would try to be a bit more confident in your stick heights especially in accented phrasing. Watch that the low hand in your flams in infact low and not the same height as your high hand, this is leading to a few dead flams. Losing some clarity towards the 3rd/4th part in some of your open work. Something I noticed about your playing in general is that you tend to lift off the drum when playing an accent. I would try playing into the drum more (i.e. when you hit a right hand accent leave your stick close to the drum rather than lifting off). My former drumming instructor explained this as "chopping wood". Imagine that whan you play an accented tap or flam etc. that you are chopping a piece of wood with an axe! I enjoyed your performance overall! Some lovely musical feel coming through. Great job!
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Perry      Place: 5      Tunes: Glendaruel Highlanders      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Lovely rolls! Love your setup and the drum sounds great. Nice controlled uptake to the tune, great control and musical feel coming across. I would just watch for some clarity in some of your open work. 2nd part falling behind piper , and again in the 3rd part. Feels like you are almost over-controlling some off phrasing which leads that lack of integration. Better in the 4th part but still falling behind a bit. Playing wise it's really nice throughout, some great technique on your swiss ruffs and inverted swiss triplet movements. Some flam work could probably be a bit more accurate, watch that your low hand doesn't lift off the drum too much after you play a flam. Apart from the integration issues, this was a great performance! Nice job.
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carter Green      Place: 6      Tunes: Jean Mauchline      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Slightly rushing in after your counting, first roll good, second roll clipped at the end. Some nice playing throughout the tune, great technique through some of your open work! The musical feel of the tune is lost at times and slightly erratic. Watch for the accuracy and clarity of a lot of your open work. At times it is a bit rushed and this loses the 6/8 dot/cut feel. When envisioning the tempo and how you are going to play the tune try to think about the whole tune as if it were dot/cut triplets, and extending out the first note of the triplet. Personally, I do believe the drum score is over-complicated in places, i think a roll would work better in the ending phrase as opposed to a run of singles. This would help settle things and aid to your performance. Great job!
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Nathan Vander Leest           Tunes: Angus MacKinnon      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Nice rolls! Nice uptake to the tune. I would potentially try to record yourself in a room with less echo if possible! Some lovely musical feel coming across in your 6/8 playing in the first part. Especially in your triplet work. At times you lose control a wee bit in some open phrase work. Try to control your playing and not rush or play too big. Losing the 6/8 feel from parts 2 onwards, you are rushing the beat slightly at times and this detracts from the overall feel. Watch the clarity and texture of your roll work in the 3rd/4th parts. Great performance overall, I think after tweaking a few things you will be awesome!
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Event 111. Grade 3 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ulises Reyes           Tunes: Rabs Wedding      Judge: Michael Jenkins      Judge's Comments: Intro: Not too bad, slight rushing and uneveness. Controlled intro, some nice music coming through. Starts to fall behind with the piper in the 2nd time throught the first part. I can see you're really trying to get that 6/8 feel coming through however it is almost slightly over-controlled. Better integration with the piper in third part. Losing control in a lot of your open work. I'd try practice some singles, paradiddles, triplets by themselves to fix your execution. Roll clarity is generally pretty good and phrasing works well with the tune. Great effort overall! By working on a few things i have mentioned it'll be even better next time.
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Event 112. Grade 3 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Robert Perry      Place: 1      Tunes: Inspector Donald Campbell      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Slightly cautious tempo but maintained for the duration of the performance. Relaxed style and good technical content throughout the score integrating with the melodic structure. Although you phrasing and expression is evident more dynamics would give this score a better rhytmical and musical presence. Practice the score at a livelier tempo as i`m sure it will flow with a greater ease. Drum nicely pitched with good snare response..
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Event 112. Grade 3 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Carter Green      Place: 2      Tunes: Minnie Hynd, The Whistling Postman      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Lively tempo and good technical ability demonstrated in the score. Playing lacks the natural jig rhyhtm and sounds round in expression. Also giving a slight laboured effect that you are playing behind the melodic line..Needs more drive to make it sound livlier. Try getting more phrasing anf dynamics into the score to integrate and define the idiom better. Very promising ablity. Drum tone a little dull off the top.
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Event 112. Grade 3 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs      Place: 3      Tunes: The Booner Jig, Jim Wards Jig.      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Lively tempo held throughout. You are demonstrating a good technical ability, however, this sounded aggressive and expressionless.. Phrasing is evident bur no expression or dynamics are being created to define this idiom.Parts 2/4 are particularly expressionless with no cadences.Try not to force the tempo, relax and ensure you are using subtle Light & Shade expessionto 9nterpret the melody. Unable to determine the score musical interpretation as no soundtrack was available. .
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Event 112. Grade 3 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray      Place: 4      Tunes: Brest St Marc, Kesh Jig      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Tempo on the cautious side for this idiom. Good technical content in the score but playing is expressionless and not defining the jig irhythm. The score is being played but not too or iin harmony with the melody. Melodic structure need to defined by the score. Try to phrase the score more and introduce dynamics and expression to to create a livelier Jig feel. It sounds mono tonal at times. Practice at a livlier tempo and don`t sacrifice the musical content for technical ability. Tone nicely set for indoors.
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Event 112. Grade 3 Side Drumming Jig (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Nathan Vander Leest      Place: 5      Tunes: The Curlew      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Tempo slow and deliberate for the Jig idiom.Lift the tempo and make the score livlier.. You have a very good playing style and technical ability.Working at creating phrasing and expression in the score, however, you are having issues maintaining the tempo in the 3rd/4th parts where the tempo is fragmented. You also have a hesitant uptake to the last part and rushing the final ending.. It is evident that you have a very good ability you just need to be more confident at delivering the rhythmical score. Unable to assess your musical interpretation as no melody soundtrack was available. Drum tone a little dull but good snare response.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Jamie coffey      Place: 1      Tunes: Highland wedding, Susan MacLeod,Mrs Macpherson of Inveran      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Jamie Intro rolls very good. March Well played. Excellent execution. Dynamics got repetitive and it has a run-on feel. It needs more dynamic range and emotion. Without a piper there is no reference to the timing. Good tempo control and steady drive. Strathspey Solid break. Difficult material played well. Dynamically it runs together. It needs space and hang-time to give it drama and life. Reel Great break and excellent tone. Nice open, ringing flams. Some very solid execution. Needs room to breathe. Droning on and on dynamically especially without the key changes and phrasing of the tune to assist. Well played.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gary Doherty      Place: 2      Tunes: John McColl, Dora MacLeod, Loch Carron      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Gary Intro rolls good. Drum well tuned. Good playing weight for the drum and the room. Not over accenting. March Well played. Good execution. Dynamics flat. Needs more range and some highs and lows to enhance the phrases of the tune. Good tempo control. Good drive. Strathspey Good break. Great phrasing and lift. Very good execution. Dynamically it needs much more range. Too much of the same weight. The score needs to breathe through some low passages and needs some excitement through build up to top volume. Reel Good break again. Reel gets out of control at times and doesn’t flow as easily as the march. Some great material played well. Again, needs more dynamic drama to tell the story. Very enjoyable.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrew B. Koupal      Place: 3      Tunes: The Duke of Roxburghe's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest, Caber Feidh, and Dolina MacKay      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Andrew. Intro rolls very good. Drum well tuned. Good playing weight. March Good tempo. Excellent phrasing. Good execution. Great drive. A bit mono-volume. Could use more drama through low passages and some strong finishes. Strathspey Very good break and lift to the playing. Good control and patience. Could use more dynamic range – more lows and highs. Reel Break very good. Falling behind the piper in a few places. Good execution. Very clean playing. Excellent feel for the phrasing.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hollie Chalmers      Place: 4      Tunes: The Links of Forth Maggie Cameron John Mackegnie      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Hollie. Intro rolls well timed. March Pushing some phrases against the tune. Lovely flam and drag execution throughout. Rolls very clean. Single handed triplet roll too crushed in the buzz, let it ring. Slight drop outs in places. Plan the ups and downs so they don’t interfere but enhance the execution. Early to finish some phrases. Dynamic pattern getting repetitive – find ways to present the parts so the cycles change and then return. Strathspey Solid break. Great control of all the drag work. Some round dynamics, such as jiggy 3rd part bars 3 +4 Try to limit the number of evenly played triplet connections, gets round quickly. Good stick control and dynamic pattern. Good phrasing. Reel Another good break. Good musicianship and duet feel. Some tug-o-war with the melody. Again, let the buzz in the single handed triplet roll ring. A bit of loss of control in some phrases later in the tune.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan Hogan      Place: 5      Tunes: The highland wedding, Maggie Cameron, John Morrison of Assyant house      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Aidan. Intro rolls well timed. Slightly right hand dominant in sound. Perhaps start the rolls in triplet stick height, one high one low, instead of both sticks into the drum together; during the roll each hand raises alternately, so it should start that way. Drum well set. Play closer to the center in the sweet spot to avoid two different tones. March Good drive and swing. Dynamic shapes all start to repeat and the parts seem similar. Try to find ways to present the six parts in ways that relate; the third and fifth are related so are the fourth and sixth so you can bring the listener through a dynamic map that isn’t always first downbeat then third upbeat. Tempo tug-o-war at times, push and pull. Strathspey Good break. Good lift. Good tempo. Good use of dynamics to enhance the phrasing. Good execution. Reel Good break. A little fast through some passages, pushing the pipe. Tough score played very well. Good dynamics, got a little monotone toward the end. Very good execution throughout.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 6      Tunes: Argyllshire Gathering, Blair Drummond, Brown Haired Maid      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Connor. Intro rolls very good. March Good tempo. Pushing the tune, rushing through some phrases and killing the swing. Good execution. Needs more dynamics and control to keep it musical and easy to groove to. Strathspey Good break. Driving too much through the phrasing. Needs settled drive with lift. Too intense and pushing through phrases. Needs greater dynamic range. Reel Break well played. Good control here – good phrasing and swing. Good execution and some dynamics. Needs way more dynamic range. Best of the three. Would enjoy hearing you with a piper. Very strong execution throughout.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Daniel Dossey           Tunes: The Haughs of Cromdale, Captain Colin Campbell, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Daniel. Intro rolls good. Solid start into the tune. Drum pitched well. Sticks/weight a bit light in tone, could use a bit more body. March Falling behind the pipe at times, especially drag five runs. The ending phrase trails off and could end more positively. Good feel for the tunes and phrasing. Fourth part needs more drive Strathspey Good break. Good lift. Needs a bit more tempo. Gets a bit jiggy at times with round triplets. Good use of dynamics to enhance the phrasing. Break to reel could be stronger. Reel Good tempo, nice. Falling behind the pipe at times through upbeats passages. Could use more dynamics to stop the run-on feel at times. Strong finish. Nice use of a rest in the last part. Good execution throughout. Nice open flams. Careful not to fall behind in some passages.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: David Spotswood           Tunes: Edinburgh Police Pipe Band Maggie Cameron Lexie McAskill      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, David. Intro rolls very good. March Nice start. Good swingy playing. Excellent phrasing. Well executed save a few disappearing singles and a couple of flat flams. Pushing the pick-up notes at times, earlier than the piper. This piece would benefit from more planned highs and lows, a dynamic road map. Strathspey Very good break and lift to the playing. Rim shot distracting 3rd part. Pushing the piper in places. Could use more dynamic range – more lows and highs. Reel Break very good. Great feel. Better use of dynamics. Some lack of integration in the third part with the tune. Rim shot distracting. Not the strongest finish. Entertaining performance. Good tune choices. Good duet feel.
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Event 113. Grade 2 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs           Tunes: John McColls March to Kilbowie Cottage, Maggie Cameron, Brown Haired Maid      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Thank you for submitting an MSR, Ethan. Intro rolls need more even underlying triplet structure to get a sustained sound. March Good tempo. Good start with lively upbeat and good drive. Swiss triplet flams in 2nd part not executed very clearly, make sure the grace note values are consistent, focus on good, consistent stick height and play to the second flam where there are two to use the energy to finish cleanly. Play in the sweet spot in the center of the drum and don’t let your sticks wander to other areas that produce a different tone. Rather flat dynamically. Needs more ups and downs. Strathspey Good break. Some unclear execution at times. Needs more dynamic range. Good feel for the phrases but not very clean. Reel Break well timed. Needs more dynamics to present the phrases of the tune and eliminate run-on feel Tempo tug-o-war through the reel. Out of control at times.
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Event 114. Grade 2 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 1      Tunes: Bill Boyle      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Nice confident rolls. Would like to hear the pipe melody along with your performance. Tempo slightly dropping in 1st part. Lively 6/8 playing. Nice swing to your playing. Good quality of roll playing. Be careful on drag 5 movements as on a few occasions it is interrupting your flow sounding rigid. Nice execution of swiss roughs. Clear single movements. Good control of bars 3 and 4 in each part. Rushing the run of flams. Relax your hands when playing these. Good playing overall. Nice snare response. Well played.
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Event 114. Grade 2 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan Hogan      Place: 2      Tunes: Tug Argan Gap      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Nice rolls. Tempo is dipping slightly in intro. Nice light and shade in parts 2 and 3. I feel like the ending 2 bars could be played as crescendo. I think this would improve the ending. Just watch not to rush this ending. Perhaps swiss roughs could be a little more open. Relax your hands when playing these for a nice, crisp sound. Nice control of single movements in last part. Be careful on tempo as it is slowing down. Drum sound is nice. Good performance.
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Event 114. Grade 2 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs      Place: 3      Tunes: Kirkwall Bay, Dornoch Highland Gathering.      Judge: Dean Smyth      Judge's Comments: Nice rolls. Would like to hear the pipe melody along with your performance. Tempo slightly drops in 1st part. Single movements coning across clear. Be careful on rolls as becoming pulsated and slowing you down. Interrupting your flow. Watch your control on your flams and general play. Jumping in slightly in moments and not playing notes to full values. Nice snare response. Good performance. Keep up the practice and concentration.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Aidan Hogan      Place: 1      Tunes: Rhonda Blair      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Into:- Well sustained Intro. H/P:- Nice relaxed tempo. Good technical content in this score, played with effective phrasing, subtle expression and definitive execution enhancing and interpreting the musical structure well. Good rhythmical flow to this score composition. Jig:- Confident break.. Technical score structure interpreting the melody and intergrating well as a unit. Score has a good rhythmical content and using expression and dynamics effectively. Drag movement in 2nd part seems a little laboured and Swiss Ruffs in 3rd part need to be executed cleaner. Overall a nice relaxed playing style. Enjoyable. Drum well set with good snare balance.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Hollie Chalmers      Place: 2      Tunes: Rhonda Blair The Old Wife of the Milldust      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Intro:- Well sustained Intro. H/P:- Lively tempo maintained for the duration of the performance. Effective use of phrasing and expressionin this technical score integrating well with the melody. Although well presented it needs more dynamics at times and a little more composure. Good technical standard of score construction.. Jig:- Good break and entered with a lively jig tempo. Again scores well constructed with effective rhythmical enhancement, interpreting the melody, well.Some of you open work phrases were a little indistinct and need to be clearer in presentation. Overall you have a very good technicak ability and composed playing style Drum well set with good snare response.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrew B. Koupal      Place: 3      Tunes: Noel Slagle and The Curlew      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Intro:- Good intro roll quality. H/P:- Nice relaxed tempo and score interpreting the melodic structure presented. Effective use of phrasing, and expression give the score lift but it needs more use of subtle dynamics to punctuate the melody and define tthe H/P rhythm. Nice style and composure here. Jig:- Confident break. Controlled tempo and again defining the rhythmicalstructure but again lacking in dynamics. Playing although clean and precise need to drive the score more as it sounds too laid back.. A livelier tempo would maybe bring out the dynamics and the free flowing jig rhythm. Drum wellset with a balanced snare response.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 4      Tunes: Sandpiper, Last tango in Harris      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Intro:- Well sustained Intro. H/P:- Lively tempo and playing a technically demanding structured score. Not always defining the H/P idiom and to define the interpretation of the melody it would have been better if a soundtrack was accompanying. Phrasing and expression in 1st part was evident but from the 2nd onwards playing lacked musical ex[ression and rhythmical phrasing.. You seen to sacrifice musical interpretation for trchnicall content. Need to get a balance between the two. Try for more poise, expression and dynamics to puncuate the H/P Rhythm. On the whole playing is cleanly presented just lacke the music content... Jig Confident break. Well constructed technical score and creating the natural jig rhythm . Opening bars of 3rd part, Flamm & Swiis Ruff movement, need to be played with more composure as they sound rushed and ahead of tempo. The opening bars of last part lackedclarity. Keep everything under control and focused to the end. You have a good style of play just work at the musicality as you have a good future. Dru well set with good snare response.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christopher Murray      Place: 5      Tunes: Dr MacInnes Fancy, Brest St Marc, Kesh Jig      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Intro:- Intro duration Good. Roll pulsations uneven and need to be smoother H/p:- Nice relaxed tempoand you are trying to create phrasing and expression but this score execution needs more drive and dynamics. It sound lifeless and expressionless at times..Single movement timing in 3rd part,not integrating with the musical structure. Practice to ensure all is in harmony. Work at creating litf into the score to improve rhythmicalexpression. The score will flow easier. Jig:- Good break. Playing again lacks definition and dynamics and sounds rushed and expressionless. The melody has cadences which need to be defined by the score to interpret the melod y. Define these and your score will be more musical and easier to intergrate with the melody. You have the ability just work at the musical content of your score. Tone:-Tone well balanced with good snare response.
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Event 115. Grade 2 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ethan EM Higgs      Place: 6      Tunes: Coppermill, The Booner Jig, Jim Wards Jig.      Judge: Gordon Craig      Judge's Comments: Intro:- Good intro duration. Roll texture could be smoother. H/P:- Unsettled tempo which increased in the double forte of 1st part and again in the 3rd part. You are trying to create phrasing and expression but all seemed rushed and losing control of some of your movements eg Swiss Army Triplets in all parts. Score structure a little repetitive for solo competitions.. Try to relax and let the score flow with confidence.This sounded unsettled and nervous. Jig:- Good break and tempo held throughout. !st Jig playing was very round and expressionless and not always defining the Jig idiom. 2nd Jig had more phrasing and expressionbut needs to punctuate the jig jig rhythm more. NB:- It would have been easier to assess you musical performance if it was accompanied by a soundtrack. Drum well set and balanced for indoors.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gary wray      Place: 1      Tunes: Highland wedding, camerionian rant,major manson      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: 1st roll slightly shorter than 2nd. Good quality of roll. Good attack with lively steady tempo. Playing with nice musical swing. Sometimes triplets not flowing smoothly. Execution clean and precise apart from slight slip in 5th part. You could vary volume more. Confident break to S/Spey — tempo slow and unsteady at times. Need to focus on dot and cut S/Spey phrasing — some single runs need more control and tempo slowing down slightly during accented rolls. Good for you for making a reasonable job out of this big score. Nicely into reel — tempo steady and relaxed. Slight slip at start of last part — otherwise execution clean and precise. Great settings of a high standard which were played well. You could vary volume more to enhance dynamics. Very enjoyable performance,
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 2      Tunes: Argyllshire Gathering, Blair Drummond, Brown Haired Maid      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls have a very heavy beat at the end which is too loud in relation to the volume of the rolls. Good attack — tempo lively but unsteady at times. Open work rushed in 3rd part. Some roll work could be fuller especially in accented rolls. Vary volume more. Good break to s/spey and tempo lively but sometimes unsteady.You need more dot and cut in phrasing — it can sound like a jig at times. More volume variation needed. Execution generally clean and precise. Nicely into reel — tempo good. Some triplet work in 3rd part rushed and not flowing smoothly. Clean execution otherwise. Overall a strong and enjoyable performance.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tyler Boydstun      Place: 3      Tunes: Alan Dodds Farewell to Scotland, Bogan Lochan, Pretty Marion      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both rolls are uneven in pulses and have a heavy stroke at the end (too heavy). Good attack but tempo to slow however tempo is steady. Good flam work and open work is generally well controlled. Roll work could be fuller and smoother. Be careful not to over accent too much inside in a room with poor acoustic sound. Triplet work a bit rushed in last part . Nice setting. Good break to S/Spey — tempo slow but steady. Clean and precise execution until last part — slip/mistake and tempo unsteady in last part. You could vary volume more. Nicely into reel — tempo slow and a little unsteady at times. Execution good until last bar of last part which was rushed. Overall you are a very musical player playing nice settings but try to be more consistent with you tempos all through your performance and keep focussed. Enjoyable performance.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matt Biggs      Place: 4      Tunes: Highland Wedding, Caledonian Society of London, Mrs Macpherson of Inveran      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Intro rolls are too timid and need to be played with more confidence and volume. Good attack — tempo a bit unsteady at times. Slip/mistake in 2nd part first time through. Rushing triplet work in 3rd part — more control needed.Rushing open work in 4th part — more control needed. Slip/Mistake in last pt first time through. Good break to S/Spey — good lively tempo but sometimes unsteady. Roll work could be fuller especially in accented rolls which need more control. 3rd and 4th parts slight slips and losing integration with pipes. Nicely into Reel —tempo unsteady. Some more control needed in execution at times. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Lee Smith      Place: 5      Tunes: Clan McRae Society , Arniston Castle, and Electric Chopsticks      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls uneven and could be smoother and fuller. Good attack. Tempo unsteady and speeding p throughout March.More control needed in open work and more seperation needed between rudiments. This is a great setting but difficult for you to master under the pressure of competition. Losing control of open work in parts 3 and 4 at times. Break to S/Spey rushed. Tempo slow and unsteady throughout S/Sey More volume variation needed.Several slips/mistakes in S/Spey. More dot and cut needed in phrasing. Again great score but difficult for you to master under competition pressure.Break into last tune rushed — Much more control needed in execution. Tempo very fast and unsteady — more control needed. Overall there are flashes of brilliance that demonstrate your talent and that you have good hands however your performance is inconsistent and lacks control in a number of places. Try practicing with a metronome to obtain a relaxed steady tempo.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alex Buchanan           Tunes: Donald Cameron, The Cameronian Rant, Mrs MacPherson of Inveran      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Rolls slightly short in relation to tempo. Good quality rolls. Tempo a bit slow and unsteady at times. Great execution and control. Some rolls could be fuller. Excellent setting. Try for more volume variation. Timid Break to S/Spey — attack the break more with confidence. Tempo a bit too slow and playing sounds laboured. Sme rolls could be fuller. Vary volume more. Good break to Reel — playing with confidence and control and nice musical flow. Clean execution. Your strongest tune. Overall — great hands and technique. Had you played on a drum you would have placed highly.
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Event 116. Grade 1 Side Drumming March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Johnny Hume           Tunes: Links of Forth, The Bob of Fettercairn, John Morrison of Assynt House      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Both intro rolls are uneven and a bit open in pulses. Good attack. Tempo relaxed and steady. Good musical flow and nice swing in playing. More control needed in triplet rolls. Rolls could be fuller. You could vary volume more. Nice setting. Hesitant break to S/Spey — Timid break — took until 2nd bar to get going. Tempo slow and unsteady at times. Vary volume more.Good execution. Good break into reel. Tempo slow. Rushing tempo in parts 3 and 4. Last part needs more control especially in triplet rolls. Overall a very musical player.
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Event 117. Grade 1 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matt Biggs      Place: 1      Tunes: Duncan McGillivray Chief Steward      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Matt. Solid and smooth introduction rolls. A noticeable drop in tempo was evident on entry to quickstep. Timing was erratic throughout part 1. Lack of expression was consistent and not projecting correct rhythm for the quickstep. More dynamic variation would also assist with rhythm and expression. Embellishments generally well executed and some good technical work displayed. Work on your tempo of this idiom and phrasing to add to the musical flow. Instrument tuning with good snare action.
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Event 117. Grade 1 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 2      Tunes: Bill Boyle      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hi Connor. A hesitation during the second introduction roll, then a slight drop in tempo in entry to the quickstep. There was a lack of expression and execution errors were evident in middle phases. Performance lacked true rhythm for this idiom and no effective use of dynamics on display. Watch execution particularly in crushing short rolls and gaps of exiting onto open work. Generally execution quite good, except as mentioned. Try to project the rhythm more musically. I should hear more variation and complex scores at this level. Instrument tuning could improve with better snare response.
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Event 117. Grade 1 Side Drumming 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tyler Boydstun           Tunes: Tug Argan Gap      Judge: Harold Gillespie      Judge's Comments: Hello Tyler. Smooth introduction rolls into a tempo not consistant to a quickstep. Execution of rudiments well done however slow tempo lacked in musical flow throughout. Embellishments clearly projected and timing was good to the melody. Rhythm and expression were present but felt laboured. The performance lacked the sparkle required of this idiom mainly due to tempo which may have lifted with the use of a drum as required.
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Event 118. Grade 1 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tyler Boydstun      Place: 1      Tunes: Lucy Cassidy, Bronnies Blue Brozzie      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Poor accoustics, a lot of echo where you did this recording, I suggest recording outdoors next time. Good intro. Very relaxed tempo. Some nice material and well set to melody. A little increase in tempo would help to give a bit more lift. Some nice light and shade work, Good execution and roll quality. Good break to jig. Much better lift. Good accented roll sequence and a nice run in the finishing part.
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Event 118. Grade 1 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Matt Biggs      Place: 2      Tunes: Rowd's Hornpipe, Troy's Wedding      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: Nice intro rolls. Material well written and fitting melody line, Good execution and quality rolling. Good use of light and shade, Nice change to jig. Nice use of roughs. Just a bit loose on execution and integration of open work in 2nd part. Nice run in 3rd part just losing integration with melody line here. Jig not as well integrated with piper as the hornpipe, a little bit on the loose side. Overall a good performance.
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Event 118. Grade 1 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Connor J S Higgs      Place: 3      Tunes: Sandpiper, Last tango in Harris      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: A little too heavy into entry pulses of both intro rolls. Nice drum sound. Material of good quality but maybe a bit too crushed in places. Time signature not very well defined. It's hard to distinguish where the bar lines are. You need to show strong weak pulse when playing in simple duple time. No breathing space or defined cadences. Good break to jig. Slightly better in compound duple but still over busy with no attention to phrase endings. No melody line to listen to so I cannot comment on integration. You need to work on musicality, the technichal side is good enough for this grade.
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Event 118. Grade 1 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alex Buchanan           Tunes: Raigmore, The Mason's Apron      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: PLAYED ON PAD, NO PIPER. Good Intro. Some nice use of light and shade. Well written and musical material, Good quality rolling, good execution and playing withgood lift. Lovely open run in 3rd part of jig, Very relaxed and confident playing. I cannot comment on integration as you played without a piper but what you did play didn't suggest anything might be offputting rhythmwise. An exciting and careful performance. Why are you playing on a pad and not a drum? This disqualifies you from a placing under the contest rules.
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Event 118. Grade 1 Side Drumming Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Johnny Hume           Tunes: Uphold the Right/Cabar Feidh      Judge: Ciaran Mordaunt      Judge's Comments: PLAYED ON PAD. Good intro. Very relaxed entry, Nice tempo with good rhythm and lift. Keeping right on top of melody and good roll quality. JIG. Complex material here but well written and well set to melody. Again lovely quality rolling and well integrated to melody. Overall execution, rhythm and expression very well handled.Maybe a little more power at the top of your dynamic range would add a bit more excitement to your performance. Why are you playing on a pad and not a drum? This disqualifies you from a placing under the contest rules.
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Event 120. Open/Pro - Side Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam McCollum      Place: 1      Tunes: Donald MacLellan of Rothesay, Dora MacLeod, Mrs MacPherson of Inveran      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: A bit timid on entry to intro rolls. Attack rolls with more confidence. Good quality of roll otherwise. Good attack with steady tempo. Nice musical swing and finesse in your playing. Execution clean and precise. You could vary volume more to enhance dynamics. Great score. Good confident break to S/Spey — tempo on the slow side but steady. Clean and precise execution generally. Last bar of last part held back too much and tempo slowing slightly before entry to reel. You could vary volume more. Nicely into reel — relaxed and steady tempo. Clean and precise execution. Great swing and musical flow —a strong finish to performance. Overall — great player with excellent hands and nice control and finesse in playing. Very enjoyable.
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Event 120. Open/Pro - Side Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alex Kuldell      Place: 2      Tunes: Donald MacLellan of Rothesay, Ariston Castle, Fiona MacLeod      Judge: Gordon Parkes      Judge's Comments: Excellent quality of rolls however spoiled by having very loud stroke at the end which is out of balance with the volume of the rest of the roll. A little bit lighter would provide better balance. Good attack —nice musical flow and swing in your playing. Execution clean and precise all through performance. You could vary volume more to improve dynamics. It's all loud and needs more finesse. Good setting. Good confident break to S/Spey — tempo slightly slow but steady. Some accented roll work could be fuller — be less loud on accents and put more emphasis on filling out the roll more between the accents. Otherwise excellent execution. You could vary volume more. Nicely into Reel — tempo relaxed and steady. Good swing and musical flow. Clean and precise and controlled execution. Sometimes over accenting spoiling balance of performance. Rushing in last part bars 6 and 7. Overall — a great player with excellent hands and technique and scores — just watch over accenting. You are a powerful player with strong hands so try for more volume variation and finesse and be less over powering with the strong accents. Nevertheless — very enjoyable.
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Event 121. Open/Pro - Side Drumming - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Alex Kuldell      Place: 1      Tunes: Duncan Johnson, Donella Beaton      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Excellent. Drum sounds great. Upbeats matching the pipe well. Good venue, no over-accents. Great forward motion and drive. Nice adaptation of the score to leave more space. A bit of tug-o-war in bars 3+4 of part 3 of the HP. Great long open rolls played well with good dynamic effect and excellent timing. Very strong duet feel and ensemble with the pipe. Solid musicianship coming through. Very entertaining.
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Event 121. Open/Pro - Side Drumming - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Adam McCollum      Place: 2      Tunes: The Three Devils, Alex MacDonald      Judge: Duncan Millar      Judge's Comments: Good introduction rolls. Drum sounds dry. Different tones coming through depending upon where you are playing on the head, right hand often drier, off the snare. Waiting for some full range tone, could use a few loud dynamics, crushed rolls or higher volume features. Sticks sound really light, needs more meat. Some pushing and pulling of 32nd note passages, especially in third and fourth bar passages in the HP and through the last part of the jig. Excellent scores, very entertaining. Generally, very good execution and control. You could muscle through some of the subdivided work more to make sure it doesn’t push the piper and to articulate every note clearly. Some disappearing at times. Great, relaxed feel for the tunes and presentation. Needs more dynamic range to get above and below the middle zone and provide more drama and contrast. Ending a little abrupt. Strong musicianship.
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Event 203. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Felicia Lelli      Place: 1      Tunes: Liberton Pipe Band      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: Felicia Lelli Intro rolls good pt 1 b3/4 rhythms a little light (Better on forte) b5 time off endings a little crushed pt 2 Flourishes good, catches could be a bit cleaner (I liked the butterfly into the reverse) Rhythmic passages nice, fit pipe tune quite nicely Some rhythms a tad rushed pt 3 Catches from Flourishes in b3/4 throw off rhythms pt 4 Flourishes nice, ambitious and executed well. Overall: Thank you for your performance. I very much enjoyed your score and the visuals you chose to accompany it with. Some rhythmic passages were a tad rushed, or crushed (pt3 b1 for example), and B7/8 in each part was a bit out. The flourishing you added was quite ambitious and was executed well and with class. My only suggestion would be to practice catches into rhythms as this seemed to throw you out of sink a few time. Overall a very good performance, which I was quite impressed with.
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Event 203. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Kyrianna Jorgensen      Place: 2      Tunes: A Man's A Man For All That      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: 3 pace Rolls steady, in time Drum sounds nice Nice time playing, very smooth Weight is nice and the drum really resonates Flourishes are very safe (speed and Endings a bit crushed/rushed I liked how you incorporated single flourishes into your piano time I was impressed with the level of difficulty of your flourishes Overall -Advanced visuals and smooth time playing -Visuals and Flourishes are good, but very safe (very "in the box"). It would be nice to see you add some speed. However, what and how you played was quite good. -Time playing was smooth and always in time -Endings were consistently rushed, feel free to approach your rudimental playing in the same way as your time playing (laid back and in the pocket) -I felt like I couldn't hear you at some points, I would have liked you to have been a bit closer to the camera -Score lacked a variety of rhythms and rudiments, it would have been nice to hear some more intricate rhythmic passages. Thank you for your performance, it was a delight and I'm sure you have a very bright future in tenor drumming. Keep working at the little things, and don't be afraid to take some risks. Continue to develop speed and intricate rudiments. Well done! *Bonus: What a backdrop, your video was awesome!
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Event 203. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emily Hair      Place: 3      Tunes: Mairi's Wedding      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: Pt 1 Good use of rhythm and space, visuals suit the flow of the tune Ending lacks rhythmic support Pt 3 Excellent flourishes b1 and b2 I would have liked to have seen/heard more rhythmic support Overall: -Drum sounds nice and is pitched well -A good balance of time and space, -Your appreciation and understanding of feel and dynamic is quite strong. -Very strong/advanced visuals -Score lacked a variety of rhythms and rudiments, it would have been nice to hear some more intricate rhythmic passages. Thank you for your performance, it was a delight and I'm sure you have a very bright future in tenor drumming. Keep working at the little things, especially your rudiments.
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Event 203. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 2/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Ann Edwards      Place: 4      Tunes: Haughs of Cromdale/Muir of Ord      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: Rolls ok (missed b2 of 2nd 3 pace roll) pt 1 Some rudiments a little rushed/crushed I would have liked to see a bit more playing of standard time Visuals a bit rigid pt 2 Nice mix of space with rhythmic parts (b3/b4) pt 3 Rudiments solid and in time Cross after double stall a little rigid, I would suggest crossing at the wrist and catching on the outside rotation while wrists are in front of the sternum/chin, it can be very difficult to get horizontal that quickly. pt 4 Butterfly nice Rhythm after flourish sharp and in time -I really enjoyed your performance. I appreciated the rhythmic passages and how they fit with both the side and piping score. -Some rudiments a tad rushed, though not a detriment to overall performance -I would have liked to see a bit more playing of standard time throughout the score -Visuals a bit rigid Overall: Thank you for this performance. A great rhythmic score played on a nice sounding instrument. I enjoyed your scores and think you have a bright future in tenor drumming, keep at it!
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Event 204. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 4/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Kyrianna Jorgensen      Place: 1      Tunes: Cabar Feidh      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Intro Rolls: Good Timing of rolls and flourish Part 1:Well played. Be aware not to hit the drum too hard. Very clean flourishing. Don't go too far back on your double stalls. Ending notes a little rush which pushed the speed of the piper in to the next part. Part 2: First bar was used to reestablish timing. Second bar "butterfly/Helicopter" has good movment. Nice to see use of different heights. Playing of ending a little rushed. Part 3:Singles on time but with swing changes on the backside of the note. This gives the impression that timing was off. Be aware of speed that you are playing while making swing changes from back to front of 8 flourish. I liked the crossed pinwheel but would like to see speed increased. Part 4: Good use of different flourish and levels. Would like to see transitions of swing be more pronounced (Big arms). Watch that flourish does not take away from playing. Give your self time to come down from flourish. Playing a little messy at end of piano. Overall strong performance. Flourish is very technical and well executed. You did a good job adapting to pace of music when needed. I would like to see a focus on the drumming side of the performance. Once comfortable where every note should be, it will increase your confidence in the overall performance.
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Event 204. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 4/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Felicia Lelli      Place: 2      Tunes: Scotland the Brave/Wings      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Intro Rolls: timing of first roll off in 2&3 notes. 2nd roll good. Floursh fits timing of rolls but watch 4th note flourish only lasts for 1 beat. Flourish of 4th note of second roll, extend in to first note of the tune. Part 1: Timing issue fixed by the end of first bar. Was played a little loud to compensate. 3rd bar well articulated, try not to rush. playing a little "stiff." Watch transition of flourish from piano to Forte. Part 2: first 2 bars well timed. Good use of arm movment. 3 & 4 bar felt a little rushed. Good pace to end of Piano. Nice Flourishing. Fits music well. Part 3: Ths part felt more relaxed and comfortable. Good timing Part 4:Good use of arm movements and levels of flourish. Watch ending of flourish in piano gives enough time to begin forte. Playing a little rushed. Overall: Good energy and pace of tunes. Playing a little stiff which causes "overplaying" or rush feel. Flourish has good height and speed. Watch transition from flourish that ends at head level to next one that starts at the drum level or below. Good job!
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Event 204. Grade 5 Tenor Drumming - 4/4 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emily Hair      Place: 3      Tunes: Scotland the Brave      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Introduction Rolls — good timing of flourish. Would like to see 3 beats of the rolls played. Part 1: Clean flourish with good timing. Playing is well timed with side player and well executed. Same as with the rolls Would like to hear more playing of the strong notes of the partincluding the first note of first bar. Part 2: Happy to see first note played. Flat flourish looks very good. Watch the different heights between R&L hands. Good arm movement on singles. Part 3: 4 notes at start could be a little more pronounced and clean. grouping of notes needs to be articulate as the ring of the drum can be overpowering. Midles and ending well playind and timed. Part 4: Very good levels of the pushout flourish. Be aware of the control of timing of the end of your cartwheel (pinwheel). If you don't give yourself enough time to come out of the flourish you may miss a note. I would rather have a missed note than a mistimed note. Overall good performance. The timing of the flourish is well done and well executed. I would ike to see a little more playing in a solo contest. If you are playing band scores, make sure you fill in the major note gaps like: the first beat of the first bar that would normally be played by others in the corp. Do not let flourishing take over the performance.
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Event 205. Grade 4 Tenor Drumming - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Tiffany Smith      Place: 1      Tunes: Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Great choreographed intro roll flourishing. Just watch that the weight of each beat is even. Good entry into 1st part. Played confidently and keeping tempo. First beat of the repeat a little light and not 100% controlled but great for the rest of the part. Slight timing inaccuracy in the 6th bar first time through 2nd part. Weight of playing is fluctuating from time to time when coming out of flourishes onto the drum. Excellent execution of score in 3rd part with great dynamics that tie in well with the snare score. End phrase in the repeat just slightly light compared to end phrases in the rest of the performance. Lovely dynamics in fourth part and excellent playing working in with the snare score. Great confident finish to the tune. Very nice deportment. Only improvement I would suggest in this department is having your heels together at attention. Excellent flourishing throughout the performance which matches the tune nicely. Just need to watch catching technique at times to maintain the accuracy of the beating and to ensure you are striking the drum in the center consistently. Overall a very nice, polished performance. Keep up the excellent work
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Event 205. Grade 4 Tenor Drumming - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Emily Hair      Place: 2      Tunes: The Steamboat      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Fantastic flourishing sequence for the 3 pace intro rolls. For Solo performances it is generally better to strike the drum as there is no bass drum so if you can work the flourish around hitting the beats that will add to overall performance. Great solid first part. Excellent timing and confident accurate beating. Excellent controlled catching coming out of flourishing. Second part also solid just rushing a few of the beats in places. Rushed first beat of the 3rd part but recovered timing and displayed some very smart strong flourishing combinations. Flourishing in the fourth part well put together, however the score was a little bit bare and could do with some more beatings. Perhaps hitting the beats with the other hand where you are doing the single flats would fill the score in a bit. Flourishing very nice and well choreographed throughout the tune. Could be neatened up a little by positioning closer to the center. Beating throughout your performance was well executed with very few inaccuracies. Varying the weight you hit drum throughout the tune so that it matches the expression of the snare drummers you are playing to will improve the musicality and dynamics of the performance. A very well put together enjoyable performance. Well Done!
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Event 206. Grade 4 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Tiffany Smith      Place: 1      Tunes: P/M Willie Gray, Highland Harry, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: G4 4 rolls out of time March Hard to hear dynamic parts Visuals nice, executed well; Nice use of space with various heights Rhythms could be a bit more intricate dynamic feel ok, but could use a bit more emphasis Score fits tune well strathspey Good use of SWMW in break and through first part Use of visuals quite good, variations of time playing effective More attention to detail in some of the more intricate sections could lead to a more dynamic and impactful performance Reel Would like to hear a stronger break Flourishes again quite good Rhythms support both side and pipe score nicely Dynamics coming through nicely Overall: A clean and rhythmic score with tasteful visuals led to a very nice performance. It took a few parts to settle in but your March was quite good, and the visuals you chose to implement complimented the score nicely. I felt your strathspey started well but faded by the end, remember to empasize the SWMW idiom in your playing. The Reel was excellent, and your mixture of rhythms and flourishes came through with passion. Be contious of consistently hitting the drum in it's centre, when off it can cause double toning which did occur a few times. Thank you for your performance, it was lovely.
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Event 207. Grade 3 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Amelia Tong      Place: 1      Tunes: P/M Willie Gray, Maggie Cameron, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Intro Rolls: Good Rolls, Good timing, nice sounding drum. March:Good pac. Nice use of arms and fourishes to help visualize the music. Watch not to rush endings. Crisp start and finish. of flourish. Very tight when bringing arms down from pinwheels to pronounce notes. Watch that flourish speed as can seem a little. messy when going too fast. S/pey: Nice break. Strong first note. make sure to keep pace going while being aware of SWMW idiom. drumming a little messy. Do not outpace the piper/drummer. At times felt rushed. Reel: Well defined break. watch that stalls are kept up right. drumming in 2nd part a little messy.4th part some very cools flourishes but seemed. like there was some playing at the start that was missed. Unsure if this is a band tune that someone else would normally play these parts. Overall: You have very technical and good use of flourishes. As you progress, focus on making sure that the flourishing routine does not overpower. the drumming. Nice dynamics both in drumming and flourishes. Well thought out performance. Good Job!
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Event 207. Grade 3 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (M at least 4 parts, S & R each at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Braya Hanssen      Place: 2      Tunes: P/M Willie Gray, Highland Harry, Lexy McAskill      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Intro Rolls: Good timing. Nice weight on drum. Watch click of stick on beat 4. March: Nice start. Good pace. Watch where on the drum you hit. The side and edge of the head can give inconsistant sounds. Drumming a little messy at times but always able to come back on track due to your pace. S/Pey: Break a little rushed. Good speed of play good but drumming could be more articulate. May be drum tone. Ree: Nice break. Watch weight of playing, good use of visual dynamics and expression. Make sure drumming has as much focus as flourishing. Overall: Overall nice performance, I like that you give yourself enough time to execute each flourish and give our self time to be prepared for the next "move". Watch that flourish speeds are consistent throughout your performance.
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Event 208. Grade 3 Tenor Drumming - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Amelia Tong      Place: 1      Tunes: Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Excellent three pace entry rolls. Nice steady accurate start to first part with attention grabbing well executed flourishes. Double forte/repeat lost a little control here in both beatings and flourishing. 2nd part great score with dynamics starting to show through. Rushing in parts coming out of the flourish causing beatings to loose accuracy. Some stall not straight here. Excellent 3rd part flourishes fitting perfectly with great control from flourish onto drum. Well executed playing. Both the tenor score and the choreography of the flourishing enhance the music here wonderfully. 4th part also great just loosing the catches a bit which in turn is causing separation with the snares particularly in the quick 5 note groupings . Lovely presentation throughout the performance. Holding your posture a little more steady will add to this as well as prevent your drum from swinging around as much.This will stop the note/drum sound from from wavering. Try to keep body still by locking in your core and only use arms to flourish. This will also help hitting the drum consistently in the middle and keep some of the more intricate playing in time. Some good dynamic playing in this performance. A little more weight variation could add to the musicality of the beatings. Overall this is a very well put together sophisticated performance with just a few minor things that could help improve it. I very much enjoyed it! Keep up the good work!
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Event 208. Grade 3 Tenor Drumming - 6/8 March (at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Braya Hanssen      Place: 2      Tunes: Donald MacLean of Lewis      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Well timed intro rolls. Weight of beats fluctuating a little. Flourishing combo very nice. 1st part played well. Confident and clear. Just watch the stalls are straight up as they are coming back a little far. Nice flourishing throughout the 2nd part and beatings remain steady holding the tempo well. Beats coming out of the flourish in the 4th bar both times through slightly light and not 100% controlled so just work on controlling the catch here. Beatings in First bar of the fourth part a little rushed here and not quite in time with snare score. 2nd line of part 1st time through (Piano forte) some of the beats lacking a little bit of control and timing not quite right. Flourishing is very nice and well executed throughout this part and Highlights the music nicely. End phrases are excellent and consistent all through performance. Your weight and technique when playing the drum is excellent. Not over hitting which keeps the drum tone nice through the performance. You could vary the weights a little to create a bit more musical expression by matching accents and weights of the snare score in places but overall it is nice to listen to. Lovely well put together performance. Very enjoyable and a pleasure to judge.
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Event 209. Grade 2 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gary Stephenson      Place: 1      Tunes: Lord Alexander Kennedy, Tulloch Castle, John Morrison of Assynt House.      Judge: Matt Bellia      Judge's Comments: LAK pt 1 Eexcellent visuals Ending dynamics excellent, Runs in 6/8 quite good pt 2 Runs in b6 piano rushed Variation ending out b6-8 pt 3 Visuals very strong Time playing effective, supporting tune and not over bearing b6 into 7 rushed, b8 out Variation ending in sync pt 4 Visuals continue to be excellent, supporting tune and executed pt 5 Ambitious combination of syncopated rhythms with flourishes; remember not to lose dynamic feel (b1/2, 5/6), b8 piano rushed into b1 DF pt 6 Excellent culmination of the tune, a highlight B6 DF late, B8 into break lazy Tulloch Castle Break excellent pt 1 b2 excellent dynamic time playing, encapsulates SWMW idiom perfectly b4, watch dynamic, don't go too loud too fast pt 2 B1-2 great syncopation and dynamic playing, in sync with snare score and supports both rhythmic and melodic elements of pipe tune pt 3 Combination of visuals into time fits well with pipe tune and side score Roll in b5/6 quite good, could be a tad more open Rhythmic section in b6 directly after rushed and 'poundy' pt 4 Good syncopation, use of dynamics and visuals in b6/7 Reel Break- Good pt 1 b2 time out b4 rhythm rushed b5 triplet run rushed, could use more attention on the crescendo b7/8 rushed pt 2 Flourishes with time playing throwing timing off, drum not always being struck in centre causing minor double toning. Out of time with the tune a hair. B8 Ending rushed pt 3 Triplet runs consistently crushed throughout pt 4 Compared to the rest of the performance, surprisingly safe. Time playing a bit too loud. Ending OK. pt 5 Excellent, things really came together here. Visuals and synopation locked in, complements score perfectly. pt 6 Flourishes in full effect here Sharp ending Overall: Rhythmic: Very strong and overflowing with potential. My only suggestion would be to execute triplet, triplet tap and runs of 5 more consistently. Often times they were crushed and not in sync with accompanyment, though it is quite hard to be in sync with a recording. Visuals: Excellent and advanced beyond what would be generally expected at the Gr2 level. Use of space, speed, and level of intricacy executed an an open level. Thank you for your performance. I was quite impressed with such an advanced level of playing for a Gr 2 contest. I tried to be quite detailed and nitpicky as a means of constructive criticism to help you hone your skills and continue to ascend. I would reccommend an upgrade to the professional level in your home association.
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Event 210. Grade 2 Tenor Drumming - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Gary Stephenson      Place: 1      Tunes: Rhonda Blair & The Mason's Apron      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Great Positive intro rolls. Beatings clear and perfectly timed with sharp flourishing. Good confident entry into H/P carried through the entire part setting up positive start to performance. Excellent flourishing throughout horn pipe perfectly choreographed not at the expense of the score. Nice symmetrical positioning and sharp execution expressing the music well. Beatings were mostly accurate there are just a couple of places where they were not quite 100% with accompanying snare coming out of flourishes. Playing was a little heavy throughout the tune particularly in the 3rd and fourth parts where a bit more variation in weight could highlight the dynamics of the snare score and add to the musicality of the performance. The end phrases through the whole tune were consistent, played/flourished perfectly each time. Break into the Jig is fantastic. Entire tune had a great score and again the flourishing was sublime throughout and executed brilliantly. The last 2 parts in particular were excellent with very well put together flourishes integrating with the beatings nicely. Good expression in the playing throughout the jig. The final part was very nice. I think the overall playing volume could come down a little to demonstrate a bit more control coming down onto the drum from such sharp flourishing and varying the volume would enhance the dynamics of the score. I really enjoyed this performance. Great construction of score and visuals with minor room for improvements.
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Event 211. Grade 1 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrea Jackson      Place: 1      Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Shepherd’s Crook, MacAlister’s Dirk      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Into Rolls: Nice pace. Drum sounds nice. 3rd beat a little behind. March: first part playing a little rushed. Nice weight of playing. Watch longer runs of 3 and 5 are being articulated. can blend together. s/pey: Nice break flourishes fit well. Watch that you are not too right hand dominant with both playing and flourishes. Reel: good Break.Nice pace. druming more articulate. watch that playing between flourish is as consistant as when just drumming. Some triplets sound like they are blendig together. Overall: Good job.nice balance of playing and flourishing. Some very technical flourishes that could be a little slower to ensure. you are set up for the next "move". Nive sounding drum. Good Job!
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Event 211. Grade 1 Tenor Drumming - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christine Christiansen      Place: 2      Tunes: Hugh Kennedy, Susan MacLeod, Mrs. MacPherson of Inveran      Judge: Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Intro Rolls: Good timing. Drum a little flat. March: Good pace throughout. nice mixture of flourish and playing. Would ike to see a little less straight time. Watch Syncopation in 3rd part. S/pey: Nice break. similar tone through out. Would like to see more Idiom L,W,M,W throughout. Reel: Nice Break. Good speed of tune. Overall Would like to see a little more variety of flourishes and playing specific to the tune. I think this wold create more visual dynamics and add to the performnce.
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Event 212. Grade 1 Tenor Drumming - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Andrea Jackson      Place: 1      Tunes: Nova Scotia Nightcrawler, The Gold Ring      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Great intro rolls timed well and even weight across both sets. Nice clean flourish to open performance. 1st part nice and confident start to tune with nice visuals and positive playing. Bar 5 a little control lost coming out of flourish onto beats so not 100% clean but played perfectly in repeat. Beautifully choreographed flourishing throughout the hornpipe integrating flourishes into the score/beatings really well. Very nice balance between flourishing and beatings. Loved the score in the 3rd part. Highlighted the snare line nicely and very good dynamic playing here mirroring the expression of the snare score well. A couple of execution issues with one of the flourishes in this part but very minor. The flourishing combos in the 4th part are excellent. Losing the timing a little in the 7th bar where you are hitting the drum during the “swim” flourish after the windmill. End phrases throughout the h/p played well and consistent across the tune. Great entry into the Jigs. Beautiful playing with well constructed flourishing. Good weight distribution on drum adding to the musical expression. Integration of flourishing and playing is very good in both HP and the Jig. There are just a few occasions where the control of the flourish is lost when catching and coming down to the drum to beat causing very very slight timing discrepancies with accompanying snare recording. Great original and well put together flourishes. Could hold body control a little steadier at times. Overall presentation is excellent. I enjoyed this performance very much. Well done on a sophisticated well constructed musical performance.
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Event 212. Grade 1 Tenor Drumming - Hornpipe & Jig (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Christine Christiansen      Place: 2      Tunes: Sandy‘s New Chanter, The Jig of Slurs      Judge: Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Very Good Intro 3 pace roll beats with a strong confident visual. Nice intro into first part of hornpipe timing well with piper. Execution of triplets a little rushed therefore not quite accurate. Some of the flourishes are a little rushed across the H/P so catching control is being lost. Take care when playing straight time. At times throughout the hornpipe the timing of this is not even. A very nice score for the tune there are just a couple of places where what you are playing does not 100 % complement the tune. Nice steady break into the Jig . Playing looses a bit of confidence at times during this tune. Your triplets need a little care in their execution. I think if you relaxed a little when playing these they would be a bit more even in weight and timing. Visuals have been put together nicely and they compliment both tunes well. Some of the combinations are just a little bit rushed at times and you are losing control which leads to difficulty in catching. A very enjoyable performance with wonderful tune selection! Great effort in putting this together.
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Event 301. Novice Bass Drumming (Grade 4 & 5) - Any March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Harrison Cotton      Place: 1      Tunes: Mairi's Wedding and Cutting Bracken      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Intro good — solid three beat roll off I would use one stick for the three beats — slight drop in tempo set — try and play on the front of the beat and drive the bus. Watch your timing on the ending phrase. Drum set up well, good overall tone and depth, good stick weight from mallets. Overall good performance. work on your phrasing — work with drum corp on table to establish your music and the oerall sound and tempos the band is striving for - Lots of potential moving forward — observe and ask questions of players in higher grades to enhance your journey.
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Event 301. Novice Bass Drumming (Grade 4 & 5) - Any March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Terry Carter      Place: 2      Tunes: Corriechoillie’s      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Intro — good intro — tempo dropped slightly from start — attempt to play at the front of the beat and drive the melody. Single beat will set the tempo watch your timing on the end phrases. Drum was somewhat flat — needs to be tuned with a tuner or by ear setup with you and the lead drum or pipe major. Make sure both heads are equal and matched for tone quality. Work at knowing the music/drum scores and a feel for your instrument, give your playing expression and you will enjoy your journey, listen/watch and learn from higher grade players.
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Event 301. Novice Bass Drumming (Grade 4 & 5) - Any March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: William Main      Place: 3      Tunes: P/M Willie Gray      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Intro — timing overall good, only watch your timing on the ending phrases — work at playing at the front of the beat and drive the tempo forward. Drum — pitch could be sligtly lower in tone and pitch — make sure when tuning drum by tuner or ear you make sure both heads are of equal value and resonate equally. As you progress with your journey play with feeling as well as by note/music you will find your journey more enjoyable. I would suggest listen and watch band performances player performances from higher grade players to see where you can go with your playing and ask questions.
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Event 301. Novice Bass Drumming (Grade 4 & 5) - Any March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: MARYLEIGH MacNeil      Place: 4      Tunes: Krispy Kreme Highlanders      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Solid intro — watch timing — single beats throughout works but going forward variance in your stick work would help in your overall performance. Drum setup needs to be addressed which would give you a much better feel and enjoyment in playing — drum is flat with no tone or depth. This can be done with a tuner or with help of lead drummer by tightening all lugs then slowly loosing off equally till you reach the desired tone and depth you want the drumm to be. You will find playing on a well setup instrument will be much more enjoyable. I would suggest listening to videos/youtube/recordings of bands and get a good feel going forward.
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Event 301. Novice Bass Drumming (Grade 4 & 5) - Any March (at least 2 parts)
Competitor: Harper Wilson      Place: 5      Tunes: Teribus & Pipers Cave      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Intro — good start — watch your timing throughout— playing sinlge beats need to be worked on going forward to give you better understanding of the tempo and phrasing of the tunes played, work with your lead drummer and pipemajor to create drumming scores that work for the group as a whole. Drum was notable flat — if you tune the drum and I would say lighten up a little on the volume of your stick weight and you will find playing much more enjoyable. Always face the drum heads to the judge as the shell is usually a dead spot.
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Event 302. Intermediate Bass Drumming (Grade 3 & 2) - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Evan Duckett      Place: 1      Tunes: The Conundrum, Maggie Cameron, DJS Murray      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Intro- strong and good timing — felt your stick weight was very heavy throughout, overpowering which caused some tone/pitch problem with your drum. Try and have heads facing the judge in this kind of individual competition as the shell causes a dead spot. You carried the drive in the MSR but need to create some light/shade effect to your beatings. Overall you have the right idea and just need to spend more time perfecting and polishing the music and how you present your performance. Your March was soilid/Strath — good break just need to create a HWMW pulsing effort and your Reel — again good but need to watchful in your beats/embelishments and timing.
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Event 303. Advanced Bass Drumming (Grade 1) - March, Strathspey & Reel (each tune at least 4 parts)
Competitor: Drew Ellis      Place: 1      Tunes: The Conundrum, The Hag at the Churn, The Cockerel and the Creel      Judge: John Nichol      Judge's Comments: Overall good performance on a good drum setup as well as playing control of mallets. Well played. MSR — overall good scores and playing, timing was on, couuple small slips, watch the embellishments in the St and the reel, syncropation. Be aware of timing and how they fit the music. Enjoyed your performance.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: South Park & District Pipe Band      Place: 1      Tunes: Teribus, Flett From Flotta, Jack's Welcome Home, Drunken Duncan      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 2 — Nice Rolls. Watch bass on first note of tune. A little rushed.Overall nice tone. Unsure if editing but Bass seems to be hitting really hard but doesn't come across as over powering in recording. Bass drum a little flat. Tenor a good use of flourishes. Would like to see different heights and variations of different flourish. nice playing on tenor. Good Cut offf Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 1 — Nice one everyone. A good balanced recording here, nice to hear the snares and tenors cutting through here. A good solid start with good controlled tempos. A well set interval on the chanters. Snares are a nice compliment to the overall umbrella of sound. Bass holding things together well start to finish. Pipers are integrating well together. Nice to see some movement in the video work to see everyone. A nice set of tunes played here. Thank you. David Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 1 — Good intro rolls — tempo steady. Nice arrangements - all drums. Bass and tenor a bit loud and dominant — reduce volume slightly. Snares could vary volume more to enhance dynamics. Execution of some triplets needs more control in last tune. Overall a musical and enjoyable performance. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 3 — Well together on intro. Nice selection of tunes. Unison generally good between units. Bass drum I feel could have more resonance. Chanters not quite in full unison but overall band sound is good. Again drones not fully locked in but sound held well together throughout performance. In terms of integration, generally good but just a few areas where you were not fully together. Band sounds well practiced during this performance. Good finish.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Banana Pinata Band      Place: 2      Tunes: At Long Last and Dawning of the Day      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 3 — Rolls: Nice rolls. Good pace. Nice tone. Watch phrasing from bar 2-3. Endings a little rushed. Part 3: Watch that tenor music lines up with side music. There are times that the tenor is playing on the off beat in the last line. Bass not too overpowering. Overall: I like the costumes. Well done! Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 3 — Well this is definately the most exciting uniforms I have ever seen worn for a pipe band set. The bass drummer is certainly a stand out! Bass is a solid sounding drum, overall recording is well captured well. Pipers really playing well together on well set and blown instruments. Snares cutting and playing well here. A couple great tunes that were enjoyable to listen to. This looked like a lot of fun to put together. Well done everyone ! Thank you, David. Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 2 — 2nd roll not finished together. Good confident attack. Tempo slightly unsteady. Tenors rushing a little in 1st part. Bass and tenors a bit loud at times. Nice musical arrangements all drums. Playing with confidence and execution is generally very good. Good tonal quality from drums. Overall an enjoyable performance. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 1 — Nice intro and overall band sound is good. Pipes tuned well together. Drum sound good with nice resonance from bass. Couple of slight slips from pipers and a little bit of cutting out. Generally good unison between corps but a few areas where you were not fully together. Generally a nice performance. Creative outfits by the way.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: JackDylanHarrison      Place: 3      Tunes: Scotland the Brave, Rowan Tree      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 1 — Nice rolls. Well played together. Both drums sound nice. Good pace to tunes. Nice ensemble . Clean playing from side and bass. Watch rushing in 3rd part. Side phrasing in 3rd part could be cleaned up a bit. $th part was well done. Nice cut off. Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 2 — Nice one here you three. The bass is absolutely lovely here, well set and compliments the overall ensemble sound very well. Tempo is solid and held together well with the snare score. Pipes well set and blown and drones cutting through nice to blend all together here. You can't beat a couple classics played well. Thank you David. Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 5 — Both intro rolls uneven in pulses. Tempo unsteady at times all through performance. Nice tonal quality from Bass and snare. Bass could add more variety to arrangements.Snare could vary volume more to enhance dynamics. Snare rushing some triplet work st times. Overall — musical arrangements but more variety needed. Practice with a metronome to ensure steady tempos. Good players and enjoyable performance. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 2 — Good unison between all units throughout performance. Pipes sounded good from start but drones didn't hold in full tune until the end. Slight slip from pipes on entry to the Rowan Tree. Nice resonance from the bass and snare enhanced the performance. Good overall performance.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Firefighters Highland Guard of Naperville      Place: 4      Tunes: Rowan Tree, Loch Ruan, Dark Lowers the Night, Schiehallion      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 4 — Nice Bass tone. No reconizable dominant hand. Nice pace through out. well executed playing. Consistant playing throughout. Drumming scores fit well with pipes. Watch not to rush phrasing. Good use of bass dynamics. 1/4 notes sounding a little rushed Nice cut off. Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 6 — Nice one everyone! So great to see a band playing together again. Nice concert formation ! Tempos here are really holding well, Bass drummer holding it all together nicely. Good use of harmonies to break it up. Overall well set and a good set of tunes. Would like to hear tthe snare section a wee bit more, however that is the thing with recordings, its not always easy to get the overall sound captured. A great job everyone and thank you for submitting ! David. Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 3 — Good Intro rolls. Good attack and steady tempo generally. Good band balance between pipes and drums. Nice tonal quality from bass. Snares could vary volume a lot more to enhance dynamics and dynamic contrast. You could add more variety to arrangements and snares could add a few more rudiments to their score. Overall a musical presentation. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 4 — Well put together performance. Start well coordinated, though pipes not quite in full unison tonally. playing with nice rhythm in the Rowan Tree and harmony is effective. Pipes and drums tending to loose unison in 2nd and 3rd tunes. Pipers could try and have more pointing of the strong accent as sometimes I feel they are ahead of the beat, making it hard to be in complete unison with the drum corps. Harmony in third tune tends to discord in places. Playing better in Schiehallion and harmony more effective here. Drones in good harmony throughout. Overall sound between pipes and drum corp nice. Solid finish and a good overall performance.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Johannians Pipes & Drums      Place: 5      Tunes: Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering, Keel Row, Jimmy Ward's, La Boum and Kalabakan.      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 5 — Nice rolls. Good pace. Watch that tenor and Bass do not play all the same note as this can create an overlapping sound. drum score works well with pipe music. Watch phrasing in last line of first tune. Good idom of bass section in keel row. Drums ahead of pipers going in to slow air. Good pace of slow air. Bass a little loud compared to band. Watch that bass not hitting when should not be. Nice break out of slow air. Some funky playing. Good cut off. Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 5 — Very nice to see a submission all the way from Kuala Lampur! Nice one. Great to see all the instruments represented. A good 2/4 idiom here to start. A nice overall sounding group with the bass cutting through well. Nice to the spey here, pipers really playing a good idiom. A nice use of harmonies to break things up. A nice overall medley of tunes, snares really standing out at ending! A nice overall performance, thank you. David. Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 4 — Both rolls slightly short in relation to tempo. Tempo slow but steady. Good roll work. Snare drum could vary volume more to enhance dynamics.Bass very loud and dominant all through performance -good player but play a bit lighter. Tempo also unsteady in 2nd tune. Slow/Air rolls very uneven. Not together pipes and drums on break into last tune — nice last tune. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 6 — Intro was spoiled by a double toning drone, otherwise a nice entry to march. A few errors from the pipers, try to eliminate these for a better overall musical performance. Losing unison with drum corps in places. Be careful with your selection of tunes, it's not a good idea to go from a strathspey into a jig as the tempos are similar but the rhythm is a lot different. I believe it is always better to keep these tunes separate in a medley. Nice idea for break to La Boum but not quite together here. Harmony sounds effective and enhances the tune. Not quite together on entry to Kalabakan and loosing unison in passages. Nice selection of tunes.
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Event 401. Pipe Band Style Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Alaska Celtic Pipes & Drums      Place: 6      Tunes: The Siege of Delhi, Captain Colin Campbell, Alick C. MacGregor      Judge: Richard Parkes, David Hilder, Gordon Parkes, Blake Schmidt      Judge's Comments: Judge: Blake Schmidt (Midsection) — Place: 6 — Pace a little slow. Playing well together. Drum score fits pipes well. Watch buzz strokes as can be dominant sound from drum, Clean break. first time through S/pey had a speed change. 3rd part of reel a bit messy. Break to reel could use some work. Drum score for reel arepetitive at times. Nice cut off Judge: David Hilder (Piping) — Place: 4 — Nice one Christianson family! What a fantastic thing to be able to play along with your whole family, super cool! A good start here with tempo nice a lively. Pipes are sounding very nice indeed. What a backdrop to play in front of, I am sure the accustics are lovely in there live, I have always loved playing in a venue like this. Tempo good and consistent in the march, try and push the Spey a wee bit through the phrases and let it go. Again playing fairly well together here. Reel feels more relaxed than the Spey here. Nice job for the snare drummer to play a solo the entre time surrounded by the pipes. Thank you so much for this submission. David. Judge: Gordon Parkes (Side) — Place: 6 — Both rolls uneven in pulses. Tempo slow and unsteady at times all through performance. Roll work could be smoother/more even. Open work needs more control at times. Musical arrangements in all tunes. Good break to S/Spey but not together pipes and drums on break into last tune. More variety needed in arrangements to tunes. Snare could vary volume more to enhance dynamics.Overall — arrangements are musical for all drums but you could add more variety to scores. Good band balance between pipes and drums. Judge: Richard Parkes (Piping) — Place: 5 — Pipers well together on intro and playing quite well together on entry to march. Tending to loose unison with snare in passages. Pipers playing quite well together in march but tending to rush over some phrases and lacking in strong pointing. Runs not quite together in strathspey and again loosing unison with snare especially in 3rd part. Not together on entry to reel and pipers playing better here. Try to get help to develop drum scores which enhance the MSR as I feel that would help your overall ensemble sound. Nice effort at an MSR.
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Event 402. Freestyle Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Cockaleekie      Place: 1      Tunes: Achmelvich      Judge: Terry Lee, Matthew Welch, Gavin Noade, Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Judge: Gavin Noade (Side) — Place: 1 — Really enjoyable set, lovely piece of music wonderfully played. Great combination of instruments, especially the guitars and low whistle, all playing in harmony and fantastically edited and put together. Great show. Judge: Matthew Welch (Piping) — Place: 1 — Thank you for bringing yourselves together and sharing your music!!! Pulse and groove of the entire arrangement is very well locked — I was grooving along! Excellent instrumentation in terms of range of color. Excellent musicianship and playing. Small pipes fit beautifully. Very nice balance of instruments throughout, perhaps wanting a bit more high-hat to define the smaller rhythms. Thoughts for future (because i really like your music and this can take off!): Might be nice to have something explore the treble register one octave higher, where highland pipes, fiddle or high whistle might be. I enjoy that this music is focussed on a select idea and tune, allowing orchestration to flourish after the pipes enter and state the idea, there is room for you to develop another layer of rhythmic activity, like a ripping solo and/or prominent and active contrapuntal line, perhaps in the higher octave mentioned so the harmony of the arrangement has room to develop and recolor chord choices (reharmonization). Judge: Nicola Cairns (Midsection) — Place: 1 — What a fantastic video. I enjoyed this very much. Some hard work indeed must have gone into this production. A beautiful tune with outstanding arrangement. I enjoyed all the various settings of the recording and particularly loved the whistle players jovial expression. Judge: Terry Lee (Piping) — Place: 1 — Thank you for taking part in this event. You are a great soup — that is for sure! Sound: Good tones happening right from the opening. Love the whistle. Balance of instruments is very good. Execution: Playing tight together and with sympathetic feel. Music: Arrangements are thoughtful and well done. Really good blend of instruments and only enhanced with the smallpipe in. Very cool how you did that and that you made the listener wait for it. Performance: Cool start. Prefer the sitting and playing instruments — not so much the walking around — but variety is a good thing! Summary: Really enjoyable. You had me paying attention for all 4:50. Nicely brewed/cooked.
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Event 402. Freestyle Musical Ensemble
Competitor: Alaska Celtic Pipes & Drums      Place: 2      Tunes: Killicrankie, The Panda, Paddy Carey, She Moved Through the Fair, The Fiddler’s Joy, The Famous Ballymote, Kalabakan (Borneo).      Judge: Terry Lee, Matthew Welch, Gavin Noade, Nicola Cairns      Judge's Comments: Judge: Gavin Noade (Side) — Place: 2 — Great to see a band and family playing together like this. Good selection of tunes in this medley all played well together. Few issues with tuning and need a little more from the drummer to help with phrasing and dynamics, but overall very good performance and well played. Well done to all. Judge: Matthew Welch (Piping) — Place: 2 — Alaska P/D Thank you for bringing yourselves together and sharing your music!!! Occasionally players are unsynchronized in some tight rhythmic spots, however the general sense of pulse is very centered. Chanters set pretty well, best blown in the slow air, so good job! Nice variety of tunes! First jig less comfortable than the second. Good control of strathspey idiom, especially runs — nice job! Reels — since there are already dotted tunes, it is often nice to explore the round reel, and this may enable you to achieve a brighter reel tempo Great control though! Start and stop was good. Judge: Nicola Cairns (Midsection) — Place: 2 — Very nice put together medley. Loved the tune selection. Judge: Terry Lee (Piping) — Place: 2 — Thank you for taking part in this event. Way to go! Nice introduction of the players, PM. Sound: Pretty good tone. Snare drum seems somewhat flat and could use tightening. Drones sound very good in this venue. Chanters good with LG being the weakest note. Execution: Start was a little uncertain but you got it together quickly. Overall playing is quite tidy. Strathspey a little ragged. Very good at the reels at the end. Music: Very cautious jig but holding together well. Good into second jig. Strathspey again is careful but mostly quite square in style. Try to pulse here. Better in reels and everyone is playing well at the end. Performance: Great setting. Harmony effect is well done in She Moved. Snare score not contributing in Strathspey as it might. Summary: An enjoyable medley performance. Really enjoyed you tune choices. I would strive for more musicality/drive in the Strathspey and JIg components. Nicely done.
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